Are the shootings ever going to stop?

As long as parents keep obeying their children........the shootings will continue.
To me, this makes sense, but even when the parents do all that they can where their kids are concerned, once their kids hit a certain age, what the kids do is entirely up to the kids.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

It is nearly a daily event now. There is a shooting at a school, at a mall, at a shopping area...

Is this a phase that this country is going through? Is your kids school or your shopping mall next? Is it ever going to stop?

Not as long as those seeking 15 minutes of fame, with nothing left to lose are running around watching all that delicious media coverage on it.
Add in increased population, demographcs, and the plethora of media.

Oh, well then we are okay then, huh? :D

Don't understand the basic concept of risk analysis, eh sport?

I see. Risk analysis. That is the answer as to why our murder rate, per 100,000 citizens, not overall, is 7 times that of Canada.

People, I have been a gun owner for more than half a century. Never have, and never will have one of the war weapons in my home, but the actions of the crazies, and the determination of the NRA and 'Conservatives' to make sure that the crazies have full access to whatever turns them on eventually will bring laws to this nation that will affect even the hunting guns I have.
Actually the murder rate has been dropping since it peaked in 1993 when there were 24,530 murders in the US. In 2012 there were 14,827 which is around the same as the 60's. Capital punishment is a deterrent and curbs recidivism but crazy people seem to come out of nowhere to make the headlines in a pop-culture based society.
It is nearly a daily event now. There is a shooting at a school, at a mall, at a shopping area...

Is this a phase that this country is going through? Is your kids school or your shopping mall next? Is it ever going to stop?

Unfortunately, murders have been occurring since Cain killed his brother Abel. Guns or no guns, nut cases on antidepressants will continue killing. Cain likely used a stone or a sharp instrument but folks have been killing other folks with a variety of methods for centuries and centuries. Taking an honest, sensible, and responsible man's gun away won't stop the killing.
It is nearly a daily event now. There is a shooting at a school, at a mall, at a shopping area...

Is this a phase that this country is going through? Is your kids school or your shopping mall next? Is it ever going to stop?

blame Obama and your party
people are struggling under the weight of new government program call Oscamcare, taxes have went up, been food shopping lately, milk now $5 a gallon, gas back up...and Obama is wailing over climate change...that gives people hope and change doesn't it
Oh, well then we are okay then, huh? :D

Don't understand the basic concept of risk analysis, eh sport?

I see. Risk analysis. That is the answer as to why our murder rate, per 100,000 citizens, not overall, is 7 times that of Canada.

People, I have been a gun owner for more than half a century. Never have, and never will have one of the war weapons in my home, but the actions of the crazies, and the determination of the NRA and 'Conservatives' to make sure that the crazies have full access to whatever turns them on eventually will bring laws to this nation that will affect even the hunting guns I have.

7 times? As for firearms less are used today to kill then in the past 30 or 40 years. The rate has dropped significantly. The only thing going on is the Lame stream media is hyping it more.
Then move.

May I suggest the Netherlands?

Work is optional, medical is provided..and they can kill you when you are mentally ill, sick or elderly.

Have fun!

Too many muslims, and I don't like pot anymore.

But yea that wouldn't really work well for you. They would have the lethal injection team waiting as soon as you got off the plane.

Congrats KG. It took a few pages. But he finally showed his true colors and devolved into insults.

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