Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

Never even seen an Amazon truck out here. I have bought things, but they're usually delivered by USPS or Fedex.
I don't know if this happens where you live but in NYS, USPS, Fedex and UPS all work together to ensure that deliveries are made on time.
Uh...oh wait!! I know!! INFLATION!!! But take it easy, Biden says it's 'transitory' which to me means, it will be over when we kick Biden out of office in 2024 and re-elect Trump. In the meantime, prepare to suffer and be told 'it could be worse.'
I need to lower my Expectationz.
Same income, higher costs for everything.

Take a guess.
Find another employer. Mine is upping salaries that more than match inflation. They're actually attempting to make up for 2020 and I'm here for it.
>t's a stupid question ...but lets have some fun...

I know I am

I don't know if this happens where you live but in NYS, USPS, Fedex and UPS all work together to ensure that deliveries are made on time.

I live 15 miles from a small town of 5k people, 65 miles either way from two large cities.
Unemployment went from 6.8% to 4.2%.

I guess you think it’s better if millions of Americans are out of work.

Is that your only gauge of doing better? That's besides the fact it would have been that low many months ago if Dementia decided against paying people more money to stay home than work, plus if he did that, we wouldn't have the supply chain problem we've had and inflation now that employers have to overpay for labor.

Trump is gone, Bush’s failed, illegal war in Afghanistan is ended, jobless claims hit their lowest level since 1969, and the unemployment rate is at 4.2 percent.
“Much”? WTF…by what twisted metric?

Bush’s failed, illegal war in Afghanistan is ended
And the almost dead dude only killed 13 young Americans to do it.
jobless claims hit their lowest level since 1969, and the unemployment rate is at 4.2 percent.
Weird huh….stop making it rain free shit, lift the commie like restrictions levied on the people by commie like governors and mayors and TA-DA!…people go to work. Fuck, who would have thought?
You can’t really take credit for solving problems you created.

A far more divided nation
2 million more illegal aliens thrown in the laps of productive Americans
No slowing of Covid deaths despite a plethora of treatment, vaccinations and medical equipment
Highest inflation in 39 years
Fuel has doubled
Trillions more added to the debt
Tax increases looming
Highest crime rates in decades
More kids than ever dying from fentanyl
The world laughing at our circus side show in D.C.

But, but, but…no mean tweets aimed at bottom feeding degenerates and illegals.
>t's a stupid question ...but lets have some fun...

The people who accepted the year long or so government paid vacation did much better. Stay in the basement playing video games, able to buy the things they wanted if they were available, getting fat on Doritoe's. Life was great.

For working people it was hell. A constant possibility of losing your job if you didn't get the shot, wages the same but the cost of everything going up, having to work with that stupid mask on day in and day out.

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