Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?

Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
The US deals with racial and ethnic diversity better than every other nation on the planet. Don't be obtuse. Name one other nation that deals with it better, just one.

Yeah, I remember all of those minority Judges, MP's and Prime Ministers in Canada. :confused:
Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
The US deals with racial and ethnic diversity better than every other nation on the planet. Don't be obtuse. Name one other nation that deals with it better, just one.

Yeah, I remember all of those minority Judges, MP's and Prime Ministers in Canada. :confused:
How many do you remember here, and we have much greater numbers. Oh right, jack shit.
Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
The US deals with racial and ethnic diversity better than every other nation on the planet. Don't be obtuse. Name one other nation that deals with it better, just one.
Guess you've never been to Canada, huh?
Been there many times over many decades.

Then, I will modify the response - you've never had the opportunity to actually sit down with Canadians and understand their society. I'm guessing you were a tourist every time.
Police not out of control? How about this dead white girl? The policy now is shoot first and ask questions later.

Ok Eisenstein and incident here, an incident there doesn't count has some kind of epidemic. You understand that right? and is it racial!!.. Sheesh you leftsist are hard headed:eusa_eh:

You should really enjoy this one.

"Devoted to Marx" you're a lost cause moron..... Stick to the topic or move the fuck on

You are a very stupid little man. You seem to actually believe that you've made the case that everything is about race.
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
The US deals with racial and ethnic diversity better than every other nation on the planet. Don't be obtuse. Name one other nation that deals with it better, just one.
Guess you've never been to Canada, huh?
Been there many times over many decades.

Then, I will modify the response - you've never had the opportunity to actually sit down with Canadians and understand their society. I'm guessing you were a tourist every time.
Police not out of control? How about this dead white girl? The policy now is shoot first and ask questions later.

Ok Eisenstein and incident here, an incident there doesn't count has some kind of epidemic. You understand that right? and is it racial!!.. Sheesh you leftsist are hard headed:eusa_eh:

You should really enjoy this one.

"Devoted to Marx" you're a lost cause moron..... Stick to the topic or move the fuck on

I had to put the idiot (discombobob) on ignore. I'm about ready to put all the HATE from Clay on it next. You have more patience than I do

If that's supposed to be a consequence I don't think she quite gets the concept......sounds a lot more like a reward.

  1. Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting


    The liberal mantra depends on having a victim, and when they don't have one, they make one up.
This is so ironic. You are the ones constantly depicting yourselves as victims of racism.
Police not out of control? How about this dead white girl? The policy now is shoot first and ask questions later.

Ok Eisenstein and incident here, an incident there doesn't count has some kind of epidemic. You understand that right? and is it racial!!.. Sheesh you leftsist are hard headed:eusa_eh:

You should really enjoy this one.

"Devoted to Marx" you're a lost cause moron..... Stick to the topic or move the fuck on

You are a very stupid little man. You seem to actually believe that you've made the case that everything is about race.

it was a question actually..and i got your little man boy... I crush pea brained marxist
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
The US deals with racial and ethnic diversity better than every other nation on the planet. Don't be obtuse. Name one other nation that deals with it better, just one.
Guess you've never been to Canada, huh?
Been there many times over many decades.

Then, I will modify the response - you've never had the opportunity to actually sit down with Canadians and understand their society. I'm guessing you were a tourist every time.

man you need to shoot your high horse. understand THEIR SOCIETY. what are they some special society we are all to stupid to know about. good grief

  1. Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting


    The liberal mantra depends on having a victim, and when they don't have one, they make one up.
This is so ironic. You are the ones constantly depicting yourselves as victims of racism.
Police not out of control? How about this dead white girl? The policy now is shoot first and ask questions later.

Ok Eisenstein and incident here, an incident there doesn't count has some kind of epidemic. You understand that right? and is it racial!!.. Sheesh you leftsist are hard headed:eusa_eh:

You should really enjoy this one.

"Devoted to Marx" you're a lost cause moron..... Stick to the topic or move the fuck on

You are a very stupid little man. You seem to actually believe that you've made the case that everything is about race.

it was a question actually..and i got your little man boy... I crush pea brained marxist

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.
Canadians are as shitty or more so at dealing with their native problems than we are in the States. At least we let our natives run a gambling racket. They can even legalize drugs if they so choose. Theoretically, they have quasi-sovereign status here. Natives here have a HUGE amount of pride and would rather starve than take hand-outs often times. They just want Uncle Sam to stay the hell off of the Res. and keep the oil and mining companies from drilling and mining on what little land they have left.

Not so in Canada. They are protectorates of the State. Welfare Children. That only leads to more hard feelings and racism.

Canadians attitudes hardening on aboriginal issues new poll - The Globe and Mail

If Canada had half the amount of Latinios and Blacks as the States had, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves. Hell, the Anglos and the Francos in Quebec HATE each other.

Our Poles, Germans, English, Franks, and all other Euro mutts got past that petty shit one hundred years ago. Canadians need to grow up.

  1. Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting


    The liberal mantra depends on having a victim, and when they don't have one, they make one up.
This is so ironic. You are the ones constantly depicting yourselves as victims of racism.
Ok Eisenstein and incident here, an incident there doesn't count has some kind of epidemic. You understand that right? and is it racial!!.. Sheesh you leftsist are hard headed:eusa_eh:

You should really enjoy this one.

"Devoted to Marx" you're a lost cause moron..... Stick to the topic or move the fuck on

You are a very stupid little man. You seem to actually believe that you've made the case that everything is about race.

it was a question actually..and i got your little man boy... I crush pea brained marxist

I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.

it means you don't who you're talking to boy... Comment on the topic or sit your ass down

  1. Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting


    The liberal mantra depends on having a victim, and when they don't have one, they make one up.
This is so ironic. You are the ones constantly depicting yourselves as victims of racism.
Oh, this is going to be a wonderful piece of convoluted logic, I can see that now.

Just exactly how do you purport that I claim to e a victim of racism?

  1. Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting


    The liberal mantra depends on having a victim, and when they don't have one, they make one up.
This is so ironic. You are the ones constantly depicting yourselves as victims of racism.
Oh, this is going to be a wonderful piece of convoluted logic, I can see that now.

Just exactly how do you purport that I claim to e a victim of racism?
My point was aimed at the collective: the preponderance of rightwingers. If you don't fit in those clodhoppers, don't wear them.
Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
The US deals with racial and ethnic diversity better than every other nation on the planet. Don't be obtuse. Name one other nation that deals with it better, just one.

Try again sport.

The US IS BETTER at dealing with diversity than any other nation on the planet.

Why do you think that was part of our philosophy after WWI, national self-determination? Because we knew so much more about various peoples cultures. Why do you think the UN is here?

This IS the land of cultural sensitivity. We do it better than anyone on the planet.

This shit you are seeing in the news is a manufactured issue.

For every so called police abuse of a black person's civil rights, I'll be the first to say that a pig acted like a jack booted thug, regardless of if the criminal was a heinous piece of shit.

The problem is, the MSM is feeding the ignorant masses a biased story line. There are literally dozens and dozens more stories where they do the same damn thing to white folks. The problem is NOT racism. The problem is the out an of control police state and too many laws by a bloated federal government making laws where it has no business making them in the first place.
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  1. Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting


    The liberal mantra depends on having a victim, and when they don't have one, they make one up.
This is so ironic. You are the ones constantly depicting yourselves as victims of racism.
Oh, this is going to be a wonderful piece of convoluted logic, I can see that now.

Just exactly how do you purport that I claim to e a victim of racism?
My point was aimed at the collective: the preponderance of rightwingers. If you don't fit in those clodhoppers, don't wear them.

Ok, I'll bite --- Just exactly how do you purport that the "preponderance of rightwingers" claim to be victims of racism?

  1. Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting


    The liberal mantra depends on having a victim, and when they don't have one, they make one up.
This is so ironic. You are the ones constantly depicting yourselves as victims of racism.
Oh, this is going to be a wonderful piece of convoluted logic, I can see that now.

Just exactly how do you purport that I claim to e a victim of racism?
My point was aimed at the collective: the preponderance of rightwingers. If you don't fit in those clodhoppers, don't wear them.

Ok, I'll bite --- Just exactly how do you purport that the "preponderance of rightwingers" claim to be victims of racism?
LOL Read the racism, racial issues forum. Read the preponderance of threads in the politics and current events forums. Count.
Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting

One of the best things about today's liberal extremists (yes, I'm serious, read on) is that they have no controls, little discipline, and even less accurate sense of reality.

They really live in a fantasy world created by themselves and their cohorts. They will tell themselves that Michael Brown was surrendering when the cop shot him... telling themselves that so many times, that they will actually believe it, despite having heard no reliable testimony about it. And then, when the Grand Jury transcripts are released, showing six different witnesses (plus the cop) say that it wasn't that way at all, that he held his hands only to shoulder level and only for one second, before dropping his arms into a football blocking position and charging headlong at the cop, who kept yelling at him "Stop, stop!", before finally opening fire......

....The liberals will keep right on believing the (now obvious) lie anyway.

They have no connection to reality. They will believe the above lie despite all evidence to the contrary. And then it is an easy step to believing that the cop WANTED to shoot a black man... and then just another small step to believing that the cop was secretly hunting black men to shoot... and on and on down into the depths of their delusions.

So why do I call that "one of the best things" about the liberals?

Because when they do that, more and more of them whose capacity for delusion is not quite as complete, eventually start realizing that the ones who keep doing it are insane, and hopelessly incorrigible. And they begin to distance themselves from the more extreme ones. And the extremists simply let them go... and even cast them off as "sellouts" or "closet conservatives"... still without ever considering the possibility that they, the extremists, are the ones who are wrong.

Liberalism carries in it, the seeds of its own destruction. Liberals cannot stay together as a group. Because some of them always run off the deep end and the group fragments, historically into a bloody civil war (or worse). There is no way to avoid this breakup. Sometimes it takes a long time (slightly more than a hundred years and counting in the United States), but the breakup always comes. (The Soviet Union only took 80 years, and post-WWI Germany only took around 25 years but got "help" from countries around them in their breakup).

The only problem with that the inevitability of leftist-liberal-fanatic breakups, is that if they gain enough political power before descending into the depths, they might take an entire country with them.

Your question about any liberals being sick and disgusted with the race-baiting of their cohorts who are presently running things, will receive more and more "yes" answers as the division sharpens. And questions about people's disgust with class warfare, government expansion and micromanagement, cockeyed Keynesian economics, and all the other fatal tendencies of modern liberals, will likewise receive more and more "Yes" answers. But the division started generations ago, exemplified by people like Ronald Reagan who started as a Democrat, but eventually admitted "I didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left me". He recognized the inevitable destructive course of liberals quite early, and did the only sensible thing: Got out. As did many others.

It's the ones who maintain the same destructive course, despite all evidence and common sense, who will propel the party to its doom. But the fact that some of them presently occupy the highest offices in the land, puts the entire country at risk of being dragged down with them.

Elections like the one on Nov. 4, 2014, help reduce this number.

We can only hope that such elections aren't too little, too late.
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Great police work here too......

nice story! do you have the thousands of videos of police saving others lives or dtying in the line of duty?

I'm sure you can find plenty. Why don't you busy yourself with that.

it shows you have an agenda and are biased.

I think it shows that you have an agenda and are biased. That's the whole point of this thread....agenda and bias.

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