Are today's Southern Conservatives any different than Southern Conservatives from the Civil War?


Lynch Law By Ida B. Wells

About 100 people allegedly lynched per year. (I imagine they're made up stats). And a lot of those were murderers who were dealt with by vigilantes. I imagine that pales to the black on black and black on white murder rates of the last 33 years.

You imagine? Well I imagine you have your head up your ass when it's not in your hoodie, but has as much credibility too!

Sniffle, dude. Go ahead and show me a post where you were/are outraged about the modern black murder / violence rate. Tis what I thought, beeotch.

You posit something and expect me to believe your whinny ass on that alone? lol

LINKS? Data to support your conclusions? lol

So, you got nothing, huh?

I ask for one post in which you condemned the high black crime rate. You couldn't do it cos secretly (or perhaps not secretly) you like yourself some good ole violence. Well, bitch; watch out for bystanders with guns the next time you play yourself some knockout. You don't want to get trayvon'd.
Democrats were the party of racists in 1860, and they're the party of racists in 2015. Nothing has changed to echo an albeit altered view of the numb nuts posters on the opening page.

Yes, conservatives were the base of the Dem party in 1860 and conservatives are the base of the GOP today, weird both parties that are/were racist, have conservatives involved?

Racists in both parties, bud. The difference is that Republicans don't have a platform based on racism. The GOP doesn't have convention halls cheering on racist policies. And I ain't even GOP in case ya didn't know; just giving you a reality check.

Perhaps get out of the right wing bubble and get a REAL reality check? lol

About 100 people allegedly lynched per year. (I imagine they're made up stats). And a lot of those were murderers who were dealt with by vigilantes. I imagine that pales to the black on black and black on white murder rates of the last 33 years.

You imagine? Well I imagine you have your head up your ass when it's not in your hoodie, but has as much credibility too!

Sniffle, dude. Go ahead and show me a post where you were/are outraged about the modern black murder / violence rate. Tis what I thought, beeotch.

You posit something and expect me to believe your whinny ass on that alone? lol

LINKS? Data to support your conclusions? lol

So, you got nothing, huh?

I ask for one post in which you condemned the high black crime rate. You couldn't do it cos secretly (or perhaps not secretly) you like yourself some good ole violence. Well, bitch; watch out for bystanders with guns the next time you play yourself some knockout. You don't want to get trayvon'd.

No Bubba, YOU got nothing. YOU made the posit, give me some links with data to back it up? lol

Instead you'll go with the usual right wing myths, distortions and LIES
About 100 people allegedly lynched per year. (I imagine they're made up stats). And a lot of those were murderers who were dealt with by vigilantes. I imagine that pales to the black on black and black on white murder rates of the last 33 years.

You imagine? Well I imagine you have your head up your ass when it's not in your hoodie, but has as much credibility too!

Sniffle, dude. Go ahead and show me a post where you were/are outraged about the modern black murder / violence rate. Tis what I thought, beeotch.

You posit something and expect me to believe your whinny ass on that alone? lol

LINKS? Data to support your conclusions? lol

So, you got nothing, huh?

I ask for one post in which you condemned the high black crime rate. You couldn't do it cos secretly (or perhaps not secretly) you like yourself some good ole violence. Well, bitch; watch out for bystanders with guns the next time you play yourself some knockout. You don't want to get trayvon'd.

No Bubba, YOU got nothing. YOU made the posit, give me some links with data to back it up? lol

Instead you'll go with the usual right wing myths, distortions and LIES

Franco? Is that you? I'm hearing some serious jibberish.....

Dude, you're gonna have to try harder, or I'll have no reason to respond to you... You gotta put the bar higher than bag lady posting.
Democrats were the party of racists in 1860, and they're the party of racists in 2015. Nothing has changed to echo an albeit altered view of the numb nuts posters on the opening page.

Yes, conservatives were the base of the Dem party in 1860 and conservatives are the base of the GOP today, weird both parties that are/were racist, have conservatives involved?

For that matter, they both have liberals involved as well. Racism knows no political philosophy, which is why yelling "you guys are racists" really doesn't do any good.
Democrats were the party of racists in 1860, and they're the party of racists in 2015. Nothing has changed to echo an albeit altered view of the numb nuts posters on the opening page.

Yes, conservatives were the base of the Dem party in 1860 and conservatives are the base of the GOP today, weird both parties that are/were racist, have conservatives involved?

For that matter, they both have liberals involved as well. Racism knows no political philosophy, which is why yelling "you guys are racists" really doesn't do any good.

Yelling racism has certainly gained democrats a lot of benefits over the last 50 years.

"We have to these negroes a little something. Just enough to quiet them down but never enough to make any difference. I will have those ni99ers voting democrat for the next 100 years." LBJ

It worked. Did it not?

Hence the same shit that we still see going on.
Democrats were the party of racists in 1860, and they're the party of racists in 2015. Nothing has changed to echo an albeit altered view of the numb nuts posters on the opening page.

Yes, conservatives were the base of the Dem party in 1860 and conservatives are the base of the GOP today, weird both parties that are/were racist, have conservatives involved?

For that matter, they both have liberals involved as well. Racism knows no political philosophy, which is why yelling "you guys are racists" really doesn't do any good.

Which is it, do liberal want, as right wingers ALWAYS claim, for everyone to 'be equal'??? LOL

Overt racism is generally avoided nowadays.

Conservatives fought on the side of racism for decades, but they lost most of those battles to the progress of human civilization.

That sounds like a pretty good answer to the OP. No, conservatives of today are not the same as the dead conservatives of 175 years ago. If "conservatives" killed uppity blacks back then and champion them today (Clarence Thomas reference for those of you who were incarcerated in government schools), they can't be the same. By the same token, if "liberals" (and gasp, they were almost entirely driven by Christianity), championed blacks 175 years ago and do high tech lynching of uppity blacks today, they also can't be the same.

First of all I wasn't aware that Supreme Court nominees going before Senate hearings was a crime.

Explain that to us.

Looking at or talking to a white woman wasn't a crime either, but that didn't save the lives of the black men killed for doing so. That's the whole point.

I doubt any black was lynched simply for talking to a white woman.

Libturd morons like you have a hysterical understanding of what the South was like during segregation.

"I doubt any black was lynched simply for talking to a white woman"

Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 – August 28, 1955) was an African-American teenager who was murdered in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman.
Emmett Till - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


10 Outrageous Reasons Black People Were Lynched in America

10 Outrageous Reasons Black People Were Lynched in America - Atlanta Blackstar

Some black people were lynched for throwing stones. Skipping a rock across a lake could lead to death
I wonder if those people would have voted for Obama. Or are those the people who are "bitter clingers" to their Bibles and guns? LOL
If you want to open up that can 'o worms you could ask if democrats are any different from the angry nut cases who conspired to kill Lincoln and went on to form the KKK and murdered civil rights workers during the democrat party's segregationist era. The dirty little secret is that democrats still subscribe to the plantation mentality that people of Color need to be cared for by the overseers in the federal government and not allowed to get too upity like Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice.
That's actually a pretty funny "analysis" on your part. You remember who Thurgood Marshall was, right? How about Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Corey Booker? PRESIDENT Obama?
As far as that half assed "plantation theory" you and others like you subscribe to, being on government benefits is VOLUNTARY being a slave subject to the overseers on a plantation was NOT voluntary. I don't know you or your personal views but in my opinion that plantation crap that people spew these days is based on people's ignorant and bigoted assumptions that "The Blacks" are all on welfare and dependent on government.
It is funny how the republican/conservatives choose to absolutely LOATH and HATE the one "uppity" Black guy who was elected President twice. :)
If you want to open up that can 'o worms you could ask if democrats are any different from the angry nut cases who conspired to kill Lincoln and went on to form the KKK and murdered civil rights workers during the democrat party's segregationist era. The dirty little secret is that democrats still subscribe to the plantation mentality that people of Color need to be cared for by the overseers in the federal government and not allowed to get too upity like Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice.
That's actually a pretty funny "analysis" on your part. You remember who Thurgood Marshall was, right? How about Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Corey Booker? PRESIDENT Obama?
As far as that half assed "plantation theory" you and others like you subscribe to, being on government benefits is VOLUNTARY being a slave subject to the overseers on a plantation was NOT voluntary. I don't know you or your personal views but in my opinion that plantation crap that people spew these days is based on people's ignorant and bigoted assumptions that "The Blacks" are all on welfare and dependent on government.
It is funny how the republican/conservatives choose to absolutely LOATH and HATE the one "uppity" Black guy who was elected President twice. :)

Not funny, or strange, or even odd at all when you consider they felt exactly the same way about the white democrats elected POTUS before him. Heck, they'll feel the same way about the white woman who tried to beat him in '08 if she runs in '16. Skin color has nothing to do with it.
Democrats were the party of racists in 1860, and they're the party of racists in 2015. Nothing has changed to echo an albeit altered view of the numb nuts posters on the opening page.

Yes, conservatives were the base of the Dem party in 1860 and conservatives are the base of the GOP today, weird both parties that are/were racist, have conservatives involved?

For that matter, they both have liberals involved as well. Racism knows no political philosophy, which is why yelling "you guys are racists" really doesn't do any good.

Which is it, do liberal want, as right wingers ALWAYS claim, for everyone to 'be equal'??? LOL


You got that wrong. Liberals apparently want everyone to be equally miserable and don't want everyone to be happy while some are more happy.
It's not a "talking point" it's a fact. I only had to go as far back as the previous Republican Administration to demonstrate the growth of big government and government spending as well as probably financing two different wars and getting into further debt to the Chinese.
If you want to open up that can 'o worms you could ask if democrats are any different from the angry nut cases who conspired to kill Lincoln and went on to form the KKK and murdered civil rights workers during the democrat party's segregationist era. The dirty little secret is that democrats still subscribe to the plantation mentality that people of Color need to be cared for by the overseers in the federal government and not allowed to get too upity like Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice.
That's actually a pretty funny "analysis" on your part. You remember who Thurgood Marshall was, right? How about Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Corey Booker? PRESIDENT Obama?
As far as that half assed "plantation theory" you and others like you subscribe to, being on government benefits is VOLUNTARY being a slave subject to the overseers on a plantation was NOT voluntary. I don't know you or your personal views but in my opinion that plantation crap that people spew these days is based on people's ignorant and bigoted assumptions that "The Blacks" are all on welfare and dependent on government.
It is funny how the republican/conservatives choose to absolutely LOATH and HATE the one "uppity" Black guy who was elected President twice. :)

Not funny, or strange, or even odd at all when you consider they felt exactly the same way about the white democrats elected POTUS before him. Heck, they'll feel the same way about the white woman who tried to beat him in '08 if she runs in '16. Skin color has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, refering to Obama as the "Kenyan" or "Halfrican American", etc. has NOTHING to do with skin color. :)
If you want to open up that can 'o worms you could ask if democrats are any different from the angry nut cases who conspired to kill Lincoln and went on to form the KKK and murdered civil rights workers during the democrat party's segregationist era. The dirty little secret is that democrats still subscribe to the plantation mentality that people of Color need to be cared for by the overseers in the federal government and not allowed to get too upity like Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice.
That's actually a pretty funny "analysis" on your part. You remember who Thurgood Marshall was, right? How about Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Corey Booker? PRESIDENT Obama?
As far as that half assed "plantation theory" you and others like you subscribe to, being on government benefits is VOLUNTARY being a slave subject to the overseers on a plantation was NOT voluntary. I don't know you or your personal views but in my opinion that plantation crap that people spew these days is based on people's ignorant and bigoted assumptions that "The Blacks" are all on welfare and dependent on government.
It is funny how the republican/conservatives choose to absolutely LOATH and HATE the one "uppity" Black guy who was elected President twice. :)

Not funny, or strange, or even odd at all when you consider they felt exactly the same way about the white democrats elected POTUS before him. Heck, they'll feel the same way about the white woman who tried to beat him in '08 if she runs in '16. Skin color has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, refering to Obama as the "Kenyan" or "Halfrican American", etc. has NOTHING to do with skin color. :)

Wait til you see what they call Hillary.
Democrats were the party of racists in 1860, and they're the party of racists in 2015. Nothing has changed to echo an albeit altered view of the numb nuts posters on the opening page.

Yes, conservatives were the base of the Dem party in 1860 and conservatives are the base of the GOP today, weird both parties that are/were racist, have conservatives involved?

For that matter, they both have liberals involved as well. Racism knows no political philosophy, which is why yelling "you guys are racists" really doesn't do any good.

Which is it, do liberal want, as right wingers ALWAYS claim, for everyone to 'be equal'??? LOL


You got that wrong. Liberals apparently want everyone to be equally miserable and don't want everyone to be happy while some are more happy.
That's not an accurate statement at all. I'm a Liberal and I think that everyone should be treated equally and that we are pretty much responsible for our own happiness as individuals.
If you want to open up that can 'o worms you could ask if democrats are any different from the angry nut cases who conspired to kill Lincoln and went on to form the KKK and murdered civil rights workers during the democrat party's segregationist era. The dirty little secret is that democrats still subscribe to the plantation mentality that people of Color need to be cared for by the overseers in the federal government and not allowed to get too upity like Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice.
That's actually a pretty funny "analysis" on your part. You remember who Thurgood Marshall was, right? How about Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Corey Booker? PRESIDENT Obama?
As far as that half assed "plantation theory" you and others like you subscribe to, being on government benefits is VOLUNTARY being a slave subject to the overseers on a plantation was NOT voluntary. I don't know you or your personal views but in my opinion that plantation crap that people spew these days is based on people's ignorant and bigoted assumptions that "The Blacks" are all on welfare and dependent on government.
It is funny how the republican/conservatives choose to absolutely LOATH and HATE the one "uppity" Black guy who was elected President twice. :)

Not funny, or strange, or even odd at all when you consider they felt exactly the same way about the white democrats elected POTUS before him. Heck, they'll feel the same way about the white woman who tried to beat him in '08 if she runs in '16. Skin color has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, refering to Obama as the "Kenyan" or "Halfrican American", etc. has NOTHING to do with skin color. :)

Wait til you see what they call Hillary.
Let's see if it come close to what they called Obama.


Here's one more from a Republican group in California, yeah sure a lot of this angst isn't about Obama's "race".
"The president of the organization, Diane Fedele, didn’t understand the charges of racism: “I didn’t see it the way that it’s being taken. I never connected. It was just food to me.” One African-American member of the club said that upon seeing the newsletter, she “cried for 45 minutes.” “This is what keeps African-Americans from joining the Republican Party,” she added."

Democrats were the party of racists in 1860, and they're the party of racists in 2015. Nothing has changed to echo an albeit altered view of the numb nuts posters on the opening page.

Yes, conservatives were the base of the Dem party in 1860 and conservatives are the base of the GOP today, weird both parties that are/were racist, have conservatives involved?

For that matter, they both have liberals involved as well. Racism knows no political philosophy, which is why yelling "you guys are racists" really doesn't do any good.

Which is it, do liberal want, as right wingers ALWAYS claim, for everyone to 'be equal'??? LOL


You got that wrong. Liberals apparently want everyone to be equally miserable and don't want everyone to be happy while some are more happy.
That's not an accurate statement at all. I'm a Liberal and I think that everyone should be treated equally and that we are pretty much responsible for our own happiness as individuals.

That's why I said "apparently", since most policies championed by liberals seem designed to equalize misery instead of allowing some to rise highers than others.

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