Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?

Police not out of control? How about this dead white girl? The policy now is shoot first and ask questions later.

Ok Eisenstein and incident here, an incident there doesn't count has some kind of epidemic. You understand that right? and is it racial!!.. Sheesh you leftsist are hard headed:eusa_eh:

You should really enjoy this one.

"Devoted to Marx" you're a lost cause moron..... Stick to the topic or move the fuck on
Police not out of control? How about this dead white girl? The policy now is shoot first and ask questions later.

Ok Eisenstein and incident here, an incident there doesn't count has some kind of epidemic. You understand that right? and is it racial!!.. Sheesh you leftsist are hard headed:eusa_eh:

You should really enjoy this one.

"Devoted to Marx" you're a lost cause moron..... Stick to the topic or move the fuck on

I had to put the idiot (discombobob) on ignore. I'm about ready to put all the HATE from Clay on it next. You have more patience than I do
Police not out of control? How about this dead white girl? The policy now is shoot first and ask questions later.

Ok Eisenstein and incident here, an incident there doesn't count has some kind of epidemic. You understand that right? and is it racial!!.. Sheesh you leftsist are hard headed:eusa_eh:

You should really enjoy this one.

"Devoted to Marx" you're a lost cause moron..... Stick to the topic or move the fuck on

I had to put the idiot (discombobob) on ignore. I'm about ready to put all the HATE from Clay on it next. You have more patience than I do

I don't ignore people. Generally they make fools of themselves anyway. this idiot is incapable of commenting on the topic at hand. The I.Q. very low on this guy
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Liberals are, of course, sick of, and disgusted with, the contrivances and lies propagated by most on the right.
"Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, given the fact there is no such thing as 'race bating,' where you've fabricated a lie designed to misrepresent your opponents' position.

'Race baiting' is a partisan contrivance of the right, along with 'liberal media,' 'political correctness,' and 'entitlement mentality.'

The only fallacious contrivance I see is "honest liberal". Oh, and "CC's intelligence".
Liberals are, of course, sick of, and disgusted with, the contrivances and lies propagated by most on the right.

oh so you had to repeat yourself? just worded differently. still accusing people of making up shit. You don't add any solutions you just pour on gasoline. Polls have shown the MAJORITY of the people don't see all this RACISM and blacks being killed anymore than any other color in this country. You are the one who contrives and runs with lies
"Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, given the fact there is no such thing as 'race bating,' where you've fabricated a lie designed to misrepresent your opponents' position.

'Race baiting' is a partisan contrivance of the right, along with 'liberal media,' 'political correctness,' and 'entitlement mentality.'

So your not disgusted by these hacks making these incidents into a racial issue then.....Ok we'll put you down as a dishonest liberal:thup:

Oh, I think he's actually pretty honest about anything the left does being okay with him. He certainly doesn't hide it.
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

It isn't only about race, it's also about police officers out of control. Killing unarmed citizens on a regular basis neither protects nor serves the public.

"On a regular basis?" Please. And I'd say whether or not it protects and serves the public depends entirely on who they kill and what they're doing at the time.
White conservatives bring up race far more often than anyone else.

For example, just look at the number of threads and posts by white rightwingers that deal with race; I'd estimate about 10x or more the number of times liberals start threads on race or bring up race.

I am sick and disgusted with how often the right-wing bring up race and express racist ideas and perspectives. It is absolutely revolting.

  1. Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting


    The liberal mantra depends on having a victim, and when they don't have one, they make one up.
to someone like Clay his party or the people in it are never WRONG it's always someone else's fault. that's why Obama has been able to run over us even though the people JUST KICKED them out power after only six years of that party

Overlook people like this folks and lets keep moving to: take our country back out their hands FOR GOOD
White conservatives bring up race far more often than anyone else.

Really? where? In the public square? the halls of congress? there are no conservative Al Sharptons..Oh... don't bother pointing to immigration. Hispanic is not a race.:thup:

  1. Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting


    The liberal mantra depends on having a victim, and when they don't have one, they make one up.
This is so ironic. You are the ones constantly depicting yourselves as victims of racism.
Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
The US deals with racial and ethnic diversity better than every other nation on the planet. Don't be obtuse. Name one other nation that deals with it better, just one.
Guess you've never been to Canada, huh?
Been there many times over many decades.
lol, WHITE conservatives.

LETS see last I checked Obama's skin they tell us is black, Holder's skin is black, Sharptons skin is black. so show me the WHITE conservative in there

good grief

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