Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting?

If the same attention was given to whites killed by cops the Dems and race hustlers might have a valid point.

The Trayvons and Michael Brown's of the world are used as chips in a game. Their lives are largely meaningless to the people that exploit them. You know....the Al Sharpton's and the usual blow hards in the main stream media.
"Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, given the fact there is no such thing as 'race bating,' where you've fabricated a lie designed to misrepresent your opponents' position.

'Race baiting' is a partisan contrivance of the right, along with 'liberal media,' 'political correctness,' and 'entitlement mentality.'

oh shut up
If the same attention was given to whites killed by cops the Dems and race hustlers might have a valid point.

The Trayvons and Michael Brown's of the world are used as chips in a game. Their lives are largely meaningless to the people that exploit them. You know....the Al Sharpton's and the usual blow hards in the main stream media.

Hell they hardly blinked an eyelash over the poor guy that got hammered to death at the hands of black people. It's gotten so disgusting
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

It isn't only about race, it's also about police officers out of control. Killing unarmed citizens on a regular basis neither protects nor serves the public.

is it about race? and you might want to post a link to back up your unsubstantiated, false, assertion

Are you completely fucking stupid or what? A link to what exactly? And while you're thinking about that maybe you can explain why it's an entirely racial issue.

it's not racial which is the point genius, and when you post there is a problem with the police... BACK IT UP!..understand?
And anyone notice how all this attention to the police and black people started in FULL riots right after THEY LOST THE ELECTIONS.

people better wake up. this was all PLANNED... they want to cause chaos and destruction in your daily lives TO PASS their agendas on you, that is the Progressive/commie way with Obama as their leader
Seems like there are so many of these liberal "Democratic" Party politicians who couldn't wait to make these two police incidents about race. There must be some honest liberals here who are disgusted by this kind of crap...

This guy is a piece of shit:mad:

It isn't only about race, it's also about police officers out of control. Killing unarmed citizens on a regular basis neither protects nor serves the public.

is it about race? and you might want to post a link to back up your unsubstantiated, false, assertion

Are you completely fucking stupid or what? A link to what exactly? And while you're thinking about that maybe you can explain why it's an entirely racial issue.

it's not racial which is the point genius, and when you post there is a problem with the police... BACK IT UP!..understand?

No problems here.....

Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?

If we stopped arresting people that committed crime and broke the law would certainly wouldn't have a better country. We'd have a fucking hell whole. If you break the law you should pay for it.

It doesn't matter who you're either.
Without RACISM, these FOOLS lose their power!
Without racism we'd be a decent country. No chance of that though eh?
blacks don't mind if a black person is killed by another black but all hell breaks loose if a white person kills one ! its not about the victim to them ! its about the color of the killer ! yeah you are right blacks are racist .
"Are there any honest liberals who are Sick and disgusted with the race baiting"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, given the fact there is no such thing as 'race bating,' where you've fabricated a lie designed to misrepresent your opponents' position.

'Race baiting' is a partisan contrivance of the right, along with 'liberal media,' 'political correctness,' and 'entitlement mentality.'

So your not disgusted by these hacks making these incidents into a racial issue then.....Ok we'll put you down as a dishonest liberal:thup:

Of course he isn't. notice how it's all "contrived" by the RIGHT. if CLAY ever blamed anything on the left/democrats, his career as an ignorant blowhard partisan hack would be over

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