Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?


The "solutions" change again.

Which is why we can't have common sense laws. You demand xyz, it doesn't work, you demand 123.

Learn about the topic or shut up
How did my solutions change? I’ve been saying this for a while.
The guntards seem to think the solution to mass shootings has something to do with doors and putting cops in schools.

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde. In fact, the cop who fucked up at Parkland was fired, but then he sued and got his job back...with back pay.

So much for "the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

The guntards are also ignoring the fact that just a few days before the Uvalde, a white replacement bleever mass shooter took out a bunch of black people at a grocery store.

They also ignore the fact a white replacement bleever traveled hours to kill a bunch of Mexicans at a Wal-mart in El Paso.

We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.


Don't know who the guntards are, but it seems more are with the solution of self protection.
People need to keep in mind defunding the police led to more crime not less, so disarming the good guys is probably not a good idea.
Funny. The age limit is a new wrinkle.

How about we all back up and look at the entire issue for a solution and stop throwing shit on the wall.
In his defense, he has been proposing that age thing in discussions with me. But regardless, the solution is half-assed at best, if you don't do something about the mental stability of the buyer, 18 or 21.
In his defense, he has been proposing that age thing in discussions with me. But regardless, the solution is half-assed at best, if you don't do something about the mental stability of the buyer, 18 or 21.
Fair enough. But it does seem a new wrinkle in overall demands now. My bad if I misapplied that to him.
You don't seem to understand that I find it impossible to find bipartisan solutions with a side so willing to lie about what we are out to legislate.
I understand that fine. However, there are still bipartisan solutions that both sides can agree on, whether you approve of them or not. Republicans implemented the same age thing I’ve been saying.
You don't seem to understand that I find it impossible to find bipartisan solutions with a side so willing to lie about what we are out to legislate.
The divide between the two parties on this issue is so wide, so unfathomably insurmountable, that one can reasonably assume there will never be a legislative solution.
I understand that fine. However, there are still bipartisan solutions that both sides can agree on, whether you approve of them or not. Republicans implemented the same age thing I’ve been saying.
To pass legislation, you have to identify the problem and what you are out to legislate.

How can you do that with a side that has no interest in working on facts, but hype and lies?

Look, I want to resolve this too. But the left seems more interested in saying one thing and doing another. Given that, how can I trust their intent?
The right wing want open gun battles in society everyday. The answer to guns in their veiws is more guns.
To pass legislation, you have to identify the problem and what you are out to legislate.

How can you do that with a side that has no interest in working on facts, but hype and lies?

Look, I want to resolve this too. But the left seems more interested in saying one thing and doing another. Given that, how can I trust their intent?
I’m not trying to convince you to trust their intent. I’m saying that both sides have come to an agreement on something whether you personally support it or not.
Those kids, shopper and/or parishioners were recently denied their right to life without due process because?
Nothing I did.
Is there nothing short of taking all the guns away and never selling a single one again that might have stopped those POS from getting those weapons and going on a killing spree that we might agree on?
No, because when this round of "common sense" infringement doesn't work AT ALL (and you know it won't) it will be the NEXT "common sense" infringement. So on and so on until complete ban and confiscation is the very result.

I would agree to free mental health care for everyone.

But, that is ONLY in exchange for repealing the Hughes Amendment. You're not getting a one-way street like ALL THE TIMES in the past.

Otherwise, no.
So you don't wish to discuss the issue itself.

I’ve been discussing the issue. Your claim that both sides can’t agree to anything about this issue is easily proven false, because they have in Florida. That’s just a fact.

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