Are we the people going to stand for this

President Trump tried to fix that immigration thing put a hold on some of it now look what Biden's done opened it up again
President Biden has appropriately reversed Trump-era restrictions on immigration; restrictions that were predicated on ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.

President Biden’s immigration policies are perfectly consistent with immigration law and reflect the will of the majority of the American people.

America is a Nation of immigrants; immigrants and immigration is America’s greatest asset.

What we the people won’t stand for is wrongheaded immigration policy motivated by rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.

Too much money and collateral damage ...
Maybe we can just let some lions loose down there along the border.

They would probably be warm enough and plenty to eat.

Next thing ya know the lions will be asking for salsa and chips to go with their meals.
It was a thought.
Maybe that Jewish Laser thingy or does Hillary still have that Weather Machine?

Now, trying to be serious which I know is really not normal for me the fact is maybe and I mean maybe we should remove all of our industry in China and work on building up Central America along with Mexico instead, so that people will stay there?

Nah, that come off as something that might work, so get the laser or weather machine and fire!
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Democrats want to do everything they can to damage America.

There is no legitimate reason to support unrestricted illegal immigration.

But they come from oppression, crime, and rapes. Sounds like a shit hole to me.
Maybe that Jewish Laser thingy or does Hillary still have that Weather Machine?

Now, trying to be serious which I know is really not normal for me the fact is maybe and I mean maybe we should remove all of your industry in China and work on building up Central America along with Mexico instead, so that people will stay there?

Nah, that come of as something that might work, so get the laser or weather machine and fire!

China is already heavily invested in Central and South America.
You are going to be competing with them, and they have a sizable head start.

Deep water ports, mining, infrastructure, agriculture and manufacturing.


China is already heavily invested in Central and South America.
You are going to be competing with them, and they have a sizable head start.

Deep water ports, mining, infrastructure, agriculture and manufacturing.

True and have been doing it for the past twenty years now with the blessing of Bush, Obama and now Biden.

China is the cause of the flow of illegal drugs into America with their supply chain to Mexico for the ingredients to make the drugs with, so I do get your point but we as a Nation need to throw them out like we did the Spanish back in the old days…
I recalled the recent whine of our liberal contingent for concentration camps for the un-vaccinated as I browsed an article in a British newspaper about how, in this time of Olympics, China is providing a role model for those folks:

Caution: The glimpse of America's future under Regime Xiden may be disturbing to come.
Yeah, but that isn’t going to work either…

Many are either Catholic, Pentecostal or Muslim down there, so let try again…
I guess we'll just have to do jail time and loss of license for people who hires illegals
President Biden has appropriately reversed Trump-era restrictions on immigration; restrictions that were predicated on ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.

President Biden’s immigration policies are perfectly consistent with immigration law and reflect the will of the majority of the American people.

America is a Nation of immigrants; immigrants and immigration is America’s greatest asset.

What we the people won’t stand for is wrongheaded immigration policy motivated by rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.
So you are for people coming here breaking the law
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... but we as a Nation need to throw them out like we did the Spanish back in the old days…

Where I understand your sentiments, I respectfully disagree.

With the current Administration, and just about any foreseeable or conceivable upcoming Administration and Congress ...
I don't think we as a Nation could throw a hot dinner roll across the room ... Much less China out of South America.

No insult to the fine American People ... And I am glad you are optimistic.
but Capitol Hill sucks at the moment and I don't see it getting better anytime soon.


Where I understand your sentiments, I respectfully disagree.

With the current Administration, and just about any foreseeable or conceivable upcoming Administration and Congress ...
I don't think we as a Nation could throw a hot dinner roll across the room ... Much less China out of South America.

No insult to the fine American People ... And I am glad you are optimistic.
but Capitol Hill sucks at the moment and I don't see it getting better anytime soon.

Nothing will change Until We the People demand reform to our government.
There was a time when Americans could depend on media outrage and subsequent investigations when the federal government acted in an unconstitutional or illegal or dangerous way but those days were over when Biden was elected with a democrat majority and the media willingly became the propaganda arm of the democrat party. The Constitution and the rule of law goes out the window when a political party and the mainstream media become partners in a political power play.

Too much money and collateral damage ...
Maybe we can just let some lions loose down there along the border.

They would probably be warm enough and plenty to eat.


We have a Democrat in the presidency right now. Why doesn't Scranton Joe just send them some smallpox-infected blankets like Andrew Jackson did?

You don't need planes, ships, tanks, bombs, troops or bullets ...
Send women and children and those folks will kill each other over them.

If you want to bring down a country, encourage it to destroy itself ... In the name of Humanity.


Humanity is a word with variable definitions, almost like chasing a feather in the wind. The meaning of humane in one culture is barbaric in another and so on. Does humanity entail the preservation of our own families and neighborhoods at all costs or the extension of humanitarian aid to "innocents" arriving from around the globe? Cruelty lives in the act of self-preservation, the same as idiocy and foolishness live in the act of endless charity. We could end all destructive mass immigration in less than two minutes. Myself, I could live with the breaking of those immigrant eggs, in exchange for the safety of my family and preservation of our way of life. Because there is mass government weakness and flexibility on this issue, the problem remains terminal for Americans.

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