Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

Which is entirely the fault of entitled pricks just like you that believe your personal freedumbs and 'Libber-Tees' are more important than the status quo. You believe you are more important than your non cock Asian American counterparts for... ...reasons. No matter how much you want to play patriot every day, this shit hangs directly upon the necks of people that think and react like you.
Nah, pay attention dumbass, you Change America / Hate America filth have core Americans fed the fuck up and retaliatory as hell. LEAVE AMERICA ALONE
Your political tribe has done fuck all to solve the problem of illegal immigration in this country pretty much my whole fucking life. R Republicans and Democrats throw more money at it. They propose new, intrusive laws that do absolutely nothing to stem it. Even your Orange Lard and Savior could only try to attempt to 'send a message' (note: not actually try and solve anything) with more wall talk and continuing to put kids in cages. So spare me the pagientry of your perverted sense of super patriotism. I find you a complete boob, and I'm not buying your bullshit for one second. As an American, I find people like you to be the dregs. Not any sort of template to represent the country I was born in and love. Go fuck yourself, magaturd swine.
Again, pay attention dumbass….Trump just handed your almost dead dude the tightest border in 30 years and he fucked it all up….because…..Mexico First!
Yes, a minority of magaturd rejects ruining their lives over fear of two shots. Silver lining there, I suppose. A shot that people way, way, way smarter than you hit the ground running and developed after a deadly pandemic ravaged the country. The Orange sack of shit gets no credit for this, btw. He flapped his gums about 'Operation Warp Speed' while simultaneously downplaying the severity of the virus and generally doing absolutely fuck all, which I believe perfectly describes the performance of former *pResident half ass in a nutshell.
LefTard Logic:
“Please Father Government, guide me, please tell me I should be terrified of the Democrat Virus, step all over my freedom and FORCE me to do what you want me to do, force your experimental vaccine into my veins, please stop me from pursuing life, liberty and happiness, PLEASE prevent me from having the right to choose.”
What you’re seeing is real Americans practicing that freedom of choice shit you hate…you unAmerican pieces of worthless dogshit won’t understand….don’t try.

A deadly pandemic shut down the world. The aftermath of no goods and services moving for a year has had steep, but predictable consequences to the economy. How long are you soft as fuck magaturds going to cry about it? Meh. Nevermind. I've zero fucks to give about you 'people'. Resist the vaxx for your 'libber-tees', you human butt plugs.
NEGATIVE….you scared bitches and your commie mayors and governors shut shit down….you complied like the nutless fuck you are.
Both parties, including your Orange Virus, added trillions to the debt. How else does it get paid down, butt plug?
The debt gets paid down by cutting spending on wetbacks and the like…come on man, pull your head from filthy your ass and think once.
It was when Trump was president.

No it wasn't. It was the best economy in 50 years. It was having a million more jobs than Americans who could possibly do them. It was rebuilding our military. It was addressing the border problem that Trump was very successful at. It was slowing down the drugs entering this country through that border. It was naturally increasing wages where we hit a new median household income high before the virus. It was in spite of that great economy, gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon on the national level at any time. It was becoming the worlds largest exporter of fuel because Trump was such a pro-energy President. It was a lot of things.
Two would be plenty it's just that people would have to move. We'd have a national vote to see which side gets what part of the country. It's my suggestion that the left get the west side next to their precious border.
What do we do with New York, DC, Boston, and other liberal cities?

I‘m not sure we can do it geographically. We’d have to have self-contained areas that declare they are either for democracy or socialism, perhaps on the county level. Residents could move out and relocate to “their” type area.
Two is not enough.

Needs to be something more like this.

View attachment 574823
Nice --- I've read just about that division from many scifi futurists. They usually go one fewer, combining the northeast and up to the end borders of Illinois and Wisconsin, I think. Though I do think Texas would tend to split off on its own, other areas might try to tag along for its strength. I'd divide the country up a little differently, but I agree, it's more likely to go into 5 or 6 pieces. Soon, presumably. It's amazing it's lasted all this time!! Large polities NEVER last so long in one piece like this --- those who know history, think about it. But we have lasted big for 157 years!
So, you've got nothing to support your magaturd outrage but superficial deflections. Shocking.

I'm not a leftist. I'm your worst nightmare. Independents will steal your victory from the jaws of defeat every time. And we'll do it again and again the more you run your mouth.
Talk is cheap Tard…You’ve never posted a single fucking thing here that would indicate you being a legit Independent… are Left as fuck with a super hardcore case of TDS. Trump owns your filthy ass.
What do we do with New York, DC, Boston, and other liberal cities?

I‘m not sure we can do it geographically. We’d have to have self-contained areas that declare they are either for democracy or socialism, perhaps on the county level. Residents could move out and relocate to “their” type area.

Yes, that's the way it would work. In the Democrat country you would not be able to vote for anybody but a Democrat because there would be no Republicans to run against. Same on the Republican side.

Just think how great life would be living in a country with no leftists.
Two would be plenty it's just that people would have to move. We'd have a national vote to see which side gets what part of the country. It's my suggestion that the left get the west side next to their precious border.

It is not enough, you would end up with the same sort of problems we have now as there is not enough communality between the needs and wants of and Florida and Maine.

It is about more than "left vs Right" or "dem vs Repub" Even those camps are not uniform in their views. Think of your beloved party now with the Trump worshipers vs the never Trumpers.
Nice --- I've read just about that division from many scifi futurists. They usually go one fewer, combining the northeast and up to the end borders of Illinois and Wisconsin, I think. Though I do think Texas would tend to split off on its own, other areas might try to tag along for its strength. I'd divide the country up a little differently, but I agree, it's more likely to go into 5 or 6 pieces. Soon, presumably. It's amazing it's lasted all this time!! Large polities NEVER last so long in one piece like this --- those who know history, think about it. But we have lasted big for 157 years!

Our country did fine until the 70's when the Socialists took over the Democrat party. We were able to work as one people. That's long gone now and the left keeps drifting more and more left each year. There is no possible way to survive without dividing this country or having a civil war where we end up killing each other. We see the problem. The question is if we will do anything about it before it's too late.
Yes, that's the way it would work. In the Democrat country you would not be able to vote for anybody but a Democrat because there would be no Republicans to run against. Same on the Republican side.

Just think how great life would be living in a country with no leftists.
Yes, and also Republicans would cover the expenses associated with their policies, and the Democrats would cover theirs. We in Republican Country would not have to pay a cent toward illegals, and that includes educating and feeding their children. We would abolish birthright citizenship, so we won’t be stuck providing a lifetime of welfare to people whose parents broke the law and invaded our country. We wouldn’t have all these government support checks going out, and people would have to get jobs.
No it wasn't. It was the best economy in 50 years. It was having a million more jobs than Americans who could possibly do them. It was rebuilding our military. It was addressing the border problem that Trump was very successful at. It was slowing down the drugs entering this country through that border. It was naturally increasing wages where we hit a new median household income high before the virus. It was in spite of that great economy, gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon on the national level at any time. It was becoming the worlds largest exporter of fuel because Trump was such a pro-energy President. It was a lot of things.
GDP growth below 3% is very weak. The best economy we’ve had in the last 50 years was under Reagan then under Clinton, then under Bush. The ability for us to achieve rapid economic growth is waning.

The military, illegal immigration, drugs. These are not the “economy”. It’s pretty weird that most of your “economic” parameters are irrelevant.
Our country did fine until the 70's when the Socialists took over the Democrat party. We were able to work as one people. That's long gone now and the left keeps drifting more and more left each year. There is no possible way to survive without dividing this country or having a civil war where we end up killing each other. We see the problem. The question is if we will do anything about it before it's too late.
I’ve considered when our country starting to go to the dogs, and I think it’s a few years earlier - with Johnson‘s War on Povety.
Your blob signed 2 stimulus bills. But somehow it's the fault of the "governors and mayors"?
Your commie governors shut your states down and prevented people from earning a living…as president Trump couldn’t let the people starve.
Come on Guadalupe….you and that filthy fuck Tumblin Tumbleweed already knew this….right?
What else can I teach your sorry asses?
Our country did fine until the 70's when the Socialists took over the Democrat party. We were able to work as one people. That's long gone now and the left keeps drifting more and more left each year. There is no possible way to survive without dividing this country or having a civil war where we end up killing each other. We see the problem. The question is if we will do anything about it before it's too late.
It is too late now if we have to have a civil war, you know, Ray. Dividing the country is the very definition of not surviving: it's why the North invaded the South and forced a war on them (these history-deprived people who keep moaning it was about slavery!! It was about KEEPING THE WHOLE SOUTH PART of the country).

We cannot divide without a war. We cannot divide and survive. And to be fair, what ever does survive as a polity? Where is Gaul? Where is the Roman Empire, or the British Empire? Or Istria, or the Soviet Union, or Mauretania, or Lusitania? It's not in the natural order of things and we see the beginning of the end now.

In my opinion.
I’ve considered when our country starting to go to the dogs, and I think it’s a few years earlier - with Johnson‘s War on Povety.
Yeah, Johnson seriously, seriously messed up King's excellent message. That's a good beginning place; and maybe add in the first losing Forever War then.

Hey, Hey
How many kids
Did you kill today?
Good for her! And perhaps more to the point, good for you for enabling it!!
It is good for her and our child.

But some people think that makes her a deadbeat because they need her to labor for the sake of our capitalist overlords.

After all, how is Bezos going to afford more rockets if there aren’t people staffing his warehouses admit a tornado warning.
We’re all another year closer to death so from that standpoint we’re not doing better.

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