Are Trump supporters dumb enough to believe that Trump genuinely cares about veterans?

He likes them a LOT more than Hillary does, it's well known that she has complete contempt for the military.

Both Clinton's are hawks.

Bill made regime change in Iraq a policy in 1998. Hillary supported the Iraq War; and she never met a military intervention she didn't like.

As senator she supported generous funding for veteran services.

Sending them to war and appreciating them are two very different things.

She has given 70k to veterans in the last 5 years, Trump has given millions.
Iraq veteran and VoteVets chairman Jon Soltz

Ummm, copy - an Iraq WAR Vet (which I am as well) and the head of a Vets Organization....1 guy who has an obvious beef with Trump. And the entire US population should base their vote on this 1 guy's opinion? REALLY?

Does that apply to Liberals? If so, although you won't see it in the media, Hillary should drop out now because the President of our local VFW hates Hillary with a passion for allowing 4 Americans to needlessly die.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.

It remains to be seen what he is willing to do for veterans. On the other hand, it is clear how Hillary and the Obama administration feel about veterans.

Hillary has openly shown disdain for military. When Bill was president, she was absolutely horrible to military people when she encountered them. The only time she would act civil was when cameras were present. Otherwise, there are countless stories of the way she treated them with complete disrespect, often swearing at them.

Obama hasn't made much progress improving the VA. Funny that he can locate billions to help illegal aliens and relocate Muslims wanting to find better schools but not much to improve the quality of care for our veterans.

At least Trump donated. It still helps and you can question his motives all day long. How much has Hillary and Bill donated to help veterans? Or doesn't that matter? If you are going to call Trump on the carpet for lying, then you'd best do the same with that lying bitch, Hillary.

You guys are worried about the timing of a generous donation to veterans, yet aren't concerned about foreign countries donating to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for favors.
Well the libs sure as hell don't so....

Evidently Hillaary uses posers for photo ops?

Hey dumbshit: Clinton's plan for military families: More leave flexibility, easier move schedules

Notice the photo caption:
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waves as she walks in a Memorial Day parade Monday in Chappaqua, N.Y.


And there's nothing "jacked" about the Chief's medals. It figures a dumb fuck like yourself would even try to denigrate a service member while under the influence of your derangement.

Nope, his medals don't look "jacked", but they do look like they've been around for a while.

And, since the caption says that he was at a Memorial Day parade (not a political rally for Clinton), if he's retired (which he probably is), he's authorized to wear his uniform to certain events (like a Memorial Day parade), if his grooming is up to standards.

And besides....................medals are EXPENSIVE, and it would cost him probably around 60 to 90 dollars to replace them.

Nope, nothing wrong with the Chief's uniform. And I say this as a person who served in the Navy for 20 years in Administration, so I kinda understand the rules concerning when you can and can't wear your uniform in public.
A true American fascist!
Good ole Godwin's law in effect.

You can't be both an American patriot and fascist.

Fascist hate America. Americans love America and hate fascist. Obama is sorry for America and Michelle is "not ashamed of America for the first time" since he is elected. They were ashamed of America because they feel blacks, illegals and Muslims were treated unfairly. He "Changed" it.


Bullshit !
Trump: The American Fascist -
Godwin's is sometimes appropriate this is one of those times.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.
He cares as much about veterans as any other phoney politician INCLUDING Hillary. The only noticeable difference in recent years was Bush. Say what you will about the man, if anyone cared it was him.
Are Clinton supporters dumb enough to believe she gives a fuck about anything but her own enrichment?
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.

I guess if the media is always asking you questions about how much you donated to a vet group then you are going to talk about the vets. It just seems kind of logical if you ask me.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.
He cares as much about veterans as any other phoney politician INCLUDING Hillary. The only noticeable difference in recent years was Bush. Say what you will about the man, if anyone cared it was him.

If Jr. cared so much about the troops, then why did he send them to war with unarmed Humvees, as well as without some of the necessary equipment they needed to stay alive, like helmet liners?

I mean crap, it took a fundraiser by Cher to get helmet liners to the troops.

And what about Donald "you go to war with the Army you have, not the one you want" RumsFAILED?
Trump: The American Fascist -
Godwin's is sometimes appropriate this is one of those times.
Of course its appropriate for liberal fascist who hate America like Obama who is sorry for America and Michelle "ashamed of America." They were ashamed of America because they feel blacks, illegals and Muslims were treated unfairly. He "Changed" it into a fascist nation. Fascist bash America. Fuck off!
Trump: The American Fascist -
Godwin's is sometimes appropriate this is one of those times.
Of course its appropriate for liberal fascist who hate America like Obama who is sorry for America and Michelle "ashamed of America." They were ashamed of America because they feel blacks, illegals and Muslims were treated unfairly. He "Changed" it into a fascist nation. Fascist bash America. Fuck off!

How exactly has Obama turned this country into a fascist nation? Last I checked, Trump was still running for office, and elections are being held.

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