Are some issues just too big for modern right wingers to discuss?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.
Yes, we're too busy being RACISTS, SEXISTS, and EVIL rich guys to discuss anything!! Oh, hold on a sec, I just got a call from PATRIARCHY HQ and I have to go out and oppress THOUSANDS of women tonight. Preferably BLACK females because that's what we evil people on this side of the aisle do. Hopefully I'll have enough time to make sure that we give dirty water to our citizens. Now if I can only pick up that GIANT SUV so I can add to global warming...
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Poor old Bucsy's last brain cell died today.

I guess the strain was just too much for him.
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

OH absolutely there are issues TOO big to take on! NO question!

For example WHY DID Obama tax tanning salons in Obamacare... my goodness such a Goliath industrial giant as the tanning salons wow!

And then we had the over 13,000 new regulations coming from just half of the implemented Obamacare! Wow that'll take care of the unemployment real quick... hire more people to follow the new regulations...

OH and then we have the ever vigilant ALWAYS looking out for everyone's health the EPA... yes those stalwarts of thwartation are slaying all those evil companies polluting our air! Forcing them to quit go out of business BUT we have clean air!

Yea... give me good old IKE who knew Americans and trusted Americans to build the country and strictly out of national defense came the interstate system by IKE the largest program ever attempted BUT THAT WAS IT!!!

IKE believed in Americans unlike Obama who wants RULE Americans because after all he is the smartest!!!
I've come to a point where I feel some issues are just simply too big, too complex for modern right wingers to discuss. Notice "modern" right wingers. The whacko Tea Party types. The Libertarian types. The "OH GAWD DEY GURNA TAKES ME GUNS" type. The cop hater types. The secessionists. All those who run the GOP now.

Some things are just too complex for them, too "big" of issues and thoughts. Like the fact that we are entering a war of resources globally. Sure, radical Muslims hate us. We've been over there for decades to collect resources. Wonder why people in the Ivory Coast and Niger and Chad dont hate us as much as the Middle East? Thats why. Resources. China and Russia want resources. So do we. Wars are fought over only two things really. At the core, root of'll find resources or religion. Nothing else. This explains our current war strategy a lot. About why we have bases in so many places and our taxpayers are funding the World Police.

Or domestic problems. Drugs and labor. Two issues the right wing just...well, is too shallow to discuss. "DRUGS 'N EEEMIGRANTS IS BAD". Well, that simplistic bumper sticker approach doesn't fly anymore. Same with energy. Its all tied together. A huge one right now is debt and taxes. Some of their talking points are right, but for the wrong reasons and they dont know that. They dont grasp society's dependence on government. When they hear "dependence" they think fat welfare queen. They dont think about the invisible benefits our govt provides: Like domestic safety, sewer functions, clean water functions, food safety, roadway safety, an educated labor pool. See....the ONLY thing right wingers seem to look to government for are things that are already too-late type problems: Crime trends, foreign threats, broken bridges, etc, etc. They dont want to prevent problems; Only react to them.

And the modern right wingers are just too predictably bumber stickerish to be trusted to govern. They're too shallow, to easily duped. They are so eager to toe the line of their ideology.

For Christ's sake, defeating President Obama should've been a cake walk with his first 4 years, and they were too stupid to even do that. The right wing has had an intellectual implosion. Yep. Some issues...many in fact...have just become too complex for the modern rednecks of the right wing.

I'll say one thing. The mo fo sure is long-winded. I almost fell asleep reading his ramblings.
I'll say one thing. The mo fo sure is long-winded. I almost fell asleep reading his ramblings.

Yes. Discussions that cant fit on a bumper sticker are often too much for right wing minds. I rest my case.
Ok. Lets begin.

Is "Free money" immoral, regardless of the source?
Ok. Let's begin.
Are Obama's policies with respect to U.S. resources archaic?
The left's big issues are free contraception and abortion, amnesty for illegals, more welfare and gun control.

When big issues come up that should make the reasonable people question the integrity of this administration, like Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the worsening economy and unemployment and the oppressive policies, such as Obamacare, the left spouts some lame talking points and then name calls.

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