Are Trump and the "vast majority of Americans" TRULY Anti-immigrant?

The left constantly try to sugar coat crap, illegal alien law breaker becomes "immigrant" or "undocumented". Abortion ripping babies limbs off becomes "pro choice.

Agree 100% with that. MSM "journalism" standards allow them to use euphemisms to as you said "sugar coat".
It reminds me of a gift I received as I was very prone in my job to speak "euphemistically" that was titled if I remember correctly..Euphemism:."My Grandfather died attending a public event when the floor gave out beneath him"... Meaning: He was hung in a public hanging.

My issue is with the intentional dishonesty of "undocumented" and "pro choice". Sadly that's only the beginning. These sugar coated labels are then used in larger intentional dishonest narratives. The tools of their trade are spinning, twisting, telling half the story, removing the context. You can't even call it journalism, hell propaganda is more truthful.
I think we should end all immigration to the US. We are full at 330,000,000. We don't need to be importing anybody else.

Just allow immigration to accommodate legitimate marriages and adoptions. Maybe allow a couple of thousand of really successful people to come in each year. Definitely no more Mexicans, Blacks or Muslims. We sure as hell don't need any more of them. We have more than enough already.
The answer to the OP is that Trump and a significant minority of America are anti-immigrant.

they're against people coming in legally?
I am for cutting back on legal immigration--but NOT out of hate/racism/etc

what's your opinion on illegal immigration?
it's illegal

What should we do with illegal immigrants?
The answer to the OP is that Trump and a significant minority of America are anti-immigrant.

they're against people coming in legally?
I am for cutting back on legal immigration--but NOT out of hate/racism/etc

what's your opinion on illegal immigration?
it's illegal

What should we do with illegal immigrants?
shoot them or put them on work gangs
Too bad that those who don't like immigrants, illegal or legal, are in the minority: as they should be, considering our history.

HEY LOOK! I have distant relatives that came here BEFORE
"After certain states passed immigration laws following the Civil War, the Supreme Court in 1875 declared regulation of immigration a federal responsibility. Thus, as the number of immigrants rose in the 1880s and economic conditions in some areas worsened, Congress began to pass immigration legislation.
Early American Immigration Policies
so believe me I'm not against "immigrants". What I am against is especially those Illegal immigrants smuggled in by coyotes/drug cartels charging $3,000 to $4,000 per person
those "illegal immigrants" being piled into semi-trailers and suffocating as I surely believe YOU in your "GREAT" compassion would be against!
Those types of "illegal immigrants" would be stopped with the solutions Trump's offered including again NOT the whole border but desolate areas where a WALL would reduce,
NOT eliminate BUT reduce "illegal" border crossings.

But see you and others like you are reading the MSM's biased information. You read/hear MSM poke fun of the "Wall" and they like you don't pay any attention to the realities
of border life as I do as I use to live in Harlingen Tx less then 20 miles from Mexico. There are more horror stories today then when I lived there and JUST the sheer attention
that Trump has brought to the problem which WAS NOT a major topic in Obama and in GWB terms he had other problems...i.e. 9/11,etc. to face.

So I just hope fewer and fewer people are believing the MSM as the Pew research is showing since 1976 credibility of MSM is down to less then 9% of those polled believe the MSM.

I would think you being an objective, rational person would recognize that simple fact and then build on from there that almost all of what ABC,CBS, present, (and yes I
believe Fox too presents more counterbalance to the ABCs, of the media which is why people complain about Fox) and gradually become a little more sanguine when reading/watching the truly proven biased MSM. This is just one example.
The answer to the OP is that Trump and a significant minority of America are anti-immigrant.

they're against people coming in legally?
I am for cutting back on legal immigration--but NOT out of hate/racism/etc

what's your opinion on illegal immigration?
it's illegal

What should we do with illegal immigrants?

A) Recognize that those of us like Trump we are NOT "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"! Thwart any news story using headlines like I've illustrated.
B) Reduce the flow by building in areas where a wall is the only answer and increasing the patrols in areas where a wall wouldn't be feasible etc.
C) ENCOURAGE countries where illegals are coming from to improve economic/social conditions.
D) Encourage countries with economic rewards for reducing illegal immigrant smuggling.
E) Severally penalize both the coyotes who charge $3,000 to $4,000 per illegal they smuggle when captured in the USA. Penalize with life imprisonment.
F) Rigidly enforce existing laws including severe penalties to truly ignorant "sanctuary cities"! These cities are really not helping the problem by harboring especially criminals.

If the above steps were in placed rigidly enforced, etc. Illegal immigrant flow would be dramatically reduced. Drug/deaths,etc. reduced.
I think we should end all immigration to the US. We are full at 330,000,000. We don't need to be importing anybody else.

Just allow immigration to accommodate legitimate marriages and adoptions. Maybe allow a couple of thousand of really successful people to come in each year. Definitely no more Mexicans, Blacks or Muslims. We sure as hell don't need any more of them. We have more than enough already.

Racist trash. Goodbye!
I've commented several times about the perfect example of the MSM bias is when doing a search on the term
"Trump anti-immigrant" I'd post this most recent done just moments ago.
Note the absence of a key adjective.
A very important adjective considering:
1) Because the United States is a settler society, the vast majority of Americans can trace their ancestry to immigrants from other nations.
Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

2) That Trump's wife is a "LEGAL" immigrant.

That glaring omission is the term "ILLEGAL".
The only reason the MSM has fostered this "Trump anti-immigrant" statement is because they are biased.
MSNBC is certainly not the "journalistic" when they run a headline:"When Trump's anti-immigrant fear..."

So explain to me and the "VAST Majority of Americans" and Trump with a legal immigrant wife can be

What most of us with relatives who are immediate "Legal immigrants" as well as Trump find dishonest is that "Legal immigrants" in almost all cases are abiding by the requirements that are actually less rigid then those who are "illegal immigrants" have had to suffer. I.e. drug cartel coyotes $3,000 - $4,000 per person to illegally enter.
Human smuggling fees

So why is the MSM portraying the "VAST majority of Americans" and Trump as being "anti-immigrants" when the MSM should be DISCOURAGING the coyotes smuggling efforts by at least using the phrase "America's
ANTI-ILLEGAL Immigrants"? By working against "Trump's Anti-Illegal-immigrants" efforts at the minimum the
MSM is ENCOURAGING billions of dollars lining the drug cartels that have found human smuggling more profitable than drug smuggling! All because the MSM hates Trump and a "vast majority of Americans" more than the MSM truly cares for people that WANT to come to America LEGALLY!

View attachment 196294

Let me help you out. One should not use the term "illegal immigrant" as some kind of blanket condemnation of all unauthorized immigrants. Almost half of all those undocumented immigrants got here just like Melania, and now that I think of it, Arnold Schwarzenegger, did, on a tourist visa. And overstaying a tourist visa is not a crime. It is a civil violation. I mean we don't call speeders "illegal drivers, why would we call those that overstay their tourist visa an illegal alien?

But, if one breaks a federal law, like say--working for money while on a tourist Visa, like both Melania and Arnold did, then they might could be called illegal alien. You can't make the claim that Melania is a "legal immigrant" when she, unlike almost half of all those people that you do call illegal immigrants, never broke a federal law. You have to call Melania, and Arnold, illegal aliens. They came here on a tourist visa, but instead of overstaying that visa, they actually violated federal law.
I've commented several times about the perfect example of the MSM bias is when doing a search on the term
"Trump anti-immigrant" I'd post this most recent done just moments ago.
Note the absence of a key adjective.
A very important adjective considering:
1) Because the United States is a settler society, the vast majority of Americans can trace their ancestry to immigrants from other nations.
Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

2) That Trump's wife is a "LEGAL" immigrant.

That glaring omission is the term "ILLEGAL".
The only reason the MSM has fostered this "Trump anti-immigrant" statement is because they are biased.
MSNBC is certainly not the "journalistic" when they run a headline:"When Trump's anti-immigrant fear..."

So explain to me and the "VAST Majority of Americans" and Trump with a legal immigrant wife can be

What most of us with relatives who are immediate "Legal immigrants" as well as Trump find dishonest is that "Legal immigrants" in almost all cases are abiding by the requirements that are actually less rigid then those who are "illegal immigrants" have had to suffer. I.e. drug cartel coyotes $3,000 - $4,000 per person to illegally enter.
Human smuggling fees

So why is the MSM portraying the "VAST majority of Americans" and Trump as being "anti-immigrants" when the MSM should be DISCOURAGING the coyotes smuggling efforts by at least using the phrase "America's
ANTI-ILLEGAL Immigrants"? By working against "Trump's Anti-Illegal-immigrants" efforts at the minimum the
MSM is ENCOURAGING billions of dollars lining the drug cartels that have found human smuggling more profitable than drug smuggling! All because the MSM hates Trump and a "vast majority of Americans" more than the MSM truly cares for people that WANT to come to America LEGALLY!

View attachment 196294

Let me help you out. One should not use the term "illegal immigrant" as some kind of blanket condemnation of all unauthorized immigrants. Almost half of all those undocumented immigrants got here just like Melania, and now that I think of it, Arnold Schwarzenegger, did, on a tourist visa. And overstaying a tourist visa is not a crime. It is a civil violation. I mean we don't call speeders "illegal drivers, why would we call those that overstay their tourist visa an illegal alien?

But, if one breaks a federal law, like say--working for money while on a tourist Visa, like both Melania and Arnold did, then they might could be called illegal alien. You can't make the claim that Melania is a "legal immigrant" when she, unlike almost half of all those people that you do call illegal immigrants, never broke a federal law. You have to call Melania, and Arnold, illegal aliens. They came here on a tourist visa, but instead of overstaying that visa, they actually violated federal law.

And overstaying a tourist visa is not a crime. It is a civil violation.

there ya have it folks

a crime is not a crime.
No. Trump and most Americans are genuinely Pro-Immigrant. However, most do have a problem with rampant Illegal Immigration. It's out of control. Most know our Immigration System is broken.

Personally, i welcome all Immigrants. But they need to come to my country the legal organized way. They're invited, but they need to respect my country and its laws. And I as a US Citizen, have the right to make that demand. If they don't wanna abide by our laws, they aren't welcome here. It's time for change. We need to end Illegal Immigration once and for all.
No. Trump and most Americans are genuinely Pro-Immigrant. However, most do have a problem with rampant Illegal Immigration. It's out of control. Most know our Immigration System is broken.

Personally, i welcome all Immigrants. But they need to come to my country the legal organized way. They're invited, but they need to respect my country and its laws. And I as a US Citizen, have the right to make that demand. If they don't wanna abide by our laws, they aren't welcome here. It's time for change. We need to end Illegal Immigration once and for all.

Gotcha, actually break the law while here, regardless of how you got here, your ass has got to go. I will be right there helping you round them up as soon as Melania and Arnold get deported.
I've commented several times about the perfect example of the MSM bias is when doing a search on the term
"Trump anti-immigrant" I'd post this most recent done just moments ago.
Note the absence of a key adjective.
A very important adjective considering:
1) Because the United States is a settler society, the vast majority of Americans can trace their ancestry to immigrants from other nations.
Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

2) That Trump's wife is a "LEGAL" immigrant.

That glaring omission is the term "ILLEGAL".
The only reason the MSM has fostered this "Trump anti-immigrant" statement is because they are biased.
MSNBC is certainly not the "journalistic" when they run a headline:"When Trump's anti-immigrant fear..."

So explain to me and the "VAST Majority of Americans" and Trump with a legal immigrant wife can be

What most of us with relatives who are immediate "Legal immigrants" as well as Trump find dishonest is that "Legal immigrants" in almost all cases are abiding by the requirements that are actually less rigid then those who are "illegal immigrants" have had to suffer. I.e. drug cartel coyotes $3,000 - $4,000 per person to illegally enter.
Human smuggling fees

So why is the MSM portraying the "VAST majority of Americans" and Trump as being "anti-immigrants" when the MSM should be DISCOURAGING the coyotes smuggling efforts by at least using the phrase "America's
ANTI-ILLEGAL Immigrants"? By working against "Trump's Anti-Illegal-immigrants" efforts at the minimum the
MSM is ENCOURAGING billions of dollars lining the drug cartels that have found human smuggling more profitable than drug smuggling! All because the MSM hates Trump and a "vast majority of Americans" more than the MSM truly cares for people that WANT to come to America LEGALLY!

View attachment 196294

Let me help you out. One should not use the term "illegal immigrant" as some kind of blanket condemnation of all unauthorized immigrants. Almost half of all those undocumented immigrants got here just like Melania, and now that I think of it, Arnold Schwarzenegger, did, on a tourist visa. And overstaying a tourist visa is not a crime. It is a civil violation. I mean we don't call speeders "illegal drivers, why would we call those that overstay their tourist visa an illegal alien?

But, if one breaks a federal law, like say--working for money while on a tourist Visa, like both Melania and Arnold did, then they might could be called illegal alien. You can't make the claim that Melania is a "legal immigrant" when she, unlike almost half of all those people that you do call illegal immigrants, never broke a federal law. You have to call Melania, and Arnold, illegal aliens. They came here on a tourist visa, but instead of overstaying that visa, they actually violated federal law.

And overstaying a tourist visa is not a crime. It is a civil violation.

there ya have it folks

a crime is not a crime.

Well, I suppose trying to explain the difference between a criminal offense and a civil offense to someone with a sixth grade education and their head stuck up their ass would be futile.
I've commented several times about the perfect example of the MSM bias is when doing a search on the term
"Trump anti-immigrant" I'd post this most recent done just moments ago.
Note the absence of a key adjective.
A very important adjective considering:
1) Because the United States is a settler society, the vast majority of Americans can trace their ancestry to immigrants from other nations.
Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

2) That Trump's wife is a "LEGAL" immigrant.

That glaring omission is the term "ILLEGAL".
The only reason the MSM has fostered this "Trump anti-immigrant" statement is because they are biased.
MSNBC is certainly not the "journalistic" when they run a headline:"When Trump's anti-immigrant fear..."

So explain to me and the "VAST Majority of Americans" and Trump with a legal immigrant wife can be

What most of us with relatives who are immediate "Legal immigrants" as well as Trump find dishonest is that "Legal immigrants" in almost all cases are abiding by the requirements that are actually less rigid then those who are "illegal immigrants" have had to suffer. I.e. drug cartel coyotes $3,000 - $4,000 per person to illegally enter.
Human smuggling fees

So why is the MSM portraying the "VAST majority of Americans" and Trump as being "anti-immigrants" when the MSM should be DISCOURAGING the coyotes smuggling efforts by at least using the phrase "America's
ANTI-ILLEGAL Immigrants"? By working against "Trump's Anti-Illegal-immigrants" efforts at the minimum the
MSM is ENCOURAGING billions of dollars lining the drug cartels that have found human smuggling more profitable than drug smuggling! All because the MSM hates Trump and a "vast majority of Americans" more than the MSM truly cares for people that WANT to come to America LEGALLY!

View attachment 196294

Trump supporters like immigrants, as long as they're white, or at least look white.
No. Trump and most Americans are genuinely Pro-Immigrant. However, most do have a problem with rampant Illegal Immigration. It's out of control. Most know our Immigration System is broken.

Personally, i welcome all Immigrants. But they need to come to my country the legal organized way. They're invited, but they need to respect my country and its laws. And I as a US Citizen, have the right to make that demand. If they don't wanna abide by our laws, they aren't welcome here. It's time for change. We need to end Illegal Immigration once and for all.

So, you believe a government should be able to pick and choose their citizens.
I've commented several times about the perfect example of the MSM bias is when doing a search on the term
"Trump anti-immigrant" I'd post this most recent done just moments ago.
Note the absence of a key adjective.
A very important adjective considering:
1) Because the United States is a settler society, the vast majority of Americans can trace their ancestry to immigrants from other nations.
Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

2) That Trump's wife is a "LEGAL" immigrant.

That glaring omission is the term "ILLEGAL".
The only reason the MSM has fostered this "Trump anti-immigrant" statement is because they are biased.
MSNBC is certainly not the "journalistic" when they run a headline:"When Trump's anti-immigrant fear..."

So explain to me and the "VAST Majority of Americans" and Trump with a legal immigrant wife can be

What most of us with relatives who are immediate "Legal immigrants" as well as Trump find dishonest is that "Legal immigrants" in almost all cases are abiding by the requirements that are actually less rigid then those who are "illegal immigrants" have had to suffer. I.e. drug cartel coyotes $3,000 - $4,000 per person to illegally enter.
Human smuggling fees

So why is the MSM portraying the "VAST majority of Americans" and Trump as being "anti-immigrants" when the MSM should be DISCOURAGING the coyotes smuggling efforts by at least using the phrase "America's
ANTI-ILLEGAL Immigrants"? By working against "Trump's Anti-Illegal-immigrants" efforts at the minimum the
MSM is ENCOURAGING billions of dollars lining the drug cartels that have found human smuggling more profitable than drug smuggling! All because the MSM hates Trump and a "vast majority of Americans" more than the MSM truly cares for people that WANT to come to America LEGALLY!

View attachment 196294

Let me help you out. One should not use the term "illegal immigrant" as some kind of blanket condemnation of all unauthorized immigrants. Almost half of all those undocumented immigrants got here just like Melania, and now that I think of it, Arnold Schwarzenegger, did, on a tourist visa. And overstaying a tourist visa is not a crime. It is a civil violation. I mean we don't call speeders "illegal drivers, why would we call those that overstay their tourist visa an illegal alien?

But, if one breaks a federal law, like say--working for money while on a tourist Visa, like both Melania and Arnold did, then they might could be called illegal alien. You can't make the claim that Melania is a "legal immigrant" when she, unlike almost half of all those people that you do call illegal immigrants, never broke a federal law. You have to call Melania, and Arnold, illegal aliens. They came here on a tourist visa, but instead of overstaying that visa, they actually violated federal law.

And overstaying a tourist visa is not a crime. It is a civil violation.

there ya have it folks

a crime is not a crime.

Well, I suppose trying to explain the difference between a criminal offense and a civil offense to someone with a sixth grade education and their head stuck up their ass would be futile.

I'm in my late 60s, with FAR more than a sixth grade education.

feel free to continue sticking your foot in your mouth
We don't need any more used tire shops, taco stands ,or landscapers, or draining the welfare system, hospitals , prisons.

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