'Are we going to do it again?': Bill Maher warns Democrats against attacks on Brett Kavanaugh

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
washingtonexaminer.com ^

Bill Maher criticized Democrats for resurfacing unsubstantiated sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and calling for the judge's impeachment.

Maher, the host of Real Time with Bill Maher, used his Friday night show to attack Democratic strategy and warned of the "Kavanaugh effect" that possibly cost multiple swing-state Democratic senators their seats in 2018.

"In the 2018 election, it looks like Democrats couldā€™ve won Indiana, North Dakota, Florida, Missouri, and West Virginia. All five were home to Democratic senators running for election in tight races. Joe Manchin, the only one that voted for Kavanaugh, won. The other four lost," Maher said, describing the "Kavanaugh effect."

"They have polling on this. People did not like going after a guy for what he did in high school. It looked bad, and now Democrats are talking about impeaching him again?" Maher asked his panel.

NBC analyst Heather McGhee defended Democratic attacks on Kavanaugh, asserting that the allegations against Kavanaugh are relevant to his Supreme Court position as a "moral arbiter."

"Yes, it was about something a long time ago, but it goes to character. We are not talking about a job like we have. We are talking about being one of the nine moral arbiters of this great nation," McGhee said.

Maher called Kavanaugh a "creep" but maintained that Democratic attacks on the judge are mistakes and that peopleā€™s actions from high school should not burden them for the rest of their lives.

"We don't have the votes [to impeach him.] And now we lost seats. Are we going to do it again?" Maher asked. "Ruth Bader Ginsburg said glowing things about him. I think heā€™s an asshole. I think he shouldnā€™t be on the Supreme Court ā€¦ [but] what were you like when you were 17, you know?"

Democratic attacks on Kavanaugh ramped up again after New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly adapted an excerpt from their book for an article in the newspaper.

The article appeared to drop a bombshell accusation against Kavanaugh that had not yet been reported, but the New York Times later corrected the article to reflect that the alleged victim did not remember the incident in question.

Before the article was corrected, several Democratic presidential candidates called for Kavanaugh's impeachment, including California Sen. Kamala Harris, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.


Itā€™s funny...Maher is becoming politically homeless as he is quickly becoming despised by the far left.

Bill Maher is likely to be thrown out of the crazy party for not being crazy enough

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