Are republicans under the impression Hillary’s campaign fabricated the Dossier?

Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?
Of course the dossier was fabricated. If Crooked Hillary used sleaze against Sanders, what makes you think she wouldn't against Trump??
There is zero evidence Hillary helped CREATE it. She just wanted her hands on it. Quit being dumb about this.
Sometimes your boy Hillary doesn’t always give her johns intercourse
Sometimes she just gives them a bj. Which is what she did here
Th Clinton’s corrupt everything they touch
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!

lol, you can prove the dossier was fabricated?

Let's hear it.
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!
Hillary is guilty of no less than 13 crimes.

  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Perjury
  • Election fraud
  • Espionage
  • Criminal Conspiracy
  • Destruction and Mishandling of Classified Documents
  • Destruction Of Evidence
  • Criminal Negligence
  • Bribery
  • Blackmail
  • Accepting A Bribe
  • Pay To Play
  • Influence Peddling
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!

lol, you can prove the dossier was fabricated?

Let's hear it.

Oh for God's sake! It's already obvious that the dossier WAS fabricated, Carbineer because the things that it claimed about Trump have all been shown not to have happened and it's also obvious that the Clinton campaign PAID for the creation of that dossier and hid that financing behind lawyer-client protections to prevent it being traced back to them! It's classic political dirty tricks done by one of the sleaziest couples ever to hit Washington DC! That doesn't shock me what so ever! What DOES shock me is that people in the Obama Administration then took that dossier to a Federal judge and used that as proof that Russians were possibly using negative information about Trump to blackmail him and asked for FISA warrants to wiretap the Trump Campaign. That's unprecedented abuse of power from the same people who used the IRS to hamstring their political opposition prior to that!
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?

I can't speak for the average Republican, but I can tell you how I personally viewed this story about Trump as an independent Canadian guy who became strongly interested in American politics over the last coupe of years.

I felt that yes, a dossier of sorts could have existed. After reading about the hotel story, I came to the conclusion that it was either entirely made up by his enemies as a "leak" but it wasn't in the dossier (which I believed could exist, simply because of Trumps high profile), or, that it was a complete fake created by a foreign security agency in an effort to help some high placed friends harm Trump. Remember this was originally sold as being information that Russia had on Trump when he was there for his Ms Universe pageant, and the argument was that Putin now had collateral. In reality, if someone had legitimate information as stated in the fake dossier, it would be Russian mob, and they would blackmail him not sat on it for so many years. The KGB wouldn't leak this, no benefit.

On another forum before the election when this first became news, I went on to claim that it made absolutely NO sense for Putin or any other government to leak something like this against Trump before the election. What would he gain from this? It would be useless to him at this point, and considering what Trump had already stared down in the campaign, would Putin think that suddenly Trump IF he won Office and would be the most powerful man in the Free World, that it would influence him now? It would be useless, and frankly dangerous to poke Trump after he won the presidency. He would know about such "intel" (an insult to real intelligence) on Trump, but he would never ever bring it up. It provided no benefit to him. Trump would then be untouchable anyways, he already would have won.

Putin is a former KGB agent, he's not going to make miscalculations in such a straight forward situation. The whole hotel story sounded so absurd that it was laughable to me. No wonder these people can't win an election when they paid upwards of $9M+ for this information. I mean really. Can you imagine someone getting their hands on this and thinking "alright, we got this guy now!!"? After the Hollywood Access bs, the constant attacks by celebrities and whatnot? I would have asked for my money back. No one was going to decide to not vote for Trump because of some fable being tossed around. So many were bought and used, none of them effective against Trump.

One final point. This story among many in the general election really caused more harm to the reputation of the media than any other story. When they wonder why their reputation and trust factor is so low, they have to look in the mirror. Their ability to influence and control the narrative became quite degraded after this story.
Hillary gave them Uranium for $$$$ to Clinton Foundation. Podesta’s fucking worm of a brother done business with Russians too. Evidence of who dealt with Russia clear to me.

Very sensible of them. After all, in the previous 20 years before the sale was completed, Russia sold the US 500 tons of highly enriched uranium from their decommissioned nuclear weapons and old Vlad wanted to get some of it back in raw form I guess. You guys really nailed them Clinton's this time........</sarcasm>

But I guess it does give Vlad a motive for hating Hillary, after she scammed him for hundreds of millions on those uranium mines that can't export uranium without a license. No wonder he colluded with Trump with such zeal.
You believe Hillary was able to "scam" Putin into buying something he could never receive?
You need to see a psychiatrist pal.
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

She gave away nearly all our uranium to Putin, so naturally she wrote the entire dossier herself and and it follows that all of Captain Grab-asses associates were set up (by the master criminal herself) to make it appear as if they were the ones colluding with Russia, when it was Hillary all along. It's was all fake news folks.

CAUSE? We don't need no stinking cause, we heard it all on Rush's show. Then it was on Hannity, so it must be true.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?

I can't speak for the average Republican, but I can tell you how I personally viewed this story about Trump as an independent Canadian guy who became strongly interested in American politics over the last coupe of years.

I felt that yes, a dossier of sorts could have existed. After reading about the hotel story, I came to the conclusion that it was either entirely made up by his enemies as a "leak" but it wasn't in the dossier (which I believed could exist, simply because of Trumps high profile), or, that it was a complete fake created by a foreign security agency in an effort to help some high placed friends harm Trump. Remember this was originally sold as being information that Russia had on Trump when he was there for his Ms Universe pageant, and the argument was that Putin now had collateral. In reality, if someone had legitimate information as stated in the fake dossier, it would be Russian mob, and they would blackmail him not sat on it for so many years. The KGB wouldn't leak this, no benefit.

On another forum before the election when this first became news, I went on to claim that it made absolutely NO sense for Putin or any other government to leak something like this against Trump before the election. What would he gain from this? It would be useless to him at this point, and considering what Trump had already stared down in the campaign, would Putin think that suddenly Trump IF he won Office and would be the most powerful man in the Free World, that it would influence him now? It would be useless, and frankly dangerous to poke Trump after he won the presidency. He would know about such "intel" (an insult to real intelligence) on Trump, but he would never ever bring it up. It provided no benefit to him. Trump would then be untouchable anyways, he already would have won.

Putin is a former KGB agent, he's not going to make miscalculations in such a straight forward situation. The whole hotel story sounded so absurd that it was laughable to me. No wonder these people can't win an election when they paid upwards of $9M+ for this information. I mean really. Can you imagine someone getting their hands on this and thinking "alright, we got this guy now!!"? After the Hollywood Access bs, the constant attacks by celebrities and whatnot? I would have asked for my money back. No one was going to decide to not vote for Trump because of some fable being tossed around. So many were bought and used, none of them effective against Trump.

One final point. This story among many in the general election really caused more harm to the reputation of the media than any other story. When they wonder why their reputation and trust factor is so low, they have to look in the mirror. Their ability to influence and control the narrative became quite degraded after this story.
Hillary gave them Uranium for $$$$ to Clinton Foundation. Podesta’s fucking worm of a brother done business with Russians too. Evidence of who dealt with Russia clear to me.

Very sensible of them. After all, in the previous 20 years before the sale was completed, Russia sold the US 500 tons of highly enriched uranium from their decommissioned nuclear weapons and old Vlad wanted to get some of it back in raw form I guess. You guys really nailed them Clinton's this time........</sarcasm>

But I guess it does give Vlad a motive for hating Hillary, after she scammed him for hundreds of millions on those uranium mines that can't export uranium without a license. No wonder he colluded with Trump with such zeal.
You believe Hillary was able to "scam" Putin into buying something he could never receive?
You need to see a psychiatrist pal.

Does that mean you believe she gave them Uranium?
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!

lol, you can prove the dossier was fabricated?

Let's hear it.

Can you prove anything in it is true? See, that is how it works. It would be like me accusing you of having sex with goats and then demanding to prove me wrong.
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!

lol, you can prove the dossier was fabricated?

Let's hear it.

Can you prove anything in it is true? See, that is how it works. It would be like me accusing you of having sex with goats and then demanding to prove me wrong.

You're retarded. "Fabrication" is a specific act. An intentional act.

You retards are not even to the point where you can demonstrate that the information in the dossier is false, let alone intentionally made false.
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!

lol, you can prove the dossier was fabricated?

Let's hear it.

Can you prove anything in it is true? See, that is how it works. It would be like me accusing you of having sex with goats and then demanding to prove me wrong.

NO, it would be like you accusing Obama's mom of intentionally falsifying his birthplace in an evil plot to someday make him president of the United States.
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!

lol, you can prove the dossier was fabricated?

Let's hear it.

Can you prove anything in it is true? See, that is how it works. It would be like me accusing you of having sex with goats and then demanding to prove me wrong.

NO, it would be like you accusing Obama's mom of intentionally falsifying his birthplace in an evil plot to someday make him president of the United States.
That never happened. Nevertheless the long form birth certificate posted on the White House website on April 27, 2011 was found to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation by an authoritative law enforcement agency.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?
Republicans PAID for the damned thing to begin with. Then when that Republican candidate dropped out of the primary race, the oppo research people floated it to Dems in hopes they would get more business out of them. Which they did. A British ex-spy did the research. He knew contacts at the Kremlin thanks to his former job. It was oppo research. Republicans also pay for oppo research, including this one.
The Republicans twisting this all out of shape are being sadly sickly misinformed.
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!

lol, you can prove the dossier was fabricated?

Let's hear it.
The guy sending the dossier info on Trump heard from "sources" about Golden Showers. He told the research firm he had no "proof." No one has ever gotten any because working girls never talk. Or Trump had them sign the standard non disclosure agreement that everyone in his orbit is required to sign, thanks to his erratic and unreportable behavior.
So that's all there is to it. If he likes watching girls pee on each other or pee on him or whatever was going on, I could care less. I've heard murmurs that some of the stuff in the dossier has been verified since its release.
If Christopher Steele did work for the DNC, so what?

That's not illegal. Foreign national or not.

If that's illegal then Trump's paying the Chinese to make his hats was illegal.
Since the RW'ers around here now appear to believe this was the crime of the century,

please tell us, for the record, what charges should be filed against HRC related to the dossier?

Be specific and back them up with CAUSE.

The charges that should be filed are against those people in the Obama Administration that knowingly used a fabricated "dossier" created by the Clinton campaign to go in front of a Federal judge in a FISA hearing and use the information that they knew was fiction to obtain warrants to bug the Trump campaign. Anyone involved in THAT...all the way up to the Attorney General and the President should be convicted of lying to a Federal officer!

lol, you can prove the dossier was fabricated?

Let's hear it.
The guy sending the dossier info on Trump heard from "sources" about Golden Showers. He told the research firm he had no "proof." No one has ever gotten any because working girls never talk. Or Trump had them sign the standard non disclosure agreement that everyone in his orbit is required to sign, thanks to his erratic and unreportable behavior.
So that's all there is to it. If he likes watching girls pee on each other or pee on him or whatever was going on, I could care less. I've heard murmurs that some of the stuff in the dossier has been verified since its release.

I WISH Trump's love of pee stuff were the worst thing about him.
Republicans love to make wild exaggerations about Democrats. They will do anything to take attention away from Trump’s constant childish bullshit.

See first, the dossier didnt exist according to republicans. Now it does exist and because it’s been reported that Hillary’s campaign paid for the dossier, they automatically pretend that means her campaign created it themselves. For the record, I don’t doubt the story. I just know what the actual details are.

Can republicans ever be rational?

Hillary didn't even start the Russian "dossier" investigation. It was started by a GOP presidential candidate or donor. Google it...

It's coming out that the original research done by Fusion GPS for the R donor had no relationship to the Russians. All will come out about what happened when that little weasel of a lawyer for the DNC and the Clintons hired Fusion GPS.

BTW though I want the name of that GOP donor. Really really want that name.
The name of the REP Never Trumper is already known by everyone in the media and in Washington.
NO ONE will officially release the name for fear of serious legal repercussions.
Don't worry. Once Nunes gets the go ahead to release the name of the FBI informant, which will happen next week then you-all will have the name.
The DEM committee members are shitting themselves right now.
Notice they are all hiding under their desks waiting for more shoes to drop.
We'll see Obama under oath being asked if he knew about the DEMs/FBI paying millions of dollars to buy the hoax dossier.
Hint: John Podesta is a fraction of an inch from being charged with possession of child porography.
DEMs all over Washington and the LIB media are lining up to 'roll' on the DEMs illegal activities in exchange for immunity.
BTW 'Morning Joe' has an opening for a LIB talking head regular 'expert' guest today.

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