Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

So what's the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.. It's like trying to find middle ground between the Jews and Palestinians.

There's always common ground. And those who wish for us not to discover it. There are times when differences are irreconcilable, but gun control is not one of them. At least that's what I think.
Guns are here to stay. We can’t wave a magic wand and take them away from criminals. There will always be crazy people that want to do crazy things. Ideally, we would be able to weed out the those that intend to do harm, but that is a pipe dream and a very slippery slope.

We can’t all go through life dreaming of balloons, lollipops and winning the Willy Wonka golden ticket, but I’m sure it is quite blissful. Some of us must be adults and deal in reality. Democrats lost that ability years ago and they have drug many “independents” back to pre-school with them.
We may not be able to take away all guns from criminals, stop all mass gun violence but we can reduce it and we don't have abolish gun ownership to do it. I think this is the best we can do.
Every gun discussion you leftists bring up "other countries" that happen to be mostly white or other single culture. Blacks commit over 50% of our murders in this country and given that most of them are males, that means that most of our murders are committed by about 8% of our entire population. If you take minorities out of the mix, our country compares to other mostly white countries when it comes to violent crime and murder in spite of all the guns we have.

Trying to blame guns for our violence problem is like trying to blame cars for deadly DUI accidents. You are blaming an inanimate object instead of the people who use that object for nefarious reasons.

Blacks commit over 50% of our murders in this country
Actually it's 52%. However is it being black or living in poverty? Since the percent of blacks living in poverty is over twice that of Whites and the commission of homicides is nearly twice as great for those living below the poverty line then it is equally correct to say that 50% of our murders in the country are committed by those that are below poverty line. Yet due to fixation on race we imply that the problem is due to skin color and not poverty.
Blacks commit over 50% of our murders in this country
Actually it's 52%. However is it being black or living in poverty? Since the percent of blacks living in poverty is over twice that of Whites and the commission of homicides is nearly twice as great for those living below the poverty line then it is equally correct to say that 50% of our murders in the country are committed by those that are below poverty line. Yet due to fixation on race we imply that the problem is due to skin color and not poverty.
Don't stop there.

Why are they dealing with poverty?

What percentage of blacks are growing up in single parent homes?!! Are gov't. policies encouraging this?
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Hmm, maybe we do need another holiday. Where mourn the less of 19 due to guns and also the million lost to abortion.
How are you being disarm over the actions of others.

I'm not yet, but that's the plot of the Democrats. You know, never let a good tragedy go to waste. Did you ever see anything more pathetic than when Dementia first addressed the nation on this school shooting? He used it as an opportunity to rag on the NRA and promote his anti-gun policies. What does that tell ya?
We may not be able to take away all guns from criminals, stop all mass gun violence but we can reduce it and we don't have abolish gun ownership to do it. I think this is the best we can do.

Blacks commit over 50% of our murders in this country
Actually it's 52%. However is it being black or living in poverty? Since the percent of blacks living in poverty is over twice that of Whites and the commission of homicides is nearly twice as great for those living below the poverty line then it is equally correct to say that 50% of our murders in the country are committed by those that are below poverty line. Yet due to fixation on race we imply that the problem is due to skin color and not poverty.

No, we can NOT at all reduce mass gun violence through gun control.
No one should ever want to kill another human, and obviously there is something seriously wrong with any society or school that causes anyone to want to be violent.
Trying to suppress the final acting out with violence, is not the way to fix anything.
That is just suppressing the symptoms, but leaving the inherent disease decaying the heart of our society.
Our schools obviously are too competitive, teachers too autocratic, institutions being used to warehouse kids while their parents are forced into the labor market.

What is likely to be the result of any additional gun legislation?
Like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, it likely will increase illegal gun trading by making it more profitable.
That will increase the cost of guns, but not at all deter anyone intent on mass murder/suicide.
And in fact will greatly increase mass murder/suicide, just as Prohibition and the War on Drugs did.
That is because people inherently resent being told what to do by a government that has not right to say.
Gun control just destroys the credibility of the government, and make more bent on its deserved destruction.
So what's the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.. It's like trying to find middle ground between the Jews and Palestinians.
That's like saying what is middle ground between between salt and guns. Communism is not the opposite constitutionalism. North Korea, China, and Cuba all have constitutions. A constitution is just a set of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by. It is totally independent of political ideologies such as democracy, communism, authoritarianism, anarchism, etc.
Blacks commit over 50% of our murders in this country
Actually it's 52%. However is it being black or living in poverty? Since the percent of blacks living in poverty is over twice that of Whites and the commission of homicides is nearly twice as great for those living below the poverty line then it is equally correct to say that 50% of our murders in the country are committed by those that are below poverty line. Yet due to fixation on race we imply that the problem is due to skin color and not poverty.

People today have no idea WTF poverty is. When foreigners come here, they laugh at our definition of poverty. My father could tell you what poverty was:

He and his five siblings grew up in a house the size of a three car garage. They had no electricity or running water. When you had to go, it was in the outhouse in the back that didn't even have a roof on it.

My father had to drop out of school in the 9th grade to help support his siblings. Yes, they were on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon five miles up the road to the fire station where they'd fill it up with vegetables and some fruit, and then they'd pull it back home. Not so bad in the summer time, but anybody up north can tell you how brutal our winters can be here.

He joined the US Marines and fought in Korea. He tells us he joined just to see what it was like to eat three times a day. Most of his brothers did the same.

My father never spent a day in jail yet alone prison, and neither did any of his siblings. They all grew up to be law abiding citizens. Three including my father got into construction and even formed their own company for a short time. One did odd jobs here and there, he was an alcoholic, and the other became a beautician and at one time had three salons.

What are our poor like in the US today? Free government smart phones, more food than a normal person could eat. Cable or satellite television. Very low rent housing and some even in the suburbs like the lowlifes I have next door to me. Free medical care that the working don't get. Welfare checks and daycare vouchers for when they have kids they can't afford.

I understand you belong to the party of excuses, but in the US, there is zero reason for anybody to commit crimes, especially murder.

The article is a fake.
It is just an arbitrary list.
It is not a description, definition, or make any sense at all.
And it goes beyond the 1994 bad law by not allowing one of the listed rifles to be rehabilitated.
You could turn one of these listed rifles back into a single shot, bolt action, and they would still consider illegal, which is in itself ILLEGAL.
Laws can be neither arbitrary nor absolute, in a democratic republic.

The reality is that about 99.5% of all murders are with pistols, so it is pistols that should be the focus instead of the emotional PR campaign against AR-15s.
So what's the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.. It's like trying to find middle ground between the Jews and Palestinians.

Don't mean to rain on your parade, but that is a really badly stated argument.

Communism does not at all define the political system.
So a country that allowed communist means of production, could be a democratic republic, monarchy, dictatorship, or whatever.
Political systems and economic systems are orthogonal. They have nothing to do with each other.

As for the Jews and Palestinians, the Palestinians are Semitic, and are the descendants of the ancient Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, Chaldeans, Hebrew, Amorites, etc.
The Jews are not some different group, but a small number of the Palestinian Hebrew, who left for thousands of years, and now have returned.
There is no reason for any sort of conflict at all, except that the Jews have filled themselves with some sort of insanity about them being the "Chosen People" who are supposed to be due their "Promised Land", and they want the Palestinians to deliver on this fake biblical promise.
There is plenty of "middle ground".
All Jews have to do in order to avoid conflict, is to buy property instead of stealing it with massive US weapons.

There is always middle ground.
But what we have to do is explain to some who are unfamiliar with firearms, that no firearm ever caused anyone to ever do anything, like commit a crime.
We know the causes of crime, and the ease of weapons acquisition is not one of them.
That's like saying what is middle ground between between salt and guns. Communism is not the opposite constitutionalism. North Korea, China, and Cuba all have constitutions. A constitution is just a set of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by. It is totally independent of political ideologies such as democracy, communism, authoritarianism, anarchism, etc.

The US Constitution is a document that limits governments ability. Leftists want government to to be in ever aspect of our life. They want government to feed us, to provide medical care, to house us, to feed our children in school, and now there is controversy in Florida where Governor DeSantis stopped funding for free birth control and people are bitching about that. Really? People are actually complaining that taxpayers are not paying for their whoopie time?
Stephen Collinson writes, "It was never clearer than on Wednesday that the Senate’s paltry ambition on gun reform is overwhelmed by the horrific reality of America’s regular massacres and the unbearable agony of family members left behind.

"But, as an 11-year old survivor of the terror in Uvalde – who smeared the blood of a classmate on herself to play dead during the rampage – testified to Congress, and a pediatrician told of decapitated bodies of children hit by bullets from a high velocity rifle, Democrats on Capitol Hill pledged to accept even a narrow, incremental bill if it is offered by pro-gun Republicans just to do something – anything.

"A familiar political dynamic is beginning to unfold. As days pass after the latest act of terror, the momentum for a quick and meaningful political response to change gun laws slows, as Capitol Hill Republicans – some with presidential ambitions that depend on" millions from the gun lobby, meaning the NRA."

As CNN reports, Republican gun reform is essentially useless or pro forma. "A narrow set of changes to gun laws is still under consideration, including hardening school security, providing more funding for mental health care, ensuring that juvenile records can be considered when a person between ages 18 and 21 wants to buy a high-powered semi-automatic weapon like an AR-15 and providing federal incentives for states to pass so-called red flag laws."

The Republican solution, as expected borders on being ludicrous. How much money would be needed to provide security for every school in the country? The shooters in Buffalo and Uvalde had no history of mental illness. Senate Republicans want the states to pass red flag laws, not the U.S. Senate.

The Republican proposals would be laughable if they were not so tragic. They simply don't care how many die from the shooting massacres as long as the NRA is forthcoming with its millions.

The forum's Republicans have nothing to say about all this.
There's always common ground. And those who wish for us not to discover it. There are times when differences are irreconcilable, but gun control is not one of them. At least that's what I think.

Look at how they acted with President Trump. He was asking for a few billion dollars for something as important like securing our border. The money he asked for was about a little over half of what we spend on food stamps in just one month, and no dice.

What Trump learned (at least I hope he did) was that there is no getting along with these people. With Democrats, it's their way or the highway. There is no middle ground with them like there was years ago. Trump tried, and this is the response he got.

No, we can NOT at all reduce mass gun violence through gun control.
No one should ever want to kill another human, and obviously there is something seriously wrong with any society or school that causes anyone to want to be violent.
Trying to suppress the final acting out with violence, is not the way to fix anything.
That is just suppressing the symptoms, but leaving the inherent disease decaying the heart of our society.
Our schools obviously are too competitive, teachers too autocratic, institutions being used to warehouse kids while their parents are forced into the labor market.

What is likely to be the result of any additional gun legislation?
Like Prohibition and the War on Drugs, it likely will increase illegal gun trading by making it more profitable.
That will increase the cost of guns, but not at all deter anyone intent on mass murder/suicide.
And in fact will greatly increase mass murder/suicide, just as Prohibition and the War on Drugs did.
That is because people inherently resent being told what to do by a government that has not right to say.
Gun control just destroys the credibility of the government, and make more bent on its deserved destruction.
Our approach to most social problems is to deal with the symptoms. For poverty, we throw money at it. For poor parenting, we make rules and laws. For mental illness, we give pills to relieve symptoms. And for crime imprison or doing nothing.

Solving social problems are the heart of the nations problems but due to the difficulty in dealing with them and the cost we create fake solutions which simply nibble at symptoms and appease the public.

Suppressing the symptoms, but leaving the inherent disease decaying the heart of our society is exactly what our penal system does. It's primary purpose is to separate the criminals from society so they can do no harm to society while in prison which by its nature is very successful.

Secondarily, our penal system seeks to punish the criminal so he turns away from crime. Since the average national recidivism rate for released prisoners is only 44%, the system is ineffective. Rehabilitation and treating crime as a disease has all but disappeared from the system due to fact that the public believes the purpose of prisons is punish the criminal so he will not return to his criminal ways. Even thou punishment has been very effective, the public still believes in punish and rehabilitation and treatment is considering pampering prisoners.
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