Are the Democrats Planning a Civil War?

The Democrats used to be a clever political science club which cobbled together otherwise disparate special interest groups into voting blocks in order to win elections (with a little ballot tampering when needed). But today, it has become like a brown shirt army of thugs who are actively involved in silencing (by force, if necessary) any opposition to their control of the federal government. Using the Covid Pandemic and War in Ukraine as excuses for assuming emergency powers, they actions have created a corrupt police state which uses all of its powers to legally and financially punish its opponents.

At first glance, this looks like a transparent attempt to bully the opposition into submission and acceptance of a new world order. But is this even possible in the U.S.? A more likely outcome would be to incense the opposition into openly defying federal authority, thereby creating an excuse to suspend all civil liberties supposedly guaranteed by the Constitution. If this occurs, armed conflict/civil war would become inevitable. The Democrats may be calculating that this is their moment in history when a woke military and politicized law enforcement may tip the odds in their favor.
They are trying to avoid a war by taking over the country peacefully without a shot being fired and daring the other side to shoot so that they can blame the civil war on the right.
The Democrats used to be a clever political science club which cobbled together otherwise disparate special interest groups into voting blocks in order to win elections (with a little ballot tampering when needed). But today, it has become like a brown shirt army of thugs who are actively involved in silencing (by force, if necessary) any opposition to their control of the federal government. Using the Covid Pandemic and War in Ukraine as excuses for assuming emergency powers, they actions have created a corrupt police state which uses all of its powers to legally and financially punish its opponents.

At first glance, this looks like a transparent attempt to bully the opposition into submission and acceptance of a new world order. But is this even possible in the U.S.? A more likely outcome would be to incense the opposition into openly defying federal authority, thereby creating an excuse to suspend all civil liberties supposedly guaranteed by the Constitution. If this occurs, armed conflict/civil war would become inevitable. The Democrats may be calculating that this is their moment in history when a woke military and politicized law enforcement may tip the odds in their favor.
Obviously conservatives need to first try elections to make change.

Firearms are the last resort when a dictator has taken charge of the nation and is busy doing things like sending political enemies to concentration camps. Such a dictator will view the Bill of Rights as toilet paper to wipe his ass with.
Good luck with that
It will neutered to the point it will exist like the NAZIs and the KKK. They will
Yet you can’t stop talking about him. I go with actions, actions speak louder than words
There have been many actions by many people toward Donald Trump. That is why he lost the presidency, 40+ lawsuits in attempt to turnover his loss, why he lost a civil suit to a woman claiming battery and defamation, why he has been indicted in 2 criminal proceeding and could have 2 more criminal indictments.
He is losing supporters who are running against against him for the Republican nomination. More Republicans are saying never Trump.
The anti-Trump actions are much more effective than the pro Trump actions.
Take you pathetic actions and put them in where the sun don't shine.
Our country is headed for a divorce. Honest Americans with values have nothing in common with the Dem scum!
Here is a scum bucket calling other scum.
He is so clueless he does not know he is a scum bucket. Scum to the scum buclet are people with morals.
Translation - "The MAGA cult is a bunch of ignorant child-like dolts who are easily manipulated and riled up into acting out and I have a conspiracy theory that Democrats might exploit our stupidity."
If Maga people were "child-like", Joe Biden would want to sniff and grope them.

No, the righties aren't like the rioters oh excuse I meant looters who run as soon as the cops arrive.

If the righties choose to get involved, LEO can't help you. Any more than they helped those poor nuns in Guatemala.

You leftfucks are totally fucked up, you're so goddamn stupid you have no idea what you're asking for. ZERO understanding of human nature. If you think any rightie is going to lie down for your totalitarian bullshit you're dumber than a stump.
You've done nothing but "lie down" for a year now--after stating the election was stolen. What's it going to take to get you to do something?
Look around, the DOJ is a Banana Republic arm of the Biden regime. The mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Kids are being mutilated in schools. People are getting murdered by street thugs who are released time and time again. The borders are open to every form of terrorist. Why haven't you noticed that we are in a freaking civil war?
It will neutered to the point it will exist like the NAZIs and the KKK. They will

There have been many actions by many people toward Donald Trump. That is why he lost the presidency, 40+ lawsuits in attempt to turnover his loss, why he lost a civil suit to a woman claiming battery and defamation, why he has been indicted in 2 criminal proceeding and could have 2 more criminal indictments.
He is losing supporters who are running against against him for the Republican nomination. More Republicans are saying never Trump.
The anti-Trump actions are much more effective than the pro Trump actions.
Take you pathetic actions and put them in where the sun don't shine.
Yawn. 21 million more ballots than the first black president twice. 47 year punk never did one thing the black president’s bitch and he got 21. Million more votes? Hahaha haha, nope
Yawn. 21 million more ballots than the first black president twice. 47 year punk never did one thing the black president’s bitch and he got 21. Million more votes? Hahaha haha, no
You lie. You lie like a rug. In 2016 Trump had about the same number of votes as Obama in 2012. In 2020 Trump received about 7 million more votes than Obama in 2012 but the US population had grown by over 16 million.
You make shit up. Where do you come from?
They are trying to avoid a war by taking over the country peacefully without a shot being fired and daring the other side to shoot so that they can blame the civil war on the right.
What they're trying to do is get blacks to have an excuse for attacking white people.
Many of them aren't raised properly, so it's easy for them to stop shooting each other and focus on white people for a spell.
Instead of shooting each other on Friday night they can get rid of all of that pent up frustration by beating up white senior citizens and Asians.
They are trying to avoid a war by taking over the country peacefully without a shot being fired and daring the other side to shoot so that they can blame the civil war on the right.
Meanwhile the rest of us who are "not" the right, are watching carefully. And we see exactly what's going on. We see more than most people because our heads aren't stuck in the game.

And people like me, are thoroughly disgusted at this point, by the dumbass leftards and their shenanigans. They may be decent at tactics but they're entirely fucking stupid with strategy, and that's not a good thing when you're up against the Chinese.

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