Are Trump supporters dumb enough to believe that Trump genuinely cares about veterans?

Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.

What I find most amazing about this thread, is that anyone could actually find someone who they can claim with a straight face, doesn't care for our veterans. That takes a LOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT of brainwashing to either actually believe such a thing, or a lot of arrogance to believe you could convince anybody of such a thing. But then again, you are a lefty, so nothing is beneath you!
Yanno...................I think that most politicians are using the military as a prop. But, that's only because they learned it from the way Jr. used the military as a political prop.

Remember "mission accomplished" when it wasn't?
How exactly has Obama turned this country into a fascist nation? Last I checked, Trump was still running for office, and elections are being held.
Of course you defend your Master, you librats love his apology tour so he can get his ratings up before he leaves office and be seen as a hero among the world. He's a sell out pacifist Neville Chamberlain, waving his "Peace in our time" tour in American patriot faces which refuse to apologize for being land of the free and home of the brave. Fascist throw America under the bus and apologize for defending this nation. Libs do US vets a dishonor apologizing.

Can't trust a POTUS with a Muslim name born by a Muslim father with disdain for American values which called his son a non American name. Africans and Muslims always defame America name by judging our values and culture but desire to enter USA without apologizing. Before becoming citizens of this country, foreigners need to defend this country verbally and serve in the military to earn stay.
He cares as much about veterans as any other phoney politician INCLUDING Hillary. The only noticeable difference in recent years was Bush. Say what you will about the man, if anyone cared it was him.
You care much about vets as any other phony liberal INCLUDING Jane Fonda. And if you were a vet, you would be grateful for support from any American giving a fuck about vets, whether its Trump helping Americans no matter the motive or school kids giving pennies, which Hillary don't when she abandoned them in Benghazi. Hillary 70K, that's about $1 dollar a vet of 70,000 retired. With Trump millions to vets, they can build vet clinics and still have more to help the disabled.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.

Hey, the GOP are suckers for the optics. All Trump has to do is do his usual McCarthy act, add in some aggression and viola. They believe this guy will represent them. Sure he has a solid gold room but that doesnt mean anything.


Remember this? They loved the Mission Accomplished sign and the optics of it all so much, they later had no problem with blaming the banner being perfectly placed in front of his podium on the Navy.

Your constant living in a world of denial can be hazardous to your health. As you know, and know well, the administration of President Bush had nothing to do with the Mission Accomplished banner.

As you know too, and have for many years, President Bush was a fighter pilot in the reserves. Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's accomplishment...chairing ACORN meetings.
Trump never donated to vets prior to becoming a Republican last year. So don't pretend he ever gave a fuck, either.

He's clearly trying to use vets as stage props. You know he'll recoup his donation as a campaign expense.

Kindly show us your reliable source along with the link to that source.

Thank you.
Trump never donated to vets prior to becoming a Republican last year. So don't pretend he ever gave a fuck, either.

He's clearly trying to use vets as stage props. You know he'll recoup his donation as a campaign expense.

Kindly show us your reliable source along with the link to that source.

Thank you.

Here are mine.

For Years, Trump's Charity Gave Veterans Little More Than Peanuts

"Trump Foundation has donated $5.5 million to 298 charities between 2009 and 2013 (the most recent year available), according to the non-profit's 990 tax forms from those years. Of that, only $57,000 has been donated to seven organizations that directly benefit military veterans or their families, Forbes found. Wounded Warriors was not among the organizations Trump's foundation gave to in that time period."

Some veterans say that the billionaire has been AWOL when it comes to helping veterans. "Donald Trump is not a leader in veterans' philanthropy, unless he's donated a lot of money that nobody knows about," Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, told the New York Timesin July. "We were founded in New York. We are headquartered in New York. I've been here 10 years, and I don't think I've ever even seen Donald Trump."
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I read earlier that he didn't give any money until he got caught in this new bunch of lies.

Drumpf thinks he should be able to rule like the king he thinks he is. He's pissed because people dare to ask him the same questions all candidates get asked.

Lucky for him, his followers are indeed dumb enough to swallow his shit whole.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.
It's far more plausible than the Democrat belief that Hillary cares about women or black people.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.
It's far more plausible than the Democrat belief that Hillary cares about women or black people.
No it isn't. Not at all. I bet when Trump quoted that fake Bible verse you thought "that's my favorite too!"
Both Clinton's are hawks.

Bill made regime change in Iraq a policy in 1998. Hillary supported the Iraq War; and she never met a military intervention she didn't like.

As senator she supported generous funding for veteran services.

What did Senator Clinton accomplish while in office?
He cares as much about veterans as any other phoney politician INCLUDING Hillary. The only noticeable difference in recent years was Bush. Say what you will about the man, if anyone cared it was him.
You care much about vets as any other phony liberal INCLUDING Jane Fonda. And if you were a vet, you would be grateful for support from any American giving a fuck about vets, whether its Trump helping Americans no matter the motive or school kids giving pennies, which Hillary don't when she abandoned them in Benghazi. Hillary 70K, that's about $1 dollar a vet of 70,000 retired. With Trump millions to vets, they can build vet clinics and still have more to help the disabled.

Good for you for standing up for our military and our vets.

You must be a real fan of our First and Second Ladies who have fought tirelessly for jobs and housing for our vets and their families. And, I'll bet you were very happy when Prez Barry told the Repubs to sit on it ans spin and gave the military yet another pay raise.

Then there's Trumpery. He said wages are too high and that POWs are failures for being caught. And of course, he's been caught lying yet again about those phony donations.

Look at the up side though = Drumpf getting caught forced him to actually donate some of the money to vets. Cool, huh?
Why, WHY is this thread still active? Politicians of all stripes play games with our emotions. They lie, they pander, they misrepresent shit, they do everything they can to get what THEY WANT OR DEEM APPROPRIATE.

So again, why single out Trump? I would bet my life that neither Trump nor Hillary give two shits about our soldiers beyond getting their voted.

This thread is RETARDED
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.
It's far more plausible than the Democrat belief that Hillary cares about women or black people.
No it isn't. Not at all. I bet when Trump quoted that fake Bible verse you thought "that's my favorite too!"
I'm an atheist, so that would be utterly implausible.

It's also no plausible that the women who threatened and intimidated the victims of Slick Willy's sexual assaults actually cares about women.
He cares as much about veterans as any other phoney politician INCLUDING Hillary. The only noticeable difference in recent years was Bush. Say what you will about the man, if anyone cared it was him.
You care much about vets as any other phony liberal INCLUDING Jane Fonda. And if you were a vet, you would be grateful for support from any American giving a fuck about vets, whether its Trump helping Americans no matter the motive or school kids giving pennies, which Hillary don't when she abandoned them in Benghazi. Hillary 70K, that's about $1 dollar a vet of 70,000 retired. With Trump millions to vets, they can build vet clinics and still have more to help the disabled.

Good for you for standing up for our military and our vets.

You must be a real fan of our First and Second Ladies who have fought tirelessly for jobs and housing for our vets and their families. And, I'll bet you were very happy when Prez Barry told the Repubs to sit on it ans spin and gave the military yet another pay raise.

Then there's Trumpery. He said wages are too high and that POWs are failures for being caught. And of course, he's been caught lying yet again about those phony donations.

Look at the up side though = Drumpf getting caught forced him to actually donate some of the money to vets. Cool, huh?
Please don't quote morons I have on ignore. It forces me to endure the equivalent of teaching geometry to a two year old when I look to see who the hell you're quoting.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.

The far left has proven they only care about veterans if they can use them as cannon fodder!
Everything is backwards to the left. Trump said he gave 6 million to Veteran organizations and the Washington Post twisted the numbers and the facts and proclaimed that they caught Trump in a lie. Most timid republicans (like Bush and McCain and others) would have retreated from the media onslaught and went on the defensive but the Post picked the wrong guy. Trump merely called a news conference, tweaked hostile members of the press with phrases like "you're a beauty and "sleazebag" and related where every dime went. It was a beautiful performance and the angry left is even angrier and more incoherent and all they have left is is name calling like a bunch of kids "well, Trump hates Vets anyway nah, nah". The left is becoming pathetic and irrelevant.

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