CDZ Are we American first?


May 19, 2017
As Americans, are we all first and foremost American citizens, or do you believe it is by our racial ethnicity, gender(s), etc that we should be labeled?
Personally, I think religion is as big or bigger than patriotism, but I would like to hear what you have to say
I'm just American, but then I'm a WASP and my folks all got here before it was a country. And I'm not a believer, either, so nothing between me and the red white and blue.
We all should be Americans first, but with the influx of other nationals, it often is found that the new arrivals do not assimillate into our society. Some new entries from other countries want to live in America where the "streets are lined with gold", or at least you can find a job. Others are here to do harm to our citizen and way of life.

I believe we should strongly vet new comers with full knowledge, when they break our laws, they will have to find another country to take them in.
It's changing. More and more now are hyphenated Americans, and there are obviously many who aren't thrilled about this place and happy to see that.

I'm mixed race (half Hispanic), but we've never thought of ourselves as anything other than Americans. In fact, I'll bet I've discussed my ethnicity more on this site than I have in the rest of my life combined. I just don't see any relevance otherwise. It's trivial.

You're not a melting pot when you have ethnicity-based lines of demarcation and when you're scolded for "cultural appropriation". So we're becoming something else.
Fortunately, religion and patriotism are separate issues in America. Unfortunately, race and sex have become predominant issues for many people. Sad!
As Americans, are we all first and foremost American citizens, or do you believe it is by our racial ethnicity, gender(s), etc that we should be labeled?
Personally, I think religion is as big or bigger than patriotism, but I would like to hear what you have to say

The big thing here is as long as your religion does not infringe on my rights it just plum doesn't matter to me.

In all regards we are effectively American.

You will not be persecuted for being the wrong type of christian or the wrong type of muslim or whatever.
In all regards we are effectively American.

Geographically, yes. In other regards, not so much.

In what regards?

Age, gender, race, language, sexual orientation...

(All used by the Democratic Party for political purposes.)

Ah, the coolaid your have bought and a party cheerleader you have become. Evil / good a team you have to root for or against.

Them statements go far to taint anything you may say or post in otherwords.

I'm tired of the race talk also to be honest. In 2008 I was dumbfounded and really thought we were gonna step forward.

So I propose a law, if you do anything based on race or sexual orientation like hire someone, not serve someone, not interview someone, not rent to someone, you first get to swing hammers to break rocks 20 hours a week for six months, then next time to to jail with you.

There are some bones in there for the anti affirmative action group I know. Its a poison pill though.

You with me?
Are we American first?

I think it's pretty clear in this day and age we are not.

Point taken, these days too many of us are republicans or democrats first, rich or poor, black or white, religious or atheist, gay or straight, etc. So many divisions; in the face of national tragedy we do come together like we did after 9/11 but it doesn't last.

I've never been big on comparing the US to other countries and saying we're better than them. There's nothing wrong with looking at our nation as a whole and trying to make it better for ourselves and for future generations, but I've always thought it's a fool's errand to worry about how we stack up to any other society. I wish 'em all well, but we do need to focus more on our own problems.
As Americans, are we all first and foremost American citizens, or do you believe it is by our racial ethnicity, gender(s), etc that we should be labeled?
Personally, I think religion is as big or bigger than patriotism, but I would like to hear what you have to say
I don't know what Republicans are. They seem to hate this country and they want it brought down and destroyed.
If you were America first you'd fix our fucking healthcare system and educational system...

22nd and 35th in the world....This should be more like in the top 5 for starters.

You're just playing games if not.
Yes. I believe in America first and I am not religious, so religion isn't relevant for me.

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