Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

No we aren't and as long as they keep going more and more left, united will only be known in history books.

This is why I've been advocating for a separation of this country. The only way most of us can have any peace is to have two countries instead of one: one side of the country for liberals and the other side for us. Anybody in between would just have to decide which party more closely holds their views.

You may be against that and many are, but my view is that if we don't separate soon, we stand to lose the entire country altogether. The reason for open borders is so they can gain complete control over the country by making whites a minority ASAP. Once that is accomplished, we will immediately become a Socialist country with communism following close behind, and the great experiment will end.
Call me a hopeless optimist in this case, but I am hoping there is some sort of way to unite us again. But I am not above splitting up if it comes to that.
So you want to do nothing about it. Noted.

You keep running back to that as if there was some truth to it. But as a typical leftist, it's either your way or no way. We have suggested arming schools, making it much more difficult for assailants to enter schools, schools making sure doors are locked and nobody can get in, but no, it's either prohibit everybody from buying a weapon until the age of 21 or nothing at all. And anybody who disagrees with you must want to see school shootings continue.

The method to your argument (whether you know it or not) is what used to be known as reverse psychology; the act of trying to make others feel guilty by not agreeing with you. It didn't work back in the 70s and it's not working now. People have different opinions on how to solve or reduce this problem and none of them are flawless including yours.

I've heard suggestions from experts like man traps. A man trap is two doors spaced about eight feet from each other. You can get through the first door but not the second without a person monitoring the door to buzz you in. If something seems amiss, the first door locks and you can't get through the second so you have nowhere to go until the police arrive. Another suggestion made is have school wood shops cut wedges for each classroom. In an emergency, the teacher can wedge the door closed so even if the attacker tries to shoot out the door handle or locks, he'll be helpless against a wedged door. It's an extremely simple and very inexpensive solution.

I (and others) just don't believe in punishing everybody for the act of one or so persons. It's like taking drivers licenses away from teens if one of them gets drunk and kills somebody with their car. It's not a solution because some teen somewhere will find a way to get their hands on a car, get tanked up and wreck the vehicle possibly killing other people. Our solutions or that of experts are not flawless either, but at least we're not punishing everybody to try and solve the problem.
According to you. But you already showed that you lack common sense.

Notice that you didn’t counter what I said about you. You want to do nothing about it.
I don't give damn what you say. Your purpose is clear...........It's your way or the highway and you attack anyone who disagrees.
You have one purpose and that is going after guns. Nothing else.

We have given our ideas........You ignore them. And throw insults because we REFUSE TO SIDE WITH YOU.......REFUSE.
You keep running back to that as if there was some truth to it. But as a typical leftist, it's either your way or no way. We have suggested arming schools, making it much more difficult for assailants to enter schools, schools making sure doors are locked and nobody can get in, but no, it's either prohibit everybody from buying a weapon until the age of 21 or nothing at all. And anybody who disagrees with you must want to see school shootings continue.

The method to your argument (whether you know it or not) is what used to be known as reverse psychology; the act of trying to make others feel guilty by not agreeing with you. It didn't work back in the 70s and it's not working now. People have different opinions on how to solve or reduce this problem and none of them are flawless including yours.

I've heard suggestions from experts like man traps. A man trap is two doors spaced about eight feet from each other. You can get through the first door but not the second without a person monitoring the door to buzz you in. If something seems amiss, the first door locks and you can't get through the second so you have nowhere to go until the police arrive. Another suggestion made is have school wood shops cut wedges for each classroom. In an emergency, the teacher can wedge the door closed so even if the attacker tries to shoot out the door handle or locks, he'll be helpless against a wedged door. It's an extremely simple and very inexpensive solution.

I (and others) just don't believe in punishing everybody for the act of one or so persons. It's like taking drivers licenses away from teens if one of them gets drunk and kills somebody with their car. It's not a solution because some teen somewhere will find a way to get their hands on a car, get tanked up and wreck the vehicle possibly killing other people. Our solutions or that of experts are not flawless either, but at least we're not punishing everybody to try and solve the problem.

The schools near me have entrances like that…..buzzed in from the outside, buzzed in to the office, then to get to the main building buzzed in again

The other thing they have is police call boxes next to the fire alarms boxes…..pull the arm on the box and it goes directly to the police station, bypassing the 911 call center so that all roving cars and all the cops at the station go directly to the school….saves minutes of time it takes just to get 911 call center to engage
You dont know that. You can if all day doesnt mean shit. You still want to frag the teacher. All the hell she wanted was lunch at first then call police.

You are on your own fragging her
If he had not been able to get through that door he could not have shot the place up.

Police were already arriving even before he made entry, they just drove past him.

Even a one minute delay would have been enough for them to find and engage him before he got in had that door been locked.

Those are simply indisputable facts.
You know the NRA were initially very supportive of Gun Control laws, when they thought black people were going to get guns...
Race baiting bullshit.

The NRA was initially supportive of very limited gun control measures, nothing like what has been proposed over the last 25 years or so.
Oh. So your source doesn't say what you claimed and now you're abandoning that ship.

Good call on your part.
I never made such a claim, the facts do. People buy guns illegally thousands of times each day in the US because there are millions of guns available on the criminal market.

Find a dope dealer and you are one step away from finding a source for illegal guns.
That sounds good on paper,

but as you point out we already had plenty of clues yet the authorities did nothing - including reassigning police officers from guarding the courthouse to guarding the schools

If ramis was sick enough to kill ye didnt need an ar15 to do it
Which bears repeating. He could have done the same exact thing with a handgun or even a pump shotgun.
No, he is discussing and try to solve a problem in America, he is wanting to save lives. I disagree with his solutions however I respect him for at least discussing ideas. We need this more in America and we need to respect others may not agree. Some of his verbiage is very condescending at times and he needs to work on that but at least he doesn't devolve to name calling.
Bullshit, he's denying reality and suggesting we strip Americans of their rights without due process in the name of maybe, possibly slowing the next guy down a bit.

Criminals don't give a damn about how many laws they have to break to commit a crime.

If passing laws was all we needed then outlawing murder should be more than plenty but obviously it's not.
Florida did it with Republicans leading the way because it made sense to them. And it makes sense to me too. It's a bipartisan solution.

Florida decided to implement this recently after the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting a few years ago. Same thing happened. The psychopath shooter was 19 years old and legally purchased an AR-15.

Of course you don't want to do anything like that. You want psychopaths like Cruz and Ramos to have legal access to AR-15s.
Having an AR is irrelevant, having one made no difference at all. He could have done the same exact thing with any number of other weapons any of which he could obtain illegally.

Even a complete ban on AR's would not prevent the next massacre.
He could have killed without an AR-15 but he wouldn't be as effective without one.
Complete BS. Even a .22LR handgun would have been more than adequate inside of a small classroom.

You have no damned clue what you are talking about, you're just raging on emotionally with no grasp on reality.
Red flag laws will lead to using them like FISA and govt will attack political opponents with it. Give it time and New York will give examples.
In an age where Swatting and other false reports are commonplace red flag laws would be a recipe for disaster.

Piss off an employee at work, the boss, your worthless brother or sister in law, your ex or anyone else and the would be filing reports just to get you harassed and it would then be on you to prove you hadn't done something warranting removal of your gun rights and return of your seized weapons.
The schools near me have entrances like that…..buzzed in from the outside, buzzed in to the office, then to get to the main building buzzed in again

The other thing they have is police call boxes next to the fire alarms boxes…..pull the arm on the box and it goes directly to the police station, bypassing the 911 call center so that all roving cars and all the cops at the station go directly to the school….saves minutes of time it takes just to get 911 call center to engage

That not only stops attackers but also acts as a deterrent. This loons beef was with other students that picked on him, so if he couldn't get into that school, it's likely he would not have chosen another. He was in camouflage, had body armor, and carrying a rifle. There is no way he would have ever gotten through a locked door with a video camera system. That's not to say he would have just given up, but he would have never been able to enter that building dressed like he was and carrying an AR.
You keep running back to that as if there was some truth to it. But as a typical leftist, it's either your way or no way. We have suggested arming schools, making it much more difficult for assailants to enter schools, schools making sure doors are locked and nobody can get in, but no, it's either prohibit everybody from buying a weapon until the age of 21 or nothing at all. And anybody who disagrees with you must want to see school shootings continue.
So you want to do nothing to stop 18-year-old psychopaths like Ramos from obtaining a legal AR-15. Notice that none of what you said answered that.

Just fucking admit it already.
If he’s slashing his face for fun and torturing animals, he would get reported and that wouldn’t be political.

Do you want people like Ramos to be able to legally purchase an AR-15?
He had nothing but scratches on his face because he liked the way they look according to the kid making the statement.



In this country it's called "Free Expression".

You're not going to be able to strip people of their rights based on them mutilating their own bodies unless it's done to such an extent as to threaten their lives.

He killed two cats, at worst that's a misdemeanor and again, you can't deny people's rights over something that trivial.

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