Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

Taxes payers will eventually pay for their whoopie and the cost will be a hell of a lot higher than the cost of contraceptives. Making contraceptives' freely available everywhere is a a cost saving measure for society.

What makes you think that without government paying for it it's not available? Birth control is relatively cheap, and keeping your legs closed is free.
50 years ago, Blacks were 3 times as likely as whites to live in poverty. Today it's about twice. Maybe in another 50 years it will be equal.

40% blacks and 28% whites are single parent homes.

That all depends on the blacks making the right decisions. We can't do that for them. In this economy poverty is a choice; actually it's always been a choice at least in our lifetime. Poverty is not uncontrollable nor an affliction some people have to deal with. It's not societies problem to correct bad mistakes.

Poverty is relative to society. Poverty in many African communities starving. In China it's not being able to afford a room for your family. In America it's not being able to afford access to the Internet and cell phones. Today poverty is defined by the government., $21,800 a year for a family of 3. Where I live that amount would get you a one bedroom apartment and health insurance with noting left for utilities, food, transportation, clothes, retirement, dental, or any other items we commonly call the necessities of life.

Nobody is starving in black communities unless they want to be starving or have irresponsible parent(s). Poverty is not defined by cell phones or the internet. Those are luxuries I grew up and lived without over half of my life.
"Don't do anything! Don't do anything!"

That's you.
Another lying leftist fucktard with zero reading comprehension. ^^^

I => told <= you what to do, shit for brains.

I gave you a solution that will actually work

You don't have one
No, it’s not proof. Proof that something is ineffective sometimes is not proof that it’s ineffective all the time. It’s ok, you’re just a dumb truck driver and you don’t know any better.

This dumb truck driver is smart enough to provide evidence of his claim which you can't do. If age restrictions worked, then we'd never have under aged kids with guns in school. Clearly it doesn't work. And don't give me this would have, should have, probably argument because it's just shit you make up as you go along WITH NO EVIDENCE!
Yes I agree prisons are a terrible idea.
I generally think that crimes is deliberately caused by greedy capitalists.
The problem is that many criminals are just blindly angry and harm the wrong people.
But about half the people in prisoned in the US are due to the War on Drugs, which I think is totally illegal.
I think we could make a fair system for everyone that would leave very few criminals.
That sounds reasonable
A suggestion isn't evidence.

You cannot provide any evidence to show raising the age is going to prevent any shootings at all much less have a measurable effect on them.
No, there is no proof but most of these killers tend to be 18, 19 years old.

Young kids with guns who shoot cans in the woods or targets in a gun range grow older and seek more challenging targets. Hunting proves to be a good challenging sport for most. However, for some who are fucked up mentally, a local school or shopping center provides plenty of nearby targets and they don't need to travel great distances or get a hunting license.

Their target are not only readily available but allow them to work off their hatred for society and those that have abused and bullied them. If they have really high powered firearms they can cut down vast numbers of young kids in schools, tearing their bodies apart but what these young killers are seeing is kids that have bullied them, teachers that have ignored them in school and adults who have abused them. Teens with guns need to be supervisor by responsibly adults. Putting weapons of mass destruction in hands of 18 and 19 year olds is asking for mass murder.
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This dumb truck driver is smart enough to provide evidence of his claim which you can't do. If age restrictions worked, then we'd never have under aged kids with guns in school. Clearly it doesn't work. And don't give me this would have, should have, probably argument because it's just shit you make up as you go along WITH NO EVIDENCE!
Once again, proof that something is ineffective sometimes is not proof that it’s ineffective all the time. How are you not getting this?

Here, let me go through this slowly for the dumb truck driver.

Let’s suppose someone gets into a car accident and dies. They were wearing their seatbelt. You argue that seatbelts don’t ever work and point at instances like this as proof of your claim. See how dumb that argument is? Just because something happens sometimes doesn’t mean it’s going to happen all the time.

Now for this seatbelt example, we actually can get testimony from people who survive bad car crashes by wearing their seatbelt. The same isn’t true of the school shooting examples. We’re only going to hear about instances where it doesn’t work and a shooting actually happens. We’re not going to hear about instances where it does work and a school shooting is prevented from an age restriction because that isn’t a news story.

Get it now? Probably not. You’re just a dumb truck driver.
Once again, proof that something is ineffective sometimes is not proof that it’s ineffective all the time. How are you not getting this?

Here, let me go through this slowly for the dumb truck driver.

Let’s suppose someone gets into a car accident and dies. They were wearing their seatbelt. You argue that seatbelts don’t ever work and point at instances like this as proof of your claim. See how dumb that argument is? Just because something happens sometimes doesn’t mean it’s going to happen all the time.

Now for this seatbelt example, we actually can get testimony from people who survive bad car crashes by wearing their seatbelt. The same isn’t true of the school shooting examples. We’re only going to hear about instances where it doesn’t work and a shooting actually happens. We’re not going to hear about instances where it does work and a school shooting is prevented from an age restriction because that isn’t a news story.

Get it now? Probably not. You’re just a dumb truck driver.

Unfortunately you don't have the intelligence to drive a truck.

Very simple, even a 7 year old child can understand this.

Age restrictions: under aged people still get guns and bring them to school. Conclusion: age restrictions don't work.
Secured schools: they don't get breached. Conclusion: secured schools work.

Now, I can try to draw colored pictures for you if you still don't get it. Sometimes we truck drivers have to lower ourselves to the less intelligent.
Age restrictions: under aged people still get guns and bring them to school. Conclusion: age restrictions don't work.
Secured schools: they don't get breached. Conclusion: secured schools work.
Seatbelts: some people wearing a seatbelt still die in collisions.
Conclusion: seatbelts don’t work.

See how dumb your argument is? No matter how hard you try, proof that something is ineffective sometimes is not proof that it’s ineffective all the time.

It’s not complicated. But apparently it’s too complicated for you.
Seatbelts: some people wearing a seatbelt still die in collisions.
Conclusion: seatbelts don’t work.

See how dumb your argument is? No matter how hard you try, proof that something is ineffective sometimes is not proof that it’s ineffective all the time.

It’s not complicated. But apparently it’s too complicated for you.

It's your argument that's dumb.

We can stop or reduce school shootings by increasing the age limit to buy a gun.

Age limits never worked in the past, and I have zero evidence that they stopped one school shooting in our history.
It's your argument that's dumb.

We can stop or reduce school shootings by increasing the age limit to buy a gun.

Age limits never worked in the past, and I have zero evidence that they stopped one school shooting in our history.
Of course you have no evidence that they have stopped a school shooting. Because if they work then you wouldn’t hear about the school shooting that didn’t happen. Duh.

Meanwhile, you have zero evidence that they never work.

You guys are so bad at this.
Of course you have no evidence that they have stopped a school shooting. Because if they work then you wouldn’t hear about the school shooting that didn’t happen. Duh.

Meanwhile, you have zero evidence that they never work.

You guys are so bad at this.

God you leftists are as dumb as a rock. Yes, I provided evidence age limits don't work with a list of school shootings (and the link to them) that clearly shows minors, who are not allowed to own any kind of gun, brought them to school and in many cases used them to commit a crime. There is no more evidence than that which can be provided. THEY DON'T WORK! If they don't work on minors, HTF can you conclude they will on adults? That's probably the dumbest argument offered today on USMB.
God you leftists are as dumb as a rock. Yes, I provided evidence age limits don't work with a list of school shootings (and the link to them) that clearly shows minors, who are not allowed to own any kind of gun, brought them to school and in many cases used them to commit a crime. .
The fact that they didn’t work in those situations still isn’t proof that they never work.

You uneducated conservatives are so dumb. Oh well, I tried. Can’t explain common sense to a retard.

In fact, that’s the situation in much of the world – private homes behind massive gates and walls.

Outside the gates, walls, and compounds the streets are a lawless no man’s land, particularly at night.

Clearly this is what conservatives want for America.

They have some sort of Wild West attitude towards life. Like everything they've ever done is by their own means. Drop them off in Somalia and they'd be just as rich as they are in America... or some nonsense.
Young kids with guns who shoot cans in the woods or targets in a gun range grow older and seek more challenging targets. Hunting proves to be a good challenging sport for most. However, for some who are fucked up mentally, a local school or shopping center provides plenty of nearby targets and they don't need to travel great distances or get a hunting license.
There is of course zero evidence to support your theory.

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