Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?

The only difference between the Repubs and the Dems is what they want to control, not the desire to control.
Could that be interpreted as saying it is a distinction without a difference; i.e., they are equivalent?
Some of us are for less government intrusions in our lives, but the ones running want to run your life, tell you what to read, what to teach in schools and work, rule your body, etc. This doesn't seem like less government intrusion to me.

That is a total misinterpretation on your part.
the trollboy is getting desperate trying to convince us this pic is the republicans when every patriotic americans knows this pic is the DEMONRATS down to the wire,talk about a desperate hail mary.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What are the chances that we don't see that boy after he gets drowned in the red wave?
Then why did you use it as your focus in the difference between the two parties.
I didn't. You did. I just pointed out Democrats are the ones acting like Stalin when it comes to abortion. Trying to kill a Supreme Court Judge for instance.
Such misinformation. Republicans as a whole do not want to get rid of or restrict social security and medicare. One Senator says something and the left rolls out attacks that all republicans want the same thing. Wrong. Same thing with gays.
Gays want to get rid of Social Security?
And then there’s the bigoted, racist, hateful nativism of the neo-fascist authoritarian right, this post being a prime example – more government, bigger government to seek out and destroy ‘enemies of the state.’
The Catch 22 for freedom is not abuse ways of living. Humans abuse ways of living calling it freedom. And it affects the type of government you end up with when the ruling class smells power and money for themselves.
Ok, let's look at the picture.

Morality police: what is the federal government doing to hinder your moral beliefs?

Election police: thats not the federal.government, that the states and the people trying to make sure only legal voters vote and no fraudulent votes are cast.

Pronoun police? That's a dem thing, and could not be used to describe repubs.

Book police: again, where is the federal government banning books? If you want to talk about the state level, we'll, yeah, some states are trying to ban sexually explicit books from schools.

Pregnancy police: this was actually the federal gov (scotus) removing power from themselves and returning it to the states, so, again, not really a big government sort of thing.

Anti woke squad: again, nothing to do with the federal gov.

Bible squad: again, nothing to do with the federal gov.
So Federal Government is bad, but local Government is good?

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