Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

I don't think most people understand Obamcare. In a nutshell, it's federal regulation on healthcare insurance, not the delivery of healthcare services. There are parts of the law that address incentives to provide higher quality healthcare but these are minor compared to the healthcare insurance regulation.

The Left has promoted Obamcare as a game changer in American healthcare. It isn't. The Right has claimed that Obamacare will destroy the American healthcare system. It won't. The truth lies somewhere in between. No one can be denied health insurance and everyone is required to carry insurance. Working class Americans will get a subsidy to help pay for insurance. The wealthy will get no help from Uncle Sam. The actually cost of healthcare services won't change much do to Obamacare. Premiums for individual insurance policies will be down in some states and up in others. The cost of group insurance which is where 80% of Americans get their insurance will change very little if any due to Obamacare.

Obamacare Myths

That's actually one of the best reasons for putting the brakes on it. It should have never been voted into law until we understood it and a real consensus was formed. That never happened.
And it never would happen because there are fundamental disagreements between the Right and Left as to what part government should play in healthcare regulation.

Much has been made about the size and complexity of the law. In reality, it's far from being the largest piece of legislation or the most complex. The stimulus bill was over 1100 pages. The House climate bill was over 1200 pages. Budget bills are always over 1200 pages. The Affordable Care Act is one of easiest bills to read an understand and at 906 pages is far from being the largest.

The problem is not the size or complexity. It is the fundamental disagreement between the Right and Left as to what part the federal government should play in regulating health insurance. I doubt that the two sides would have ever agreed or could have reached any kind of real real consensus.

Right. And we shouldn't proceed with such a fundamental change in the midst of such a disagreement. It's asking for trouble.
Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

September Pew Research poll is being quoted as showing 52% of public disapproves of Obamacare, but... is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

I know of at least one usmb member who has used this poll to suggest their is not majority support for Obamacare and that the public supports scrapping it.

Where does the truth lie and why would anyone lie?

the media lies and distorts because of an agenda
Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

September Pew Research poll is being quoted as showing 52% of public disapproves of Obamacare, but... is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

I know of at least one usmb member who has used this poll to suggest their is not majority support for Obamacare and that the public supports scrapping it.

Where does the truth lie and why would anyone lie?

the media lies and distorts because of an agenda
Dante will not accept that. Anyone who criticizes anything Obama does HAS to be lying, because Obama is Perfect. Everything he does is good and righteous and holy.
Obamacare sounds like a great idea and it should be the law of the land. Where do I go to get my exemption?
Here's the deal, in an all-encompassing law which is expected to involve every aspect of life as we know it in the United States the federal government is strangely silent about it. You get some generalities thrown out in speeches from time to time but it's as if an asteroid is about to enter the earth's atmosphere and people are trying to protect themselves rather than embracing the disaster. The point is that if it wasn't for the republican congressional majority nobody would be talking about all the exemptions for big business and politicians and the impact on small businesses. Unions are even coming out against the law because an incredible amount of unionized labor will be cut back to part time or laid off. People will lose the health coverage that unions promised because it is more cost effective for businesses to put workers on part time or pay the fine rather than pay for health coverage. Obama has no authority to avoid implimenting sections of a law that he signed but the monstrosity is so big that it is out of control.

Unfortunately the issue is larger than a bumper sticker slogan.

As I've said before, nothing is perfect, but given time tbings will work out.

The GOP opposition is so partisan as to make any argument they put forth suspect and dead on arrival. It is what happens when a leader of a party shouts out 'liar!' During a State of the Union Addrress . Reap what you sow
Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

September Pew Research poll is being quoted as showing 52% of public disapproves of Obamacare, but... is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

I know of at least one usmb member who has used this poll to suggest their is not majority support for Obamacare and that the public supports scrapping it.

Where does the truth lie and why would anyone lie?
I don't think most people understand Obamcare. In a nutshell, it's federal regulation on healthcare insurance, not the delivery of healthcare services. There are parts of the law that address incentives to provide higher quality healthcare but these are minor compared to the healthcare insurance regulation.

The Left has promoted Obamcare as a game changer in American healthcare. It isn't. The Right has claimed that Obamacare will destroy the American healthcare system. It won't. The truth lies somewhere in between. No one can be denied health insurance and everyone is required to carry insurance. Working class Americans will get a subsidy to help pay for insurance. The wealthy will get no help from Uncle Sam. The actually cost of healthcare services won't change much do to Obamacare. Premiums for individual insurance policies will be down in some states and up in others. The cost of group insurance which is where 80% of Americans get their insurance will change very little if any due to Obamacare.

Obamacare Myths

[MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] keeper for predictions Obamacare PPACA
Are people lying about support for Obamacare?

September Pew Research poll is being quoted as showing 52% of public disapproves of Obamacare, but... is being reported that more than a quarter of that number do not support Obamacare because it does not go far enough. :eusa_hand: If true is somebody lying?

I know of at least one usmb member who has used this poll to suggest their is not majority support for Obamacare and that the public supports scrapping it.

Where does the truth lie and why would anyone lie?

the media lies and distorts because of an agenda
Dante will not accept that. Anyone who criticizes anything Obama does HAS to be lying, because Obama is Perfect. Everything he does is good and righteous and holy.

:cuckoo: Dante did not vote for Obama in 2008
A leader? nobody outside of his district had ever even heard of Joe Wilson before that moment and other than the meme that has build up around him, nobody has heard of him since.

Leader in the party? Please.

He is a member of the House Republican Policy Committee and is an Assistant Republican Whip.[3]

In September 2009, Wilson received international attention when he interrupted a speech by U.S. President Barack Obama to a joint session of Congress by shouting "You lie!"[4][5] The incident resulted in a formal rebuke by the House of Representatives.[6]

Wilson was re-elected in 2010 by a comfortable 9 percentage points over his nearest challenger and when he ran unopposed in the 2012 general election he was re-elected with 96% of the vote.
As I've said before, nothing is perfect, but given time tbings will work out.

Uh huh. Ask a veteran how he's been treated by the VA.

Ask a DMV patron about his service.

Ask a doctor trying to get reimbursed for seeing a Medicare patient.

Government has no incentive to be efficient. Obamacare does not change that.
Which Democrat or Republican has ever advocated for less government and actually took steps to implement it?
Which Democrat or Republican has ever advocated for less government and actually took steps to implement it?

Bumper sticker slogan aside... funny thing is Republicans and Democrats have done the same Ronald Reagan raising taxes while campagning against it. I would call what he did 'responsible' but others think taxes are theft and bigger government is evil. We don't live in the 18th, 19th, or even the 20th centuries anymore. Everything costs more. We do more because the country is bigger

Even criticizing VP Al Gore's claims way back when, there is no denying cuts were made and savings were made...just how much and using what accounting methods.

Auditors Say Savings By Gore's Project Were Overstated | AccountingWEB
That's actually one of the best reasons for putting the brakes on it. It should have never been voted into law until we understood it and a real consensus was formed. That never happened.
And it never would happen because there are fundamental disagreements between the Right and Left as to what part government should play in healthcare regulation.

Much has been made about the size and complexity of the law. In reality, it's far from being the largest piece of legislation or the most complex. The stimulus bill was over 1100 pages. The House climate bill was over 1200 pages. Budget bills are always over 1200 pages. The Affordable Care Act is one of easiest bills to read an understand and at 906 pages is far from being the largest.

The problem is not the size or complexity. It is the fundamental disagreement between the Right and Left as to what part the federal government should play in regulating health insurance. I doubt that the two sides would have ever agreed or could have reached any kind of real real consensus.

Right. And we shouldn't proceed with such a fundamental change in the midst of such a disagreement. It's asking for trouble.
Yes, because it is the only way to know if universal healthcare coverage will actually improve healthcare in the US and make it more affordable. For over 5 years we have seen outlandish projections from the Left and the Right. It's time now to see the results of the legislation.

In the past, Republicans had their chance to pass meaningful healthcare legislation but they opted not to do so. In the future they will have their chance again.
It's running 10-1 here against.

We have incredible Medical facilities is astonishing.

The ACA is causing massive angst and resentment.
Whoever said "more government is the solution" for every problem?
Idiot progressive statists. Ever hear one advocate a free-market solution to anything?

Hint: No.
Good gawd, people like davey [MENTION=23991]daveman[/MENTION] live in a world of polar opposites and bumper sticker solutions...for every problem



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