Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

It is good for her and our child.

But some people think that makes her a deadbeat because they need her to labor for the sake of our capitalist overlords.

After all, how is Bezos going to afford more rockets if there aren’t people staffing his warehouses admit a tornado warning.
Is that what elitist Lefties tell you?
I thought conservatives believe the woman belongs barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen?
Is that what elitist Lefties tell you?
I thought conservatives believe the woman belongs barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen?
No. That’s what the right is telling me. People who chose not to work are the ones harming the economy.

They’re deadbeats.

The right is not known for their consistency. They’ll believe whatever they’re told even if it contradicts what they were just told to believe.
No. That’s what the right is telling me. People who chose not to work are the ones harming the economy.

They’re deadbeats.

The right is not known for their consistency. They’ll believe whatever they’re told even if it contradicts what they were just told to believe.
I‘m pretty sure you’re making shit up.
Able-bodied folks are deadbeats for choosing not to work….women raising young chidren belong at home. ALL conservatives would agree.
Yeah, Johnson seriously, seriously messed up King's excellent message. That's a good beginning place; and maybe add in the first losing Forever War then.

Hey, Hey
How many kids
Did you kill today?
I believe he was also the one who opened up immigration to anyone and everyone who wanted to come in, regardless of the abikity to support one‘s family.
I‘m pretty sure you’re making shit up.
Able-bodied folks are deadbeats for choosing not to work….women raising young chidren belong at home. ALL conservatives would agree.
Yes, and conservative parents take that into account. Both my parents worked until I was born, and knowing they would be living on just Dad’s income for at least several years, they passed by the $30,000 house they COULD have afforded on both salaries in the city, and instead bought one in the suburbs for $18,000 they could afford on a single income. (1950s prices.)

Now, these entitled parents, with the leftists pushing the entitlement attitude, would feel they just “deserve” the $30,000 house, allow Mom to stay home, but have OTHER PEOPLE help pay the higher mortgage.

Are we better off than we were a year ago ??​

A far more divided nation
2 million more illegal aliens thrown in the laps of productive Americans
No slowing of Covid deaths despite a plethora of treatment, vaccinations and medical equipment
Highest inflation in 39 years
Fuel has doubled
Trillions more added to the debt
Tax increases looming
Highest crime rates in decades
More kids than ever dying from fentanyl
The world laughing at our circus side show in D.C.

But, but, but…no mean tweets aimed at bottom feeding degenerates and illegals.
Right Mac1958 ?

And the High Church of Climate-Covid-Xidenomics keeps telling us:

War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
Inflation is Good.
The Vaxxes are Safe and Effective.
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Yes, and conservative parents take that into account. Both my parents worked until I was born, and knowing they would be living on just Dad’s income for at least several years, they passed by the $30,000 house they COULD have afforded on both salaries in the city, and instead bought one in the suburbs for $18,000 they could afford on a single income. (1950s prices.)

Now, these entitled parents, with the leftists pushing the entitlement attitude, would feel they just “deserve” the $30,000 house, allow Mom to stay home, but have OTHER PEOPLE help pay the higher mortgage.

And they believe other people should pay off their student loans....
would feel they just “deserve” the $30,000 house
I think people these days would be very happy with a $30,000 house.

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but housing price inflation has been pretty bad for the last 20 years. Housing has become FAR less affordable for the younger generation.
And they believe other people should pay off their student loans....
Kamala proposed a rent subsidy so that people would not have to pay according to market value, but whatever they could afford. She’s been mum on it lately, but if she gets in, watch out.
I think people these days would be very happy with a $30,000 house.

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but housing price inflation has been pretty bad for the last 20 years. Housing has become FAR less affordable for the younger generation.
So too bad. You still buy what you can afford, NOT what you want and then expect other people to pay the mortgage.

And the $30,000 was in 1950s dollars, as I mentioned. DUH. That would be around $350,000, which is a modest house in most areas of the country, and a townhouse in suburbs of more expensive places.
Kamala proposed a rent subsidy so that people would not have to pay according to market value, but whatever they could afford. She’s been mum on it lately, but if she gets in, watch out.

The only way Kamala becomes president is if Xiden croaks and the U.S. goes full on Nazi Police State (although I think they would boot her and replace her with someone even more repugnant within a very short time frame). The Dems are trying, but we still have enough remnants of our Constutional Republic to overcome them.
The only way Kamala becomes president is if Xiden croaks and the U.S. goes full on Nazi Police State (although I think they would boot her and replace her with someone even more repugnant within a very short time frame). The Dems are trying, but we still have enough remnants of our Constutional Republic to overcome them.
The fact that the jury didn’t submit to the leftist lies about Kyle was a glimmer of hope. That said, I’m not sure it would have been the same verdict if the ones trying to murder him were black. There would have been inordinate pressure to fry a white who killed blacks, no matter how justifiable.
So too bad. You still buy what you can afford, NOT what you want and then expect other people to pay the mortgage.

And the $30,000 was in 1950s dollars, as I mentioned. DUH. That would be around $350,000, which is a modest house in most areas of the country, and a townhouse in suburbs of more expensive places.
Sure. But they couldn’t afford the $30,000 house and so they went cheaper. It’s not easy to find houses in the $200,000 range in places where there’s good jobs.

Housing is a huge problem. Saying “too bad” is garbage.
I think people these days would be very happy with a $30,000 house.

I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but housing price inflation has been pretty bad for the last 20 years. Housing has become FAR less affordable for the younger generation.
You added 20-50 million illegals to our nation….what did you think would happen?
Sure. But they couldn’t afford the $30,000 house and so they went cheaper. It’s not easy to find houses in the $200,000 range in places where there’s good jobs.

Housing is a huge problem. Saying “too bad” is garbage.
Then they have to buy an hour out of the city, where the good job is, and buy a modest townhouse. If they can’t afford that, then they can rent until the kids are in school, Mom returns to work, and they can buy.

The solution when you can’t afford what you want is NOT just to confiscate money from some other people and give it to you.

BOTH sets of grandparents raised their children in rented apartments. Nothing wrong with that.
Then they have to buy an hour out of the city, where the good job is, and buy a modest townhouse. If they can’t afford that, then they can rent until the kids are in school, Mom returns to work, and they can buy.

The solution when you can’t afford what you want is NOT just to confiscate money from some other people and give it to you.

BOTH sets of grandparents raised their children in rented apartments. Nothing wrong with that.
Gotcha. Buy an hour out of the city. The townhouses are unaffordable either. Daycare is unaffordable and closes before they can get back because they have to drive AN HOUR to get them.

You guys don’t realize how good you had it and act like nothing has changed since the 50s. You’re so out of touch.

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