Are Our Chinese Friends Going To Release Crooked Hillary's 33,000 Missing Emails?

W - Rush supported him on the middle east, he opposed him on spending. Hint, hint, Rush is a con, W is a neocon. You have no idea why, do you?
But, but wouldn't a CON oppose W on the Middle East

Not necessarily, but that would be a possible difference. Not the difference between Rush and W though. The answer to that is easy, and you didn't know. Proving again you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

[and a neoCON would support W on the Middle East???

Yes, they probabaly would. But there are other factors where Rush and W disagree that are basic to the difference between con and neocon that you keep screaming you don't know. OK, girlfriend, you don't know ...

[Why yes, a neoCON WOULD support Bush on the Middle East!!!

Probably, yes, and a complete whiff for you on why Rush isn't a neocon, that has zero to do with it.

This is comic. You don't know the difference between a con (e.g., Rush) and a neocon (e.g., W and Obama). You have no fucking clue. It's hilarious
Your MessiahRushie and W were thick as thieves, 2 peas in a pod, and they plotted the destruction of this great country many times at the White House.

Rush Meets with President Bush
August 3, 2007
RUSH: It was an honor. It was a thrill to be there. This is the third time I've been up in the White House residence and the second time that I've had dinner, and the first time I've had cigars in the Treaty Room.

Rush supported W on the war and opposed him for over spending. You'd get why if you knew the difference between conservatives and neocons. You're so stupid you don't know the difference between a conservative and a libertarian either. The world all looks the same to you through your dim fog of stupidity
It's a lot simpler when you realize you have been duped with all this BS about classic liberals cons Neo cons Libertarians etc etc. It's much easier to qualify them all as lying hypocrite scumbag greedy idiot Republicans who have been screwing the non Rich and the country for 35 years now...
It's a lot simpler when you realize you have been duped with all this BS about classic liberals cons Neo cons Libertarians etc etc. It's much easier to qualify them all as lying hypocrite scumbag greedy idiot Republicans who have been screwing the non Rich and the country for 35 years now...
No matter the Forum, no matter the subject, no matter the poster, you paste the same post over and over and over again.
It's a lot simpler when you realize you have been duped with all this BS about classic liberals cons Neo cons Libertarians etc etc. It's much easier to qualify them all as lying hypocrite scumbag greedy idiot Republicans who have been screwing the non Rich and the country for 35 years now...
No matter the Forum, no matter the subject, no matter the poster, you paste the same post over and over and over again.
That's right, because you are all brainwashed and totally fos. Phony ideology, phony scandals, phony history etc etc. Poor America, poor silly dupes...

Hillary had neutral lawyers go over her emails and decide which ones were personal. You people are brainwashed functional idiots. End of story...
SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

Wow. For FOUR YEARS they were doing this....Why no outrage by the leftists? Leftist Propaganda machine? ANYONE?! THEY are an enemy of America NOT Russia. This is WHY we didn't want her as president can you imagine what they could have gotten information on if she had become President!? Jesus christ...

The Left is more concerned over how Trump shakes Putin's hand. Why doesn't someone mention that this is NOT the first time the Clintons were found in bed with China? No one remember Charlie Yah Lin Trie?

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

Wow. For FOUR YEARS they were doing this....Why no outrage by the leftists? Leftist Propaganda machine? ANYONE?! THEY are an enemy of America NOT Russia. This is WHY we didn't want her as president can you imagine what they could have gotten information on if she had become President!? Jesus christ...

The Left is more concerned over how Trump shakes Putin's hand. Why doesn't someone mention that this is NOT the first time the Clintons were found in bed with China? No one remember Charlie Yah Lin Trie?

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Yep phony scandals for 25 years now... All investigated and nothing. And no it's not a conspiracy against you, conspiracy Nut Job, a typical GOP voter at this point..
SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

Wow. For FOUR YEARS they were doing this....Why no outrage by the leftists? Leftist Propaganda machine? ANYONE?! THEY are an enemy of America NOT Russia. This is WHY we didn't want her as president can you imagine what they could have gotten information on if she had become President!? Jesus christ...

The Left is more concerned over how Trump shakes Putin's hand. Why doesn't someone mention that this is NOT the first time the Clintons were found in bed with China? No one remember Charlie Yah Lin Trie?

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

No the most importance scandal in American history is the Russians throwing the election 2 Donald Trump with the Aid of the GOP and the worst propaganda machine in our history, itself the most important story of our time, super duper.
SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

Wow. For FOUR YEARS they were doing this....Why no outrage by the leftists? Leftist Propaganda machine? ANYONE?! THEY are an enemy of America NOT Russia. This is WHY we didn't want her as president can you imagine what they could have gotten information on if she had become President!? Jesus christ...

The Left is more concerned over how Trump shakes Putin's hand. Why doesn't someone mention that this is NOT the first time the Clintons were found in bed with China? No one remember Charlie Yah Lin Trie?

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

You're a goddamn idiot, read your own link from Wikipedia.

The most significant activity by Yah-Lin "Charlie" Trie was a $450,000 attempted donation from him to Clinton's legal defense fund, which Trie allegedly delivered in two envelopes each containing several checks and money orders. The fund immediately rejected $70,000 and deposited the remainder, but ordered an investigation of the source. The investigation found that some of the money orders were made out in different names but with the same handwriting, and sequentially numbered. The fund then rejected the donation entirely, and returned the deposited funds two months after the initial contribution.[6]
Limbaugh is a conservative.
No, he PLAYS one on the radio to bleed money from dumb SUCKERS like you. Be sure to visit his store and buy his third rate crap.

Um, sure. Only leftists say your real political views. There actually are no conservatives, just actors

no one is truly STUPID enough to really be a CON$ervoFascist!

Of course. We all realize the inherent truth of leftist ideology. We all know we can't make our own decisions. People aren't that smart, we can't do it. Government has to do it for us because government isn't made up of faulty human beings like the citizens are.

You may be the dumbest leftist on the board. That would be impressive, I mean wow
SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server

Wow. For FOUR YEARS they were doing this....Why no outrage by the leftists? Leftist Propaganda machine? ANYONE?! THEY are an enemy of America NOT Russia. This is WHY we didn't want her as president can you imagine what they could have gotten information on if she had become President!? Jesus christ...

The Left is more concerned over how Trump shakes Putin's hand. Why doesn't someone mention that this is NOT the first time the Clintons were found in bed with China? No one remember Charlie Yah Lin Trie?

1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

You're a goddamn idiot, read your own link from Wikipedia.

The most significant activity by Yah-Lin "Charlie" Trie was a $450,000 attempted donation from him to Clinton's legal defense fund, which Trie allegedly delivered in two envelopes each containing several checks and money orders. The fund immediately rejected $70,000 and deposited the remainder, but ordered an investigation of the source. The investigation found that some of the money orders were made out in different names but with the same handwriting, and sequentially numbered. The fund then rejected the donation entirely, and returned the deposited funds two months after the initial contribution.[6]

Apparently Franky-Wanky's (sophisticated, erudite, oh-so-blindingly leftist) eyes skipped over this part of the article:

~ Clinton friend Yah Lin “Charlie” Trie pleaded guilty to charges of violating campaign finance rules.
~ According to news reports in 1997, Democratic donor Johnny Chung received a $150,000 transfer from the Bank of China three days before he handed then-First Lady Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff a $50,000 check.

~ Johnny Chung first met the Clintons in 1992. From 1994 to 1996, Chung visited the White House 49 times. Nearly half of those visits were authorized by the office of the First Lady. In one visit, Hillary met with Chung and his visiting delegation of Chinese businessmen from state-run companies.

~ Liu Chaoying was the daughter of General Liu Huaqing (1916-2011) who arranged to give businessman and ally of the Clintons, Johnny Chung, $300,000 which was then donated to the DNC. The DNC was later forced to return the money.

~ Then-Vice President Al Gore received political donations from Buddhist nuns who had taken a vow of poverty.

~ President Clinton admitted in 1997 that he invited major campaign donors to spend the night in the White House. The Clintons hosted 404 overnight guests.

~ During the investigation by the Department of Justice, about 120 people connected to “Chinagate” either fled the country or pleaded the Fifth Amendment to prevent testifying.

Judicial Watch brought the case on behalf of shareholders of Loral Space & Communications Ltd. They transferred sensitive US missile technology to China in the 1990s. The CEO Bernard Schwartz gave $1.5 million to various Democratic Party entities including Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection campaign.

SUCKER! The Clinton Crime Syndicate has never died and they have been selling us out as traitors for a quarter century. IT TAKES GALL to even mention Trump in the same breath as them. Anyone who likes and supports or defends these swine deserves boiled in oil. Sooner or later, Justice WILL catch up to these sleazeballs. You gotta really love the part where a bunch of impoverished nuns donated to Al Gore. I remember that.

And to think of all the people stupid enough to almost put that cornhole kuunt in the White House.
And you know


August 29, 2018 - 01:24 PM EDT
FBI contradicts Trump claim that China hacked Clinton’s private email server


The FBI on Wednesday said it had found no evidence about President Trump's claim that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server was compromised by hackers working for the Chinese government

The FBI is on record calling your Trumpo a liar. I’m sure the agency would not buck the idiot president if they had any doubt that their assessment was correct.

You have to be an idiot to believe anonymous sources, Gomert and Trumpo.
And you know


August 29, 2018 - 01:24 PM EDT
FBI contradicts Trump claim that China hacked Clinton’s private email server


The FBI on Wednesday said it had found no evidence about President Trump's claim that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server was compromised by hackers working for the Chinese government

The FBI is on record calling your Trumpo a liar. I’m sure the agency would not buck the idiot president if they had any doubt that their assessment was correct.

You have to be an idiot to believe anonymous sources, Gomert and Trumpo.

So we need to believe what Democrats say are reliable sources, like Manafort and Cohen?
So .....has anyone managed to show us evidence that Hillary's private email server was hacked?

Even a named source? Anything?

As the FBI already inspected the server and found no evidence that it was hacked.
I'm reading that it was even worse than that..... or better than that .....depending on how you see it..... China didn't need to hack anything..........the access to the emails was granted (for money of course) :04:

Yep, granted by the Witch herself to the Chinese.

We'll have to wait and see....but anything is possible with that greedy Hillary :wink_2:

Well, could be....her husband gave the Red Army our missile technology for 'contributions.'
And you know


August 29, 2018 - 01:24 PM EDT
FBI contradicts Trump claim that China hacked Clinton’s private email server


The FBI on Wednesday said it had found no evidence about President Trump's claim that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server was compromised by hackers working for the Chinese government

The FBI is on record calling your Trumpo a liar. I’m sure the agency would not buck the idiot president if they had any doubt that their assessment was correct.

You have to be an idiot to believe anonymous sources, Gomert and Trumpo.

So we need to believe what Democrats say are reliable sources, like Manafort and Cohen?

Then give us a better source than the FBI.

Remembering of course that the FBI actually analyzed the server. So your source will have to have *at least* done that.

Good luck.
I'm reading that it was even worse than that..... or better than that .....depending on how you see it..... China didn't need to hack anything..........the access to the emails was granted (for money of course) :04:

Yep, granted by the Witch herself to the Chinese.

We'll have to wait and see....but anything is possible with that greedy Hillary :wink_2:

Well, could be....her husband gave the Red Army our missile technology for 'contributions.'

Ah, whataboutry!

Alas, that's not evidence that Hillary's email server was hacked by the Chinese.

Try again. This time with a named source. Or actual evidence.
I'm reading that it was even worse than that..... or better than that .....depending on how you see it..... China didn't need to hack anything..........the access to the emails was granted (for money of course) :04:

Yep, granted by the Witch herself to the Chinese.

We'll have to wait and see....but anything is possible with that greedy Hillary :wink_2:

Well, could be....her husband gave the Red Army our missile technology for 'contributions.'

Ah, whataboutry!

Alas, that's not evidence that Hillary's email server was hacked by the Chinese.

Try again. This time with a named source. Or actual evidence.



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