Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Gregg, I am one that believes in personal responsibility. I take full blame for my reaction and you give me blame for your reaction (as you did in your last line).

But on a side note. I did not need to answer your question as I never gave you reason to ask that question. You took what I said and turned it into what you wanted it to say. I never said anything about a secret agwenda.

All I said was that if what yoiu said was their SOLE MISSION I would agree with you.
But it is not. They have an equal mission of notariety; sensationalism for publicity.


SO Gregg, whereas I appreciate your response, we are on two different ends of the spectrum. I do not like you Gregg. I do not appreciate your approach nor do I appreciate you constant ranting and raving.

You seem to be an angry and quite possibly misquided individual; probably much like I was when I was in my late teens/early twenties.

Anyway, I am not going to "ignore" you but I want to make this clear to you...If you see a post of mine and you want to debate it, I will not respond. I am not running from you. I am simply not interested in your views. There are plenty of other decent left leaning individuals on here I can debate.

Probably good, cause you are just yet another judgmental person making ASSumptions about others based on their posting style and nothing else. I'm from NY, I speak my mind and my opinion. Nothing angry about it.

So, when did you gain the magic ability to determine someone's emotions and intentions all based on message board posts?

My guidance is fine, its intellectually dishonest people that want to believe talking points and ideology over reality that is misguided.


Why is it you speaking your mind and opinion but with me it is being intellectually dishonest and magically determining ones emotions and intentions?

Am I not allowed to speak my mind and OPINON as well?

That in itself gives me reason to believe you are misguided. MY OPINION. No magic there.

Secondly, the fact that you put the blame of you reaction on me is another reason why I see you as misguided. We are all to control ourselves regardless of the wordsa of others and if we dont, we are solely to blame.

Why do you give others the credit for your personal reactions? Do you not have the self esteem to understand that you have total control of anything you say and how you say it? are not allowed to speak your mind or give your opinion if you disagree with Dr Gregg or anyone on the left for that matter.
Abuse of power.

He engineered the SEC investigation on the eve of his Banking Takeover.

Abuse of Power!
Abuse of power.

He engineered the SEC investigation on the eve of his Banking Takeover.

Abuse of Power!

We do not know that as fact.

Likewise, we do not know as fact that Gates released that memo to the public.

Yes we do know as fact that Gates DID NOT release that was leaked by a staffer. Glad to see that Obama's government is just as sieve-like as Bush's.
Probably good, cause you are just yet another judgmental person making ASSumptions about others based on their posting style and nothing else. I'm from NY, I speak my mind and my opinion. Nothing angry about it.

So, when did you gain the magic ability to determine someone's emotions and intentions all based on message board posts?

My guidance is fine, its intellectually dishonest people that want to believe talking points and ideology over reality that is misguided.


Why is it you speaking your mind and opinion but with me it is being intellectually dishonest and magically determining ones emotions and intentions?

Am I not allowed to speak my mind and OPINON as well?

That in itself gives me reason to believe you are misguided. MY OPINION. No magic there.

Secondly, the fact that you put the blame of you reaction on me is another reason why I see you as misguided. We are all to control ourselves regardless of the wordsa of others and if we dont, we are solely to blame.

Why do you give others the credit for your personal reactions? Do you not have the self esteem to understand that you have total control of anything you say and how you say it? are not allowed to speak your mind or give your opinion if you disagree with Dr Gregg or anyone on the left for that matter.

I guess you are always free to make stupid, non factual posts and arguments, and completely lie, just like I"m free to call you out on being so dishonest, or even more when you continue to ignore facts to keep on spouting the lies. Too many assholes out there like that we have to constantly deal with in the world, that make life annoying and hell for many people.

Everybody with intelligence should get annoyed at shit like that, and when people try to simplify the complexities of life to fit their ideology, that's disingenuous

So Patek, in your mind is calling Obama a "marxist" and other nonsense spewed on this board on a daily basis (like the OP claiming Obama should be impeached),considered an honest argument?

I guess I just have a low tolerance for complete and utter dumbasses thinking opinions=facts

(don't think you are a dumbass Jarhead, by the way)

Why is it you speaking your mind and opinion but with me it is being intellectually dishonest and magically determining ones emotions and intentions?

Am I not allowed to speak my mind and OPINON as well?

That in itself gives me reason to believe you are misguided. MY OPINION. No magic there.

Secondly, the fact that you put the blame of you reaction on me is another reason why I see you as misguided. We are all to control ourselves regardless of the wordsa of others and if we dont, we are solely to blame.

Why do you give others the credit for your personal reactions? Do you not have the self esteem to understand that you have total control of anything you say and how you say it? are not allowed to speak your mind or give your opinion if you disagree with Dr Gregg or anyone on the left for that matter.

I guess you are always free to make stupid, non factual posts and arguments, and completely lie, just like I"m free to call you out on being so dishonest, or even more when you continue to ignore facts to keep on spouting the lies. Too many assholes out there like that we have to constantly deal with in the world, that make life annoying and hell for many people.

Everybody with intelligence should get annoyed at shit like that, and when people try to simplify the complexities of life to fit their ideology, that's disingenuous

So Patek, in your mind is calling Obama a "marxist" and other nonsense spewed on this board on a daily basis (like the OP claiming Obama should be impeached),considered an honest argument?

I guess I just have a low tolerance for complete and utter dumbasses thinking opinions=facts

(don't think you are a dumbass Jarhead, by the way)

I made my statement several pages back concerning the OP......and your immature reply makes my case for me. I disagreed with you and you attacked my OPINION.

Why is it you speaking your mind and opinion but with me it is being intellectually dishonest and magically determining ones emotions and intentions?

Am I not allowed to speak my mind and OPINON as well?

That in itself gives me reason to believe you are misguided. MY OPINION. No magic there.

Secondly, the fact that you put the blame of you reaction on me is another reason why I see you as misguided. We are all to control ourselves regardless of the wordsa of others and if we dont, we are solely to blame.

Why do you give others the credit for your personal reactions? Do you not have the self esteem to understand that you have total control of anything you say and how you say it? are not allowed to speak your mind or give your opinion if you disagree with Dr Gregg or anyone on the left for that matter.

I guess you are always free to make stupid, non factual posts and arguments, and completely lie, just like I"m free to call you out on being so dishonest, or even more when you continue to ignore facts to keep on spouting the lies. Too many assholes out there like that we have to constantly deal with in the world, that make life annoying and hell for many people.

Everybody with intelligence should get annoyed at shit like that, and when people try to simplify the complexities of life to fit their ideology, that's disingenuous

So Patek, in your mind is calling Obama a "marxist" and other nonsense spewed on this board on a daily basis (like the OP claiming Obama should be impeached),considered an honest argument?

I guess I just have a low tolerance for complete and utter dumbasses thinking opinions=facts

(don't think you are a dumbass Jarhead, by the way)

I do not think that saying the ACLU sensationalizes things for PR purposes is sonething that should be cast off as a lie. I see it as a valid opinion. It may be wrong, I dont know. But I bleieve it to be right, and there is no reason to call it a lie.

I have watched them dig for loopholes to try to prove an employer did wrong, when, in fact, the employer did not do anything wrong. But they dig and dig hoping to find something.

To me, that compromises the integrity of their mission and gives me reason to not appreciate what they do.
Constitutional Grounds for Impeachment

Obama has sworn to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” I do not believe he has. I think that there are grounds to impeach

The following is from a report written and released by the Judiciary Committee in 1974 in the aftermath of the Watergate crisis. Special Report: Documents From the Starr Referral

The framers intended impeachment to be a constitutional safeguard of the public trust, the powers of government conferred upon the President and other civil officers, and the division of powers among the legislative, judicial and executive departments. The framers sought to avoid the creation of a too-powerful executive. “Attempts to subvert the Constitution."
Each of the thirteen American impeachments involved charges of misconduct incompatible with the official position of the officeholder. This conduct falls into three broad categories:
(1) Exceeding the constitutional bounds of the powers of the office in derogation of the powers of another branch of government;
(2) Behaving in a manner grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office
(3) Employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or gain.

Obama Is Bypassing the Senate
He is “Exceeding the Constitutional Bounds of the power…of another branch of government”

Obama appointing Czars left and right is a violation of the Constitution. Presidents in the past have had Czars but they usually act as advisors and do not make policy. Obama has specifically appointed these people to make policy

The Following is an article by Thomas Lifson on July 06, 2009: Constitution Apparently Declared Optional by Obama Administration

American Thinker Blog: Constitution apparently declared optional by Obama administration

With the clock running out on a new US-Russian arms treaty before the previous Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, expires on December 5, a senior White House official said Sunday said that the difficulty of the task might mean temporarily bypassing the Senate's constitutional role in ratifying treaties by enforcing certain aspects of a new deal on an executive levels and a "provisional basis" until the Senate ratifies the treaty.

Are there grounds to Impeach Obama or am I grasping at straws? Is this worth pursuing?

Once the Republicans can clean house and gain control, I say "Yes We Can".

If an impeachment resolution for George W. Bush couldn't make it past the draft stage, I seriously doubt any limp allegations constituting grounds for impeachment President Obama will ever make it past an article from the far right publication "American Thinker."

To YOUR two points:

Unfortunately for cons "out to get" Obama on impeachment charges, the Executive Branch TOOK much broader authority than the Constitution envisioned by the behind-the-scenes actions of Dick Cheney, David Addington and David Karl Rove. They were warned that they were setting a precedent, although the Obama administration has yet to abuse that office to the extent Cheney, Inc. did.

A "czar" is nothing more than code for a high level advisor. There is nothing in the Constitution that defines titles nor how many assistants and advisors can be employed to assist a POTUS. "Czars" have been around since the Nixon Administration.

Grasping at straws...
The term "Czars" started under Reagan. They are people who are "experts" and give advice. Only a moronic, spam eating idiot would believe they make policy.

Is it possible for you guys to be any more stupid? Yes, you could be drooling off in a corner some where.

Oh wait, there is something from the side of your mouth. Juuuust there. Ok, got it. You can go back to your lies.

So they advice on policy but dont make it?

How exactly does someone do that?

Well, so far, I have yet to see any "czar" actually put his name to a bill's enactment, nor sign off on a bill. Policy is just words on paper until it becomes an Executive Order or a law. The argument is moot.
Constitutional Grounds for Impeachment

Obama has sworn to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” I do not believe he has. I think that there are grounds to impeach

The following is from a report written and released by the Judiciary Committee in 1974 in the aftermath of the Watergate crisis. Special Report: Documents From the Starr Referral

The framers intended impeachment to be a constitutional safeguard of the public trust, the powers of government conferred upon the President and other civil officers, and the division of powers among the legislative, judicial and executive departments. The framers sought to avoid the creation of a too-powerful executive. “Attempts to subvert the Constitution."
Each of the thirteen American impeachments involved charges of misconduct incompatible with the official position of the officeholder. This conduct falls into three broad categories:
(1) Exceeding the constitutional bounds of the powers of the office in derogation of the powers of another branch of government;
(2) Behaving in a manner grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office
(3) Employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or gain.

Obama Is Bypassing the Senate
He is “Exceeding the Constitutional Bounds of the power…of another branch of government”

Obama appointing Czars left and right is a violation of the Constitution. Presidents in the past have had Czars but they usually act as advisors and do not make policy. Obama has specifically appointed these people to make policy

The Following is an article by Thomas Lifson on July 06, 2009: Constitution Apparently Declared Optional by Obama Administration

American Thinker Blog: Constitution apparently declared optional by Obama administration

With the clock running out on a new US-Russian arms treaty before the previous Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or START, expires on December 5, a senior White House official said Sunday said that the difficulty of the task might mean temporarily bypassing the Senate's constitutional role in ratifying treaties by enforcing certain aspects of a new deal on an executive levels and a "provisional basis" until the Senate ratifies the treaty.

Are there grounds to Impeach Obama or am I grasping at straws? Is this worth pursuing?

Once the Republicans can clean house and gain control, I say "Yes We Can".

If an impeachment resolution for George W. Bush couldn't make it past the draft stage, I seriously doubt any limp allegations constituting grounds for impeachment President Obama will ever make it past an article from the far right publication "American Thinker."


Grasping at straws...

I would have to agree with this opinion. The meritless impeachment charges being leveled at Obama are a joke and represent the far fringes of lunacy.
To the OP:

Forget about impeachment. There is no point to it. Even if we find that he murdered someone, its going to be difficult to impeach him. And then Joe Biden will become President. And if we think Obama is incompetent...

No the way to deal with the abuses of the current administration is to retake Congress and continue to speak out against it's abuses. If people keep running to impeachment if something an opposing government does something they dont like, we are going to have impeachment talk in every administration until the collapse of our Republic.

So what makes Joe Biden incompetent, in your opinion?
we need republican intellect to move in the opposite direction than this. :doubt:

Well until one or two emerges and takes the party back from the fringe elements who have hijacked it, I'd say "republican intellect" is pretty much an oxymoron.

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