Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

The radical leftists manipulating Dementia are deliberately trying to destroy the country. There is no other explanation.

Actually there is. The Communists are scared to death of Trump. Piglosi and others have nightmares about him coming back. Even though Trump has been out of office for nearly a year now, they are still trying to destroy him. They know against Trump, they are finished.

So they instructed Dementia that whatever Trump did or planned to do his second term, do the exact opposite. Trump passed the Keystone, they reversed it. Trump got the Stay in Mexico policy going that was a huge success, they got Dementia to remove it. Trump removed the threat to schools that didn't allow weirdos in dresses to compete in female athletics, and Dementia put the threat back in. Trump was building the wall, Dementia stopped it nearly on his first day, and now it's costing us millions for federal agents to guard the building materials. If you really look at it issue by issue, their policy was to try and do everything anti-Trump. That's why our country is in such a mess today.
I notice when leftists get angry that sane people aren’t buying all their lies, they start with the f this and f that.

Nice group of people, these leftists.

What else can they do? Leftists are robots for their leaders and media. The problem is they tell the robots what to think, but not why they should be thinking it. So they get frustrated when we show them their lies or question their stance.
Unemployment is low because people have been given so much free money by the liberals that they aren’t bothering to look for work.

They are now since many of them are running out of the free money they collected all these months. No jobs were created. The jobs have been there for months, it's just now some are having to take these jobs.
I notice when leftists get angry that sane people aren’t buying all their lies, they start with the f this and f that.

Nice group of people, these leftists.
So, you've got nothing to support your magaturd outrage but superficial deflections. Shocking.

I'm not a leftist. I'm your worst nightmare. Independents will steal your victory from the jaws of defeat every time. And we'll do it again and again the more you run your mouth.
Actually there is. The Communists are scared to death of Trump. Piglosi and others have nightmares about him coming back. Even though Trump has been out of office for nearly a year now, they are still trying to destroy him. They know against Trump, they are finished.

So they instructed Dementia that whatever Trump did or planned to do his second term, do the exact opposite. Trump passed the Keystone, they reversed it. Trump got the Stay in Mexico policy going that was a huge success, they got Dementia to remove it. Trump removed the threat to schools that didn't allow weirdos in dresses to compete in female athletics, and Dementia put the threat back in. Trump was building the wall, Dementia stopped it nearly on his first day, and now it's costing us millions for federal agents to guard the building materials. If you really look at it issue by issue, their policy was to try and do everything anti-Trump. That's why our country is in such a mess today.
Sad commentary on how low the leftists have so much hate for Trump that they were willing to reverse all his policies that were beneficial for Americans, just to give him the middle finger.

We saw the same thing with the medical ship Trump sent to New York. Cuomo and DeBlasio were so unwilling to make Trump look good that they decided they’d rather send the ship back unused and send the elderly to COVID-infected nursing homes.
They are now since many of them are running out of the free money they collected all these months. No jobs were created. The jobs have been there for months, it's just now some are having to take these jobs.
Same with the rent moratorium. Between the government child support checks and the free apartments, they had no need to work. From what I understand, the rent starts coming due again this month.

I dodged a bullet by the way. When my dad passed away a couple of years ago, we were toying with renting versus selling. We decided we didn’t want the headaches of being a landlord, but we never dreamed we’d have to provide free housing to a family. Whew.
Sad commentary on how low the leftists have so much hate for Trump that they were willing to reverse all his policies that were beneficial for Americans, just to give him the middle finger.

We saw the same thing with the medical ship Trump sent to New York. Cuomo and DeBlasio were so unwilling to make Trump look good that they decided they’d rather send the ship back unused and send the elderly to COVID-infected nursing homes.

Who cares about thousands of old people? Party first--country second. That's the Democrat way.
So, you've got nothing to support your magaturd outrage but superficial deflections. Shocking.

I'm not a leftist. I'm your worst nightmare. Independents will steal your victory from the jaws of defeat every time. And we'll do it again and again the more you run your mouth.
You’re no independent. Moderates don’t call Trump voters
magaturds. That’s right out of The Handbook for Crass, Nasty Leftists.
Who cares about thousands of old people? Party first--country second. That's the Democrat way.
Yup. The elderly have no value. Did you know that the Emanuel guy - not Rahm, but the brother - wanted the COVID vaccine to go to those 65 and up LAST? He acknowledged that even though that’s the group most likely to suffer serious consequences, they have no value and their deaths don’t matter.
Same with the rent moratorium. Between the government child support checks and the free apartments, they had no need to work. From what I understand, the rent starts coming due again this month.

I dodged a bullet by the way. When my dad passed away a couple of years ago, we were toying with renting versus selling. We decided we didn’t want the headaches of being a landlord, but we never dreamed we’d have to provide free housing to a family. Whew.

Smart choice on your part. A lot of people tried to do the same during the DumBama recession. They learned the hard way. As a landlord of over 25 years, I always tell people don't become a landlord unless it's a passion of yours. Otherwise you'll just make yourself miserable. It's not as easy as many people think.

I left my niece and nephew my rental property when I die. Now that I'm nearing that point, I had to meet with them to make sure they want to do this job. Their father promised them he would take care of things after I'm gone, and I've known him since we were kids so I totally trust his word.
You’re no independent. Moderates don’t call Trump voters
magaturds. That’s right out of The Handbook for Crass, Nasty Leftists.
I am, and believe magaturds aren't fit to be among a polite society. Neither conservative, nor Republican, but a hybrid of extremism equalled by the leftist woke heard. Just an overall bad template for an American, if you will. A threat to our democracy that should be extinguished post haste. IE: we've put up with magaturd shit for far too long, and it's way past time for them to crawl back under their rocks of obscurity.
I am, and believe magaturds aren't fit to be among a polite society. Neither conservative, nor Republican, but a hybrid of extremism equalled by the leftist woke heard. Just an overall bad template for an American, if you will. A threat to our democracy that should be extinguished post haste. IE: we've put up with magaturd shit for far too long, and it's way past time for them to crawl back under their rocks of obscurity.
No way. Your prose screams “insane, hateful, intolerant leftist.”

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