Are There Any Problems in the Black Community They Will Own Up to?

Are there any problems in the Black community that Blacks will take responsibility for...or is it all the fault of the White man and slavery? Anything? All I hear are excuses for bad behavior that needs to be dealt with from within the community.

Looks like Blacks are dealing with their problems pretty well:


You have already been schooled about misconceptions of black life on other threads but you just won't let go of your illusions. The vast majority of Blacks are NOT impoverished, only about 12% are. Non Hispanic Whites make up 41% of the nation's poor while Blacks make up 25%. More black males are in college than are in prison or in the penal system.

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED

71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)
($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

41% of the poor in America are White. That problem is significantly bigger than the 25% of poor that are Black!
Conservatives candidates need to ask this question until liberal news media or phony con-men like Al Sharpton can give an answer.
Hillary VS Al on who would tell the truth first? I might need a really really big hour glass for that. They got one for yearly?
Lets look at the past list:
Crack epidemic...government conspiracy by White controlled government.
AIDS in Black community...government conspiracy.
70% of Black kids born out of wedlock...slaves never stayed together as married couples (a lie).
80% of prisoners are Black...racial profiling.
High unemployment in Black community...racism.
Lower scores on standardized test...White controlled government.
None of these problems can be solved unless Blacks take responsibility...FULL responsibility for them.
5 people on a plane.
The Pilot..............the President...........the Pope..............Jessie Jackson...........and a little boy.............

Engine trouble................Pilot says they are going to crash and they only have 4 parachutes..............
The Pilot grabs one and jumps...........
The President says...........I'm the President and must live.........grabs one and jumps.......
Jessie Jackson says I'm the world's smartest black man and must live........grabs one and jumps.........

The Pope says to the son.......I've lived a long and happy life........and............STFU POPE.......says the boy..........

The world's smartest black man just jumped out of the plane with my knapsack...............

Nice cons make sure you keep all that rhetoric going right up through November 2016 :thup:
Yep. I am constantly pointing out how the right wingers on this forum only speak of blacks, gays, Muslims, and immigrants in negative terms, and then they go and start topics like this one to prove me correct.

And they think blacks vote Democratic "because gifts". :badgrin:
You still cannot give an answer to the question. Inner city Blacks do vote that way for welfare programs.
Your huge glaring problem, dear racist, is that you think blacks are the only ones who vote government gifts for themselves. Well, I have $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures that blow that stereotype to the moon. EVERYONE votes for government gifts.

Note: Republicans/Conservatives are a subset of EVERYONE.

So go ahead. Keep talking about blacks in strictly negative terms. It's working so the Democrats favor.
Are there any problems in the Black community that Blacks will take responsibility for...or is it all the fault of the White man and slavery? Anything? All I hear are excuses for bad behavior that needs to be dealt with from within the community.

Looks like Blacks are dealing with their problems pretty well:


You have already been schooled about misconceptions of black life on other threads but you just won't let go of your illusions. The vast majority of Blacks are NOT impoverished, only about 12% are. Non Hispanic Whites make up 41% of the nation's poor while Blacks make up 25%. More black males are in college than are in prison or in the penal system.

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED

71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)
($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

41% of the poor in America are White. That problem is significantly bigger than the 25% of poor that are Black!
How does this answer the question?
Point A: You are wrong.
Point B: And go into government to exacerbate the government waste problem.
Point C: What does that have to do with 80% of prison population.
Point D: Agree to pay...but don't.
Point E: Obama administration putting out more propaganda.
Still does not answer the question.
Nice cons make sure you keep all that rhetoric going right up through November 2016 :thup:
Yep. I am constantly pointing out how the right wingers on this forum only speak of blacks, gays, Muslims, and immigrants in negative terms, and then they go and start topics like this one to prove me correct.

And they think blacks vote Democratic "because gifts". :badgrin:
You still cannot give an answer to the question. Inner city Blacks do vote that way for welfare programs.
Your huge glaring problem, dear racist, is that you think blacks are the only ones who vote government gifts for themselves. Well, I have $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures that blow that stereotype to the moon. EVERYONE votes for government gifts.

Note: Republicans/Conservatives are a subset of EVERYONE.

So go ahead. Keep talking about blacks in strictly negative terms. It's working so the Democrats favor.
No, White backlash coming. Moderates and independents sick of the whining. Hey, who won the Senate in 2014? Who control Congress? Who control 3/4 of state houses?
Nice cons make sure you keep all that rhetoric going right up through November 2016 :thup:
Yep. I am constantly pointing out how the right wingers on this forum only speak of blacks, gays, Muslims, and immigrants in negative terms, and then they go and start topics like this one to prove me correct.

And they think blacks vote Democratic "because gifts". :badgrin:
You still cannot give an answer to the question. Inner city Blacks do vote that way for welfare programs.
Your huge glaring problem, dear racist, is that you think blacks are the only ones who vote government gifts for themselves. Well, I have $1.2 trillion of annual tax expenditures that blow that stereotype to the moon. EVERYONE votes for government gifts.

Note: Republicans/Conservatives are a subset of EVERYONE.

So go ahead. Keep talking about blacks in strictly negative terms. It's working so the Democrats favor.
No, White backlash coming. Moderates and independents sick of the whining. Hey, who won the Senate in 2014? Who control Congress? Who control 3/4 of state houses?
The same party that started three wars and doubled the national debt the last time they controlled the Congress AND the White House.
From the outside looking in and speaking in broad generalities, I think blacks as a group undervalue education. The reason is because education is only as good as the opportunities it meets. If you're a black entrepreneur you're less likely to get a bank loan to open a business. If you're going to go get a job at a large firm, your chances are slightly better but not great. This is changing but it is still the case.

When you look at the society on the whole, you see what is going on. For decades, blacks and other cultural minorities (and women) were told to "play by the rules". They have and we now have 100+ women in the Congress and the highest amount of minorities in history. The result? Casual discussions of civil war and splitting the nation and re-writing the Constitution to ensure nothing ever changes are at an all time high.

Its not a coincidence.
Are there any problems in the Black community that Blacks will take responsibility for...or is it all the fault of the White man and slavery? Anything? All I hear are excuses for bad behavior that needs to be dealt with from within the community.

Looks like Blacks are dealing with their problems pretty well:


You have already been schooled about misconceptions of black life on other threads but you just won't let go of your illusions. The vast majority of Blacks are NOT impoverished, only about 12% are. Non Hispanic Whites make up 41% of the nation's poor while Blacks make up 25%. More black males are in college than are in prison or in the penal system.

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED

71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)
($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

41% of the poor in America are White. That problem is significantly bigger than the 25% of poor that are Black!
How does this answer the question?
Point A: You are wrong.
Point B: And go into government to exacerbate the government waste problem.
Point C: What does that have to do with 80% of prison population.
Point D: Agree to pay...but don't.
Point E: Obama administration putting out more propaganda.
Still does not answer the question.
Your psycho babble is nauseating. You are focusing on about 12% of the entire Black population and using it to propagandize the larger 88%.
Blacks view themselves as terminal "victims."
I like how you speak of all blacks as a single stereotype.

Interesting. Next, you will harp on their love of watermelon and fried chicken, and complain how they are all lazy and on food stamps.
How does this answer the question?
It destroys the question. The question is a racist stereotype which addresses all blacks in negative terms, which is all you assholes do when talking about blacks, gays, Muslims, and immigrants.

I find it hilarious when you later express bafflement as to why they don't vote Republican.


What's not to like?
Are there any problems in the Black community that Blacks will take responsibility for...or is it all the fault of the White man and slavery? Anything? All I hear are excuses for bad behavior that needs to be dealt with from within the community.

Looks like Blacks are dealing with their problems pretty well:


You have already been schooled about misconceptions of black life on other threads but you just won't let go of your illusions. The vast majority of Blacks are NOT impoverished, only about 12% are. Non Hispanic Whites make up 41% of the nation's poor while Blacks make up 25%. More black males are in college than are in prison or in the penal system.

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED

71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)
($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

41% of the poor in America are White. That problem is significantly bigger than the 25% of poor that are Black!

Not when you consider blacks only make up 12% of the population.
Them damn negroes. Whining bout our Jim Crow flag. Whining bout being shot by cops. Whining bout get shot in their church. Whine, whine, whine...

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