Are the McMichaels victims of a biased media?

Of course ahhmaud as a known neighborhood prowler was a suspect ....not hard to understand that.

You need to get over the media propaganda depicting ahhmaud as a saint and candidate for the heisman trophy.hehheh
Suspect of what? There's no evidence he committed any crimes in that neighborhood.

Suspected by whom? The police knew where he lived. They never went looking for him.
Well the Jury Pool is done. And the sort of folks who would swallow the nonsense put out by folks like our friend Persuader are not on the Jury.

No White Males Over 40 without a college degree.

The defense attorney representing Roddy thinks that isn’t fair.

Now stand back. Break out the popcorn while Persuader tries to explain why the McMichaels have a Constitutional Right to be judged by White Males over 40 without college degrees.
That's because it acceptable to make derogatory terms towards whites but you can't towards blacks. But blacks can use that word all day long and it's fine.

Libs cry about unequal treatment of blacks when its blacks who are being coddled
That wasn’t the question. You said it should be manslaughter. Explain why manslaughter and not murder.

Oh. And the laws are worded and precedent defined as the reasonable person would believe.

You don’t have to prove intent. You have to prove that a reasonable person would believe. It is why armed robbery suspects who don’t display the weapon are convicted even if they were not armed only simulating a weapon.
Because murder would rquire them to prove to a jury that he intended to kill Ahhmau from the very start, completely premeditated. That he was there to kill him. A jury might not believe that. The defense could argue that while Travis attempting to intimidate him, itwas never his intent to use the weapon until Ahhmaud attacked him. Manslaughter doesnt require premeditation. So its the more likely charge intimidation were proven.

Libs cry about unequal treatment of blacks when its blacks who are being coddled
A prosecutor has been indicted for violating their oath of office because they were sweeping this under the rug.

FFS, the AG of South Dakota killed a guy and he gets a traffic ticket. No joke.

They're protecting their own. It's a disgrace.
Because murder would rquire them to prove to a jury that he intended to kill Ahhmau from the very start, completely premeditated. That he was there to kill him. A jury might not believe that. The defense could argue that while Travis attempting to intimidate him, itwas never his intent to use the weapon until Ahhmaud attacked him. Manslaughter doesnt require premeditation. So its the more likely charge intimidation were proven.

Actually. Not in Georgia.

Manslaughter in Georgia isn’t what you are used to. The two charges of Manslaughter would be as follows.

First. A crime of passion. The classic finding your wife in bed with your Brother and you kill them. It is Georgia saying we understand what happened. You are going to prison. But not for too long.

The second is recess behavior. You are speeding down the road and lose control of your car. You were reckless. You killed a man. We send you to prison. A little while. Not too long. Usually less than 20 years.

Two types of Murder. The premeditated you are familiar with. The second is Felony Murder. You were committing a crime. A felony. Someone died.

We don’t have degrees of Murder like other states. We have two types of manslaughter. And two types of Murder. That’s it.

Now. Are you arguing that chasing Arbery down was merely reckless? Or was it a crime of passion? Because those would be required for the Manslaughter charge.

We don’t have Capital Murder. We don’t have Murder in the First, Second, or Third Degree.

The penalty is at least 20 years. Minimum. The penalty may be life. Or death.

The Prosecutor isn’t seeking the Death Penalty. So figure that Travis will get life. Greg will get Twenty Years. I have said that Roddy has a chance to get off. If he doesn’t. Then at least 20 years.

It would be hard to get a Manslaughter charge with a firearm. I mean. Maybe you were drinking and thought it was unloaded. But short of that. No chance.

So charging the McMichaels with Manslaughter would be impossible in Georgia.
Well the Jury Pool is done. And the sort of folks who would swallow the nonsense put out by folks like our friend Persuader are not on the Jury.

No White Males Over 40 without a college degree.

The defense attorney representing Roddy thinks that isn’t fair.

Now stand back. Break out the popcorn while Persuader tries to explain why the McMichaels have a Constitutional Right to be judged by White Males over 40 without college degrees.
I do not think college degrees should be a requirement.

The constitution says that the accused are entitled to a jury of their 'peers'....I do not know if any of the accused have a college degree but if not there is no justifiable reason for the college degree requirement.

Also....a black is not the peer of a white thus according to the constitution there should be no blacks on the jury either.....but we know today the constitution is violated left and right.

But what it what it is....we shall see how it works out.

If there are 12 honest and reasonably intelligent jurors I expect an acquittal.

If there are 12 liberal pc morons on the jury...expect a guilty verdict

If there are some sort of mix of the above categories....expect a hung jury.

We know tremendous pressure is on the jurors to render a verdict guilty.

They should protect the identity of the jurors to prevent death threats or even death if they vote to acquit

That is why I think it was a mistake not to request a change of venue.

It would be interesting to know what colleges these jurors went to and what kind of degree they have.

I have never heard of having a college degree being a requirement for jury duty....I am very suspicious of that requirement as it is well known most colleges today are liberal and turn out way too many graduates indoctrinated into political correctness
Could be, if the judge is influenced by personal or political bias

These people sitting on the bench mostly serve a useful purpose for society but the are not infallible gods
Exactly....judges are products of academia and we know the nonsense they indoctrinate their students with.

It is vey hard to find a good decent conservative judge....that is why we would up with the likrs of Kavenaugh even though Trump was trying to select a true conservative.

In fact the whole judicial system is saturated with liberal imbeciles....a big reason America is in such a mess....add to that a Supreme Court which is too cowardly to take controversial cases....especially if there is a racial elemenr....they fear giving blacks a reason to riot...thus the whole judicial system is held hostage by the threat of black riots.
I do not think college degrees should be a requirement.

The constitution says that the accused are entitled to a jury of their 'peers'....I do not know if any of the accused have a college degree but if not there is no justifiable reason for the college degree requirement.

Also....a black is not the peer of a white thus according to the constitution there should be no blacks on the jury either.....but we know today the constitution is violated left and right.

But what it what it is....we shall see how it works out.

If there are 12 honest and reasonably intelligent jurors I expect an acquittal.

If there are 12 liberal pc morons on the jury...expect a guilty verdict

If there are some sort of mix of the above categories....expect a hung jury.

We know tremendous pressure is on the jurors to render a verdict guilty.

They should protect the identity of the jurors to prevent death threats or even death if they vote to acquit

That is why I think it was a mistake not to request a change of venue.

It would be interesting to know what colleges these jurors went to and what kind of degree they have.

I have never heard of having a college degree being a requirement for jury duty....I am very suspicious of that requirement as it is well known most colleges today are liberal and turn out way too many graduates indoctrinated into political correctness

The demographic failed to qualify. The Bubba’s. They were challenged by either the Defense or Prosecution and the Judge decided they could not be impartial.

So none made the cut.

So what you are saying is for a fair jury only Blacks can sit on a jury where Blacks are accused of a crime. That is their peer group isn’t it?

I expect a Guilty Verdict for Travis. I’ve explained why so often it might as well be a hot key. I similarly expect a guilty verdict for Greg.

Roddy has a chance at an acquittal. If he can convince the Jury he was acting on the belief that the McMichaels were justified. He has a chance. A slim one.

But as has been pointed out they did violate the laws of Georgia. And now the question is will they be held to account?
The demographic failed to qualify. The Bubba’s. They were challenged by either the Defense or Prosecution and the Judge decided they could not be impartial.

So none made the cut.

So what you are saying is for a fair jury only Blacks can sit on a jury where Blacks are accused of a crime. That is their peer group isn’t it?

I expect a Guilty Verdict for Travis. I’ve explained why so often it might as well be a hot key. I similarly expect a guilty verdict for Greg.

Roddy has a chance at an acquittal. If he can convince the Jury he was acting on the belief that the McMichaels were justified. He has a chance. A slim one.

But as has been pointed out they did violate the laws of Georgia. And now the question is will they be held to account?
They violated no laws that is just a movie running in your head.

One thing for sure State of Georgia has done everything in their power to rig this jury....this b.s. regarding college graduates exposes that.

I sat in on a jury selection process in Nevada once....out there the lawyers decided who would be on the jury....are you saying that in Georgia the Judge gets to decide who is on the jury?

I could care less what happens to roddey...he is the only one that deserves any punishment......for lying.
You do know there are some Black Rednecks, that pretty much throws your lame ass theory out the window.
I dont know of any black people who call themselves rednecks but I know blacks like you who use racial slurs against whites

Are you a racist?

Do you believe whites are genetically inferior to you?

Or do you merely dislike whites who are not guilt-ridden libs and refuse to shine your shoes?

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