Are Trump and the "vast majority of Americans" TRULY Anti-immigrant?

Says the former high school history teacher. LMAO High school history teachers are a dime a dozen and on the intelligence scale rank somewhere between a Walmart greeter and a ditch digger.

There's nothing wrong with being a teacher, you fucking snob.

I didn't say there was. You just can't hold it out as a sign of your intelligence, especially if you are a history teacher.

There are very few professions in which you MUST be intelligent to be successful. Some of the sciences. For instance, it isn't possible for a person of less than average math ability to become a renowned nuclear physicist. But a CEO? Shit ... some of those guys/ladies are just good at fast-talking, but don't actually have a clue what they're talking about. You can become very successful with an intimidating title while remaining an ignoramus. Most are actually quite intelligent, but sometimes you come across a c-level or near c-level ranking person and just shake your head like, "How the fuck did you make it so far?"

There are history teachers out there who are brilliant but just love history, and don't want to climb corporate ladders. I don't know why you had to insult his being a teacher. Just call him an idiot like a normal person and move on.

He asked for it. If you can't take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen.

to the contrary, YOU asked for it.

what makes you an 'expert', anyway?

you're obviously ignorant of the changes made to immigration since the Constitution was ratified.

It's also obvious my 11 year old great nephew knows more about the subject than you.

you should have given up exposing your ignorance days ago.

Still believe a speed limit is a law? Who said a damn thing about changes since our founding? I have been discussing the views of the founders on immigration, not the progression of immigration law. Start a thread and maybe I will teach you something else just like I taught you how to tell the difference between a regulation and a law.

What kills me about this place is how often people spew insults and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "la, la, la" like a damn four year old when someone actually constructs a rebuttal to some of their ignorant ideas. Nobody is here to learn anything. Nobody is here to actually debate. It is a freakin echo chamber where people get their confirmation bias fix and hurl insults at those that get in the way.

I believe in free and open borders. Call it a "free market" libertarian approach. Anyone and everyone can come in and the "market" will regulate it. When too many are here the market will slow down the inflow. But the more "players" on the team the better the starting five. What those that oppose or want to curtail immigration are saying is that they are scared of the competition. And who can blame them. Damn near every employer I know will take a young immigrant over a young native American every time. The young immigrant will show up for work every day, bust his ass when he is there, stay away from drama, and follow his orders without questioning them. The young "entitled" native will call in sick on the weekends or the day after payday, will drag ass if they are working and screw off if they can get away with it, and often times argue with their boss when asked to do something.

But the biggest reason I am for free and open borders is that the government really does have no business determining who can enter and who can't. Sure, all the other countries in the world do it, but we are not all the other countries. We are the United States of America. We are EXCEPTIONAL. And at the very core of that exceptionalism is our founding, WITH FREE AND OPEN BORDERS.

And finally. Well I live in North Carolina where my family has been since well before the American Revolution. In fact, the last person to own this land outside my family was a king. But in the middle of the 17th century the governor of North Carolina needed residents. So he threw open the border. Anyone and everyone was welcome. Thieves, rogues, murderers and even pirates, like Blackbeard, were not only welcome, but were protected against those that would pursue them. He offered them all a fresh start. And many of them took it, including Blackbeard. But the legal life didn't sit with him and he was soon back to pirating. But hundreds of others did not return to their former transgressions. It was the descendants of those theives, rogues, murderers, and pirates that became the "Overmountain Men", and rather you believe it not, on October 7, 1780 those Overmountain Men won the Revoutionary War. Without that victory, well we might be singing God Save the Queen before an NFL football game.

So, not only was this nation founded with free and open borders. It was free and open borders that delivered us victory in the Revolutionary War.
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My problem is the way we do it. when large business need skilled people rather than train Americans they obtain visas for foreigners for less pay in many cases, bringing down pay for native workers. and when someone rich wants there friend or relative let in they get special treatment. in deporting people we start from the top with kids that have been here most of there life's, and because they follow the rules they are on paper and easy to deport, rather than the harder work of finding and deporting the criminals & those that have no interest in being Americans, just here to support there family in other country's. not that I blame them. most people on this site put all there energy into those from Mexico, when there are many from places like Russia that have no interest in assimilating.
There's nothing wrong with being a teacher, you fucking snob.

I didn't say there was. You just can't hold it out as a sign of your intelligence, especially if you are a history teacher.

There are very few professions in which you MUST be intelligent to be successful. Some of the sciences. For instance, it isn't possible for a person of less than average math ability to become a renowned nuclear physicist. But a CEO? Shit ... some of those guys/ladies are just good at fast-talking, but don't actually have a clue what they're talking about. You can become very successful with an intimidating title while remaining an ignoramus. Most are actually quite intelligent, but sometimes you come across a c-level or near c-level ranking person and just shake your head like, "How the fuck did you make it so far?"

There are history teachers out there who are brilliant but just love history, and don't want to climb corporate ladders. I don't know why you had to insult his being a teacher. Just call him an idiot like a normal person and move on.

He asked for it. If you can't take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen.

to the contrary, YOU asked for it.

what makes you an 'expert', anyway?

you're obviously ignorant of the changes made to immigration since the Constitution was ratified.

It's also obvious my 11 year old great nephew knows more about the subject than you.

you should have given up exposing your ignorance days ago.

Still believe a speed limit is a law? Who said a damn thing about changes since our founding? I have been discussing the views of the founders on immigration, not the progression of immigration law. Start a thread and maybe I will teach you something else just like I taught you how to tell the difference between a regulation and a law.

What kills me about this place is how often people spew insults and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "la, la, la" like a damn four year old when someone actually constructs a rebuttal to some of their ignorant ideas. Nobody is here to learn anything. Nobody is here to actually debate. It is a freakin echo chamber where people get their confirmation bias fix and hurl insults at those that get in the way.

I believe in free and open borders. Call it a "free market" libertarian approach. Anyone and everyone can come in and the "market" will regulate it. When too many are here the market will slow down the inflow. But the more "players" on the team the better the starting five. What those that oppose or want to curtail immigration are saying is that they are scared of the competition. And who can blame them. Damn near every employer I know will take a young immigrant over a young native American every time. The young immigrant will show up for work every day, bust his ass when he is there, stay away from drama, and follow his orders without questioning them. The young "entitled" native will call in sick on the weekends or the day after payday, will drag ass if they are working and screw off if they can get away with it, and often times argue with their boss when asked to do something.

But the biggest reason I am for free and open borders is that the government really does have no business determining who can enter and who can't. Sure, all the other countries in the world do it, but we are not all the other countries. We are the United States of America. We are EXCEPTIONAL. And at the very core of that exceptionalism is our founding, WITH FREE AND OPEN BORDERS.

And finally. Well I live in North Carolina where my family has been since well before the American Revolution. In fact, the last person to own this land outside my family was a king. But in the middle of the 17th century the governor of North Carolina needed residents. So he threw open the border. Anyone and everyone was welcome. Thieves, rogues, murderers and even pirates, like Blackbeard, were not only welcome, but were protected against those that would pursue them. He offered them all a fresh start. And many of them took it, including Blackbeard. But the legal life didn't sit with him and he was soon back to pirating. But hundreds of others did not return to their former transgressions. It was the descendants of those theives, rogues, murderers, and pirates that became the "Overmountain Men", and rather you believe it not, on October 7, 1780 those Overmountain Men won the Revoutionary War. Without that victory, well we might be singing God Save the Queen before an NFL football game.

So, not only was this nation founded with free and open borders. It was free and open borders that delivered us victory in the Revolutionary War.

1st, you didn't prove anything yesterday, except you dont' know squat about the law.

2nd your views on immigration are as outdated as the fools that claim the 2nd only covers muskets.
I didn't say there was. You just can't hold it out as a sign of your intelligence, especially if you are a history teacher.

There are very few professions in which you MUST be intelligent to be successful. Some of the sciences. For instance, it isn't possible for a person of less than average math ability to become a renowned nuclear physicist. But a CEO? Shit ... some of those guys/ladies are just good at fast-talking, but don't actually have a clue what they're talking about. You can become very successful with an intimidating title while remaining an ignoramus. Most are actually quite intelligent, but sometimes you come across a c-level or near c-level ranking person and just shake your head like, "How the fuck did you make it so far?"

There are history teachers out there who are brilliant but just love history, and don't want to climb corporate ladders. I don't know why you had to insult his being a teacher. Just call him an idiot like a normal person and move on.

He asked for it. If you can't take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen.

to the contrary, YOU asked for it.

what makes you an 'expert', anyway?

you're obviously ignorant of the changes made to immigration since the Constitution was ratified.

It's also obvious my 11 year old great nephew knows more about the subject than you.

you should have given up exposing your ignorance days ago.

Still believe a speed limit is a law? Who said a damn thing about changes since our founding? I have been discussing the views of the founders on immigration, not the progression of immigration law. Start a thread and maybe I will teach you something else just like I taught you how to tell the difference between a regulation and a law.

What kills me about this place is how often people spew insults and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "la, la, la" like a damn four year old when someone actually constructs a rebuttal to some of their ignorant ideas. Nobody is here to learn anything. Nobody is here to actually debate. It is a freakin echo chamber where people get their confirmation bias fix and hurl insults at those that get in the way.

I believe in free and open borders. Call it a "free market" libertarian approach. Anyone and everyone can come in and the "market" will regulate it. When too many are here the market will slow down the inflow. But the more "players" on the team the better the starting five. What those that oppose or want to curtail immigration are saying is that they are scared of the competition. And who can blame them. Damn near every employer I know will take a young immigrant over a young native American every time. The young immigrant will show up for work every day, bust his ass when he is there, stay away from drama, and follow his orders without questioning them. The young "entitled" native will call in sick on the weekends or the day after payday, will drag ass if they are working and screw off if they can get away with it, and often times argue with their boss when asked to do something.

But the biggest reason I am for free and open borders is that the government really does have no business determining who can enter and who can't. Sure, all the other countries in the world do it, but we are not all the other countries. We are the United States of America. We are EXCEPTIONAL. And at the very core of that exceptionalism is our founding, WITH FREE AND OPEN BORDERS.

And finally. Well I live in North Carolina where my family has been since well before the American Revolution. In fact, the last person to own this land outside my family was a king. But in the middle of the 17th century the governor of North Carolina needed residents. So he threw open the border. Anyone and everyone was welcome. Thieves, rogues, murderers and even pirates, like Blackbeard, were not only welcome, but were protected against those that would pursue them. He offered them all a fresh start. And many of them took it, including Blackbeard. But the legal life didn't sit with him and he was soon back to pirating. But hundreds of others did not return to their former transgressions. It was the descendants of those theives, rogues, murderers, and pirates that became the "Overmountain Men", and rather you believe it not, on October 7, 1780 those Overmountain Men won the Revoutionary War. Without that victory, well we might be singing God Save the Queen before an NFL football game.

So, not only was this nation founded with free and open borders. It was free and open borders that delivered us victory in the Revolutionary War.

1st, you didn't prove anything yesterday, except you dont' know squat about the law.

2nd your views on immigration are as outdated as the fools that claim the 2nd only covers muskets.

Ah, are you suffering from butt hurt? Did you not understand the difference between a law and a regulation? Did Schoolhouse Rock not help you out? I mean, hell, at least I do know the difference between a crime and a civil violation. Honestly, it is no that difficult.

So, my views are outdated. Fine. Just don't ever, and I mean ever, let me see you or any of your butt buddies talk about judicial activism
I didn't say there was. You just can't hold it out as a sign of your intelligence, especially if you are a history teacher.

There are very few professions in which you MUST be intelligent to be successful. Some of the sciences. For instance, it isn't possible for a person of less than average math ability to become a renowned nuclear physicist. But a CEO? Shit ... some of those guys/ladies are just good at fast-talking, but don't actually have a clue what they're talking about. You can become very successful with an intimidating title while remaining an ignoramus. Most are actually quite intelligent, but sometimes you come across a c-level or near c-level ranking person and just shake your head like, "How the fuck did you make it so far?"

There are history teachers out there who are brilliant but just love history, and don't want to climb corporate ladders. I don't know why you had to insult his being a teacher. Just call him an idiot like a normal person and move on.

He asked for it. If you can't take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen.

to the contrary, YOU asked for it.

what makes you an 'expert', anyway?

you're obviously ignorant of the changes made to immigration since the Constitution was ratified.

It's also obvious my 11 year old great nephew knows more about the subject than you.

you should have given up exposing your ignorance days ago.

Still believe a speed limit is a law? Who said a damn thing about changes since our founding? I have been discussing the views of the founders on immigration, not the progression of immigration law. Start a thread and maybe I will teach you something else just like I taught you how to tell the difference between a regulation and a law.

What kills me about this place is how often people spew insults and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "la, la, la" like a damn four year old when someone actually constructs a rebuttal to some of their ignorant ideas. Nobody is here to learn anything. Nobody is here to actually debate. It is a freakin echo chamber where people get their confirmation bias fix and hurl insults at those that get in the way.

I believe in free and open borders. Call it a "free market" libertarian approach. Anyone and everyone can come in and the "market" will regulate it. When too many are here the market will slow down the inflow. But the more "players" on the team the better the starting five. What those that oppose or want to curtail immigration are saying is that they are scared of the competition. And who can blame them. Damn near every employer I know will take a young immigrant over a young native American every time. The young immigrant will show up for work every day, bust his ass when he is there, stay away from drama, and follow his orders without questioning them. The young "entitled" native will call in sick on the weekends or the day after payday, will drag ass if they are working and screw off if they can get away with it, and often times argue with their boss when asked to do something.

But the biggest reason I am for free and open borders is that the government really does have no business determining who can enter and who can't. Sure, all the other countries in the world do it, but we are not all the other countries. We are the United States of America. We are EXCEPTIONAL. And at the very core of that exceptionalism is our founding, WITH FREE AND OPEN BORDERS.

And finally. Well I live in North Carolina where my family has been since well before the American Revolution. In fact, the last person to own this land outside my family was a king. But in the middle of the 17th century the governor of North Carolina needed residents. So he threw open the border. Anyone and everyone was welcome. Thieves, rogues, murderers and even pirates, like Blackbeard, were not only welcome, but were protected against those that would pursue them. He offered them all a fresh start. And many of them took it, including Blackbeard. But the legal life didn't sit with him and he was soon back to pirating. But hundreds of others did not return to their former transgressions. It was the descendants of those theives, rogues, murderers, and pirates that became the "Overmountain Men", and rather you believe it not, on October 7, 1780 those Overmountain Men won the Revoutionary War. Without that victory, well we might be singing God Save the Queen before an NFL football game.

So, not only was this nation founded with free and open borders. It was free and open borders that delivered us victory in the Revolutionary War.

1st, you didn't prove anything yesterday, except you dont' know squat about the law.

2nd your views on immigration are as outdated as the fools that claim the 2nd only covers muskets.

You don't call speeders illegal drivers so you can't call someone that entered the country legally, which is how a significant of number of undocumented aliens came to this country, an illegal alien. They are not in violation of any law, only a federal regulation. And a federal regulation is not a law because it was not passed by Congress nor was it signed by the president. Hell, that is basic civics that kids used to learn while watching Saturday morning cartoons.

Immigrants, both documented and undocumented do suppress wages, but only those of unskilled labor. Which if fine by me. Because for the rest of us, they actually increase both our productivity and our income. Not really sure why all you anti-immigrant folks are so concerned about the wages of unskilled laborers. When the guy toting the bricks makes more money the dude laying them has to make less, or worse, he has to spend part of his time toting them instead of laying them. Basic labor economics.

And the federal government has no constitutional power to regulate immigration. It was not granted by the founders. It is the purview of the state via the tenth amendment. That was the original position of the founders and every Supreme Court decision since then that upheld federal regulations of immigration have been nothing more than judicial activism. And they have been creative. They have cited the commerce clause, the migration and importation clause, and even the power to declare war. Eventually, well they just gave up and called it some "inherent power" that exists out of sheer vacuum claiming it was a power the federal government had before there even was a Constitution. Tell me, what other power does the federal government have that was not granted by the Constitution. And if the federal government did have these powers just why was there even a tenth amendment?
There are very few professions in which you MUST be intelligent to be successful. Some of the sciences. For instance, it isn't possible for a person of less than average math ability to become a renowned nuclear physicist. But a CEO? Shit ... some of those guys/ladies are just good at fast-talking, but don't actually have a clue what they're talking about. You can become very successful with an intimidating title while remaining an ignoramus. Most are actually quite intelligent, but sometimes you come across a c-level or near c-level ranking person and just shake your head like, "How the fuck did you make it so far?"

There are history teachers out there who are brilliant but just love history, and don't want to climb corporate ladders. I don't know why you had to insult his being a teacher. Just call him an idiot like a normal person and move on.

He asked for it. If you can't take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen.

to the contrary, YOU asked for it.

what makes you an 'expert', anyway?

you're obviously ignorant of the changes made to immigration since the Constitution was ratified.

It's also obvious my 11 year old great nephew knows more about the subject than you.

you should have given up exposing your ignorance days ago.

Still believe a speed limit is a law? Who said a damn thing about changes since our founding? I have been discussing the views of the founders on immigration, not the progression of immigration law. Start a thread and maybe I will teach you something else just like I taught you how to tell the difference between a regulation and a law.

What kills me about this place is how often people spew insults and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "la, la, la" like a damn four year old when someone actually constructs a rebuttal to some of their ignorant ideas. Nobody is here to learn anything. Nobody is here to actually debate. It is a freakin echo chamber where people get their confirmation bias fix and hurl insults at those that get in the way.

I believe in free and open borders. Call it a "free market" libertarian approach. Anyone and everyone can come in and the "market" will regulate it. When too many are here the market will slow down the inflow. But the more "players" on the team the better the starting five. What those that oppose or want to curtail immigration are saying is that they are scared of the competition. And who can blame them. Damn near every employer I know will take a young immigrant over a young native American every time. The young immigrant will show up for work every day, bust his ass when he is there, stay away from drama, and follow his orders without questioning them. The young "entitled" native will call in sick on the weekends or the day after payday, will drag ass if they are working and screw off if they can get away with it, and often times argue with their boss when asked to do something.

But the biggest reason I am for free and open borders is that the government really does have no business determining who can enter and who can't. Sure, all the other countries in the world do it, but we are not all the other countries. We are the United States of America. We are EXCEPTIONAL. And at the very core of that exceptionalism is our founding, WITH FREE AND OPEN BORDERS.

And finally. Well I live in North Carolina where my family has been since well before the American Revolution. In fact, the last person to own this land outside my family was a king. But in the middle of the 17th century the governor of North Carolina needed residents. So he threw open the border. Anyone and everyone was welcome. Thieves, rogues, murderers and even pirates, like Blackbeard, were not only welcome, but were protected against those that would pursue them. He offered them all a fresh start. And many of them took it, including Blackbeard. But the legal life didn't sit with him and he was soon back to pirating. But hundreds of others did not return to their former transgressions. It was the descendants of those theives, rogues, murderers, and pirates that became the "Overmountain Men", and rather you believe it not, on October 7, 1780 those Overmountain Men won the Revoutionary War. Without that victory, well we might be singing God Save the Queen before an NFL football game.

So, not only was this nation founded with free and open borders. It was free and open borders that delivered us victory in the Revolutionary War.

1st, you didn't prove anything yesterday, except you dont' know squat about the law.

2nd your views on immigration are as outdated as the fools that claim the 2nd only covers muskets.

Ah, are you suffering from butt hurt? Did you not understand the difference between a law and a regulation? Did Schoolhouse Rock not help you out? I mean, hell, at least I do know the difference between a crime and a civil violation. Honestly, it is no that difficult.

So, my views are outdated. Fine. Just don't ever, and I mean ever, let me see you or any of your butt buddies talk about judicial activism
There are very few professions in which you MUST be intelligent to be successful. Some of the sciences. For instance, it isn't possible for a person of less than average math ability to become a renowned nuclear physicist. But a CEO? Shit ... some of those guys/ladies are just good at fast-talking, but don't actually have a clue what they're talking about. You can become very successful with an intimidating title while remaining an ignoramus. Most are actually quite intelligent, but sometimes you come across a c-level or near c-level ranking person and just shake your head like, "How the fuck did you make it so far?"

There are history teachers out there who are brilliant but just love history, and don't want to climb corporate ladders. I don't know why you had to insult his being a teacher. Just call him an idiot like a normal person and move on.

He asked for it. If you can't take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen.

to the contrary, YOU asked for it.

what makes you an 'expert', anyway?

you're obviously ignorant of the changes made to immigration since the Constitution was ratified.

It's also obvious my 11 year old great nephew knows more about the subject than you.

you should have given up exposing your ignorance days ago.

Still believe a speed limit is a law? Who said a damn thing about changes since our founding? I have been discussing the views of the founders on immigration, not the progression of immigration law. Start a thread and maybe I will teach you something else just like I taught you how to tell the difference between a regulation and a law.

What kills me about this place is how often people spew insults and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "la, la, la" like a damn four year old when someone actually constructs a rebuttal to some of their ignorant ideas. Nobody is here to learn anything. Nobody is here to actually debate. It is a freakin echo chamber where people get their confirmation bias fix and hurl insults at those that get in the way.

I believe in free and open borders. Call it a "free market" libertarian approach. Anyone and everyone can come in and the "market" will regulate it. When too many are here the market will slow down the inflow. But the more "players" on the team the better the starting five. What those that oppose or want to curtail immigration are saying is that they are scared of the competition. And who can blame them. Damn near every employer I know will take a young immigrant over a young native American every time. The young immigrant will show up for work every day, bust his ass when he is there, stay away from drama, and follow his orders without questioning them. The young "entitled" native will call in sick on the weekends or the day after payday, will drag ass if they are working and screw off if they can get away with it, and often times argue with their boss when asked to do something.

But the biggest reason I am for free and open borders is that the government really does have no business determining who can enter and who can't. Sure, all the other countries in the world do it, but we are not all the other countries. We are the United States of America. We are EXCEPTIONAL. And at the very core of that exceptionalism is our founding, WITH FREE AND OPEN BORDERS.

And finally. Well I live in North Carolina where my family has been since well before the American Revolution. In fact, the last person to own this land outside my family was a king. But in the middle of the 17th century the governor of North Carolina needed residents. So he threw open the border. Anyone and everyone was welcome. Thieves, rogues, murderers and even pirates, like Blackbeard, were not only welcome, but were protected against those that would pursue them. He offered them all a fresh start. And many of them took it, including Blackbeard. But the legal life didn't sit with him and he was soon back to pirating. But hundreds of others did not return to their former transgressions. It was the descendants of those theives, rogues, murderers, and pirates that became the "Overmountain Men", and rather you believe it not, on October 7, 1780 those Overmountain Men won the Revoutionary War. Without that victory, well we might be singing God Save the Queen before an NFL football game.

So, not only was this nation founded with free and open borders. It was free and open borders that delivered us victory in the Revolutionary War.

1st, you didn't prove anything yesterday, except you dont' know squat about the law.

2nd your views on immigration are as outdated as the fools that claim the 2nd only covers muskets.

You don't call speeders illegal drivers so you can't call someone that entered the country legally, which is how a significant of number of undocumented aliens came to this country, an illegal alien. They are not in violation of any law, only a federal regulation. And a federal regulation is not a law because it was not passed by Congress nor was it signed by the president. Hell, that is basic civics that kids used to learn while watching Saturday morning cartoons.

Immigrants, both documented and undocumented do suppress wages, but only those of unskilled labor. Which if fine by me. Because for the rest of us, they actually increase both our productivity and our income. Not really sure why all you anti-immigrant folks are so concerned about the wages of unskilled laborers. When the guy toting the bricks makes more money the dude laying them has to make less, or worse, he has to spend part of his time toting them instead of laying them. Basic labor economics.

And the federal government has no constitutional power to regulate immigration. It was not granted by the founders. It is the purview of the state via the tenth amendment. That was the original position of the founders and every Supreme Court decision since then that upheld federal regulations of immigration have been nothing more than judicial activism. And they have been creative. They have cited the commerce clause, the migration and importation clause, and even the power to declare war. Eventually, well they just gave up and called it some "inherent power" that exists out of sheer vacuum claiming it was a power the federal government had before there even was a Constitution. Tell me, what other power does the federal government have that was not granted by the Constitution. And if the federal government did have these powers just why was there even a tenth amendment?

I have given you a list of laws, passed by Congress, starting in 1795.

Obviously, it's NOT state choice.

regarding laws covering drivers, I guess you believe that states ACCIDENTLY decided which side of the road to drive on, speed limits in Municipal areas, School Zones, etc, and they were ALL THE SAME.

you're bereft of common sense.

Don't bother responding.
There are very few professions in which you MUST be intelligent to be successful. Some of the sciences. For instance, it isn't possible for a person of less than average math ability to become a renowned nuclear physicist. But a CEO? Shit ... some of those guys/ladies are just good at fast-talking, but don't actually have a clue what they're talking about. You can become very successful with an intimidating title while remaining an ignoramus. Most are actually quite intelligent, but sometimes you come across a c-level or near c-level ranking person and just shake your head like, "How the fuck did you make it so far?"

There are history teachers out there who are brilliant but just love history, and don't want to climb corporate ladders. I don't know why you had to insult his being a teacher. Just call him an idiot like a normal person and move on.

He asked for it. If you can't take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen.

to the contrary, YOU asked for it.

what makes you an 'expert', anyway?

you're obviously ignorant of the changes made to immigration since the Constitution was ratified.

It's also obvious my 11 year old great nephew knows more about the subject than you.

you should have given up exposing your ignorance days ago.

Still believe a speed limit is a law? Who said a damn thing about changes since our founding? I have been discussing the views of the founders on immigration, not the progression of immigration law. Start a thread and maybe I will teach you something else just like I taught you how to tell the difference between a regulation and a law.

What kills me about this place is how often people spew insults and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "la, la, la" like a damn four year old when someone actually constructs a rebuttal to some of their ignorant ideas. Nobody is here to learn anything. Nobody is here to actually debate. It is a freakin echo chamber where people get their confirmation bias fix and hurl insults at those that get in the way.

I believe in free and open borders. Call it a "free market" libertarian approach. Anyone and everyone can come in and the "market" will regulate it. When too many are here the market will slow down the inflow. But the more "players" on the team the better the starting five. What those that oppose or want to curtail immigration are saying is that they are scared of the competition. And who can blame them. Damn near every employer I know will take a young immigrant over a young native American every time. The young immigrant will show up for work every day, bust his ass when he is there, stay away from drama, and follow his orders without questioning them. The young "entitled" native will call in sick on the weekends or the day after payday, will drag ass if they are working and screw off if they can get away with it, and often times argue with their boss when asked to do something.

But the biggest reason I am for free and open borders is that the government really does have no business determining who can enter and who can't. Sure, all the other countries in the world do it, but we are not all the other countries. We are the United States of America. We are EXCEPTIONAL. And at the very core of that exceptionalism is our founding, WITH FREE AND OPEN BORDERS.

And finally. Well I live in North Carolina where my family has been since well before the American Revolution. In fact, the last person to own this land outside my family was a king. But in the middle of the 17th century the governor of North Carolina needed residents. So he threw open the border. Anyone and everyone was welcome. Thieves, rogues, murderers and even pirates, like Blackbeard, were not only welcome, but were protected against those that would pursue them. He offered them all a fresh start. And many of them took it, including Blackbeard. But the legal life didn't sit with him and he was soon back to pirating. But hundreds of others did not return to their former transgressions. It was the descendants of those theives, rogues, murderers, and pirates that became the "Overmountain Men", and rather you believe it not, on October 7, 1780 those Overmountain Men won the Revoutionary War. Without that victory, well we might be singing God Save the Queen before an NFL football game.

So, not only was this nation founded with free and open borders. It was free and open borders that delivered us victory in the Revolutionary War.

1st, you didn't prove anything yesterday, except you dont' know squat about the law.

2nd your views on immigration are as outdated as the fools that claim the 2nd only covers muskets.

Ah, are you suffering from butt hurt? Did you not understand the difference between a law and a regulation? Did Schoolhouse Rock not help you out? I mean, hell, at least I do know the difference between a crime and a civil violation. Honestly, it is no that difficult.

So, my views are outdated. Fine. Just don't ever, and I mean ever, let me see you or any of your butt buddies talk about judicial activism
There are very few professions in which you MUST be intelligent to be successful. Some of the sciences. For instance, it isn't possible for a person of less than average math ability to become a renowned nuclear physicist. But a CEO? Shit ... some of those guys/ladies are just good at fast-talking, but don't actually have a clue what they're talking about. You can become very successful with an intimidating title while remaining an ignoramus. Most are actually quite intelligent, but sometimes you come across a c-level or near c-level ranking person and just shake your head like, "How the fuck did you make it so far?"

There are history teachers out there who are brilliant but just love history, and don't want to climb corporate ladders. I don't know why you had to insult his being a teacher. Just call him an idiot like a normal person and move on.

He asked for it. If you can't take the heat stay the hell out of the kitchen.

to the contrary, YOU asked for it.

what makes you an 'expert', anyway?

you're obviously ignorant of the changes made to immigration since the Constitution was ratified.

It's also obvious my 11 year old great nephew knows more about the subject than you.

you should have given up exposing your ignorance days ago.

Still believe a speed limit is a law? Who said a damn thing about changes since our founding? I have been discussing the views of the founders on immigration, not the progression of immigration law. Start a thread and maybe I will teach you something else just like I taught you how to tell the difference between a regulation and a law.

What kills me about this place is how often people spew insults and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "la, la, la" like a damn four year old when someone actually constructs a rebuttal to some of their ignorant ideas. Nobody is here to learn anything. Nobody is here to actually debate. It is a freakin echo chamber where people get their confirmation bias fix and hurl insults at those that get in the way.

I believe in free and open borders. Call it a "free market" libertarian approach. Anyone and everyone can come in and the "market" will regulate it. When too many are here the market will slow down the inflow. But the more "players" on the team the better the starting five. What those that oppose or want to curtail immigration are saying is that they are scared of the competition. And who can blame them. Damn near every employer I know will take a young immigrant over a young native American every time. The young immigrant will show up for work every day, bust his ass when he is there, stay away from drama, and follow his orders without questioning them. The young "entitled" native will call in sick on the weekends or the day after payday, will drag ass if they are working and screw off if they can get away with it, and often times argue with their boss when asked to do something.

But the biggest reason I am for free and open borders is that the government really does have no business determining who can enter and who can't. Sure, all the other countries in the world do it, but we are not all the other countries. We are the United States of America. We are EXCEPTIONAL. And at the very core of that exceptionalism is our founding, WITH FREE AND OPEN BORDERS.

And finally. Well I live in North Carolina where my family has been since well before the American Revolution. In fact, the last person to own this land outside my family was a king. But in the middle of the 17th century the governor of North Carolina needed residents. So he threw open the border. Anyone and everyone was welcome. Thieves, rogues, murderers and even pirates, like Blackbeard, were not only welcome, but were protected against those that would pursue them. He offered them all a fresh start. And many of them took it, including Blackbeard. But the legal life didn't sit with him and he was soon back to pirating. But hundreds of others did not return to their former transgressions. It was the descendants of those theives, rogues, murderers, and pirates that became the "Overmountain Men", and rather you believe it not, on October 7, 1780 those Overmountain Men won the Revoutionary War. Without that victory, well we might be singing God Save the Queen before an NFL football game.

So, not only was this nation founded with free and open borders. It was free and open borders that delivered us victory in the Revolutionary War.

1st, you didn't prove anything yesterday, except you dont' know squat about the law.

2nd your views on immigration are as outdated as the fools that claim the 2nd only covers muskets.

You don't call speeders illegal drivers so you can't call someone that entered the country legally, which is how a significant of number of undocumented aliens came to this country, an illegal alien. They are not in violation of any law, only a federal regulation. And a federal regulation is not a law because it was not passed by Congress nor was it signed by the president. Hell, that is basic civics that kids used to learn while watching Saturday morning cartoons.

Immigrants, both documented and undocumented do suppress wages, but only those of unskilled labor. Which if fine by me. Because for the rest of us, they actually increase both our productivity and our income. Not really sure why all you anti-immigrant folks are so concerned about the wages of unskilled laborers. When the guy toting the bricks makes more money the dude laying them has to make less, or worse, he has to spend part of his time toting them instead of laying them. Basic labor economics.

And the federal government has no constitutional power to regulate immigration. It was not granted by the founders. It is the purview of the state via the tenth amendment. That was the original position of the founders and every Supreme Court decision since then that upheld federal regulations of immigration have been nothing more than judicial activism. And they have been creative. They have cited the commerce clause, the migration and importation clause, and even the power to declare war. Eventually, well they just gave up and called it some "inherent power" that exists out of sheer vacuum claiming it was a power the federal government had before there even was a Constitution. Tell me, what other power does the federal government have that was not granted by the Constitution. And if the federal government did have these powers just why was there even a tenth amendment?

Our founders made their intent crystal clear...You might want to read the Naturalization Act Of 1790

United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” (March 26, 1790).

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States. And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: Provided also, that no person heretofore proscribed by any States, shall be admitted a citizen as aforesaid, except by an Act of the Legislature of the State in which such person was proscribed.
Republicans are anti-brown people.

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Republicans are for law and order...they are anti-criminal.
Mexicrats hate law and order and encourage criminality.
Republicans are interested in one thing.
Making America great....for white men.

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Well it appears that "White Men" are the ONLY ones that KNOW with MOSTLY White Males giving their lives to Make America great over the year that America is the ONLY
place where exceptional people can do exceptional things. We partially white males also know that no other country has given back to the world both in lives and financial more
than any other country. Truly can't say that about some black males that want to see "Whitey dead" or a few Hispanics that feel the same way.
Actually people that people that we that want to make America great again want jobs for all as most "White males" know that with jobs come dignity and respect for America.
I've commented several times about the perfect example of the MSM bias is when doing a search on the term
"Trump anti-immigrant" I'd post this most recent done just moments ago.
Note the absence of a key adjective.
A very important adjective considering:
1) Because the United States is a settler society, the vast majority of Americans can trace their ancestry to immigrants from other nations.
Immigration to the United States - Wikipedia

2) That Trump's wife is a "LEGAL" immigrant.

That glaring omission is the term "ILLEGAL".
The only reason the MSM has fostered this "Trump anti-immigrant" statement is because they are biased.
MSNBC is certainly not the "journalistic" when they run a headline:"When Trump's anti-immigrant fear..."

So explain to me and the "VAST Majority of Americans" and Trump with a legal immigrant wife can be

What most of us with relatives who are immediate "Legal immigrants" as well as Trump find dishonest is that "Legal immigrants" in almost all cases are abiding by the requirements that are actually less rigid then those who are "illegal immigrants" have had to suffer. I.e. drug cartel coyotes $3,000 - $4,000 per person to illegally enter.
Human smuggling fees

So why is the MSM portraying the "VAST majority of Americans" and Trump as being "anti-immigrants" when the MSM should be DISCOURAGING the coyotes smuggling efforts by at least using the phrase "America's
ANTI-ILLEGAL Immigrants"? By working against "Trump's Anti-Illegal-immigrants" efforts at the minimum the
MSM is ENCOURAGING billions of dollars lining the drug cartels that have found human smuggling more profitable than drug smuggling! All because the MSM hates Trump and a "vast majority of Americans" more than the MSM truly cares for people that WANT to come to America LEGALLY!

View attachment 196294

Not anti-immigrant.

Just pro-civilization, meaning that we don't want 3rd world 80 IQ hordes overrunning America.

This means white East Europeans are very welcome!

I have no problem with LEGAL immigration. Those let in should have some value to America and not be a drain on the taxpayers.

Those people would be good for America. Not the welfare, Medicaid suck off our social services crowd.

All illegals should be booted out.

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