Are republicans under the impression Hillary’s campaign fabricated the Dossier?

Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?
Of course trump cultists cannot be rational. They would not be supporting Crazy Donnie, much less have voted for him if they were.

They are wildly thrashing about in their crazy mindless stupor, desperately grasping for anyone to blame and deflect.
You mean “The President of the United States of America the honorable Donald J. Trump” don’t you?

Yeah, the honor less "President Grab-Ass". The "Groper in Chief". The so-called President.

Thousands of pets, in New Jersey no less, were found to have taken big fat dumps in the exact likeness of Trump the day after the election. It's true! I saw it on the Television. Shit stains of the Don were everywhere in Jersey City. Orange hair and all. They were huuuuge dumps too.

It is amusing that you pay so much attention to, and think so much about trumps hair, his snits, his shenanigans, but could care less about obvious official corruption in the federal government. I guess what they say is true, so long as they are your criminals, you don't care.

It's true. I care more about cat and dog shit than I do for Donnie Dangerously.

Don't you have to have been convicted of a crime to truly be a criminal, our do you think the court of public opinion is good enough?

You should care more about cat and dog're stepping in it every day.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?

Hillary didn't even start the Russian "dossier" investigation. It was started by a GOP presidential candidate or donor. Google it...

There was nothing found by the GOP presidential candidate or donor...funny how things appeared when the Clinton campaign and the DNC started throwing all that money around to "research".
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?
Of course the dossier was fabricated. If Crooked Hillary used sleaze against Sanders, what makes you think she wouldn't against Trump??
There is zero evidence Hillary helped CREATE it. She just wanted her hands on it. Quit being dumb about this.

So you admit collusion between Hillary and a foreign operative..


It didn't exist really. Someone made the accusations up. No one was mislead someone knowingly made it up. So in that context the dossier didn't exist.

It has been the Democrats trying to take attention off their possibly criminal acts, by hiring a special prosecutor to "investigate Russian interference". The Democrats and any Republicans responsible for the hiring of the special prosecutor should be thrown in jail for the waste of money.
It didn't exist really. Someone made the accusations up. No one was mislead someone knowingly made it up. So in that context the dossier didn't exist.
Except for the fact that a good portion of the dossier actually happened well after it's creation.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?
Of course the dossier was fabricated. If Crooked Hillary used sleaze against Sanders, what makes you think she wouldn't against Trump??
There is zero evidence Hillary helped CREATE it. She just wanted her hands on it. Quit being dumb about this.

When you're hiding the payments made to get that dossier "released" it doesn't make it appear that what you're doing is on the up and up, Billy! The Clinton campaign used law firm cutouts to hide the fact that they were the one's paying for that dossier to be released. Then members of the Obama Administration used the dossier as a reason to spy on members of the Trump campaign through a FISA warrant. That's about as sleazy as it gets.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. Aint that rich? Democrats lost because Trump cheated, only to find out the Democrats are corrupt as shit. Your accusation sucks OP, and your timing couldn't be worse.

They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit. Trump often acts like a child. It's a bad trait. Let's talk about how libs. and Democrats are corrupt as fuck and dumb us down. Perhaps your priorities are fucked up.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. I don't recall any of that.

Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier. Yeah, looks like Clinton fucked up again.

they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are. Neat, share them.

Can republicans ever be rational? Ah, projection. Who'd have saw that coming?
I can't speak for the average Republican, but I can tell you how I personally viewed this story about Trump as an independent Canadian guy who became strongly interested in American politics over the last coupe of years.

I felt that yes, a dossier of sorts could have existed. After reading about the hotel story, I came to the conclusion that it was either entirely made up by his enemies as a "leak" but it wasn't in the dossier (which I believed could exist, simply because of Trumps high profile), or, that it was a complete fake created by a foreign security agency in an effort to help some high placed friends harm Trump. Remember this was originally sold as being information that Russia had on Trump when he was there for his Ms Universe pageant, and the argument was that Putin now had collateral. In reality, if someone had legitimate information as stated in the fake dossier, it would be Russian mob, and they would blackmail him not sat on it for so many years. The KGB wouldn't leak this, no benefit.

On another forum before the election when this first became news, I went on to claim that it made absolutely NO sense for Putin or any other government to leak something like this against Trump before the election. What would he gain from this? It would be useless to him at this point, and considering what Trump had already stared down in the campaign, would Putin think that suddenly Trump IF he won Office and would be the most powerful man in the Free World, that it would influence him now? It would be useless, and frankly dangerous to poke Trump after he won the presidency. He would know about such "intel" (an insult to real intelligence) on Trump, but he would never ever bring it up. It provided no benefit to him. Trump would then be untouchable anyways, he already would have won.

Putin is a former KGB agent, he's not going to make miscalculations in such a straight forward situation. The whole hotel story sounded so absurd that it was laughable to me. No wonder these people can't win an election when they paid upwards of $9M+ for this information. I mean really. Can you imagine someone getting their hands on this and thinking "alright, we got this guy now!!"? After the Hollywood Access bs, the constant attacks by celebrities and whatnot? I would have asked for my money back. No one was going to decide to not vote for Trump because of some fable being tossed around. So many were bought and used, none of them effective against Trump.

One final point. This story among many in the general election really caused more harm to the reputation of the media than any other story. When they wonder why their reputation and trust factor is so low, they have to look in the mirror. Their ability to influence and control the narrative became quite degraded after this story.
Hillary gave them Uranium for $$$$ to Clinton Foundation. Podesta’s fucking worm of a brother done business with Russians too. Evidence of who dealt with Russia clear to me.

Very sensible of them. After all, in the previous 20 years before the sale was completed, Russia sold the US 500 tons of highly enriched uranium from their decommissioned nuclear weapons and old Vlad wanted to get some of it back in raw form I guess. You guys really nailed them Clinton's this time........</sarcasm>

But I guess it does give Vlad a motive for hating Hillary, after she scammed him for hundreds of millions on those uranium mines that can't export uranium without a license. No wonder he colluded with Trump with such zeal.

Yet uranium is being exported without a license....go figure.

Yeah, that link you provided says it all!

It says more than the bullshit you've been peddling.

The Megatons to Megawatts program was initiated in 1993 and completed on schedule in December 2013. A total of 500 tonnes of Russian warhead grade HEU (equivalent to 20,008 nuclear warheads) were converted in Russia to nearly 15,000 tonnes tons of LEU (low enriched uranium) and sold to the US for use as fuel in American nuclear power plants.

Megatons to Megawatts Program - Wikipedia

How many years worth of ore produced at those mine will it take to make that up.

If the Russian paid her hundred of millions for the stake in those mines, they were scammed.

Either that or the Pseudo-conned have been conned once again!

I'm going with the latter.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?
Of course the dossier was fabricated. If Crooked Hillary used sleaze against Sanders, what makes you think she wouldn't against Trump??
There is zero evidence Hillary helped CREATE it. She just wanted her hands on it. Quit being dumb about this.

Billy, Billy, Billy------->create any kind of narrative you like................your friends are cooked!

No, not from this, but from what is coming, lol.

For you Conservatives, get a bowl of popcorn, and get ready to celebrate a wonderful New Years Eve-)
Paying for "oppo-research"? I'm SHOCKED!

There's oppo research, and then there is outright fraudulent bullshit. That's what this is.
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Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?
Hillary used the fabricated dossier to wire-tap Trump and his associates.
Then they used this fake dossier to dream up this Russian Collusion lie.
It was known before the election that both Republicans and Democrats were involved with the dossier. This story is old news.
Last week, Fusion GPS executives invoked their constitutional right not to answer questions from the House Intelligence Committee. The firm’s founder, Glenn Simpson, had previously given a 10-hour interview to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Over objections from Democrats, the Republican leader of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (Calif.), subpoenaed Fusion GPS’s bank records to try to identify the mystery client.

Fusion GPS has been fighting the release of its bank records. A judge on Tuesday extended a deadline for Fusion GPS’s bank to respond to the subpoena until Friday while the company attempts to negotiate a resolution with Nunes.

Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?

Give a link to any Republican believing the dossier didn't exist.
It was known before the election that both Republicans and Democrats were involved with the dossier. This story is old news.

Oh Grassley doesn't think so. The FBI used opposition research to begin to spy on the Trump campaign. The good Senator is not amused.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?

Hillary didn't even start the Russian "dossier" investigation. It was started by a GOP presidential candidate or donor. Google it...

It's coming out that the original research done by Fusion GPS for the R donor had no relationship to the Russians. All will come out about what happened when that little weasel of a lawyer for the DNC and the Clintons hired Fusion GPS.

BTW though I want the name of that GOP donor. Really really want that name.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?

Hillary didn't even start the Russian "dossier" investigation. It was started by a GOP presidential candidate or donor. Google it...

It's coming out that the original research done by Fusion GPS for the R donor had no relationship to the Russians. All will come out about what happened when that little weasel of a lawyer for the DNC and the Clintons hired Fusion GPS.

BTW though I want the name of that GOP donor. Really really want that name.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?
Of course trump cultists cannot be rational. They would not be supporting Crazy Donnie, much less have voted for him if they were.

They are wildly thrashing about in their crazy mindless stupor, desperately grasping for anyone to blame and deflect.
You mean “The President of the United States of America the honorable Donald J. Trump” don’t you?

"The President of the United States of America the honorable Donald J. Trump” -Bush92

Honorable? :link:
Republicans didn't say the "dossier" didn't exist, they said it wasn't a "dossier" but rather a fabricated story. It all seems to fit together and points to a possible indictment for Hillary aids and the crazy angry incoherent left plays games about semantics. It's proof that the democrat party will cease to exist as a viable political entity if they keep relying on a political playbook that expired in the freaking 60's.

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