Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?

Republicans are for more government interfering in citizens’ lives, clearly.

Republican enacted laws banning books.

Republican enacted laws banning abortion.

Republican enacted laws banning references to being gay and transgender.

Republican enacted laws suppressing the right to vote.

Republican enacted laws banning violating the right to free speech.

And Republican enacted laws banning violating the right to freedom of association.

…just to note a few.
We're any of these federal government....or states rights?

Republicans are for more government interfering in citizens’ lives, clearly.

Republican enacted laws banning books.

State gov wanted to ban sexually inappropriate books

Republican enacted laws banning abortion.

State laws banned abortion.

Republican enacted laws banning references to being gay and transgender.

B]Nobody did this. [/B]

Republican enacted laws suppressing the right to vote.

No legal voter is being denied their right to vote.

Republican enacted laws banning violating the right to free speech.

Show me this please. I want to see the repubs who voted to allow the violation of free speech.

And Republican enacted laws banning violating the right to freedom of association.:

Huh? Where? When?
So Federal Government is bad, but local Government is good?
If you're going to claim repubs are for big government, we need to clear up the picture.

Repubs are for small government, but the cotus gave the federal gov certain things it could do, the rest to the states. So, acknowledging things that are states rights is not pro big government, it's just adhering to the cotus, and the proper delegation of powers.
Really? They gave us the FBI, DHS, TSA, DEA, EPA, Patriot Act, etc. The only “less government” they are for is less oversight on corporations, polluters, and donors.
Yes really.

The problem is not that a great big nation has several governmental institutions. The problem is more specifically when the governmental agencies outgrows their intended needs.

I don’t mind the existence of an FBI. I have a problem of how it operates. Many of my conservative brethren and sisters are appalled at the Patriot Act. I am not aligned with their view. But I absolutely agree that it needs to be severely reformed.

I could make similar arguments for other alphabet agencies.

But to sum it up (and I speak just for my own view): our form of government is SUPPOSED to be constrained by the bounds of the Constitution. However, our form of government was never designed to completely impede the ability of the government to do its very job. It’s a damn balancing structure.

So, the question becomes “is this thing both authorized by an enumerated power and not somehow otherwise prohibited?”
Yes really.

The problem is not that a great big nation has several governmental institutions. The problem is more specifically when the governmental agencies outgrows their intended needs.

I don’t mind the existence of an FBI. I have a problem of how it operates. Many of my conservative brethren and sisters are appalled at the Patriot Act. I am not aligned with their view. But I absolutely agree that it needs to be severely reformed.

I could make similar arguments for other alphabet agencies.

But to sum it up (and I speak just for my own view): our form of government is SUPPOSED to be constrained by the bounds of the Constitution. However, our form of government was never designed to completely impede the ability of the government to do its very job. It’s a damn balancing structure.

So, the question becomes “is this thing both authorized by an enumerated power and not somehow otherwise prohibited?”
They all suck and they should all be abolished.
If you're going to claim repubs are for big government, we need to clear up the picture.

Repubs are for small government, but the cotus gave the federal gov certain things it could do, the rest to the states. So, acknowledging things that are states rights is not pro big government, it's just adhering to the cotus, and the proper delegation of powers.
So State big government, is a-OK w/you, right?
Funny cartoon. Full of lies, and hate.

Who cares what the GOP is for. I know what I stand for and that is how I vote.
It would be accurate down to the wire IF it was taliking about the Demonrats but sense it is about the gop it is indeed full of lies.that’s what this poster excels at of course.
If you're going to claim repubs are for big government, we need to clear up the picture.

Repubs are for small government, but the cotus gave the federal gov certain things it could do, the rest to the states. So, acknowledging things that are states rights is not pro big government, it's just adhering to the cotus, and the proper delegation of powers.
This trollboy tells nothing but lies,every real American knows it’s the Dems that are for big government.
In the past 40 years we have had 4 "republican" presidents. Two Bush's, Reagan and Trump. It can be argued with great piousness that both Bush's we're RINOs in every sense of the word. BOTH were for big government and laws which reduced rights. The Bushs we're the first and most vocal proponents of the New World Order. The elder Bush was head of the CIA. An agency which is hardly concerned about civilian rights or privacy, only state security and national superiority. Reagan, in spite of being a Republican, had attended many leftist rallies in the past during his Hollywood days. He also had RINO tendencies...but was a maverick like Trump... Which is very likely why there was an assassination attempt made on him that went much farther than just some deranged goofball named John Hinckley. The CIA had whole programs for conditioning people for that purpose. MKUltra was one. And there are MKUltra links between Hinckley, Lee Harvey Oswald, Chapman who killed John Lennon and Sirhan who killed Robert Kennedy. All men who spoke TRUTH and openly opposed and vowed to bring down organized crime. That leaves one man in 40 years who was fairly true to his Republican voting base and his campaign declarations. Granted, he didn't get it all done. But he had probably more opposition from the Democrats than any other Republican president in which they even weaponized the FBI against him, while NEVER being able to really substantiate a thing.
And we should be able to control what we want to control.

Every good big government loving authoritarian feels that same way.

It is nice to see you come out of the closet and embrace your authoritarian side
I've got no problem saying we need to become a moral country once again.

The problem is you think the Govt should decide what is moral.

But again, thank you for being so proud of being a big government loving authoritarian
The problem is you think the Govt should decide what is moral.

But again, thank you for being so proud of being a big government loving authoritarian
Liberals make it easy to figure out what is moral and immoral behavior. If liberals are having fun doing something, it needs to be outlawed.
So State big government, is a-OK w/you, right?
No, I'd prefer all government to be small, but when dealing with delegated powers from the cotus, we have a hierarchy of powers and such. If it doesn't get delegated to the federal gov, then it has to go to the state gov. That's how it's written, so, rather than just make a bloated central government, I'd prefer most decisions be made at the state and local level.
In the past 40 years we have had 4 "republican" presidents. Two Bush's, Reagan and Trump. It can be argued with great piousness that both Bush's we're RINOs in every sense of the word. BOTH were for big government and laws which reduced rights. The Bushs we're the first and most vocal proponents of the New World Order. The elder Bush was head of the CIA. An agency which is hardly concerned about civilian rights or privacy, only state security and national superiority. Reagan, in spite of being a Republican, had attended many leftist rallies in the past during his Hollywood days. He also had RINO tendencies...but was a maverick like Trump... Which is very likely why there was an assassination attempt made on him that went much farther than just some deranged goofball named John Hinckley. The CIA had whole programs for conditioning people for that purpose. MKUltra was one. And there are MKUltra links between Hinckley, Lee Harvey Oswald, Chapman who killed John Lennon and Sirhan who killed Robert Kennedy. All men who spoke TRUTH and openly opposed and vowed to bring down organized crime. That leaves one man in 40 years who was fairly true to his Republican voting base and his campaign declarations. Granted, he didn't get it all done. But he had probably more opposition from the Democrats than any other Republican president in which they even weaponized the FBI against him, while NEVER being able to really substantiate a thing.
Oswald and sirhan were lone gunman patsys for the cia who were behind their assassinations.Interestingly something that nobody who likes Reagan and is against the vaccines realises is thst Reagan was the president whom appointed fauchi to office so he was hardly a man of the people,you don’t think he did not know how evil he was? If you believe thst I got some property in russia I want to sell you.

I can forgive trump supporters for being in the dark on that,I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t sense I did not know that either till this year.what I can’t forgive them on is this bullshit nonsense that he was in the same mold as kennedy a president fir the people who stood up to the elite bullshit.Reagan was rewarded potus because just as ford was fir the same reason,his participation in the role of the jfk coverup.while governor of california,he blocked Jim garrisons extradition request to subpoena alllen Dulles in his trial fir clay Shaw. The guy was corrupt all the way back to his days as an actor.he destroyed the lives of many working class actors spying on them reporting to j Edgar Hoover fir being alledged communists which they were not.

Anyone who loves Reagan clearly knows nothing about those facts or the Iran contra affair,or the October surprise or how he kissed the ass of the cia.say all you want about carter but one good thing he did firnthe people is when he got in office,same as kennedy,he also tried getting rid of the cia.he fired the evil George bush as director under ford and put in stansfield Turner who cleaned up cia corruption by firing all covert operators.under carter,no wars were started.once the elites boy Reagan got in whom got in because of a rigged election,the Cia got back to its evil ways again with covert operations back to normal and got the war machine going again firing Turner and replacing him with William Casey whom git the covert wars going again.

Reagan was as much a RINO as Bush only differerence is like you said,he had a tendency to be a Maverick by trying to do things he was not given permission to do by the elite hense the assassination attempt on him.I actually call it an assassination warning instead of an attempt because that’s what it was,had they wanted him dead they would have made sure he did not survive and was dead,unlike kennedy they let him off with a warning shot. they just got careless and fired closer to the heart than they meant to.

Sense Reagan was evil and corrupt and participated in the assassination coverup of kennedy,they let him off with a warning shot sending him the message,you play ball with us or next time it won’t be a warning shot,next time you will end up like kennedy.he got the message loud and clear.Immediatley after his assassination his policys drastically changed fir the worse.policys that put a hard strain on Americans which before the assassination,were more in favor of the people.

Everytime I point out those facts to the Reagan worshippers,they give a thumbs down and run off like children instead of hanging around like an adult and trying to refute them,they don’t because they know they can’t so they do the childish thing by giving a thumbs down and run off,the truth hurts obviously so instead of dealing with it,they feel the need to shoot the messenger instead of dealing with the truth they have been spoonfed a myth on Reagan all these decades. :cuckoo:

Reagan got the ball rolling fir the destruction of America that each president all the way up to Obama all expanded on so the corrupt media and Hollywood naturally glamorize him for that and the sheep of America all fell fir it hook,line and sinker.overseas Reagan is not glamorized as kennedy is.overseas they know the real Reagan.
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Oswald and sirhan were lone gunman patsys for the cia who were behind their assassinations.Interestingly something that nobody who likes Reagan and is against the vaccines realises is thst Reagan was the president whom appointed fauchi to office so he was hardly a man of the people,you don’t think he did not know how evil he was? If you believe thst I got some property in russia I want to sell you.

I can forgive trump supporters for being in the dark on that,I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t sense I did not know that either till this year.what I can’t forgive them on is this bullshit nonsense that he was in the same mold as kennedy a president fir the people who stood up to the elite bullshit.Reagan was rewarded potus because just as ford was fir the same reason,his participation in the role of the jfk coverup.while governor of california,he blocked Jim garrisons extradition request to subpoena alllen Dulles in his trial fir clay Shaw. The guy was corrupt all the way back to his days as an actor.he destroyed the lives of many working class actors spying on them reporting to j Edgar Hoover fir being alledged communists which they were not.

Anyone who loves Reagan clearly knows nothing about those facts or the Iran contra affair,or the October surprise or how he kissed the ass of the cia.say all you want about carter but one good thing he did firnthe people is when he got in office,same as kennedy,he also tried getting rid of the cia.he fired the evil George bush as director under ford and put in stansfield Turner who cleaned up cia corruption by firing all covert operators.under carter,no wars were started.once the elites boy Reagan got in whom got in because of a rigged election,the Cia got back to its evil ways again with covert operations back to normal and got the war machine going again firing Turner and replacing him with William Casey whom git the covert wars going again.

Reagan was as much a RINO as Bush only differerence is like you said,he had a tendency to be a Maverick by trying to do things he was not given permission to do by the elite hense the assassination attempt on him.I actually call it an assassination warning instead of an attempt because that’s what it was,had they wanted him dead they would have made sure he did not survive and was dead,unlike kennedy they let him off with a warning shot. they just got careless and fired closer to the heart than they meant to.

Sense Reagan was evil and corrupt and participated in the assassination coverup of kennedy,they let him off with a warning shot sending him the message,you play ball with us or next time it won’t be a warning shot,next time you will end up like kennedy.he got the message loud and clear.Immediatley after his assassination his policys drastically changed fir the worse.policys that put a hard strain on Americans which before the assassination,were more in favor of the people.

Everytime I point out those facts to the Reagan worshippers,they give a thumbs down and run off like children instead of hanging around like an adult and trying to refute them,they don’t because they know they can’t so they do the childish thing by giving a thumbs down and run off,the truth hurts obviously so instead of dealing with it,they feel the need to shoot the messenger instead of dealing with the truth they have been spoonfed a myth on Reagan all these decades. :cuckoo:

Reagan got the ball rolling fir the destruction of America that each president all the way up to Obama all expanded on so the corrupt media and Hollywood naturally glamorize him for that and the sheep of America all fell fir it hook,line and sinker.overseas Reagan is not glamorized as kennedy is.overseas they know the real Reagan.
I rest my case,everytime I give facts the reaganut zombies can’t refute instead of sticking around to refute them,they run off and give a thumbs clockwork.
I rest my case,everytime I give facts the reaganut zombies can’t refute instead of sticking around to refute them,they run off and give a thumbs clockwork.

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