Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

Don't stop there.

Why are they dealing with poverty?

What percentage of blacks are growing up in single parent homes?!! Are gov't. policies encouraging this?
50 years ago, Blacks were 3 times as likely as whites to live in poverty. Today it's about twice. Maybe in another 50 years it will be equal.

40% blacks and 28% whites are single parent homes.
People today have no idea WTF poverty is. When foreigners come here, they laugh at our definition of poverty. My father could tell you what poverty was:

He and his five siblings grew up in a house the size of a three car garage. They had no electricity or running water. When you had to go, it was in the outhouse in the back that didn't even have a roof on it.

My father had to drop out of school in the 9th grade to help support his siblings. Yes, they were on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon five miles up the road to the fire station where they'd fill it up with vegetables and some fruit, and then they'd pull it back home. Not so bad in the summer time, but anybody up north can tell you how brutal our winters can be here.

He joined the US Marines and fought in Korea. He tells us he joined just to see what it was like to eat three times a day. Most of his brothers did the same.

My father never spent a day in jail yet alone prison, and neither did any of his siblings. They all grew up to be law abiding citizens. Three including my father got into construction and even formed their own company for a short time. One did odd jobs here and there, he was an alcoholic, and the other became a beautician and at one time had three salons.

What are our poor like in the US today? Free government smart phones, more food than a normal person could eat. Cable or satellite television. Very low rent housing and some even in the suburbs like the lowlifes I have next door to me. Free medical care that the working don't get. Welfare checks and daycare vouchers for when they have kids they can't afford.

I understand you belong to the party of excuses, but in the US, there is zero reason for anybody to commit crimes, especially murder.
Poverty is relative to society. Poverty in many African communities starving. In China it's not being able to afford a room for your family. In America it's not being able to afford access to the Internet and cell phones. Today poverty is defined by the government., $21,800 a year for a family of 3. Where I live that amount would get you a one bedroom apartment and health insurance with noting left for utilities, food, transportation, clothes, retirement, dental, or any other items we commonly call the necessities of life.
The guntards seem to think the solution to mass shootings has something to do with doors and putting cops in schools.

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde. In fact, the cop who fucked up at Parkland was fired, but then he sued and got his job back...with back pay.

So much for "the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

The guntards are also ignoring the fact that just a few days before the Uvalde, a white replacement bleever mass shooter took out a bunch of black people at a grocery store.

They also ignore the fact a white replacement bleever traveled hours to kill a bunch of Mexicans at a Wal-mart in El Paso.

We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.



That isn't evidence by any definition of the word and you know it.
I didn’t claim it was. I’ve explicitly stated that we can’t know for sure if it will or won’t reduce school shootings.

What your link provides is a recommendation for raising the minimum age for guns and uses data to explain why they recommend it.

Makes sense to me but there’s no way to know for sure.

All clear now? This is hilarious. And it’s from YOUR links. :laugh:
The US Constitution is a document that limits governments ability. Leftists want government to to be in ever aspect of our life. They want government to feed us, to provide medical care, to house us, to feed our children in school, and now there is controversy in Florida where Governor DeSantis stopped funding for free birth control and people are bitching about that. Really? People are actually complaining that taxpayers are not paying for their whoopie time?
Taxes payers will eventually pay for their whoopie and the cost will be a hell of a lot higher than the cost of contraceptives. Making contraceptives' freely available everywhere is a a cost saving measure for society.
I didn’t claim it was. I’ve explicitly stated that we can’t know for sure if it will or won’t reduce school shootings.

What your link provides is a recommendation for raising the minimum age for guns and uses data to explain why they recommend it.

Makes sense to me but there’s no way to know for sure.

All clear now? This is hilarious. And it’s from YOUR links. :laugh:
A suggestion isn't evidence.

You cannot provide any evidence to show raising the age is going to prevent any shootings at all much less have a measurable effect on them.
A suggestion isn't evidence.

You cannot provide any evidence to show raising the age is going to prevent any shootings at all much less have a measurable effect on them.
Agreed. I just said that.

“I’ve explicitly stated that we can’t know for sure if it will or won’t reduce school shootings.”

Your own link still agrees with me. :laugh:
You’re calling your own link a wet turd? :laugh:
No, I'm calling the suggestion a wet turd.

You may or may not be a wet turd, your suggestion certainly is.

I will never support denying people their most basic protected rights unless taking such an action can be shown to do more good than harm and even then I'd have to seriously think about it before I could support it.

When you start infringing on rights on "maybe's" and "possible's" it's a very short ride to absolute tyranny.
One sentence out of an entire article, not the whole of it.

I should have known the analogy would go over your head.
There’s an entire section dedicated to raising the age on guns. Maybe you should have read it.

For what it’s worth, I agree with the link you posted. Thanks for posting it, friend.

"Raise the Minimum Age to Purchase Semi-Automatic Firearms to 21

Despite research that suggests most active shooters are school-age and have a connection to the school, and data that show that 18-to-20-year-olds commit gun homicides at a rate four times higher than adults 21 and older do,51 few states have stepped in to close gaps that allow minors to legally purchase high-powered firearms. Everytown, AFT, and NEA believe states and the federal government should raise the minimum age to purchase or possess handguns and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns to 21 in order to prevent school-age shooters from easily obtaining firearms.

Under federal law, to purchase a handgun from a licensed gun dealer, a person must be 21.52 Yet, to purchase that same handgun in an unlicensed sale, or to purchase a rifle or shotgun from a licensed dealer, a person only has to be 18.53 Only a few states have acted to close these gaps.54

Minimum age laws can work in tandem with secure storage and Extreme Risk laws to restrict access to firearms.

These deficiencies in the law leave an easy path for active shooters to obtain firearms. Because he was under 21, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter could not have gone into a gun store and bought a handgun, but he was able to legally buy the AR-15 assault-style rifle he used in the shooting. Following the shooting, Florida changed its law to raise the age to purchase all firearms to 21.55 Minimum age laws can work in tandem with secure storage and Extreme Risk laws to cut off an easy way for shooters to obtain firearms."


Great link that my buddy Big Bend Texas shared with me. They argue for raising the minimum age on guns and use data to explain why. You guys should check it out.

Oh yea, he also gave me a link showing that 18 to 20-year-olds are disproportionately more likely to be school shooters. Check that out too.


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