Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

But probably totally in favor of gutting the USPS.

Why the hell would I want to do that? I've given USPS $3,555.72 worth of business this year.

You're not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree tonight, are you?
I know antifa and BLM were attacking your democracy last year, but to comparing their rioting, looting, arson, assaults, and murders to the Civil War is a little extreme, isn't it?
What can I say, Trump's American was a crazy mess :dunno:
It wasn't Trump's America that was a crazy mess. It was those leftists, socialists, communists, progressives, liberals, and Democrats, who were looting it and burning it to the ground.
Hold on let me check real quick....

Yep, Trump was President then and turns out POTUS means President of the whole country, not just your low GDP flyover country.
Odd how you refuse to hold Biden accountable for anything.

I guess you just forgot. Yeah, that has to be it. You forgot.
Hold Biden accountable for what. He hasn't done anything other than pass a shell of an infrastructure bill. It even cut taxes for the ruling class. You should be ecstatic.
Why? Do you think I'm part of the ruling class?

I'm middle class. And Democrats are going to raise my taxes.
You're a republican. Only the ruling class's tax cuts that Trump passed were permanent, and you cheered and cheered. Your programming says you can't cheer when a Democrat does the same?
You're a republican. Only the ruling class's tax cuts that Trump passed were permanent, and you cheered and cheered. Your programming says you can't cheer when a Democrat does the same?
The "ruling class's" taxes are of little concern to me. My taxes, however, are of immediate concern to me.

You should probably come to terms with the fact that you don't get to dictate what I believe.
Odd how you refuse to hold Biden accountable for anything.

I guess you just forgot. Yeah, that has to be it. You forgot.

He can't hold Biden accountable for anything because frankly, he doesn't really know what Biden is doing. Between willful ignorance and whatever news media people like his slavishly subscribe to, it's like they're living in an echo chamber that only feeds them what the regime wants them to believe.

The notion that liberals are open-minded, thoughtful, and intelligent enough to make their own decisions is a fallacy. That's why they're called "liberals", and not "independents."
The "ruling class's" taxes are of little concern to me.
Yet you're entire life you voted as if it's all that matters. You'll go to war against anybody who dares suggest making Jeff Bezos pay more than 0$ in tax, while at the same time yearning for the pre-civil rights era where Americans were taxed much higher than today.
Yet you're entire life you voted as if it's all that matters. You'll go to war against anybody who dares suggest making Jeff Bezos pay more than 0$ in tax, while at the same time yearning for the pre-civil rights era where Americans were taxed much higher than today.
I'd ask you to show me where I said any of that, but you can't. You're letting your bigotry do your thinking for you, and there's precious little being done.
You are sorely uninformed and ignorant. Trump's tax cuts did benefit the middle class and working class the most, as was proven by IRS data.

IRS data proves Trump tax cuts benefited middle, working-class Americans most
You ignored my comment and posted a partisan bullshit from the Heartland Institute about 2018. Trump's changes expire for everybody in 2025, though. Actually just kidding, only yours will. Not his or Bezos' because those were made permanent.

According to an analysis released by the Tax Policy Center (TPC) on Dec. 18, 2017, the law was expected to raise the after-tax income of 80.4% of households in 2018, but that cut was not distributed evenly or progressively. The analysis revealed that the tax break would hit 93.7% of taxpayers in the highest-earning quintile, and only 53.9% of those in the lowest quintile.34 Even so, on average, every quintile was expected to receive a tax break.

That is no longer expected to be true once individual tax cuts expire after 2025. At that point, the TPC estimates that the majority of taxpayers—53.4%—will face a tax increase: 69.7% of those in the middle quintile (40th to 60th percentile) will pay more, compared to just 8% of the highest-earning 0.1%.35

I'd ask you to show me where I said any of that, but you can't. You're letting your bigotry do your thinking for you, and there's precious little being done.
You are a die hard conservative. Giving corporations massive power and cutting their taxes along with the wealthiest Americans has been the core of your movement for decades.
You are a die hard conservative. Giving corporations massive power and cutting their taxes along with the wealthiest Americans has been the core of your movement for decades.
I have no obligation to validate your irrational hatred of conservatives. You'll just have to grow up and deal with your butthurt on your own.
I have no obligation to validate your irrational hatred of conservatives. You'll just have to grow up and deal with your butthurt on your own.
Glad you found enough shame within you to bow out and stop pretending to believe your bullshit.

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