Are the shootings ever going to stop?

Pretty much, yes. Minimize the exposure and the motivation for someone like Cho goes away.
It's opposed because the grabber approach is to treat the 100,000,000 gun owners who didn't kill anyone today as criminals in waiting while doing nothing to actually deal with the actual criminals (who already don't obey the law).

In essence, your approach to gun violence is reaction, but not much reaction. Any reaction does nothing to prevent gun violence and if we react too much, gun violence increases.

That's one heck of a prescription there.

I guess the price of the freedom to own an assault weapon is nothing greater than heaps of bodies.
It is nearly a daily event now. There is a shooting at a school, at a mall, at a shopping area...

Is this a phase that this country is going through? Is your kids school or your shopping mall next? Is it ever going to stop?

Why should it stop? The media covers it incessantly for ratings and/or political reasons, which feeds into someone who desperately needs attention, who gets the attention he wants by shooting up a school or a mall or something, so the media covers it incessantly for ratings/political reasons, repeat ad nauseam.

So you think that shootings at schools is analogous to streaking at an NFL game? If we adopted an Ostrich approach, the crazies will cease and desist?

If the gun is benign, safe and lovable yet the users are the problem, why has every effort to curb the insane from obtaining guns been dismissed out of hand by the gun lobby and their acolytes?

Well except it is already illegal for insane people to have firearms. Nothing like a good lie to start off with ehh?
Pretty much, yes. Minimize the exposure and the motivation for someone like Cho goes away.
It's opposed because the grabber approach is to treat the 100,000,000 gun owners who didn't kill anyone today as criminals in waiting while doing nothing to actually deal with the actual criminals (who already don't obey the law).

In essence, your approach to gun violence is reaction, but not much reaction. Any reaction does nothing to prevent gun violence and if we react too much, gun violence increases.

That's one heck of a prescription there.

I guess the price of the freedom to own an assault weapon is nothing greater than heaps of bodies.

Except no assault weapon was used.
We live in a very ill society. For years we have had uninhibited second amendment right to arms and these incidents did not occur. So clearly, they are not the result of access or lack there of to firearms. These shootings are really products of modern mass society in general. Are societies are beyond natural human scale and atomized(result of hyperindividualism) create a sense of isolation and desperation with individuals having no community to fall back on. This on top of the moral relativism(lack of personal moral introspection and an entitlement mentality) and lack of a moral community to fall back on in times of personal crisis, these are products of secular and liberal society. Add to this economic down turn and confusion and self hate resulting from being mixed race(as these shooters have been recently, a glowing example of multiculturalism), and you get this wretched concoction of our modern society where events like this are common occurrence. People asking for guns to be banned aren't even close to addressing the real issues involved hear, not that they want to address them anyways.
I wrote this in regards to the Elliot Rodger's ordeal but a lot of the same points apply to many of these school/mass shooters
This guy is a product of our liberal sick degenerate culture if I ever saw one.

1. Millenial Mental Case that was on pharmaceuticals.

2. Product of divorced family.

3.Father was a liberal bohemian, so not only was he poisoned by the hollywood jewish culture of materialism, moral relativism, and sexual degeneracy, he was poisoned by his absent father leaving his mother and going around the world sleeping with younger women(and according to the manifesto, he was also a beta supplicator to his stepmother while he was present).

4.Mixed Race with serious identity issues(how he hated pure Asians and Whites).

5. Product of the hook up culture. In media, the hook up culture is normalized, and those who don't engage in it are considered losers or old fashioned. Those who are weak and insecure with personality disorders like this guy, who still accept this culture, but are rejected by it, and don't instead embrace traditionalism and higher values, view themselves as lesser since they are unable to participate in this degenerate culture. This degenerate hook up culture is not natural. Biologically speaking, men and women should be getting married and having children in their early 20s, as they have for centuries. No doubt rejecting this biological imperative leads to mental issues(ie. see that 25% of women and 15% of all Americans are on some kind of anti-depression meds). So when you combine this rejection of our biological urges with a culture that encourages degeneracy, you get these degenerate omega males who go over the edge like this, especially if they already have preexisting psychological issues like this guy.

6. Product of atomized and digital society. He had no friends, no community of men to fall back on, and was consumed by the internet culture. This fed his sickness as he had no one to bounce his issues off of and killed his social skills. There are many anti-socials like this today. However, thankfully they aren't as mentally unstable as this guy, though things like this in the culture will certainly help trigger freaks like this.

7. Classic case of liberal victim mentality and self entitlement, he believed he was entitled to always "feel good" and have the validation of "hot girls" because he existed and had material wealth. He was poisoned by our culture of materialism, self entitlement and instant gratification.

The chickens of this degenerate Western culture are coming home to roost.
I wrote this in regards to the Elliot Rodger's ordeal but a lot of the same points apply to many of these school/mass shooters
This guy is a product of our liberal sick degenerate culture if I ever saw one.

1. Millenial Mental Case that was on pharmaceuticals.

2. Product of divorced family.

3.Father was a liberal bohemian, so not only was he poisoned by the hollywood jewish culture of materialism, moral relativism, and sexual degeneracy, he was poisoned by his absent father leaving his mother and going around the world sleeping with younger women(and according to the manifesto, he was also a beta supplicator to his stepmother while he was present).

4.Mixed Race with serious identity issues(how he hated pure Asians and Whites).

5. Product of the hook up culture. In media, the hook up culture is normalized, and those who don't engage in it are considered losers or old fashioned. Those who are weak and insecure with personality disorders like this guy, who still accept this culture, but are rejected by it, and don't instead embrace traditionalism and higher values, view themselves as lesser since they are unable to participate in this degenerate culture. This degenerate hook up culture is not natural. Biologically speaking, men and women should be getting married and having children in their early 20s, as they have for centuries. No doubt rejecting this biological imperative leads to mental issues(ie. see that 25% of women and 15% of all Americans are on some kind of anti-depression meds). So when you combine this rejection of our biological urges with a culture that encourages degeneracy, you get these degenerate omega males who go over the edge like this, especially if they already have preexisting psychological issues like this guy.

6. Product of atomized and digital society. He had no friends, no community of men to fall back on, and was consumed by the internet culture. This fed his sickness as he had no one to bounce his issues off of and killed his social skills. There are many anti-socials like this today. However, thankfully they aren't as mentally unstable as this guy, though things like this in the culture will certainly help trigger freaks like this.

7. Classic case of liberal victim mentality and self entitlement, he believed he was entitled to always "feel good" and have the validation of "hot girls" because he existed and had material wealth. He was poisoned by our culture of materialism, self entitlement and instant gratification.

The chickens of this degenerate Western culture are coming home to roost.
Thanks, though school killings have always occurred in the US, the simple approach "It's THE LIBERALS" nails it again. :lol:
I wrote this in regards to the Elliot Rodger's ordeal but a lot of the same points apply to many of these school/mass shooters
This guy is a product of our liberal sick degenerate culture if I ever saw one.

1. Millenial Mental Case that was on pharmaceuticals.

2. Product of divorced family.

3.Father was a liberal bohemian, so not only was he poisoned by the hollywood jewish culture of materialism, moral relativism, and sexual degeneracy, he was poisoned by his absent father leaving his mother and going around the world sleeping with younger women(and according to the manifesto, he was also a beta supplicator to his stepmother while he was present).

4.Mixed Race with serious identity issues(how he hated pure Asians and Whites).

5. Product of the hook up culture. In media, the hook up culture is normalized, and those who don't engage in it are considered losers or old fashioned. Those who are weak and insecure with personality disorders like this guy, who still accept this culture, but are rejected by it, and don't instead embrace traditionalism and higher values, view themselves as lesser since they are unable to participate in this degenerate culture. This degenerate hook up culture is not natural. Biologically speaking, men and women should be getting married and having children in their early 20s, as they have for centuries. No doubt rejecting this biological imperative leads to mental issues(ie. see that 25% of women and 15% of all Americans are on some kind of anti-depression meds). So when you combine this rejection of our biological urges with a culture that encourages degeneracy, you get these degenerate omega males who go over the edge like this, especially if they already have preexisting psychological issues like this guy.

6. Product of atomized and digital society. He had no friends, no community of men to fall back on, and was consumed by the internet culture. This fed his sickness as he had no one to bounce his issues off of and killed his social skills. There are many anti-socials like this today. However, thankfully they aren't as mentally unstable as this guy, though things like this in the culture will certainly help trigger freaks like this.

7. Classic case of liberal victim mentality and self entitlement, he believed he was entitled to always "feel good" and have the validation of "hot girls" because he existed and had material wealth. He was poisoned by our culture of materialism, self entitlement and instant gratification.

The chickens of this degenerate Western culture are coming home to roost.
Thanks, though school killings have always occurred in the US, the simple approach "It's THE LIBERALS" nails it again. :lol:
Wrong, give me a list of mass shootings before Colombine, and I'll show you the list in 2013-2014 alone. If anything the fact that violent crime is down overall speaks to the fact that gun control advocates have no argument as far as suggesting gun ownership has begat a violent crime spree. Gun ownership is up and violent crime is down overall. Violent crime is down overall, but mass shootings by disaffected individuals are up. This has nothing to do with more guns or lack there of. These shooting are results of environmental pressures in our degenerating culture.
If this hand wringing were coming from any group other than the Stalin Lovers, I might take it a little more seriously.

Progressives have the most wretched track record in all of human history, murdering their own country men in the tens of millions

Remember when they were telling us that Obamas gun control ideas were nothing to be afraid of because they were just like Hitlers and he only unarmed the people he wanted to mass murder?

Indeed. The Totalitarians are the true Mass Murderers...with body counts in the 10s of millions.


4. 61,911,000 Murdered: The Soviet Gulag State
5. 35,236,000 Murdered: The Communist Chinese Ant Hill
6. 20,946,000 Murdered: The Nazi Genocide State
7. 10,214,000 Murdered: The Depraved Nationalist Regime


8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan's Savage Military
9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State
10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey's Genocidal Purges
11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland's Ethnic Cleansing
13. 1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State
14. 1,072,000 Murdered: Tito's Slaughterhouse

I wrote this in regards to the Elliot Rodger's ordeal but a lot of the same points apply to many of these school/mass shooters
This guy is a product of our liberal sick degenerate culture if I ever saw one.

1. Millenial Mental Case that was on pharmaceuticals.

2. Product of divorced family.

3.Father was a liberal bohemian, so not only was he poisoned by the hollywood jewish culture of materialism, moral relativism, and sexual degeneracy, he was poisoned by his absent father leaving his mother and going around the world sleeping with younger women(and according to the manifesto, he was also a beta supplicator to his stepmother while he was present).

4.Mixed Race with serious identity issues(how he hated pure Asians and Whites).

5. Product of the hook up culture. In media, the hook up culture is normalized, and those who don't engage in it are considered losers or old fashioned. Those who are weak and insecure with personality disorders like this guy, who still accept this culture, but are rejected by it, and don't instead embrace traditionalism and higher values, view themselves as lesser since they are unable to participate in this degenerate culture. This degenerate hook up culture is not natural. Biologically speaking, men and women should be getting married and having children in their early 20s, as they have for centuries. No doubt rejecting this biological imperative leads to mental issues(ie. see that 25% of women and 15% of all Americans are on some kind of anti-depression meds). So when you combine this rejection of our biological urges with a culture that encourages degeneracy, you get these degenerate omega males who go over the edge like this, especially if they already have preexisting psychological issues like this guy.

6. Product of atomized and digital society. He had no friends, no community of men to fall back on, and was consumed by the internet culture. This fed his sickness as he had no one to bounce his issues off of and killed his social skills. There are many anti-socials like this today. However, thankfully they aren't as mentally unstable as this guy, though things like this in the culture will certainly help trigger freaks like this.

7. Classic case of liberal victim mentality and self entitlement, he believed he was entitled to always "feel good" and have the validation of "hot girls" because he existed and had material wealth. He was poisoned by our culture of materialism, self entitlement and instant gratification.

The chickens of this degenerate Western culture are coming home to roost.
Thanks, though school killings have always occurred in the US, the simple approach "It's THE LIBERALS" nails it again. :lol:
Wrong, give me a list of mass shootings before Colombine, and I'll show you the list in 2013-2014 alone. If anything the fact that violent crime is down overall speaks to the fact that gun control advocates have no argument as far as suggesting gun ownership has begat a violent crime spree. Gun ownership is up and violent crime is down overall. Violent crime is down overall, but mass shootings by disaffected individuals are up. This has nothing to do with more guns or lack there of. These shooting are results of environmental pressures in our degenerating culture.

Has history yet seen such a nation with the prosperity, large population, and liberties of the US? Perhaps we are uncharted waters.
Thanks, though school killings have always occurred in the US, the simple approach "It's THE LIBERALS" nails it again. :lol:
Wrong, give me a list of mass shootings before Colombine, and I'll show you the list in 2013-2014 alone. If anything the fact that violent crime is down overall speaks to the fact that gun control advocates have no argument as far as suggesting gun ownership has begat a violent crime spree. Gun ownership is up and violent crime is down overall. Violent crime is down overall, but mass shootings by disaffected individuals are up. This has nothing to do with more guns or lack there of. These shooting are results of environmental pressures in our degenerating culture.

Has history yet seen such a nation with the prosperity, large population, and liberties of the US? Perhaps we are uncharted waters.

Perhaps large amounts of wealth, materialism, a large multicultural society, and hyper-individualism(the resulting atomization) aren't particularly healthy for the mind or spirit.

We may be allowed to do what we want as long as we don't hurt others, but we haven't been taught how to not hurt ourselves.

We need to scale back.
Fuck you. I'm not hurting myself. I don't need to scale shit.
Someone is testy.

I would prefer a society more like Israel's, smaller, ethnically homogenous, more communitarian as opposed to individualistic. Leads to a healthier society, not prone to the violent outbursts of the mentally ill. Or filled with as many mentally ill and atomized individuals as the poster above.
Fuck you. I'm not hurting myself. I don't need to scale shit.
Someone is testy.

I would prefer a society more like Israel's, smaller, ethnically homogenous, more communitarian as opposed to individualistic. Leads to a healthier society, not prone to the violent outbursts of the mentally ill. Or filled with as many mentally ill and atomized individuals as the poster above.

Then move.
Fuck you. I'm not hurting myself. I don't need to scale shit.
Someone is testy.

I would prefer a society more like Israel's, smaller, ethnically homogenous, more communitarian as opposed to individualistic. Leads to a healthier society, not prone to the violent outbursts of the mentally ill. Or filled with as many mentally ill and atomized individuals as the poster above.

Then move.

May I suggest the Netherlands?

Work is optional, medical is provided..and they can kill you when you are mentally ill, sick or elderly.

Have fun!
Fuck you. I'm not hurting myself. I don't need to scale shit.
Someone is testy.

I would prefer a society more like Israel's, smaller, ethnically homogenous, more communitarian as opposed to individualistic. Leads to a healthier society, not prone to the violent outbursts of the mentally ill. Or filled with as many mentally ill and atomized individuals as the poster above.

Then move.

As an Anglo Saxon White Man, this is my home, the problem is, I need to get a lot of other people to leave.:D
Someone is testy.

I would prefer a society more like Israel's, smaller, ethnically homogenous, more communitarian as opposed to individualistic. Leads to a healthier society, not prone to the violent outbursts of the mentally ill. Or filled with as many mentally ill and atomized individuals as the poster above.

Then move.

May I suggest the Netherlands?

Work is optional, medical is provided..and they can kill you when you are mentally ill, sick or elderly.

Have fun!

Too many muslims, and I don't like pot anymore.

But yea that wouldn't really work well for you. They would have the lethal injection team waiting as soon as you got off the plane.

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