Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

Absolutely. Statistics show that CCW holders are the most law abiding in the country, and that includes police officers.
The permit in many states require, an age 21 or over, no felony convictions, drug convictions, not presently an alcoholic, addict, or habitual user of a controlled dangerous substance, based on an investigation has not exhibited a propensity for violence or instability, has a good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun, and has completed a state police firearms training course within two year.

Of course, people that meet the above requirement are going to be more law abiding than the general populations.
Well thoughts and prayers by the right wing hasn't worked yet.

But it works so well for the pope.

In his bullet proof little mobile.

I have tried being nice to people on this forum today, but you have successfully activated my jackass mode.

Kindly shut the fuck up. Just do it.

You have no idea that the thoughts and prayers some people give are all they have. No wonder nothing gets done, we're too busy trying to make people do things they have no power to do and criticizing them for doing things they actually have the power to do.

Fucking grow up. I am damn tired of people like you saying shit like that. You are essentially shaming the goodwill others have towards people adversely affected by this issue because you deem it to be ineffectual. Thoughts and prayers are a form of sympathy. That sympathy is all most have to give in situations like this, situations they individually have no power to control.


And don't get me started on your religious bigotry.
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They don't think that at all. In fact that's what they want.

Take guns away from law abiding citizens and only the police and bad guys have the guns. Us not being able to defend ourselves would greatly increase crime. So how then would we fight big crime? The same way we fought big business, big pharma, big tobacco, and that is with a bigger government.

I tell all these anti-gunners to have a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSEHOLD, put it on their front porch, and get back to us in a few months (if you're still alive) to tell us how that worked out for them.
Although a lot of people believe we would be better off without the guns, there has never been a bill introduced in Congress to take away guns from all law abiding citizens. We have minimum age laws, restrictions on ownership by convicted felons and mentally impaired and we have laws that restrict ownership of certain types of guns such as machine guns and assault rifles. However, guns are widely available in every state and in fact there are more that 400 million guns, more guns than people. Yet there are gun enthusiasts that fight again any restrictions on the sale of guns, not matter how lethal those guns may be nor how dangerous the buyer may be to the public.
From 18 to 21 is 3 years, genius.

Three years when there is zero supervision or anyone monitoring them at all, but while they are out on their own, likely living in a poor neighborhood since their income will be extremely low.
Although a lot of people believe we would be better off without the guns, there has never been a bill introduced in Congress to take away guns from all law abiding citizens. We have minimum age laws, restrictions on ownership by convicted felons and mentally impaired and we have laws that restrict ownership of certain types of guns such as machine guns and assault rifles. However, guns are widely available in every state and in fact there are more that 400 million guns, more guns than people. Yet there are gun enthusiasts that fight again any restrictions on the sale of guns, not matter how lethal those guns may be nor how dangerous the buyer may be to the public.

It is obvious nonsense for anyone to believe we would be better off without guns for many reasons.
The first of which is that this democratic republic only exists due to the armed rebellion against the British monarchy.
Which is not a fluke. All countries were dictatorships until the invention of firearms allow for the majority to rise up against them.
Second is that the DOJ stats say everyone will become the victim of on average 2.5 serious crimes in your life.
Whether you survive or die likely depends on whether or not you have arms.
So anyone unarmed is simply foolish.
They are ignoring reality.

Sure there can be some laws, but whenever someone mentions "assault rifles", you can tell they are corrupted by false propaganda.
There absolutely is NO SUCH THING as an assault rifle.
The AR-15 is semi-automatic, so its not at all similar in any way to the military M-16 that is fill auto.
The reality is that the AR-15 uses about the single weakest bullet make for rifles.
It is so weak and small, it was a mistake for the military to use it at all, since it is so short range.
It is not even legal for deer hunting because it won't kill, but just wound.
The M-16 was used as an assault weapon in Vietnam, but the M-1 carbine was used that way in WWII, a pump shotgun was used for that in WWI, a pair of revolvers was used for that in the Civil War, a coach gun or blunderbuss was used for that in the Revolutionary war, etc.
The point being that the ordinary weapons can all be used as an assault weapon, and is characterized by use, not any traits of the weapon itself, except that it has to be light, small, and portable.
The propaganda characterizing it as somehow powerful is false. Assault weapons tend to be weak so they do not have as much recoil to deal with, and are intended for short range, so do not need power.
We need a Swat Team camped outside of every school, church, store, concert, movie theater

The opposite.
It is SWAT teams we need to disarm, since they are a much greater danger to any democratic republic, than any criminal.
If ordinary citizens went back to being armed, as they were before 1900, then everyone would be safe again.
Although a lot of people believe we would be better off without the guns, there has never been a bill introduced in Congress to take away guns from all law abiding citizens. We have minimum age laws, restrictions on ownership by convicted felons and mentally impaired and we have laws that restrict ownership of certain types of guns such as machine guns and assault rifles. However, guns are widely available in every state and in fact there are more that 400 million guns, more guns than people. Yet there are gun enthusiasts that fight again any restrictions on the sale of guns, not matter how lethal those guns may be nor how dangerous the buyer may be to the public.

The only thing stopping them from totally taking our guns is the US Constitution and the Supreme Court. In the meantime they'll use every opportunity they can to make it darn near impossible to obtain or maintain gun ownership. Anybody that doesn't believe me only has to read Dementia's gun agenda when he was running for President.

Part of his plans included having a federal license to own a firearm. To get a federal license, the cost was $800.00 which greatly disadvantaged minorities and the poor. The money would have been used to have a shrink interview you, your family members, coworkers, neighbors, and even ex-wives and husbands. If any of them objected or showed concern about you getting a license to own a gun, that's $800.00 right out the window. It also included the stipulation that no guns or gun repair parts be purchased off the internet.

Given the fact we have all had disagreements and bad blood between coworkers, friends and exes, his plan was designed so there was always a reason to refuse most Americans the ability to own or possess a gun even if the governments anti-gun shrinks stated you were okay.
The permit in many states require, an age 21 or over, no felony convictions, drug convictions, not presently an alcoholic, addict, or habitual user of a controlled dangerous substance, based on an investigation has not exhibited a propensity for violence or instability, has a good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun, and has completed a state police firearms training course within two year.

Of course, people that meet the above requirement are going to be more law abiding than the general populations.

Correct, there should be no concern about us which is why it's stupid to disarm us over the actions of others.
The right wing won't stop till every American will have to have a gun to leave the house or shop.

If that ever happens we will have only Democrats to thank for that. People like Gascon and like are giving criminals slaps on the hand for the crimes they commit. They are back out on the street in no time while the Mayors that put them in charge keep making the job of police officers more difficult and dangerous.
If that ever happens we will have only Democrats to thank for that. People like Gascon and like are giving criminals slaps on the hand for the crimes they commit. They are back out on the street in no time while the Mayors that put them in charge keep making the job of police officers more difficult and dangerous.
Give us an example of him doing so.
Until you reintroduce the concept of "common ground" back into the halls of congress, then there will never be a solution. The perspective is always different from the other trench.

So what's the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.. It's like trying to find middle ground between the Jews and Palestinians.
So what's the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.. It's like trying to find middle ground between the Jews and Palestinians.
So what's the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none.. It's like trying to find middle ground between the Jews and Palestinians.
What is communist about gun laws? Thank you.
The permit in many states require, an age 21 or over, no felony convictions, drug convictions, not presently an alcoholic, addict, or habitual user of a controlled dangerous substance, based on an investigation has not exhibited a propensity for violence or instability, has a good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun, and has completed a state police firearms training course within two year.

Of course, people that meet the above requirement are going to be more law abiding than the general populations.
No doubt.

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