Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

I am, and believe magaturds aren't fit to be among a polite society. Neither conservative, nor Republican, but a hybrid of extremism equalled by the leftist woke heard. Just an overall bad template for an American, if you will. A threat to our democracy that should be extinguished post haste. IE: we've put up with magaturd shit for far too long, and it's way past time for them to crawl back under their rocks of obscurity.
Repubs have been the much more civil party. And the nation has moved relentlessly left for it. Moving in a political direction under control is one thing, moving in a direction b force in massive gallops as to usurp the Constitution is another. You even advertise it.
Unemployment is low because people have been given so much free money by the liberals that they aren’t bothering to look for work.
Unemployment is low because people retired or are staying home to raise their families.

The millions ARE out of work: they are simply refusing to work at all, thus stopping up the whole economy.
Oh no! We can’t forcing people who are refusing to work!

We must fix this comrades. Everyone must contribute to strong Sov.. I mean capitalist economy.
Your blob signed off on 2 stimulus checks. Strange how you didn't call him "demented".

You think stimulus checks are the same as extra unemployment? Nobody is going to stay home instead of work because they got a stupid stimulus check. They will stay home when their combined unemployment checks are equal or more to what they make working.
It's a LOT worse than last year, I'd say.

The constant fear of more mandates kicking in, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, lock-down mandates; can't travel except by car, everything constrained by the nets of rules against us, none of which do any good at all and the epidemic just gets worse and worse.

The shortages of goods are everywhere but not much of a serious problem yet -- we can still substitute kinds of foods. The inflation. The shortages of personnel to do things are worse: we have had trouble getting our garbage picked up for the last two months.

The constant stories of invasion coming from the southern border: no one seems to be doing anything against that, just shipping them all over the U.S. at taxpayers expense as fast as they swim the river or ride inside those big trucks they use to traffick invaders.
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I am, and believe magaturds aren't fit to be among a polite society. Neither conservative, nor Republican, but a hybrid of extremism equalled by the leftist woke heard. Just an overall bad template for an American, if you will. A threat to our democracy that should be extinguished post haste. IE: we've put up with magaturd shit for far too long, and it's way past time for them to crawl back under their rocks of obscurity.

Then you should join me in my effort to convince people that we can no longer exist in one country. We need to divide this land into two countries instead: One side for you leftists and the other side for us.

Think how happy you'd be never having to put up with us ever again. No more threats to "your" democracy to worry about. In your country nobody will be able to have a gun. Criminals will be spending much less time in prison or jail, if you want to jail them at all. Tax your industries and wealthy at 70% if you like. We'll give you the west half of this country so you can open the border and let in all the third-worlders you ever dreamed about. You can run your entire country on windmills and solar panels. Police will have very little authority if you bother to have any police at all. Make all dope legal so half your country is strung out. Free college, free daycare, free healthcare and any other personal expense you feel government should be providing to you.

Just think how great that would be. As for myself, once you leftists move out of our country, my property values would double or more overnight.
Unemployment is low because people retired or are staying home to raise their families.

They are staying home because other people are giving them money, even when their kids are teens. The government support checks continue until age 18!

Senior citizens cannot afford to pay increases inflation prices so that families can have kids they can’t afford, and then get paid per child.
He signed off on extra unemployment as well.

Yes he did, when this country became a mess with covid, millions of people were losing their jobs, and workers were becoming ill getting the virus and couldn't work at all.

After the Trump vaccines were developed and approved, people were going back to work, jobs were opening up, but Dementia and the Communists decided at that point they would pay people more money to stay home.
Then you should join me in my effort to convince people that we can no longer exist in one country. We need to divide this land into two countries instead: One side for you leftists and the other side for us.

Think how happy you'd be never having to put up with us ever again. No more threats to "your" democracy to worry about. In your country nobody will be able to have a gun. Criminals will be spending much less time in prison or jail, if you want to jail them at all. Tax your industries and wealthy at 70% if you like. We'll give you the west half of this country so you can open the border and let in all the third-worlders you ever dreamed about. You can run your entire country on windmills and solar panels. Police will have very little authority if you bother to have any police at all. Make all dope legal so half your country is strung out. Free college, free daycare, free healthcare and any other personal expense you feel government should be providing to you.

Just think how great that would be. As for myself, once you leftists move out of our country, my property values would double or more overnight.

Two is not enough.

Needs to be something more like this.

Oh no! We can’t forcing people who are refusing to work!

We must fix this comrades. Everyone must contribute to strong Sov.. I mean capitalist economy.
You can’t FORCE deadbeat to accept jobs, but you don’t have to pay out thousands (from other people’s money) so they have the luxury of turning down work, and bringing the economy to a halt.

I had a young mother help me for a couple of hours once a week around the house (I have a minor disability), for which I paid her $60. Now that she is getting $1200 a month of OPM for her four kids, she’s no longer interested.

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