Are We Done with Political Penance for Slavery?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Despite having awarded our First Black President* with two terms in office, the voting populace seems to be waking up to the disasters He and his radical Party have wrought on our beloved country. Does this represent a paradigm shift in the minds of the general public, or will racial guilt once again play a dominant role in our domestic politics? Will the 2016 elections finally allow us to look forward instead of backwards? I hope so.

*As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama was a first term US Senator with no national experience whose policies and oratory skills were virtually identical to those of John Edwards, yet he received four times as many votes as Edwards in the primaries. Failure to acknowledge to acknowledge that his race was the deciding factor in his nomination and election as President is laughably myopic.
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Every president before him was a white guy . I guess their race had nothing to do with it ?

Blacks only make up 10% of the pop. How could Obamas race be the deciding factor of his election?
No, not even close.

The Regressive Left is going to hang on to this for as long as they possibly can. This is at the very core of PC/Identity Politics, their bread & butter.

More people are waking up to this, including liberals, but it still has legs for a while.
Every president before him was a white guy . I guess their race had nothing to do with it ?

Blacks only make up 10% of the pop. How could Obamas race be the deciding factor of his election?

Political Penance for Slavery. In Joe Biden's words, he was the first "articulate and clean" African American candidate for President.

Get over slavery . Sure , as soon as white folk get over the civil war . People still cling to the confederate flags and "heros". So who's really stuck on history?
Get over slavery . Sure , as soon as white folk get over the civil war . People still cling to the confederate flags and "heros". So who's really stuck on history?

I feel no need to seek penance because a bunch of Africans sold members of defeated tribes to Arab and Portuguese merchants who then brought the slaves to this hemisphere.

None of my ancestry had any thing to do with it, and the emancipation proclamation was in place way before my ancestry came here.

Furthermore, if liberal Black people insist on maintaining an alienated status, while blaming everyone else for their failures they will never be more than human swine on democrook livestock plantations.

You couldn't even bring slavery back, because no one would want these people on their property, let alone pay for them, feed them, and try to make them productive. The best thing we can hope for is a coronal mass ejection, a breakdown in civil order and for these people to cannibalize the liberal parasites that have allowed them to become useless eaters.

When the dust settles the productive independent people can rebuild the country free from collectivist interference, deviant immortality, and phony racial pandering.

You couldn't even bring slavery back, because no one would want these people on their property, let alone pay for them, feed them, and try to make them productive. The best thing we can hope for is a coronal mass ejection, a breakdown in civil order and for these people to cannibalize the liberal parasites that have allowed them to become useless eaters.

What is the political penance thats been done so far?

Electing Obama (twice) and allowing him to rule by executive fiat. This has never been done for another President except during wartime. He should probably have been impeached by now, but that would would have sullied the historical significance of his cathartic election.
What is the political penance thats been done so far?

Electing Obama (twice) and allowing him to rule by executive fiat. This has never been done for another President except during wartime. He should probably have been impeached by now, but that would would have sullied the historical significance of his cathartic election.

The people elected Obama because of slavery? Well, thats a stretch
Lol. You want the real reason obama was elected twice ?? It's cause the GOP is made of if fucking fools ! You have no one to blame but yourself .

But Ya can't ! The GOP is infallible!!! lol!

It's like a sports team blaming the refs and fans for their losses. It's sad .
What is the political penance thats been done so far?

A fucking civil war dipshit.

Most bed wetters would like to pretend affirmative action and massive welfare spending were some form of reparations, except that it's quite clear these democrook policies have done more harm than good.

There is no need for penance on part of the US for slavery. It existed before the country did, we fought a massive war that no other country did to get rid of it, and it still exists all over the world. We are the only country that makes an effort to stop it in other countries.

We are the one nation on earth that has freed millions from the slavery their criminally insane totalitarian sociopathic governments inflicted but bed wetting libtards will never drop the banner of slavery no matter what we've ever done or what we ever do.

That's why I say:

Fuck these sniveling parasites, just defeat them. Don't "compromise" with them, don't negotiate with them. Kick their asses until they flee to places like North Korea where their policies have been fully implemented for decades. They will find fulfillment there. They probably won't like it any more than we like the regressive shit they've inflicted on us already, but fuck them.

They deserve it.

Lol. You want the real reason obama was elected twice ?? It's cause the GOP is made of if fucking fools ! You have no one to blame but yourself .

But Ya can't ! The GOP is infallible!!! lol!

It's like a sports team blaming the refs and fans for their losses. It's sad .

You mean kinda like what we seen the Democrats do in midterms?
Actually, the rich Southern plantation owners fed and took care of the slaves. When the North invaded the South in order to force the South to sell their cotton to the Northern mills, the freeing of the slaves was a collateral event. Once freed, the slaves still required being fed and cared for. Now though, the responsibility for the feeding and carrying for the slaves also come to fall onto the shoulders of the Yankees. The Blacks have always been fed and cared for. They require this from the cradle to the grave.
Lol. You want the real reason obama was elected twice ?? It's cause the GOP is made of if fucking fools ! You have no one to blame but yourself .

But Ya can't ! The GOP is infallible!!! lol!

It's like a sports team blaming the refs and fans for their losses. It's sad .

A sports team? Oh, you mean like Obama's JV team. ISIS. Got you.
Get over slavery . Sure , as soon as white folk get over the civil war . People still cling to the confederate flags and "heros". So who's really stuck on history?

Nobody clung onto their confederate flag to support their political agenda.
Actually, the rich Southern plantation owners fed and took care of the slaves. When the North invaded the South in order to force the South to sell their cotton to the Northern mills, the freeing of the slaves was a collateral event. Once freed, the slaves still required being fed and cared for. Now though, the responsibility for the feeding and carrying for the slaves also come to fall onto the shoulders of the Yankees. The Blacks have always been fed and cared for. They require this from the cradle to the grave.

Not all of them. Many managed to earn their Way into land ownership or find jobs in northern industrial plants. Some found a new sort of dependency on share crop plantations where they did as little as they needed in order to obtain basic needs.

These share crop plantations were still around in the 1940s. I worked for a guy who's granny worked on one. In his words:

Granny would out pick a dozen ******* in one day and get enough money for us to live on for a week.

As old as he was he didn't use the word ****** out of hate either. For him it was simply what blacks were called then, and what they still call one another. He fought in Korea and Vietnam with blacks and had no animosity for them collectively. He was an FDR democrook who voted for obozo. When I would ask him why he was a Dem even though he opposed abortion, gun control, the queer agenda and all the stupid EPA bullshit he would say:

Democrats are the party of the people!

Anyway I digress. The point is that many blacks succeeded and escaped the dependency of institutionalized living. Black society was well on it's way to earning the equality they deserved. It was the democrooks and their welfare policies, along with the victim propaganda that set back their status.

Even today, blacks who reject dependency, earn a decent living and promote virtue are reviled by leftist pukes.

There is nothing wrong with black persons, because there are hordes of white human swine in the same sort of feeding troughs set up by democrook sociopaths.


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