Are Trump supporters dumb enough to believe that Trump genuinely cares about veterans?

Are Trump supporters dumb enough to believe that Trump genuinely cares about veterans?

Probably not. If Republicans don't care about veterans, why would Trump? Like Trump, Republicans only pretend to care about veterans for political reasons. At the same time, they cut funding for the VA, cut veterans food stamps, work to cut Veterans health care and any benefits they can attack. And fight against any veterans jobs programs. We've seen it again and again.
Are Hillary supporters dumb enough to believe that Hillary genuinely cares about anyone but herself?
This pic says one word: Grounded
The pic says you're a loser, get a life and stop obsessing over another guys success. What's your excuse?

No more than Hillary supporters are who believe she cares about.
Middle class
Well the libs sure as hell don't so....

Evidently Hillaary uses posers for photo ops?

Hey dumbshit: Clinton's plan for military families: More leave flexibility, easier move schedules

Notice the photo caption:
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves as she walks in a Memorial Day parade Monday in Chappaqua, N.Y.


And there's nothing "jacked" about the Chief's medals.

Hillary has been in public office forever. She just now started taking veterans issues seriously? Good thing Trump made this a campaign issue. He's not even in public office and he raised 6 million. Who do you trust more to just get this shit done?
Trump only starting donating to military due to running for office. If you trust him to get shit done then like I said previously Trump is the Pied Piper of Morons.

He said he was going to do it. He did it, vetted recipients and started giving money within 4 months. Trump knows how to get shit done.
Well the libs sure as hell don't so....

Evidently Hillaary uses posers for photo ops?

Hey dumbshit: Clinton's plan for military families: More leave flexibility, easier move schedules

Notice the photo caption:
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves as she walks in a Memorial Day parade Monday in Chappaqua, N.Y.


And there's nothing "jacked" about the Chief's medals.

Hillary has been in public office forever. She just now started taking veterans issues seriously? Good thing Trump made this a campaign issue. He's not even in public office and he raised 6 million. Who do you trust more to just get this shit done?
I've been on the receiving end of the GOP's cuts inflicted on us veterans for quite some time now. So don't pretend the GOP has been a friend to vets all this time.

We're talking about what Trump is doing and promises to do. He'll get it done as opposed to Hillary - assuming she's not in jail.
Well the libs sure as hell don't so....

Evidently Hillaary uses posers for photo ops?

Hey dumbshit: Clinton's plan for military families: More leave flexibility, easier move schedules

Notice the photo caption:
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves as she walks in a Memorial Day parade Monday in Chappaqua, N.Y.


And there's nothing "jacked" about the Chief's medals.

Hillary has been in public office forever. She just now started taking veterans issues seriously? Good thing Trump made this a campaign issue. He's not even in public office and he raised 6 million. Who do you trust more to just get this shit done?
Trump only starting donating to military due to running for office. If you trust him to get shit done then like I said previously Trump is the Pied Piper of Morons.

He said he was going to do it. He did it, vetted recipients and started giving money within 4 months. Trump knows how to get shit done.
I think you miss the point he only did it to fool fools such as yourself.
Evidently Hillaary uses posers for photo ops?

Hey dumbshit: Clinton's plan for military families: More leave flexibility, easier move schedules

Notice the photo caption:
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves as she walks in a Memorial Day parade Monday in Chappaqua, N.Y.


And there's nothing "jacked" about the Chief's medals.

Hillary has been in public office forever. She just now started taking veterans issues seriously? Good thing Trump made this a campaign issue. He's not even in public office and he raised 6 million. Who do you trust more to just get this shit done?
Trump only starting donating to military due to running for office. If you trust him to get shit done then like I said previously Trump is the Pied Piper of Morons.

He said he was going to do it. He did it, vetted recipients and started giving money within 4 months. Trump knows how to get shit done.
I think you miss the point he only did it to fool fools such as yourself.

Right, so when a veteran receives the money Trump raised he or she feels like a fool. "Why" he did it doesn't matter. The point is he did it and was successful at it. You can cry all you want, but it was a good deed and at the same time proved Trump just gets shit done.

Let's be honest, Trump could cure cancer and solve world hunger and you would argue he did it to fool me into voting for him.
He likes them a LOT more than Hillary does, it's well known that she has complete contempt for the military.

Both Clinton's are hawks.

Bill made regime change in Iraq a policy in 1998. Hillary supported the Iraq War; and she never met a military intervention she didn't like.

As senator she supported generous funding for veteran services.
Hey dumbshit: Clinton's plan for military families: More leave flexibility, easier move schedules

Notice the photo caption:

And there's nothing "jacked" about the Chief's medals.

Hillary has been in public office forever. She just now started taking veterans issues seriously? Good thing Trump made this a campaign issue. He's not even in public office and he raised 6 million. Who do you trust more to just get this shit done?
Trump only starting donating to military due to running for office. If you trust him to get shit done then like I said previously Trump is the Pied Piper of Morons.

He said he was going to do it. He did it, vetted recipients and started giving money within 4 months. Trump knows how to get shit done.
I think you miss the point he only did it to fool fools such as yourself.

Right, so when a veteran receives the money Trump raised he or she feels like a fool. "Why" he did it doesn't matter. The point is he did it and was successful at it. You can cry all you want, but it was a good deed and at the same time proved Trump just gets shit done.

Let's be honest, Trump could cure cancer and solve world hunger and you would argue he did it to fool me into voting for him.
I dont believe fools feel like fools because they were tricked. I think they just deflect like you did to avoid the point.
Are Trump supporters dumb enough to believe that Trump genuinely cares about veterans?

Well, he hasn't abandoned any to die or sent them into a 'personal' war without Congressional approval to fight for terrorists against a dictator in a civil war, like the other candidate and her boss did.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.
Yes they believe. Trump is like the pied piper of morons.

Donald Trump is a cheap fraud,
said Iraq veteran and VoteVets chairman Jon Soltz in a scathing press release (5/21/2016).

“In a classic fraud move, made himself look good to the public, by lying to the American people, and veterans, about how much he raised for veterans’ groups, when he hid behind them to get out of the GOP debate."

Trump had dropped out of the January debate after a public spat with Fox News host Megyn Kelly, who he had accused of unfairly questioning him during the first Republican debate.

“We now need to presume that he is lying about how much he claims he has given to veterans over the years, and that’s part of the reason he won’t release his taxes,” Soltz continued. “Releasing them would likely show that he’s not given as much to veterans’ groups over the years as he claims – if he’s even given to them at all. Another lie and another fraud.”

“Donald Trump promised $6 million to veterans,” Soltz wrote. “Now he needs to deliver, by personally forking over the millions of dollars he said he raised, but didn’t. It won’t make up for his lies, but may make him think twice about letting his mouth write checks that no one can cash.”
Oh my, an individual wrote a scathing review / piece on a candidate. That's it - Trump HAS to go!
'Caring" has nothing to do with it. Trump just raised 6 million for veterans. How much money has Hillary and Bernie raised for veterans this year? Actions... Now STFU.
Seems that that isn't entirely true.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.


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