Are there really 46 million Americans that NEED FOOD STAMPS???

I was in Save a Lot the other day. The folks in front of me were buying groceries. Well buying is a misnomer.

They were getting groceries using their handy dandy EBT card.

They also bought two 12 packs of beer. The guy pulled a wad of money out of his pocket. Hell. You could have choked a horse on that wad. He payed for his beer with the money and our tax dollars payed for his groceries. How bout that??

Also was in 7-11 and the lady in front of me with three kids was buy snacks. Soda, chips, cookies. All payed for with her hand dandy EBT card.

Yup nice to know my tax dollars pays for food for these folks and they certainly aren't taking advantage of all that "free" money in their EBT cards.

I was in a convient store the woman in front of me bought 3 20 oz mountain dews, and several small bags of chips with her ebt card. Then whipped out cash to buy a twelve pack of carona. Seems like if she was truely needy she would buy a 2 liter and a big bag of chips, but i guess she is not that needy.

Whoa hold up....She had MONEY??! Enough money to buy a twelve pack?!?? Call American Greed she's living the high life:lol:
Supposedly there are 46 million that are not getting food stamps that the government wants to add to the record 46.7 million Americans on food stamps.

18 million of the 46 million make over $50,000 a year and don't want food stamps but they are being counted as Americans that NEED food stamps... again they don't want food stamps as they already spend enough on their food needs.

Then we have 14 million that the Govt. says they should be using food stamps but they are already eligible they just haven't registered!

Finally of the 46 million not getting food stamps, 10 million are not Americans,i.e. illegal citizens.

So when you subtract the 42 million that don't want, don't know and aren't legal you come up with less the 4 million that truly want and need to be getting food stamps!

Of course they should get food stamps! That way they can buy more tats, braids, 9 inch nails, pagers, cigarettes, beer, crack, cannabis, and heroin, the purchase of which will jump start the still sluggish economy!
Supposedly there are 46 million that are not getting food stamps that the government wants to add to the record 46.7 million Americans on food stamps.

18 million of the 46 million make over $50,000 a year and don't want food stamps but they are being counted as Americans that NEED food stamps... again they don't want food stamps as they already spend enough on their food needs.

Then we have 14 million that the Govt. says they should be using food stamps but they are already eligible they just haven't registered!

Finally of the 46 million not getting food stamps, 10 million are not Americans,i.e. illegal citizens.

So when you subtract the 42 million that don't want, don't know and aren't legal you come up with less the 4 million that truly want and need to be getting food stamps!

Of course they should get food stamps! That way they can buy more tats, braids, 9 inch nails, pagers, cigarettes, beer, crack, cannabis, and heroin, the purchase of which will jump start the still sluggish economy!

Every little bit helps. Let's get them to ship it to offshore bank accounts and that way they won't have to claim it as income.
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I was in Save a Lot the other day. The folks in front of me were buying groceries. Well buying is a misnomer.

They were getting groceries using their handy dandy EBT card.

They also bought two 12 packs of beer. The guy pulled a wad of money out of his pocket. Hell. You could have choked a horse on that wad. He payed for his beer with the money and our tax dollars payed for his groceries. How bout that??

Also was in 7-11 and the lady in front of me with three kids was buy snacks. Soda, chips, cookies. All payed for with her hand dandy EBT card.

Yup nice to know my tax dollars pays for food for these folks and they certainly aren't taking advantage of all that "free" money in their EBT cards.

I was in a convient store the woman in front of me bought 3 20 oz mountain dews, and several small bags of chips with her ebt card. Then whipped out cash to buy a twelve pack of carona. Seems like if she was truely needy she would buy a 2 liter and a big bag of chips, but i guess she is not that needy.

Whoa hold up....She had MONEY??! Enough money to buy a twelve pack?!?? Call American Greed she's living the high life:lol:

Of course she had money. So did the guy who bought beer in the line in front of me. He had scads of cash. Just not for his groceries. Those the taxpayers of America payed for with their hard earned money.

American greed is alive and well in America.
My wife and I earn less than 20k a year, we don't qualify for food stamps(SNAP), with one child at home that is 11.


I grew up in the 50s with 1 brother & 2 sisters.
My Dad worked one job that paid him at that time average annual income: $4,700 or less then $400/month.
Granted there weren't as many "necessities" in that time i.e. cell phone, internet, etc. but basic food requirements were still the same... basic calories per day,etc...

SO... how did we get by with no food stamps?
Dad had us work in 4 neighbor garden plots we shared with the neighbors.
We ate plenty of vegetables. We hunted mushrooms in May, raised rabbits for food, had chickens for eggs.
I remember my neighbor lady criticizing my Dad for having me drag a clod busting device loaded with rocks so I could
make the garden ready for planting. She said Dad was treating me like a horse!
Fortunately that dragging built up my calf muscles and today I see young men on football fields aimlessly pulling
similar devices BUT doing nothing except building like I did calf muscles.. the difference.. I helped grow vegetables!

So how did my Dad do it on $100/week?
In the summers we mowed several lawns one of which was our dentist in exchange for his services.
In the winters we shoveled snow from dozens of homes.

All of which built my constitution, my body and my character..!

And my Dad would be totally OFFENDED by any talk of our family being categorized as "poor"! or qualify for food stamps!

So I commend you for your family BUT maybe you could do as MY DAD did... oh wait... you can't grow vegetables unless you
have a permit! You'd be charged with child abuse if you had your kids work like my Dad did with us!
And you'd be taxed as an independent contractor for the mowing/snowing jobs!

I made my kids go to work with me when I ran a masonry business, I started them at 7 worked them until they were old enough to get jobs they wanted.
I started working at 5 picking pecans for 5 cents a pound on my grandparents farm, and mowed lawns until I was old enough to work in restaurants, age 12.
I can and do grow any veggies I like, I don't live in the city and when I did I had a two thousand square foot veggie garden, where I practiced organic gardening.
My plan now is clear cutting the dying oaks from beetle infestation and replanting with fruit, pine and ornamentals for resale.
I don't need SNAP I was merely showing that what was posted is not all true.
What is best about the land is that blackberries grow naturally along with huckleberries and my fav mulberries. When I first looked at the land in '98 there was wild strawberries, I also want to play blueberries

Love those blackberries!!! My paper route had a blackberry tree and I had to ride very fast under it because birds were eating and crapping on me as I rode under!
You understand that I'm sure!!!
I was in a convient store the woman in front of me bought 3 20 oz mountain dews, and several small bags of chips with her ebt card. Then whipped out cash to buy a twelve pack of carona. Seems like if she was truely needy she would buy a 2 liter and a big bag of chips, but i guess she is not that needy.

Whoa hold up....She had MONEY??! Enough money to buy a twelve pack?!?? Call American Greed she's living the high life:lol:

Of course she had money. So did the guy who bought beer in the line in front of me. He had scads of cash. Just not for his groceries. Those the taxpayers of America payed for with their hard earned money.

American greed is alive and well in America.

So she spent what? 8 bucks? Or maybe she went swanky and got one for $12...the good stuff.

$12 whole she's living the life
That $8 to $12 could have bought her food. But of course she couldn't buy that with her money. Just beer. Same with the guy in front of me. His wad of cash could have choked a horse but he never spent one penny on food. He let the taxpayers feed his face. His money fed his liver.

Yup. American greed is alive and well in America. Why use your own money when he can use someone elses for his groceries?
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Whoa hold up....She had MONEY??! Enough money to buy a twelve pack?!?? Call American Greed she's living the high life:lol:

Of course she had money. So did the guy who bought beer in the line in front of me. He had scads of cash. Just not for his groceries. Those the taxpayers of America payed for with their hard earned money.

American greed is alive and well in America.

So she spent what? 8 bucks? Or maybe she went swanky and got one for $12...the good stuff.

$12 whole she's living the life
Yeah people on food stamps buy the premium beer cause i'm paying for their groceries, but i'm drinking the cheap stuff cause i'm buying my groceries.
Only in a proggressive america, the people i help support live better than i do.
Answer: No.

Next question?
I was in a convient store the woman in front of me bought 3 20 oz mountain dews, and several small bags of chips with her ebt card. Then whipped out cash to buy a twelve pack of carona. Seems like if she was truely needy she would buy a 2 liter and a big bag of chips, but i guess she is not that needy.

Whoa hold up....She had MONEY??! Enough money to buy a twelve pack?!?? Call American Greed she's living the high life:lol:

Of course she had money. So did the guy who bought beer in the line in front of me. He had scads of cash. Just not for his groceries. Those the taxpayers of America payed for with their hard earned money.

American greed is alive and well in America.

You'd know. You're the shining example of it.
I was behind a woman with two kids at the grocery store last week. She bought milk, bread, eggs and diapers with her EBT card.

How can this be? I thought all poor people were moochers.
Whoa hold up....She had MONEY??! Enough money to buy a twelve pack?!?? Call American Greed she's living the high life:lol:

Of course she had money. So did the guy who bought beer in the line in front of me. He had scads of cash. Just not for his groceries. Those the taxpayers of America payed for with their hard earned money.

American greed is alive and well in America.

You'd know. You're the shining example of it.

WOW thanks for the heads up.

I'll give your words of wisdom all the consideration they are due.

That being None.
Of course she had money. So did the guy who bought beer in the line in front of me. He had scads of cash. Just not for his groceries. Those the taxpayers of America payed for with their hard earned money.

American greed is alive and well in America.

You'd know. You're the shining example of it.

WOW thanks for the heads up.

I'll give your words of wisdom all the consideration they are due.

That being None.

Are you denying that you don't care about anyone but yourself?
You'd know. You're the shining example of it.

WOW thanks for the heads up.

I'll give your words of wisdom all the consideration they are due.

That being None.

Are you denying that you don't care about anyone but yourself?

Sure am.

I care about others. I see no reason for me to support em though.

Let em do what I did. Work two and three jobs and make responsible decisions.

Thats why I own my own home. My cars are payed for and I owe absolutely no one a single dime.

Responsibility. Thats what its all about.
WOW thanks for the heads up.

I'll give your words of wisdom all the consideration they are due.

That being None.

Are you denying that you don't care about anyone but yourself?

Sure am.

I care about others. I see no reason for me to support em though.

Let em do what I did. Work two and three jobs and make responsible decisions.

Thats why I own my own home. My cars are payed for and I owe absolutely no one a single dime.

Responsibility. Thats what its all about.

And you've made enough money to pay your medical bills in cash, matter what injury or illness may hit you?

Oh you haven't? You need to rely on others to help defray your medical costs through your insurance plan. How Independent of you....hypocrite.

Let's stop pretending that you're some amazing specimen who made it all on your own in the world. You've had and continue to have plenty of support from everyone around you, despite what your stubborn ignorance tells you.

You're not special, stop acting like you are. For you to try and deny others the ability to access basic life needs that you've enjoyed for your entire life is the definition of greed. It's who you are. Don't deny it, embrace it.
Of course she had money. So did the guy who bought beer in the line in front of me. He had scads of cash. Just not for his groceries. Those the taxpayers of America payed for with their hard earned money.

American greed is alive and well in America.

So she spent what? 8 bucks? Or maybe she went swanky and got one for $12...the good stuff.

$12 whole she's living the life
Yeah people on food stamps buy the premium beer cause i'm paying for their groceries, but i'm drinking the cheap stuff cause i'm buying my groceries.
Only in a proggressive america, the people i help support live better than i do.

My step dad made 200k a year and still bought Carlings Black Label beer.

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