Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

Do we have an insane lunatic and pathological liar as President? No?

Well, then, DUH!

Of course we are better off.

Joe Biden is obviously insane. He's had brain surgery on two occasions and is slipping farther into the neurocognitive disorder of dementia every day. He is also a pathological liar, a racist, a bigot, a thief, and a traitor. He and his son have taken money undeclared from the Mayor of Moscow, from Ukraine, and from China.

He is not fit to lead this country or any other.
You ignored my comment and posted a partisan bullshit from the Heartland Institute about 2018. Trump's changes expire for everybody in 2025, though. Actually just kidding, only yours will. Not his or Bezos' because those were made permanent.

According to an analysis released by the Tax Policy Center (TPC) on Dec. 18, 2017, the law was expected to raise the after-tax income of 80.4% of households in 2018, but that cut was not distributed evenly or progressively. The analysis revealed that the tax break would hit 93.7% of taxpayers in the highest-earning quintile, and only 53.9% of those in the lowest quintile.34 Even so, on average, every quintile was expected to receive a tax break.

That is no longer expected to be true once individual tax cuts expire after 2025. At that point, the TPC estimates that the majority of taxpayers—53.4%—will face a tax increase: 69.7% of those in the middle quintile (40th to 60th percentile) will pay more, compared to just 8% of the highest-earning 0.1%.35

And of course your idiotic "president" is doing everything possible by way of his tax policies to tax the living shit out of everyone in this country. Are you really so stupid that you believe they're only going after the upper-income? I'm just going to have to assume that you are.
And of course your idiotic "president" is doing everything possible by way of his tax policies to tax the living shit out of everyone in this country. Are you really so stupid that you believe they're only going after the upper-income? I'm just going to have to assume that you are.
Nobody's going after the upper-income. If you think that, then you're the stupid one, you retarded piece of shit.
A far more divided nation
Which is entirely the fault of entitled pricks just like you that believe your personal freedumbs and 'Libber-Tees' are more important than the status quo. You believe you are more important than your non cock Asian American counterparts for... ...reasons. No matter how much you want to play patriot every day, this shit hangs directly upon the necks of people that think and react like you.
2 million more illegal aliens thrown in the laps of productive Americans
Your political tribe has done fuck all to solve the problem of illegal immigration in this country pretty much my whole fucking life. R Republicans and Democrats throw more money at it. They propose new, intrusive laws that do absolutely nothing to stem it. Even your Orange Lard and Savior could only try to attempt to 'send a message' (note: not actually try and solve anything) with more wall talk and continuing to put kids in cages. So spare me the pagientry of your perverted sense of super patriotism. I find you a complete boob, and I'm not buying your bullshit for one second. As an American, I find people like you to be the dregs. Not any sort of template to represent the country I was born in and love. Go fuck yourself, magaturd swine.
No slowing of Covid deaths despite a plethora of treatment, vaccinations and medical equipment
Yes, a minority of magaturd rejects ruining their lives over fear of two shots. Silver lining there, I suppose. A shot that people way, way, way smarter than you hit the ground running and developed after a deadly pandemic ravaged the country. The Orange sack of shit gets no credit for this, btw. He flapped his gums about 'Operation Warp Speed' while simultaneously downplaying the severity of the virus and generally doing absolutely fuck all, which I believe perfectly describes the performance of former *pResident half ass in a nutshell.
Highest inflation in 39 years
Fuel has doubled
A deadly pandemic shut down the world. The aftermath of no goods and services moving for a year has had steep, but predictable consequences to the economy. How long are you soft as fuck magaturds going to cry about it? Meh. Nevermind. I've zero fucks to give about you 'people'. Resist the vaxx for your 'libber-tees', you human butt plugs.
Trillions more added to the debt
Tax increases looming
Both parties, including your Orange Virus, added trillions to the debt. How else does it get paid down, butt plug?
Why the hell would I want to do that? I've given USPS $3,555.72 worth of business this year.

You're not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree tonight, are you?

It's a common argument from the right on this board.
Your political tribe has done fuck all to solve the problem of illegal immigration in this country pretty much my whole fucking life. R Republicans and Democrats throw more money at it. They propose new, intrusive laws that do absolutely nothing to stem it. Even your Orange Lard and Savior could only try to attempt to 'send a message' (note: not actually try and solve anything) with more wall talk and continuing to put kids in cages. So spare me the pagientry of your perverted sense of super patriotism.

Besides the Communists fighting every anti-immigration effort of President Trump. Besides getting their commie judges to stop Trump's policies that they couldn't (at least temporarily in some cases) he managed to reduce border crossings by 90% in 2019 before the pandemic. Not to mention the huge reduction of illegal narcotics crossing that border. And those kids in cages were pictures taken during the DumBama administration--not Trump. The media knows exactly how to play people like you.

Yes, a minority of magaturd rejects ruining their lives over fear of two shots. Silver lining there, I suppose. A shot that people way, way, way smarter than you hit the ground running and developed after a deadly pandemic ravaged the country. The Orange sack of shit gets no credit for this, btw. He flapped his gums about 'Operation Warp Speed' while simultaneously downplaying the severity of the virus and generally doing absolutely fuck all, which I believe perfectly describes the performance of former *pResident half ass in a nutshell.

Leftist liar. You won't find Trump downplaying anything once this virus became a serious issue in the US and world. Trump downplayed it when Piglosi was telling people to come to Chinatown and DeBlasio and Cuomo were telling people don't be afraid to ride the subways in NYC. Yeah, it's magatard people that are the problem and not the millions of illegals Dementia is allowing into the country untested or unvaxed, and then busing and flying them all across the country coast to coast. Nothing to see here folks.

A deadly pandemic shut down the world. The aftermath of no goods and services moving for a year has had steep, but predictable consequences to the economy. How long are you soft as fuck magaturds going to cry about it? Meh. Nevermind. I've zero fucks to give about you 'people'. Resist the vaxx for your 'libber-tees', you human butt plugs.

When you pay people more to stay home than work like the Communists did, of course you're going to have no goods or services. What would anybody with an IQ over 50 expect? Then you have Commiefornia who restricted trucks from moving that freight off the ships. To kiss the unions ass, they restricted non-union drivers from operating within the state. Plus no truck with an engine older than 9 years old are allowed to operate there as well. Gotta kiss the environmentalists asses as well. So all those goods you speak of are still sitting in the water and have been for months.
And of course your idiotic "president" is doing everything possible by way of his tax policies to tax the living shit out of everyone in this country. Are you really so stupid that you believe they're only going after the upper-income? I'm just going to have to assume that you are.

He was also talking about instituting a huge tobacco tax. You know, nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax hike of any kind. Go get all those rich smokers Dementia.
what we have is a racist and the most corrupt person to enter government in 100 yrs,,,

Nah, you think so? Just because he used our federal agencies like the FBI to get search warrants to find his daughters diary? It was a national security issue I tell ya. Or Hunter selling his paint by numbers artwork to anonymous buyers for between 75K and 500K? Don't be paranoid. If Don Jr would have done that, the Democrats wouldn't have thought twice about it. :eusa_shhh:
You're a republican. Only the ruling class's tax cuts that Trump passed were permanent, and you cheered and cheered. Your programming says you can't cheer when a Democrat does the same?

No tax cuts are permanent. New leadership can reverse that when they have enough power. So when is Dementia going to do it?
Unemployment went from 6.8% to 4.2%.

I guess you think it’s better if millions of Americans are out of work.
Because people stopped looking for work. The unemployment numbers only measure people actively looking for work. I see multiple signs every day looking for halo and offering more than fifteen bucks an hour to start.
Vaccine mandate, supply shortage, gas shortage, Inflation 6.9% higher than 36 years ago, people leaving their jobs cause of mandates. I’ll let everyone have their opinion
Joe Biden is obviously insane. He's had brain surgery on two occasions and is slipping farther into the neurocognitive disorder of dementia every day. He is also a pathological liar, a racist, a bigot, a thief, and a traitor. He and his son have taken money undeclared from the Mayor of Moscow, from Ukraine, and from China.

He is not fit to lead this country or any other.
He hasn’t done shit for 48 years, not because he had brain surgery, he has no brain
Besides the Communists fighting every anti-immigration effort of President Trump. Besides getting their commie judges to stop Trump's policies that they couldn't (at least temporarily in some cases) he managed to reduce border crossings by 90% in 2019 before the pandemic. Not to mention the huge reduction of illegal narcotics crossing that border.
Then why were deportations still higher under Obama? What was the pagentry of all that tough immigration talk BS from your Orange bag of shit all about? I'll tell you. You were fucking conned by a stupid, weak, Orange, ugly sack of garbage. And he's got you so cowed that you would likely vote for him again. Pathetic.
And those kids in cages were pictures taken during the DumBama administration--not Trump.
If I believed you actually valued honesty, I think you might admit both administrations are guilty of that shit, you partisan fucktard. But I don't, and know you won't.
Leftist liar.
Fucking magaturd weakling.

You won't find Trump downplaying anything once this virus became a serious issue in the US and world.
Yes I will, and he did. Now what, idiot?
Yeah, it's magatard people that are the problem
Yes. And it's magaturd, not tard. You're turds. Mental deficiency is redeemable. Turds just get flushed.
He was also talking about instituting a huge tobacco tax. You know, nobody making less than 250K a year will see a tax hike of any kind. Go get all those rich smokers Dementia.
What about the gas tax he was talking about? Or mileage tax or whatever? It’s not enough that the working class is paying 50% more to fill the tank? If you’ve got kids, he’s handing out free money and they can afford the new inflation; but childless adults and senior citizens are being hit hard.
Then why were deportations still higher under Obama? What was the pagentry of all that tough immigration talk BS from your Orange bag of shit all about? I'll tell you. You were fucking conned by a stupid, weak, Orange, ugly sack of garbage. And he's got you so cowed that you would likely vote for him again. Pathetic.

Let's see, we had the best economy in 50 years, secured border, nearly 500 miles of replacement or new walls on our southern border, a reduction of dangerous illegal drugs, gasoline never hitting $3.00 a gallon on the national level, normal inflation in the 2% range. Why would I vote for that again? I can't take all those meanie Tweets. They hurt my little feelings.

If I believed you actually valued honesty, I think you might admit both administrations are guilty of that shit, you partisan fucktard. But I don't, and know you won't.

If both parties are responsible, why did the Democrats cohorts in the media use DumBama's pictures and not Trump's? Furthermore do you know where they put these kids now? In shipping containers. You know, like all those containers out in California waiting to get unloaded? We have no idea what they look like inside because the Communists will not allow anybody but the kids and border patrol to enter them.

Yes I will, and he did. Now what, idiot?

Your article refers to what Woodhead said, but at least they were honest enough to admit Trump only said some things not to panic the nation. And take note that in Woodhead's book, he was referring to a time before this became a real problem. Furthermore Fox did an interview with Dr. Fauci who said everything he and President Trump discussed about the virus was properly and timely relayed to the public. Need the interview, just ask, I have it right here in my bookmarks. Not to mention Fauci and Birx along with other medical specialists were handed the mic many times during Trump's daily covid briefings when this was becoming a real problem.

Yes. And it's magaturd, not tard. You're turds. Mental deficiency is redeemable. Turds just get flushed.

Sorry, I don't have a copy of the Communist dictionary.
Then why were deportations still higher under Obama? What was the pagentry of all that tough immigration talk BS from your Orange bag of shit all about? I'll tell you. You were fucking conned by a stupid, weak, Orange, ugly sack of garbage. And he's got you so cowed that you would likely vote for him again. Pathetic.

If I believed you actually valued honesty, I think you might admit both administrations are guilty of that shit, you partisan fucktard. But I don't, and know you won't.

Fucking magaturd weakling.

Yes I will, and he did. Now what, idiot?

Yes. And it's magaturd, not tard. You're turds. Mental deficiency is redeemable. Turds just get flushed.
I notice when leftists get angry that sane people aren’t buying all their lies, they start with the f this and f that.

Nice group of people, these leftists.
Besides the Communists fighting every anti-immigration effort of President Trump. Besides getting their commie judges to stop Trump's policies that they couldn't (at least temporarily in some cases) he managed to reduce border crossings by 90% in 2019 before the pandemic. Not to mention the huge reduction of illegal narcotics crossing that border. And those kids in cages were pictures taken during the DumBama administration--not Trump. The media knows exactly how to play people like you.

Leftist liar. You won't find Trump downplaying anything once this virus became a serious issue in the US and world. Trump downplayed it when Piglosi was telling people to come to Chinatown and DeBlasio and Cuomo were telling people don't be afraid to ride the subways in NYC. Yeah, it's magatard people that are the problem and not the millions of illegals Dementia is allowing into the country untested or unvaxed, and then busing and flying them all across the country coast to coast. Nothing to see here folks.

When you pay people more to stay home than work like the Communists did, of course you're going to have no goods or services. What would anybody with an IQ over 50 expect? Then you have Commiefornia who restricted trucks from moving that freight off the ships. To kiss the unions ass, they restricted non-union drivers from operating within the state. Plus no truck with an engine older than 9 years old are allowed to operate there as well. Gotta kiss the environmentalists asses as well. So all those goods you speak of are still sitting in the water and have been for months.
The radical leftists manipulating Dementia are deliberately trying to destroy the country. There is no other explanation.
What about the gas tax he was talking about? Or mileage tax or whatever? It’s not enough that the working class is paying 50% more to fill the tank? If you’ve got kids, he’s handing out free money and they can afford the new inflation; but childless adults and senior citizens are being hit hard.

The left is losing support real fast and hard. They need to buy votes somehow. And you know how they are, using our tax dollars to do it like they do 9 out of 10 times.

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