Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

And out with the f word again, and used in the most classless way. Pure leftist.
Lawd a mercy. You do know you can say 'fuck' on the Innert00bs, right retard? No repercussions. Try not to get the vapors while retreating to your fainting couch.
I am, and believe magaturds aren't fit to be among a polite society. Neither conservative, nor Republican, but a hybrid of extremism equalled by the leftist woke heard. Just an overall bad template for an American, if you will. A threat to our democracy that should be extinguished post haste. IE: we've put up with magaturd shit for far too long, and it's way past time for them to crawl back under their rocks of obscurity.
If you're an example of polite society, no normal people would want any part of it.
Joe Biden is obviously insane. He's had brain surgery on two occasions and is slipping farther into the neurocognitive disorder of dementia every day. He is also a pathological liar, a racist, a bigot, a thief, and a traitor. He and his son have taken money undeclared from the Mayor of Moscow, from Ukraine, and from China.

He is not fit to lead this country or any other.
You are one lost soul.
Lawd a mercy. You do know you can say 'fuck' on the Innert00bs, right retard? No repercussions. Try not to get the vapors while retreating to your fainting couch.
I know you can say it. I’m just pointing out that when a low-class poster tells a Republican woman to go f herself, that is a giveaway that the trash talker is not an independent, but a nasty, uncouth leftist who flies into a rage when people won’t vote for the candidate he prefers. Independents don’t think that way.
Independents don’t think that way.
They absofuckinglutely do, and you best get used to that fact. It isn't just the left that's looking to crawl right up into the asses of you magaturd savages. You kinda have it coming after this criminal conman you brought upon us.
They absofuckinglutely do, and you best get used to that fact. It isn't just the left that's looking to crawl right up into the asses of you magaturd savages. You kinda have it coming after this criminal conman you brought upon us.
^^^ this is the civilized poster who just said a few posts up that people who vote for Trump aren’t fit for polite society.
They absofuckinglutely do, and you best get used to that fact. It isn't just the left that's looking to crawl right up into the asses of you magaturd savages. You kinda have it coming after this criminal conman you brought upon us.
Is this the part where we're supposed to be intimidated? 'Cause, I gotta be honest,'re just coming off like an utter buffoon.

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