Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

The US Constitution is a document that limits governments ability. Leftists want government to to be in ever aspect of our life. They want government to feed us, to provide medical care, to house us, to feed our children in school, and now there is controversy in Florida where Governor DeSantis stopped funding for free birth control and people are bitching about that. Really? People are actually complaining that taxpayers are not paying for their whoopie time?

Not quite fair.
What the left wants is for government to prevent abuses by the wealthy elite who own all our jobs, health care, housing , banks, etc.
For example, by the insurance companies illegally getting a hook into our jobs through tax exemptions for employer provided benefits, they have created a monopoly on health care that has doubled the prices and cut quality.
They force you to prepay health insurance, so you have no ability to effect cost or quality.
Between illegal redlining and competition from landlords, it is also difficult for many people to afford a home any more.
The system is unfair and getting worse all the time.
I'm not yet, but that's the plot of the Democrats. You know, never let a good tragedy go to waste. Did you ever see anything more pathetic than when Dementia first addressed the nation on this school shooting? He used it as an opportunity to rag on the NRA and promote his anti-gun policies. What does that tell ya?
That you are not taking your meds
There will be a lot more
People today have no idea WTF poverty is. When foreigners come here, they laugh at our definition of poverty. My father could tell you what poverty was:

He and his five siblings grew up in a house the size of a three car garage. They had no electricity or running water. When you had to go, it was in the outhouse in the back that didn't even have a roof on it.

My father had to drop out of school in the 9th grade to help support his siblings. Yes, they were on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon five miles up the road to the fire station where they'd fill it up with vegetables and some fruit, and then they'd pull it back home. Not so bad in the summer time, but anybody up north can tell you how brutal our winters can be here.

He joined the US Marines and fought in Korea. He tells us he joined just to see what it was like to eat three times a day. Most of his brothers did the same.

My father never spent a day in jail yet alone prison, and neither did any of his siblings. They all grew up to be law abiding citizens. Three including my father got into construction and even formed their own company for a short time. One did odd jobs here and there, he was an alcoholic, and the other became a beautician and at one time had three salons.

What are our poor like in the US today? Free government smart phones, more food than a normal person could eat. Cable or satellite television. Very low rent housing and some even in the suburbs like the lowlifes I have next door to me. Free medical care that the working don't get. Welfare checks and daycare vouchers for when they have kids they can't afford.

I understand you belong to the party of excuses, but in the US, there is zero reason for anybody to commit crimes, especially murder.
'for when they have kids they can't afford' will multiply like crazy if abortion is outlawed. I like the story about your Dad though. Different times now. Being 77, I can remember how you didn't need a cell phone. Now you're almost DOA if you don't have one. No more employment offices or day labor jobs till you get back on your feet.
Suppressing the symptoms, but leaving the inherent disease decaying the heart of our society is exactly what our penal system does. It's primary purpose is to separate the criminals from society so they can do no harm to society while in prison which by its nature is very successful. Secondarily, our penal seeks to punish the criminal so he turns away from crime. Since the average national recidivism rate for released prisoners is only 44%, the system is not very effective. Rehabilitation and treating crime as a disease has all but disappeared from the system due to fact that the public believes the purpose of prisons is punish the criminal so he will not return to his criminal ways. Even thou punishment has been very effective, the public still believes in punish and rehabilitation and treatment is considering pampering prisoners.

In fact, our approach to most social problems is to deal with the symptoms. For poverty, we throw money at it. For poor parenting, we make rules and laws. For mental illness, we give pills to relieve symptoms. And for crime imprison or doing nothing.

Yes I agree prisons are a terrible idea.
I generally think that crimes is deliberately caused by greedy capitalists.
The problem is that many criminals are just blindly angry and harm the wrong people.
But about half the people in prisoned in the US are due to the War on Drugs, which I think is totally illegal.
I think we could make a fair system for everyone that would leave very few criminals.
How can both sides come to an agreement when they don't view the problem as the same?

It's less than viewing problems the same than it is the results they're looking for. You'd be hell pressed to find policies by the left that didn't in one way or another advance their power or pander to their voters to maintain or gain power.

Look at the mess our country is in today. Why is our border now a huge problem? Because Trump's policies worked and Dementia reversed damn near every one of them to get more illegals into the country. Labor shortage? When we were crawling out of this problem thanks to the new vaccines, the Democrats decided to pay people more money to stay home than work. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Here gasoline is over $5.00 a gallon. Why? Because they need to make their enviro-kooks happy to get them to come out and vote. Inflation? Now that industry had to compete with government for workers, they had to pay non-skilled labor much more money which costs get passed on to the rest of us. Spending that adds to inflation? WTF do we need charging stations all across the country for, and why are they spending billions to provide high speed internet to people that can't afford it?
Not quite fair.
What the left wants is for government to prevent abuses by the wealthy elite who own all our jobs, health care, housing , banks, etc.
For example, by the insurance companies illegally getting a hook into our jobs through tax exemptions for employer provided benefits, they have created a monopoly on health care that has doubled the prices and cut quality.
They force you to prepay health insurance, so you have no ability to effect cost or quality.
Between illegal redlining and competition from landlords, it is also difficult for many people to afford a home any more.
The system is unfair and getting worse all the time.

Most of the medical care problems we have are caused by government. The government typically only pays 2/3 of the bill for their patients. Not such a big deal for an office visit, but a major surgery is another thing. Providers have to make up that loss somewhere, and that somewhere is private pay and private insured patients. Costs go up, so do premiums, and some people and businesses can no longer afford them.
It's less than viewing problems the same than it is the results they're looking for. You'd be hell pressed to find policies by the left that didn't in one way or another advance their power or pander to their voters to maintain or gain power.

Look at the mess our country is in today. Why is our border now a huge problem? Because Trump's policies worked and Dementia reversed damn near every one of them to get more illegals into the country. Labor shortage? When we were crawling out of this problem thanks to the new vaccines, the Democrats decided to pay people more money to stay home than work. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Here gasoline is over $5.00 a gallon. Why? Because they need to make their enviro-kooks happy to get them to come out and vote. Inflation? Now that industry had to compete with government for workers, they had to pay non-skilled labor much more money which costs get passed on to the rest of us. Spending that adds to inflation? WTF do we need charging stations all across the country for, and why are they spending billions to provide high speed internet to people that can't afford it?
Look at how they acted with President Trump. He was asking for a few billion dollars for something as important like securing our border. The money he asked for was about a little over half of what we spend on food stamps in just one month, and no dice.

What Trump learned (at least I hope he did) was that there is no getting along with these people. With Democrats, it's their way or the highway. There is no middle ground with them like there was years ago. Trump tried, and this is the response he got.

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We give up on finding common ground, we give up on ever unifying this country again.

I wonder if we should still keep calling ourselves 'united' when we clearly aren't.
Just buy a few more guns.

Make it as easy as possible to carry guns into these areas. Banks also.
I will not rest until it is 100% legal for a released violent felon to carry a belt-fed machine gun into every school and courthouse in America.

I will destroy all gun laws or I will die trying.

Machine guns or Valhalla.
Yes I agree prisons are a terrible idea.
I generally think that crimes is deliberately caused by greedy capitalists.
The problem is that many criminals are just blindly angry and harm the wrong people.
But about half the people in prisoned in the US are due to the War on Drugs, which I think is totally illegal.
I think we could make a fair system for everyone that would leave very few criminals.
The war on drugs is the result of a black market created by the government. Black markets create criminals. See prohibition.

It's as if we haven't learned our lesson.

I know the war on drugs is the biggest crime ever committed on the American people and is one of the keys to many of our problems.
This is true, but that's how brainwashing works. Their leaders feed them this shit and they spread it around like a farmer fertilizing his crops.

The theory is destroy the NRA and you destroy the leadership of gun rights. It's like killing the bees in your garage. You can use bug spray all day long, but you're not going to solve the problem until you get rid of the nest by killing the queen.

So train your puppets that it's the NRA that's the problem, not the individuals themselves that use guns to commit crimes.
Good post.

I try to show our resident libbies the truth.

2A doesn't come from the NRA, it comes from me. You and me.

People like me, there are MILLIONS of us in the United States. We are ordinary citizens, we have families and jobs and we care about our kids.

These are the rules I play by, and my family plays by:

1. You will not disarm us, you won't even regulate us. We believe in self defense, and defense of family and property. You will not trample on our natural rights. Period.

2. If you try, we will ignore you, and if that fails we will oppose you, and if that fails we'll get in your face and make you stand down, and if that fails you better look for a place to hide.

3. I do not care in the least that there are bad guys and crazy people running around with guns. It has nothing to do with me. Why do you think I have guns in the first place? It's to PROTECT myself from people like that

4. I raise my kids to be capable and aware. Both my pre-teen kids are trained weapons experts. I don't care if it's illegal, and neither do the ranges we visit and the people who sell us ammo.

5. If the lefties want to INFRINGE on all this, we can just as easily walk to the corner and buy from the cartels. The feds have proven themselves to be not only entirely ignorant of the black market, but also entirely incapable of stopping it.

I have never personally been an NRA member. Never gave them a dime. That's because, I don't much care what gun control laws may pass or not pass. The only law I care about is the highest law in the land, and it says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, and that seems crystal clear to me
We give up on finding common ground, we give up on ever unifying this country again.

I wonder if we should still keep calling ourselves 'united' when we clearly aren't.

No we aren't and as long as they keep going more and more left, united will only be known in history books.

This is why I've been advocating for a separation of this country. The only way most of us can have any peace is to have two countries instead of one: one side of the country for liberals and the other side for us. Anybody in between would just have to decide which party more closely holds their views.

You may be against that and many are, but my view is that if we don't separate soon, we stand to lose the entire country altogether. The reason for open borders is so they can gain complete control over the country by making whites a minority ASAP. Once that is accomplished, we will immediately become a Socialist country with communism following close behind, and the great experiment will end.
The fact is that he wants to do absolutely nothing about guys like Ramos legally purchasing an AR. That isn’t emotion. That‘s a fact. Prove me wrong.
Not a fact. Just pointing out your theory of waiting 3 years doesnt mean wed catch him anyway. Then pointing out how you punish all 18 year olds for the scts of 1
So you want to do nothing about it. Noted.
Sometimes, nothing is the best thing to do.

However in this case, I think we should bring back EDUCATION.

Do you remember military schools?

Every single one of them had an armory.

And every one of those kids learned how to use a weapon, and more importantly, respect for weapons.

What would have happened in Uvalde, if instead of cowering under desks talking to 911 operators who hang up on them, 50% of those kids were trained and knew where the armory was?

You don't lie down for terrorists, goddammit.

You want to EDUCATE as many of your people as possible, so when a lunatic comes out of nowhere, he can be quickly put down.

Because as you saw, the cops won't do it. I don't know what their problem is, but they won't do it.

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