Are there really 46 million Americans that NEED FOOD STAMPS???

I was behind a woman with two kids at the grocery store last week. She bought milk, bread, eggs and diapers with her EBT card.

How can this be? I thought all poor people were moochers.

Good for her, she is taking care of her children. Like she is supposed to.
The report from BCBS used 2004 data.
As I have pointed out to you well over a half dozen times, in 2012 the Census Bureau released a new report on healthcare.
Health Insurance - The 2012 Statistical Abstract - U.S. Census Bureau

How can one be honest and at the same time ignore an updated report that dates the BCBS report by 8 years/

Because the CENSUS DOESN"T ASK THE person DO YOU WANT health insurance?
They simply ask do you have health insurance!!!
And 18 million people DON"T WANT or NEED to BUY health insurance YET as the spend there own out of pocket!
Why if there is a health insurance problem and 18 million don't want to be part of it are they being counted as part of the 46 million???
Then why are you allowing 10 million people who ARE NOT citizens to have health insurance? They can't complete an application legally!
Then as I pointed out 14 million told Census hey we don't have insurance!
YET THEY ARE COVERED all they have to do is register!

Look at this report from your source:
- Persons With and Without Health Insurance Coverage by State: 2009 [Excel 31k] | [PDF 71k]
It doesn't state the questions i.e. DID they ask these people if they WANTED insurance?

Do you understand??? That's the point ! 18 million don't want it!
14 million were never asked by Census do you know you are covered already when the person said they weren't covered???
Finally the CENSUS says 10 million are not citizens!!!

Again... Do you comprehend this??? 46 million used consists of :
18 million that don't want. 14 million that don't know they are covered. 10 million that aren't legal!
AGAIN prove me wrong!
Of course she had money. So did the guy who bought beer in the line in front of me. He had scads of cash. Just not for his groceries. Those the taxpayers of America payed for with their hard earned money.

American greed is alive and well in America.

That is what is called the fleecing of America. We all see these things. I saw one the other day who paid for her cigarettes with cash. She pulled out more than I had on me my entire vacation. She also had tats, no doubt paid for with cash. These people have such poor judgment and no ambition.

Don't blow up a kiddie pool and call it a vacation
Alrighty then, don't blow the doll up and tell us your not a virgin anymore.
I don't know folks how to explain this further!!!

Idiots keep referring to the Census as the experts that say yes there are 46 million uninsured!
BUT Census didn't ask if you WANTED insurance if you said you were uninsured!
Census DIDN'T KNOW that 14 million of those that said they were uninsured WERE ELIGIBLE!
And Census AGREES 10 million of the 46 million are not citizens!

Do you people comprehend that this totally ignorance of the REALITY i.e.
18 million don't want.. 14 million don't know they are covered and 10 million aren't legal!
BECAUSE of that ignorance WE ARE SEEING HEALTH premiums skyrocket all because those
idiots that voted "YES" for ACA didn't ask
Do 18 million people NOT want health insurance? YES!
Do 14 million people NOT know they are eligible? YES!
Are 10 million "uninsured" NOT CITIZENS??? YES!

And we have this gigantic mess because idiots did not ask those questions when the Idiot-In-Chief
said: "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
HE didn't obviously know 18 million don't want insurance!
HE obviously didn't check with HHS to know that 14 million are eligible but not registered with Medicaid!
HE obviously thinks 10 million illegals are AMERICANS!!!
Those of you that are against ACA/Obamacare.. PLEASE!!!
Take this bogus number and ASK your local news media to explain why THEY Still use Obama's bogus number of 46 million!
Simply ask your media.. if 18 million don't want and can afford WHY are they counted?
Ask if the media knows 14 million Census counts as "uninsured" need only register with Medicaid!
Ask if the media knows 10 million of "uninsured" are not CITIZENS!!
These simple questions were never asked of Congress and as a result we are having this debacle known as Obamacare!

People are losing real money because their hours are reduced to 29!
People will be having to PAY because now:
18 million didn't WANT or NEED
14 million don't know
10 million aren't citizens and as a result really less then 4 million that could be covered simply with $27 billion tax on the $270 billion lawyers make!
Why was it fair for ACA to tax tanning salons and not the generators of $850 billion in defensive medicine, lawyers!
That $27 billion would provide a $5,000 premium per every uninsured!
There are 315 million US citizens & only 58.6% of us are employed. That leaves 41.4% of US citizen or 130,410,000 people who must be supported by someone else. Food stamps for 46 million only covers about a third of those 131 million unemployed.
That is what is called the fleecing of America. We all see these things. I saw one the other day who paid for her cigarettes with cash. She pulled out more than I had on me my entire vacation. She also had tats, no doubt paid for with cash. These people have such poor judgment and no ambition.

Don't blow up a kiddie pool and call it a vacation
Alrighty then, don't blow the doll up and tell us your not a virgin anymore.

yeesh...Work on that timing, ok?
I would like to know if many of you that are critics of Obamacare will take up my suggestion to contact your local media and ask them:
If it is "fair" to count 18 million people in the uninsured total if they don't want insurance?
Is it fair to count 14 million people who say they are uninsured but don't know they are eligible for Medicaid?
Is it fair to count 10 million illegal citizens as part of the uninsured?

If you started to ask your local media these three questions MAYBE the rest of the country would wake up to the bogus number
i.e. 46 million that was USED to pass Obamacare!
If more Americans knew their health insurance was endangered all because of this bogus number maybe there would be a
genuine national anger at being snookered!

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