Are the McMichaels victims of a biased media?

They violated no laws that is just a movie running in your head.

One thing for sure State of Georgia has done everything in their power to rig this jury....this b.s. regarding college graduates exposes that.

I sat in on a jury selection process in Nevada once....out there the lawyers decided who would be on the jury....are you saying that in Georgia the Judge gets to decide who is on the jury?

I could care less what happens to roddey...he is the only one that deserves any punishment......for lying.

Scooter. I have explained this. Either you have short term memory issues, or you’re so busy spreading lies to justify the indefensible that you haven’t read it.

Ok. Here we are. There is now a pool of 65 qualified jurors. These were the winners, or losers, of the original 600 potential jurors.

Now, they begin the final selection. There was no requirement for a college degree. However, those who didn’t have it were not selected. For some reason, like you, they had made up their minds that the McMichaels had done a good thing killing that black boy, and were not selected.

Some knew the family, for decades. The McMichaels especially. Those folks were excused from Jury Duty.

It is a matter of coincidence, or not, that the people most likely to find them innocent, were unable to pass the interview to get selected. I guess they were unable to hide their irrational hatred, just as you have been unable to hide it.

It isn’t a movie in my head. It is the laws and I’ve posted them time and time again. I even posted the Georgia BAR study guide to show you that these precedents were well known. They don’t have Georgia Law in Nevada, so Georgia must be wrong is your silly point as near as I can tell.

Now, these last 65 jurors are going to be culled again. The end result is from this pool, they will be selected as 12 primary, and four alternates to sit and listen to the trial.

I hope. I sincerely hope and pray that the Judge grants them a change of venue. I hope that the trial is moved to Atlanta. That would be hilarious, to me anyway.

I’ve explained this before in other threads, but again your well documented difficulties in reading and retaining are coming through. Their best chance at an acquittal is where they are now. That is a rather conservative district in Georgia. There aren’t many more conservative than that. And the odds that they’ll be sent to those other couple areas, is pretty slim. Odds are they’ll end up in Macon, Augusta, Athens, or Atlanta. Possibly Savannah, but doubtful.

The odds of drawing the folks they need to get the acquittal drops dramatically as they move away from the area. So I do hope that their lawyers make that move. You’ve heard of suicide by cop? That would be conviction by idiotic motion by the Defense Attorney.

Now again, for the four hundredth time I suppose. The McMichaels did not have justification to arm up and set off in pursuit. They had seen no evidence of any crime. They had not been contacted by Larry English, and had no information of the entrance into the property. NO KNOWLEDGE OF A CRIME AT THAT TIME.

The Cornerstone of the Defense Argument is that they were performing a legal and lawful attempt to effect a Citizens Arrest. At least during the questioning and motions filed during the preliminary hearing. So if they intend to now claim that no such effort was ever made, as you alternately insist and deny, the McMichaels would be better off pleading guilty and throwing themselves on the mercy of the court.

Standing in the roadway after making several attempts, according to their own statements, with a Shotgun to stop Arbery is illegal. It is Aggravated Assault in Georgia. No intent has to be admitted by the McMichaels. It is the Reasonable Person argument. Would a reasonable person believe they were there to stop them using force, or the threat of force? If the answer is yes, then they are guilty in Georgia.

Finally. The Felony Murder Charge. If someone dies in the commission of a qualifying crime, the charge is Felony Murder. If the clerk slips and cracks his head open and dies while trying to open the register for the robber. It is Felony Murder. If your Girlfriend is backing away from your pathetically small Johnson and you reach towards her as she falls over the railing of the hotel room. That actually wouldn’t be Felony Murder. It would be Voluntary Manslaughter, a crime of passion.

Anyway. Your pathetically small mind and attributes aside. These are not new laws. These are not even new applications. They require no new precedents. Nor new findings. These are old laws, applied as they always have been, and it infuriates you.

So blame anything you want. The result from the point of view of this Georgia Resident, who has lived in the state for nearly thirty years off and on over my life, and currently lives in a Rural Area, with the Good Old Boys, finding twelve people to declare the McMichaels Not Guilty would require a Clan Meeting. And you’ll never get that many out in daylight.
I dont know of any black people who call themselves rednecks but I know blacks like you who use racial slurs against whites.
Does that mean there aren't any because you don't know them? How many whites do you know that use racial slurs when talking about black folks.
Nope are you?
Do you believe whites are genetically inferior to you?
It is you and your ilk that thinks black folks are inferior to you.
Or do you merely dislike whites who are not guilt-ridden libs and refuse to shine your shoes?
I dislike white racist like you who think black folks are suppose to bow down to you. You think Ahmaud should have bowed down to the McMichaels and White.
Scooter. I have explained this. Either you have short term memory issues, or you’re so busy spreading lies to justify the indefensible that you haven’t read it.

Ok. Here we are. There is now a pool of 65 qualified jurors. These were the winners, or losers, of the original 600 potential jurors.

Now, they begin the final selection. There was no requirement for a college degree. However, those who didn’t have it were not selected. For some reason, like you, they had made up their minds that the McMichaels had done a good thing killing that black boy, and were not selected.

Some knew the family, for decades. The McMichaels especially. Those folks were excused from Jury Duty.

It is a matter of coincidence, or not, that the people most likely to find them innocent, were unable to pass the interview to get selected. I guess they were unable to hide their irrational hatred, just as you have been unable to hide it.

It isn’t a movie in my head. It is the laws and I’ve posted them time and time again. I even posted the Georgia BAR study guide to show you that these precedents were well known. They don’t have Georgia Law in Nevada, so Georgia must be wrong is your silly point as near as I can tell.

Now, these last 65 jurors are going to be culled again. The end result is from this pool, they will be selected as 12 primary, and four alternates to sit and listen to the trial.

I hope. I sincerely hope and pray that the Judge grants them a change of venue. I hope that the trial is moved to Atlanta. That would be hilarious, to me anyway.

I’ve explained this before in other threads, but again your well documented difficulties in reading and retaining are coming through. Their best chance at an acquittal is where they are now. That is a rather conservative district in Georgia. There aren’t many more conservative than that. And the odds that they’ll be sent to those other couple areas, is pretty slim. Odds are they’ll end up in Macon, Augusta, Athens, or Atlanta. Possibly Savannah, but doubtful.

The odds of drawing the folks they need to get the acquittal drops dramatically as they move away from the area. So I do hope that their lawyers make that move. You’ve heard of suicide by cop? That would be conviction by idiotic motion by the Defense Attorney.

Now again, for the four hundredth time I suppose. The McMichaels did not have justification to arm up and set off in pursuit. They had seen no evidence of any crime. They had not been contacted by Larry English, and had no information of the entrance into the property. NO KNOWLEDGE OF A CRIME AT THAT TIME.

The Cornerstone of the Defense Argument is that they were performing a legal and lawful attempt to effect a Citizens Arrest. At least during the questioning and motions filed during the preliminary hearing. So if they intend to now claim that no such effort was ever made, as you alternately insist and deny, the McMichaels would be better off pleading guilty and throwing themselves on the mercy of the court.

Standing in the roadway after making several attempts, according to their own statements, with a Shotgun to stop Arbery is illegal. It is Aggravated Assault in Georgia. No intent has to be admitted by the McMichaels. It is the Reasonable Person argument. Would a reasonable person believe they were there to stop them using force, or the threat of force? If the answer is yes, then they are guilty in Georgia.

Finally. The Felony Murder Charge. If someone dies in the commission of a qualifying crime, the charge is Felony Murder. If the clerk slips and cracks his head open and dies while trying to open the register for the robber. It is Felony Murder. If your Girlfriend is backing away from your pathetically small Johnson and you reach towards her as she falls over the railing of the hotel room. That actually wouldn’t be Felony Murder. It would be Voluntary Manslaughter, a crime of passion.

Anyway. Your pathetically small mind and attributes aside. These are not new laws. These are not even new applications. They require no new precedents. Nor new findings. These are old laws, applied as they always have been, and it infuriates you.

So blame anything you want. The result from the point of view of this Georgia Resident, who has lived in the state for nearly thirty years off and on over my life, and currently lives in a Rural Area, with the Good Old Boys, finding twelve people to declare the McMichaels Not Guilty would require a Clan Meeting. And you’ll never get that many out in daylight.

Anyone knowledgeable of the law knows you are full of crap.

You claim to have knowledge of the law but you admitted you were not even aware of the concept of 'Criminal Intent' known also as....'Mens Rea'....that speaks volumes about your alleged expertise in the law.

Then you misquote The Georgia Law on Citizens Arrest.....Here is what the law actually says....and if you have ever read it ...then you obviously have little or no ability to understand law.

Here is the statute on Citizens Arrest as it existed before Georgia changed it to honor ahhmaud the convicted criminal who also took a loaded gun to school....really great guy...if you doubt consult with the MSM they have practically made him into a Saint.

Irregardless here is the actual law that was in force when the incident with ahhmaud occurred.......

O.C.G.A. 17-4-60 (2010)
17-4-60. Grounds for arrest

'A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge.

If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.'

Now I think a person of even average intelligence should be able to understand it but obviously you do not get it.

Let me try and help you out; you will or should see that in the first sentence it says:

'A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. '

It is indisputable that the MacMichaels had knowledge that the suspect aka Ahhmaud Abery was on video in a house under construction in which he had no business being.

Gregory had seen Ahhmaud in that video that is how he recognized hm as he was running down the road in front of his house.

Thus making him a suspect in trespassing or burglary.

Also Travis had encountered someone of Ahhmaud's description acting like he had a weapon aka sticking his hand in his pocket when confronted and running into the house under construction and then disappearing.

Georgia’s current citizen’s arrest law allows a private arrest in two circumstances: when a person commits any offense in the arrestor’s presence or within his or her immediate knowledge; or when the arrestor has reasonable and probable grounds to suspect a person has committed a felony offense. These laws are dangerous for many reasons — among them that law

Without the knowledge of Ahmaud being on the video the McMichals would not have begun the pursuit to begin with.

Then in the second sentence the law on citizens arrest in Georida....... says;

'If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.'

Notice it says got that?

What you have done time and again is to try and use that second sentence as the whole of the law on citizens arrest....obviously trying to make it appear that a citizens arrest can only be conducted in a situation involving a felon....when the first part of the law...the first sentence says something different aka.....and I quote again....'A private person may arrest an 'offender' if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge.

This first part of the law on citizens arrest does nor say anything about a felony or a says an 'offender' which obviously could be someone committing a misdemeanor

Thus you have mis-represented the law on Citizens arrest.

Trying to make it appear that only a felon is subject to citizens arrest.

Georgia’s current citizen’s arrest law allows a private arrest in two circumstances: when a person commits any offense in the arrestor’s presence or within his or her immediate knowledge; or when the arrestor has reasonable and probable grounds to suspect a person has committed a felony offense.

Then you claim they were standing in the road holding a shotgun to try and stop ahhmaud.

Which is false....a little logic and common sense proves it.....If they were willing to use their weapons to stop ahhmaud they would have done it when they initially made contact with him.

Also when they parked the truck....Greg got on the phone to the police to inform them of the situation, their location and the location of the suspect whom they had under observation....greg was in the bed of the pickup truck.

If they were going to try and arrest Ahhmaud Greg would have been out of the truck and on the ground with his son to help him with the arrest...but instead he was in the bed of the truck with his back towards the suspect...not the position he would have been in to attempt to make an arrest.

The truth is they stopped to call the police and to keep Ahhmaud in sight until the police arrived.

They had their weapons out for self protection and self protection only.

you have lost complete perspective on this case.

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I got shut down before I could post the link for this statement:

'Georgia’s current citizen’s arrest law allows a private arrest in "two circumstances": when a person commits any offense in the arrestor’s presence or within his or her immediate knowledge; or when the arrestor has reasonable and probable grounds to suspect a person has committed a felony offense.'

That statement was referring to the old law(the one existing at the time of the Ahmaud incident'

Cited in this article referring to that law being changed.

Note...the statemen above says a citizen can make a citizens arrest in 2 circumstances

(again.....this was the old law...that existed when the Ahhmaud incident happened.

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Because murder would rquire them to prove to a jury that he intended to kill Ahhmau from the very start, completely premeditated. That he was there to kill him. A jury might not believe that. The defense could argue that while Travis attempting to intimidate him, itwas never his intent to use the weapon until Ahhmaud attacked him. Manslaughter doesnt require premeditation. So its the more likely charge intimidation were proven.
There is no time constraint on premeditated murder. It can develop in seconds.
Anyone knowledgeable of the law knows you are full of crap.

You claim to have knowledge of the law but you admitted you were not even aware of the concept of 'Criminal Intent' known also as....'Mens Rea'....that speaks volumes about your alleged expertise in the law.

Then you misquote The Georgia Law on Citizens Arrest.....Here is what the law actually says....and if you have ever read it ...then you obviously have little or no ability to understand law.

Here is the statute on Citizens Arrest as it existed before Georgia changed it to honor ahhmaud the convicted criminal who also took a loaded gun to school....really great guy...if you doubt consult with the MSM they have practically made him into a Saint.

Irregardless here is the actual law that was in force when the incident with ahhmaud occurred.......

O.C.G.A. 17-4-60 (2010)
17-4-60. Grounds for arrest

'A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge.

If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.'

Now I think a person of even average intelligence should be able to understand it but obviously you do not get it.

Let me try and help you out; you will or should see that in the first sentence it says:

'A private person may arrest an offender if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge. '

It is indisputable that the MacMichaels had knowledge that the suspect aka Ahhmaud Abery was on video in a house under construction in which he had no business being.

Gregory had seen Ahhmaud in that video that is how he recognized hm as he was running down the road in front of his house.

Thus making him a suspect in trespassing or burglary.

Also Travis had encountered someone of Ahhmaud's description acting like he had a weapon aka sticking his hand in his pocket when confronted and running into the house under construction and then disappearing.

Georgia’s current citizen’s arrest law allows a private arrest in two circumstances: when a person commits any offense in the arrestor’s presence or within his or her immediate knowledge; or when the arrestor has reasonable and probable grounds to suspect a person has committed a felony offense. These laws are dangerous for many reasons — among them that law

Without the knowledge of Ahmaud being on the video the McMichals would not have begun the pursuit to begin with.

Then in the second sentence the law on citizens arrest in Georida....... says;

'If the offense is a felony and the offender is escaping or attempting to escape, a private person may arrest him upon reasonable and probable grounds of suspicion.'

Notice it says got that?

What you have done time and again is to try and use that second sentence as the whole of the law on citizens arrest....obviously trying to make it appear that a citizens arrest can only be conducted in a situation involving a felon....when the first part of the law...the first sentence says something different aka.....and I quote again....'A private person may arrest an 'offender' if the offense is committed in his presence or within his immediate knowledge.

This first part of the law on citizens arrest does nor say anything about a felony or a says an 'offender' which obviously could be someone committing a misdemeanor

Thus you have mis-represented the law on Citizens arrest.

Trying to make it appear that only a felon is subject to citizens arrest.

Georgia’s current citizen’s arrest law allows a private arrest in two circumstances: when a person commits any offense in the arrestor’s presence or within his or her immediate knowledge; or when the arrestor has reasonable and probable grounds to suspect a person has committed a felony offense.

Then you claim they were standing in the road holding a shotgun to try and stop ahhmaud.

Which is false....a little logic and common sense proves it.....If they were willing to use their weapons to stop ahhmaud they would have done it when they initially made contact with him.

Also when they parked the truck....Greg got on the phone to the police to inform them of the situation, their location and the location of the suspect whom they had under observation....greg was in the bed of the pickup truck.

If they were going to try and arrest Ahhmaud Greg would have been out of the truck and on the ground with his son to help him with the arrest...but instead he was in the bed of the truck with his back towards the suspect...not the position he would have been in to attempt to make an arrest.

The truth is they stopped to call the police and to keep Ahhmaud in sight until the police arrived.

They had their weapons out for self protection and self protection only.

you have lost complete perspective on this case.
"If they were going to try and arrest Ahhmaud Greg would have been out of the truck and on the ground with his son to help him with the arrest..."

Travis tried that when he got out of his truck with a shot gun, ya dumbfucking racist. Didn't turnout too well for anybody.
There is no time constraint on premeditated murder. It can develop in seconds.
Yes, but in this type of case, it would be hard to prove. Travis was breaking no laws, and Ahhmaud initiated the physicality. In order to get a coviction for capital murder, the prosecutor would have to prove tha Travis was planning to kill Ahmaud before Ahhmaud tried to take the gun. This would be an uphill battle,unless they somehow tricked him into confessing.

Most prosecutors will take the easier route with a lesser charge that doesn't require premeditation. But even then, you still have the burden of proving intent. This is going to be hard since Travis was breaking no laws an it was Ahhmaud who started the physicality. If they cant prove that Travis had malicious intent, and was try to use the gun to intimidate Ahhmaud, then any half decent defense attorney will easily convince a jury that it was self defense.
Yes, but in this type of case, it would be hard to prove. Travis was breaking no laws...

Not necessarily true. We'll find out in the trial, but he's charged with aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment.

...and Ahhmaud initiated the physicality.

Again, we'll find out in the trial, but the first physical contact is reportedly between Bryan's truck and Arbery. And also to be determined in the trial is whether or not Arbery had a right to initiate an attack against Arbery in self defense.

In order to get a coviction for capital murder, the prosecutor would have to prove tha Travis was planning to kill Ahmaud before Ahhmaud tried to take the gun.

False. If it can be proven in court Travis intended to shoot Arbery 3 times in an act of self defense AS the wrestled for the gun, that's premeditation. AND if it's proven in court Travis didn't have a legal right of self defense because he himself was in the commission of a felony OR if it's proven his actions provoked Arbery to attempt to disarm him, it's murder for which Travis will spend the remainder of his life in prison with no possibility of parole.

This would be an uphill battle,unless they somehow tricked him into confessing.

I don't think it's as much of an uphill battle as you think. Again, the prosecution only needs to prove either aggravated assault OR provocation on Travis' part. The biggest battle the prosecution faces is having to convince all 12 members of the jury. But that's true everywhere in the U.S. and the vast majority of trials still end in a conviction.

Most prosecutors will take the easier route with a lesser charge that doesn't require premeditation. But even then, you still have the burden of proving intent. This is going to be hard since Travis was breaking no laws an it was Ahhmaud who started the physicality. If they cant prove that Travis had malicious intent, and was try to use the gun to intimidate Ahhmaud, then any half decent defense attorney will easily convince a jury that it was self defense.

See: above
Racist imbecile, there's no evidence he burgled anything.
Yeah, if you ignore his criminal record, his probation, that he had no job but had money to get his nails done and do drugs, his previous attacks on others, his previous snagged stealing, and that he was casing the joint--yeah no evidence at all. We all just as dumb as Faun.
False. It was not their job to chase down innocent people running down a street in their neighborhood.
They were in front of Arbery---who ran toward them, circled around the vehicle and attacked them----much the same fucking way that he attacked a cop earlier. Arbery was just another violent criminal---and oh btw, he was snagged trespassing so the Arbery's legal right for citizens arrest which they didn't even do---
So if YOU or anyone in YOUR family is walking through my neighborhood and I think you committed a crime (I didn't actually witness it myself), I can grab some of my buddies and our guns and I can chase you down, corner you and detain you for questioning? Really?
They have him on video trepassing fool. And again, how ignorant to claim that the McMichaels chased him down---he ran toward them, circled around their vehicle, grabbed their gun...If he was afraid, he wouldn't run toward them btw. If they were out to chase him down and shoot him, they would have done it before he attacked them. He was a criminal ON PROBATION snagged committing more crime---and on drugs as well. He did as he previously did attack anyone tried to stop him from committing crimes.
Yeah, I don't know.

Maybe he wasn't just "holding a firearm".

Maybe he was chasing down a dude and using his firearm in a threatening manner to get him to detain him.

Like, it's not illegal to ask someone for $100. It's also not illegal to hold a firearm.

But if walk up to you with a shotgun in my hands and ask for $100, that's called armed robbery.
So you are claiming that the McMichaels were trying to rob our criminal Arbery? Really, what are you on?
Pulling a gun on Arbery was an aggravated assault over which Arbery was within his legal right to stand his ground.
Arbery was just snagged trespassing, casing the joint, in a neighborhood that he didn't live in ....the McMichaels had cause to stop him...and especially given his past violence, it would have been stupid for the mcMichaels to do so without a weapon.
Suspect of what? There's no evidence he committed any crimes in that neighborhood.

Suspected by whom? The police knew where he lived. They never went looking for him.
Trespassing which they have him on video doing. Trepassing to case a new build which are notoriously robbed by druggy criminals like Arbery all the time as they put in tools and building materials.

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