Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

September Pew Research poll is being quoted as showing 52% of public disapproves of Obamacare, but... is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

I know of at least one usmb member who has used this poll to suggest their is not majority support for Obamacare and that the public supports scrapping it.

Where does the truth lie and why would anyone lie?
people lie. I am sure there are some govt leeches that want it, but are scared of the judgements and the fact that it was brought about by a liberal. I dont doubt a lot of the right establishment that support it, but they are part of the establishment... so.... lol
The truth lies the same place as yours does Dainty. With your prejudice and opinions which in lieu of facts is what sways how you answer anything.
The truth lies the same place as yours does Dainty. With your prejudice and opinions which in lieu of facts is what sways how you answer anything.

Your powers of observation suck. It's difficult to imagine how you make it through life alone, so I would have to bet you being a total loser or always being surroinded by others you could hide behind.

Dante would jave to care mightily to lie..and the only lies Dante has told were meant to illicit truths. I believe the truth is much more powerful than any lie and often beyond the grasp of people like you.

Oh sure, we have prejudices...and opinions galore..:lol: which we have rarely hid. So why would Dante lie when he is falsely accused of so much it is entertaining in the extreme.

Dante often shows others the stuff here...amazing how often people here will refuse to believe Dante being no leftist (ask the uber leftists here if we are allies. lol )..Dante did not vote for obama in 2008 and even supported McCain over Obama.
Dante left the Democratic party in 2008, yet here in right wing bizzaro world none of tbis will be believed. :lol:

Reminds me of a tune Willie Nelson covered...
Thank you for proving my point. I never said anything about you lying. But such an attack is not surprising. You refer to yourself in the third person and cannot see anything from anyone's perspective but your own. You tout your self importance by explaining how you are the one who has to show everyone the way of the world because you are the only one who understands whatever issue is at hand. Classic narcissist.
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Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

September Pew Research poll is being quoted as showing 52% of public disapproves of Obamacare, but... is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

I know of at least one usmb member who has used this poll to suggest their is not majority support for Obamacare and that the public supports scrapping it.

Where does the truth lie and why would anyone lie?

My guess is you are lying, lets find out.

The poll didn't ask anyone why they disapproved of the law, so the claim that 25% don't like it because it doesn't do enough is based on fantasy, not numbers. Dante lie.

The poll shows that more people, but within the margin of error, trust the Republicans more than the Democrats to handle health care. It also shows that 41% of the people believe that the law will make things worse for their family, 38% believe it has already hurt the country, and 47% believe it will get worse.

Does that mean that most people want it repealed? Hard to tell because that question wasn't asked, but it is pretty clear there is a plurality in favor of repealing it.

Also, every single poll has consistently shown that people like it less now than they did before Pelosi told them that they couldn't find out what was in the bill until it got passed.
Thank you for proving my point. I never said anything about you lying. But such an attack is not surprising. You refer to yourself in the third person and cannot see anything from anyone's perspective but your own. You tout your self importance by explaining how you are the one who has to show everyone the way of the world because you are the only one who understands whatever issue is at hand. Classic narcissist.

:lol: touche! Now you finally get IT. :clap2:
Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

September Pew Research poll is being quoted as showing 52% of public disapproves of Obamacare, but...

..t is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

I know of at least one usmb member who has used this poll to suggest their is not majority support for Obamacare and that the public supports scrapping it.

Where does the truth lie and why would anyone lie?

My guess is you are lying, lets find out.

The poll didn't ask anyone why they disapproved of the law, so the claim that 25% don't like it because it doesn't do enough is based on fantasy, not numbers. Dante lie.

The poll shows that more people, but within the margin of error, trust the Republicans more than the Democrats to handle health care. It also shows that 41% of the people believe that the law will make things worse for their family, 38% believe it has already hurt the country, and 47% believe it will get worse.

Does that mean that most people want it repealed? Hard to tell because that question wasn't asked, but it is pretty clear there is a plurality in favor of repealing it.

Also, every single poll has consistently shown that people like it less now than they did before Pelosi told them that they couldn't find out what was in the bill until it got passed.

So does the Windy-douchebagh deny this is being reported? :eusa_whistle:
.. May CNN poll, more than a quarter of those disapproving are opposed because the law does not go far enough.

And is it also true that The Pew poll also reports that about half of the 53% who disapprove of the law (27% overall) want Congress to make it work.
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But ObamaCare's opponents do not necessarily agree on this tact, according to the poll. A majority (51 percent to 42 percent) said officials should help the law succeed instead of working to ensure its failure.

USA Today and Pew polled 1,506 adults between Sept. 4-8. The survey's margin of error is three percent.

Ahhh...the truth....,

Disapproval of ObamaCare reaches new high, poll finds - The Hill's Healthwatch
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people lie. I am sure there are some govt leeches that want it, but are scared of the judgements and the fact that it was brought about by a liberal. I dont doubt a lot of the right establishment that support it, but they are part of the establishment... so.... lol

What, exactly, would government supported healthcare brought about by a conservative look like? Yeah, I know. The answer is scary. :eusa_angel:
people lie. I am sure there are some govt leeches that want it, but are scared of the judgements and the fact that it was brought about by a liberal. I dont doubt a lot of the right establishment that support it, but they are part of the establishment... so.... lol

What, exactly, would government supported healthcare brought about by a conservative look like? Yeah, I know. The answer is scary. :eusa_angel:

With the help of former Democratic turncoats? Medicare part D by law preventing gov from getting bulk discounts

By the design of the program, the federal government is not permitted to negotiate prices of drugs with the drug companies, as federal agencies do in other programs. The Department of Veterans Affairs, which is allowed to negotiate drug prices and establish a formulary, has been estimated to pay between 40%[26] and 58%[27] less for drugs, on average, than Medicare Part D. For example, the VA pays as little as $782.44 for a year's supply of Lipitor (atorvastatin) 20*mg, while the Medicare pays between $1120 and $1340 on Part D plans ... Former Congressman Billy Tauzin, R-La., who steered the bill through the House, retired soon after and took a $2 million a year job as president of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the main industry lobbying group. Medicare boss Thomas Scully, who threatened to fire Medicare Chief Actuary Richard Foster if he reported how much the bill would actually cost, was negotiating for a new job as a pharmaceutical lobbyist as the bill was working through Congress.[29][30] A total of 14 congressional aides quit their jobs to work for the drug and medical lobbies immediately after the bill's passage
Medicare Part D - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't get me wrong, it works but at what cost? :eusa_whistle: free market my ass
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Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

September Pew Research poll is being quoted as showing 52% of public disapproves of Obamacare, but... is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

I know of at least one usmb member who has used this poll to suggest their is not majority support for Obamacare and that the public supports scrapping it.

Where does the truth lie and why would anyone lie?
I'm guessing all the employees of these companies and agencies whose hours are being cut aren't as likely to be swayed by the smoke Obama and his toadies and bootlickers are blowing up their asses:

ObamaCare Employer Mandate: A List Of Cuts To Work Hours, Jobs -

Would you like to tell them it's an honor for them to lose work hours due to the badly-written law?
ObamaCare was passed in 2010.

The Democrats won more Senate and House seats in 2012.

what does this tell you?
Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

September Pew Research poll is being quoted as showing 52% of public disapproves of Obamacare, but... is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

I know of at least one usmb member who has used this poll to suggest their is not majority support for Obamacare and that the public supports scrapping it.

Where does the truth lie and why would anyone lie?
I'm guessing all the employees of these companies and agencies whose hours are being cut aren't as likely to be swayed by the smoke Obama and his toadies and bootlickers are blowing up their asses:

ObamaCare Employer Mandate: A List Of Cuts To Work Hours, Jobs -

Would you like to tell them it's an honor for them to lose work hours due to the badly-written law?

Your faux concern is duly noted, but like Romneycare, things will work out in spite of you hysterical nancies is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

Where's the lie? Is it, perhaps, in your insinuation that if someone says it doesn't go far enough they don't think it should be scrapped? I oppose ACA because it doesn't go far enough to address what I consider to be core problem with health care - price inflation. I barely addresses at all. It simply uses it as an excuse to bring it all under corporatist control. And I firmly support repeal.

You seem to be trying to spin the idea that it's all matter of degree, that opposition or approval of the law is based on some kind of linear assessment of 'how far' it goes. But that's a gross over-simplification. People oppose it for wide variety of reasons, for what it does that they don't like, for what it doesn't do that they wish it did. The fact that not everyone opposing it would offer up the same solution as an alternative has no bearing on the value of the law. People don't like it, for good reasons.
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