Are We About to See Another Stolen Presidential Election?

The closet thing to a stolen election I know of is the 1960 one between Kennedy and Nixon as for the 2000 election that myth has been debunked many times.

Absolutely correct.

Apparently you were born after 2000.

Sweet lord, the 2000 election has even been verified by the left wing media aka the alphabet networks.

On the other hand the fraud out of Chicago in Kennedy vs Nixon is legendary and true.
Worst mistake was Nixon giving it up "for the good of the country" because it set a precedent for the Dems on how to steal elections via voter fraud.
Oh and by the way Lakhota the initial screw up came with the morons on CNN (yes Judy you douchebag you screwed 2000) because they called Florida before the polling booths were closed.

I've never forgotten Bernie's face when the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil Karl Rove called in from Texas to tell Woodruff and others that the Panhandle polls hadn't closed yet and they couldn't call Florida.

Bernie turned white. :lol: He was a good man, and left CNN right quick after the election.
By Heather Digby Parton

From the time I started blogging about a decade ago I've been writing somewhat frantically about the GOP efforts to suppress the vote. This should not be surprising since I started writing online in the aftermath of the most dubious election result in history: the infamous Bush v. Gore.

Vote suppression has been with us for centuries, of course. Jim Crow was built on it. Very famous and important Americans have participated in it, including former Chief Justice William Rehnquist. But according to a 2004 report by the Center for Voting Rights it wasn't until the Jesse Jackson campaign in the 1980s that the Republicans began to organize nationally:

Democratic activist Donna Brazile, a Jackson worker and Albert Gore's campaign manager in 2000, said "There were all sorts of groups out there doing voter registration. Some time after the '86 election, massive purging started taking place. It was a wicked practice that took place all over the country, especially in the deep South. Democrats retook the Senate in 1986, and [Republican] groups went on a rampage on the premise they were cleaning up the rolls. The campaign then was targeted toward African-Americans." As in the past, Republicans justified the purges in the name of preventing the unregistered from voting. But Democrats charged vote suppression.​

They formed a group called the Republican National Lawyers Association for the purpose of manipulating the voting laws in all 50 states to the benefit of the party. Of course, they said it was for the purpose of stopping "voter fraud" but since there was and is no evidence of voter fraud, vote suppression was the obvious intent. They learned the ins and outs of all local and state voting rules and figured out how to use them for their own electoral advantage. And with the help of other conservative groups like ALEC, they set about making it harder to register and harder to vote. They really made their bones in the 2000 recount, when the call went out the morning after the election for their lawyers to descend on Florida. The rest is history. Well, it's deja vu all over again. Here's Ari Berman:

Back in 2000, 12,000 eligible voters—a number twenty-two times larger than George W. Bush's 537 vote triumph over Al Gore—were wrongly identified as convicted felons and purged from the voting rolls in Florida, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. African Americans, who favored Gore over Bush by 86 points, accounted for 11 percent of the state's electorate but 41 percent of those purged. Jeb Bush attempted a repeat performance in 2004 to help his brother win reelection but was forced to back off in the face of a public outcry.

Yet with another close election looming, Florida Republicans have returned to their voter-scrubbing ways. The latest purge comes on the heels of a trio of new voting restrictions passed by Florida Republicans last year, disenfranchising 100,000 previously eligible ex-felons who'd been granted the right to vote under GOP Governor Charlie Crist in 2008; shutting down non-partisan voter registration drives; and cutting back on early voting. The measures, the effect of which will be to depress Democratic turnout in November, are similar to voting curbs passed by Republicans in more than a dozen states, on the bogus pretext of combating "voter fraud" but with the very deliberate goal of shaping the electorate to the GOP's advantage before a single vote has been cast.​

The whole story is shocking in its brazenness.

More: Are We About to See Another Stolen Presidential Election? | Mother Jones

The GOP is obviously attempting to set up a scenario where they can steal it simply because they don't have the brains to win.

I hope the Democrats can keep up with all of the schemes. They have a million of 'em.
I'm recently joined trying to keep up with what is going on in politics and I am taking noticing of this. Lot of childish responses from anti democrat crowd almost like they get paid for screwing up debate on political websites or they have nothing better to do with their time.

Lefties, just take notice of the lack of credible facts presented by righties. All they have is bullshit and a few squirrely one-liners. Sort of like watching the monkeys at the zoo...
By Heather Digby Parton

From the time I started blogging about a decade ago I've been writing somewhat frantically about the GOP efforts to suppress the vote. This should not be surprising since I started writing online in the aftermath of the most dubious election result in history: the infamous Bush v. Gore.

Vote suppression has been with us for centuries, of course. Jim Crow was built on it. Very famous and important Americans have participated in it, including former Chief Justice William Rehnquist. But according to a 2004 report by the Center for Voting Rights it wasn't until the Jesse Jackson campaign in the 1980s that the Republicans began to organize nationally:

Democratic activist Donna Brazile, a Jackson worker and Albert Gore's campaign manager in 2000, said "There were all sorts of groups out there doing voter registration. Some time after the '86 election, massive purging started taking place. It was a wicked practice that took place all over the country, especially in the deep South. Democrats retook the Senate in 1986, and [Republican] groups went on a rampage on the premise they were cleaning up the rolls. The campaign then was targeted toward African-Americans." As in the past, Republicans justified the purges in the name of preventing the unregistered from voting. But Democrats charged vote suppression.​

They formed a group called the Republican National Lawyers Association for the purpose of manipulating the voting laws in all 50 states to the benefit of the party. Of course, they said it was for the purpose of stopping "voter fraud" but since there was and is no evidence of voter fraud, vote suppression was the obvious intent. They learned the ins and outs of all local and state voting rules and figured out how to use them for their own electoral advantage. And with the help of other conservative groups like ALEC, they set about making it harder to register and harder to vote. They really made their bones in the 2000 recount, when the call went out the morning after the election for their lawyers to descend on Florida. The rest is history. Well, it's deja vu all over again. Here's Ari Berman:

Back in 2000, 12,000 eligible voters—a number twenty-two times larger than George W. Bush's 537 vote triumph over Al Gore—were wrongly identified as convicted felons and purged from the voting rolls in Florida, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. African Americans, who favored Gore over Bush by 86 points, accounted for 11 percent of the state's electorate but 41 percent of those purged. Jeb Bush attempted a repeat performance in 2004 to help his brother win reelection but was forced to back off in the face of a public outcry.

Yet with another close election looming, Florida Republicans have returned to their voter-scrubbing ways. The latest purge comes on the heels of a trio of new voting restrictions passed by Florida Republicans last year, disenfranchising 100,000 previously eligible ex-felons who'd been granted the right to vote under GOP Governor Charlie Crist in 2008; shutting down non-partisan voter registration drives; and cutting back on early voting. The measures, the effect of which will be to depress Democratic turnout in November, are similar to voting curbs passed by Republicans in more than a dozen states, on the bogus pretext of combating "voter fraud" but with the very deliberate goal of shaping the electorate to the GOP's advantage before a single vote has been cast.​

The whole story is shocking in its brazenness.

More: Are We About to See Another Stolen Presidential Election? | Mother Jones

The GOP is obviously attempting to set up a scenario where they can steal it simply because they don't have the brains to win.

I hope the Democrats can keep up with all of the schemes. They have a million of 'em.

What part of 2010 did you miss? Conservatives kicked ass. All on the straight up.

Don't have the brains to win? For crying out loud girl who runs the Congress now? Who won:lol:?

And I for one don't give a shit about the Presidency although the game is fun. But all in all that's nothing. Only worry with Obama getting a second term is his ability to nominate another liberal to the Supreme Court.

My sights are set on the Senate. Just getting ready to pick my races. That's the key to it.
I'm recently joined trying to keep up with what is going on in politics and I am taking noticing of this. Lot of childish responses from anti democrat crowd almost like they get paid for screwing up debate on political websites or they have nothing better to do with their time.

Lefties, just take notice of the lack of credible facts presented by righties. All they have is bullshit and a few squirrely one-liners. Sort of like watching the monkeys at the zoo...

Surely you jest.
I'm recently joined trying to keep up with what is going on in politics and I am taking noticing of this. Lot of childish responses from anti democrat crowd almost like they get paid for screwing up debate on political websites or they have nothing better to do with their time.

Lefties, just take notice of the lack of credible facts presented by righties. All they have is bullshit and a few squirrely one-liners. Sort of like watching the monkeys at the zoo...

The anti-democrat crowd is the majority now...they're anti-democrat because they figured out you're a bunch of lying, cheating, stealing pieces of shit committed to a culture of death and the destruction of the US.

When you depend on fraud, thievery and tyranny to maintain power, it really sucks when people catch on to you, cuz then you have nothing.
I don't jest but you are affirming what I posted.

I'm recently joined trying to keep up with what is going on in politics and I am taking noticing of this. Lot of childish responses from anti democrat crowd almost like they get paid for screwing up debate on political websites or they have nothing better to do with their time.

Lefties, just take notice of the lack of credible facts presented by righties. All they have is bullshit and a few squirrely one-liners. Sort of like watching the monkeys at the zoo...

Surely you jest.
I think the Dems are nervous after watching the polls and are making a preemptive strike against the Repubs. By accusing them of doing what the Dems are actually doing, they'll build outrage and there will be riots when Obama loses. I suppose the right is tampering with all the polls as well. Obama's tactics aren't working and they are desperate.
I'm recently joined trying to keep up with what is going on in politics and I am taking noticing of this. Lot of childish responses from anti democrat crowd almost like they get paid for screwing up debate on political websites or they have nothing better to do with their time.

Lefties, just take notice of the lack of credible facts presented by righties. All they have is bullshit and a few squirrely one-liners. Sort of like watching the monkeys at the zoo...

The anti-democrat crowd is the majority now...they're anti-democrat because they figured out you're a bunch of lying, cheating, stealing pieces of shit committed to a culture of death and the destruction of the US.

When you depend on fraud, thievery and tyranny to maintain power, it really sucks when people catch on to you, cuz then you have nothing.

hehehehe we've out alinsky'd them. Many young lefties just don't get those of us who finally came to the fork in the road and took a hard right because anyone with intelligence ran for the freaking hills when we looked at former friends and compatriots that were the likes of Bernadine Dohrn and Ayers.

We may be older and wiser to have become a conservative, but we've never forgotten what we've learned from being left.

#1 rule. Never play nice in the sandbox.:eusa_angel:
I think the Dems are nervous after watching the polls and are making a preemptive strike against the Repubs. By accusing them of doing what the Dems are actually doing, they'll build outrage and there will be riots when Obama loses. I suppose the right is tampering with all the polls as well. Obama's tactics aren't working and they are desperate.

I'm loving the panic. All the media in his pocket can't sway Joe Q Public in the polls.

Believe it or not, what the left does now is classic TQM. On the campaign trail. Quality Management programs teach you to peg the person off who is "consistently accusing some one of doing something they wish to do themselves".

Great course out of Arizona.
The GOP is trying their best to make sure that all elections are on the up and up
by trying to get these voter ID laws in place.

An outstanding idea that should have already been in effect.
But the Democrats are not receptive...

Kinda makes you wonder???
By Heather Digby Parton

From the time I started blogging about a decade ago I've been writing somewhat frantically about the GOP efforts to suppress the vote. This should not be surprising since I started writing online in the aftermath of the most dubious election result in history: the infamous Bush v. Gore.

Vote suppression has been with us for centuries, of course. Jim Crow was built on it. Very famous and important Americans have participated in it, including former Chief Justice William Rehnquist. But according to a 2004 report by the Center for Voting Rights it wasn't until the Jesse Jackson campaign in the 1980s that the Republicans began to organize nationally:

Democratic activist Donna Brazile, a Jackson worker and Albert Gore's campaign manager in 2000, said "There were all sorts of groups out there doing voter registration. Some time after the '86 election, massive purging started taking place. It was a wicked practice that took place all over the country, especially in the deep South. Democrats retook the Senate in 1986, and [Republican] groups went on a rampage on the premise they were cleaning up the rolls. The campaign then was targeted toward African-Americans." As in the past, Republicans justified the purges in the name of preventing the unregistered from voting. But Democrats charged vote suppression.
They formed a group called the Republican National Lawyers Association for the purpose of manipulating the voting laws in all 50 states to the benefit of the party. Of course, they said it was for the purpose of stopping "voter fraud" but since there was and is no evidence of voter fraud, vote suppression was the obvious intent. They learned the ins and outs of all local and state voting rules and figured out how to use them for their own electoral advantage. And with the help of other conservative groups like ALEC, they set about making it harder to register and harder to vote. They really made their bones in the 2000 recount, when the call went out the morning after the election for their lawyers to descend on Florida. The rest is history. Well, it's deja vu all over again. Here's Ari Berman:

Back in 2000, 12,000 eligible voters—a number twenty-two times larger than George W. Bush's 537 vote triumph over Al Gore—were wrongly identified as convicted felons and purged from the voting rolls in Florida, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. African Americans, who favored Gore over Bush by 86 points, accounted for 11 percent of the state's electorate but 41 percent of those purged. Jeb Bush attempted a repeat performance in 2004 to help his brother win reelection but was forced to back off in the face of a public outcry.

Yet with another close election looming, Florida Republicans have returned to their voter-scrubbing ways. The latest purge comes on the heels of a trio of new voting restrictions passed by Florida Republicans last year, disenfranchising 100,000 previously eligible ex-felons who'd been granted the right to vote under GOP Governor Charlie Crist in 2008; shutting down non-partisan voter registration drives; and cutting back on early voting. The measures, the effect of which will be to depress Democratic turnout in November, are similar to voting curbs passed by Republicans in more than a dozen states, on the bogus pretext of combating "voter fraud" but with the very deliberate goal of shaping the electorate to the GOP's advantage before a single vote has been cast.
The whole story is shocking in its brazenness.

More: Are We About to See Another Stolen Presidential Election? | Mother Jones

I was only 8 in 1960 and didn't realize what was going on.
I was going to start a thread asking the liberals what they would attribute Obama's defeat to if he loses the election. I see they're getting started early. Isn't it funny how this is something exclusive to liberals? I don't remember any on the right claiming Obama stole the election(I'm sure there were some.. but not enough to matter). The libs will again adorn their tinfoil hats when Romney wins, I went back through threads on another message board the other day and read some of the funny conspiracies they had all throughout the Bush years that have since been long forgotten! Can't wait to watch them melt!

Looks Cheif Stealum Votes is giving us a preview! LMAO!

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