Are we the people going to stand for this

I think this good...
Every young punk in IT now making over 100K/year will be replaced by these Immigrants and Biden will lose the next election in a landslide.
Biden wants millions more work visas and much shorter paths to citizenship for foreign students. Of course when Silly Con Valley and the other corporate unions admonish him for not realizing making them citizens is exactly what they don't want he will drop that part. They like having the leverage being a non-citizen gives them; it's how they get engineers for $12 an hour. They would have to pay citizens a living wage.
America is a Nation of immigrants; immigrants and immigration is America’s greatest asset.
True…real America is a nation of invited, needed, vetted, white European immigrants…just as the framers intended.
For the record, can you point us to all those safe, clean, prosperous communities, cities, states or nations with that ‘diverse’ makeup you seem to be all giddy about?
President Biden has appropriately reversed Trump-era restrictions on immigration; restrictions that were predicated on ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.

President Biden’s immigration policies are perfectly consistent with immigration law and reflect the will of the majority of the American people.

America is a Nation of immigrants; immigrants and immigration is America’s greatest asset.

What we the people won’t stand for is wrongheaded immigration policy motivated by rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.
US immigration has never been open borders. It has always been orderly, regulated. It is not based in fear, bigotry, racism or hate. The US have welcomed people from every country on earth with major migrations from many different countries. You are entirely engrossed in your own racism that you refuse to see reality.
President Biden has appropriately reversed Trump-era restrictions on immigration; restrictions that were predicated on ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.

President Biden’s immigration policies are perfectly consistent with immigration law and reflect the will of the majority of the American people.

America is a Nation of immigrants; immigrants and immigration is America’s greatest asset.

What we the people won’t stand for is wrongheaded immigration policy motivated by rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.
Democrats want to do everything they can to damage America.

There is no legitimate reason to support unrestricted illegal immigration.

Now they don't want to purposefully damage America I don't think as in that's their only goal.

What it is they do want I'd water is the bring in as many illegals as possible and find a way to allow them to vote so they can stack the deck in their favor for elections. Just like what Democrats did to California in the late 80s.

And an added benefit to them is they create more low end middle class workers to control. They don't want strong willed, free minded, determined people that are smart and capable. They want grunts that will follow marching orders.

But the problem is they don't seem to have any love for America or Americans at all and do not care about how they get something done or the end result of their actions. These are a group of people that care so little that if there was a house with someone who disagreed with them inside it they could totally justify burning the house down to get rid of that person. And they will shit allover America and Americans to get what they want and as long as it's nice in their backyard they don't care what happens to the country.

Where I understand your sentiments, I respectfully disagree.

With the current Administration, and just about any foreseeable or conceivable upcoming Administration and Congress ...
I don't think we as a Nation could throw a hot dinner roll across the room ... Much less China out of South America.

No insult to the fine American People ... And I am glad you are optimistic.
but Capitol Hill sucks at the moment and I don't see it getting better anytime soon.

It wouldn’t be the failure of our military that would fail to remove the Chinese influence from Mexico and Central America but like in Vietnam it will be because the Politician refused to let the Military do what is needed to rid ourselves of China in this part of the World…

China owns us, so better brush up on their laws and language soon…
Take a walk, junior.

Right to the Capital & start shit so you can join your buddies in the slammer.
I’ll ask for Liberty or death and you can deal with patriots after.. how do you want to be handled by a lynch mob? Hehe
No silly to protest the stolen election
It would not be for the first two months. It would not be while they did recounts, which they did during those months, but they showed he lost. It would not be while they challenged in court, which they did 63 times, including the Supreme court, and lost. It would not be if what they charged in the paper were what his lawyers were willing to say in court and attempt to prove, but it wasn't, as they were sometime reluctant to even make the assertions in court in front of a judge, but they were not, as they tried to skirt saying it to avoid personal legal liability. It might not be sill to protest, if trump had not been pleading behind the scene for local and state officials to "find more trump votes", when there were not any. It might not if Donny had not tried to use coersion to change state officials to change votes, put in alternate slates of electors, though the did not match the vote of the people. It might not have been if trump had not invited the crazies to Washington for a stop the steal rally when nothing had been stolen and then precided of riling the crowd to march on the Capital to fight for what they wanted (whether they deserved it or not. It might not have been silly if, while seeing the riot/attempted insurrection of his people on live TV, he had take immediate steps to talk the crowd down and send them home, as his advisor, family, even his favorite FOX NEWS commentators and elected official inside the Capital pleaded for him to do. It might not have been silly to protest, if he had not made a last ditch attempt to have his vice president usurp the Constitution to refuse the recorded votes of the Electoral Collage, so that alternate slates of elector could be falsely submitted (which some were created, but were caught, as it was public knowledge what the individual states had actually submitted). It might not be silly if he had stopped (that very day) supporting the effort to overthrow and justify his lawless, anti-American rabble force that violently took over the capital, admitted like a grown man that he lost fair and square in the polls and all challenges, encouraged people to accept the loss with honesty and grace as everybody else running for that office has ever done. But NO. He did all the evil against our constitution, against our right to vote and have it count, against his constitutional oath (though he is not too big on oaths or truth, you can ask any of his wives or watch the videos of him denying even knowing or being involved in paying the hush money to his extra-marital sex partners). Nope. He did or participated in hope of achieving his personal goals at the cost of the constitution and against my country. He is anti-American trash of the worst sort, and those still supporting that effort are misguided fools.
It would not be for the first two months. It would not be while they did recounts, which they did during those months, but they showed he lost. It would not be while they challenged in court, which they did 63 times, including the Supreme court, and lost. It would not be if what they charged in the paper were what his lawyers were willing to say in court and attempt to prove, but it wasn't, as they were sometime reluctant to even make the assertions in court in front of a judge, but they were not, as they tried to skirt saying it to avoid personal legal liability. It might not be sill to protest, if trump had not been pleading behind the scene for local and state officials to "find more trump votes", when there were not any. It might not if Donny had not tried to use coersion to change state officials to change votes, put in alternate slates of electors, though the did not match the vote of the people. It might not have been if trump had not invited the crazies to Washington for a stop the steal rally when nothing had been stolen and then precided of riling the crowd to march on the Capital to fight for what they wanted (whether they deserved it or not. It might not have been silly if, while seeing the riot/attempted insurrection of his people on live TV, he had take immediate steps to talk the crowd down and send them home, as his advisor, family, even his favorite FOX NEWS commentators and elected official inside the Capital pleaded for him to do. It might not have been silly to protest, if he had not made a last ditch attempt to have his vice president usurp the Constitution to refuse the recorded votes of the Electoral Collage, so that alternate slates of elector could be falsely submitted (which some were created, but were caught, as it was public knowledge what the individual states had actually submitted). It might not be silly if he had stopped (that very day) supporting the effort to overthrow and justify his lawless, anti-American rabble force that violently took over the capital, admitted like a grown man that he lost fair and square in the polls and all challenges, encouraged people to accept the loss with honesty and grace as everybody else running for that office has ever done. But NO. He did all the evil against our constitution, against our right to vote and have it count, against his constitutional oath (though he is not too big on oaths or truth, you can ask any of his wives or watch the videos of him denying even knowing or being involved in paying the hush money to his extra-marital sex partners). Nope. He did or participated in hope of achieving his personal goals at the cost of the constitution and against my country. He is anti-American trash of the worst sort, and those still supporting that effort are misguided fools.
He’s one of the greatest Americans this country has ever seen. Our great leader our great president. Donald Trump won the election by a lot.. January 6 will not be the last protest
He’s one of the greatest Americans this country has ever seen. Our great leader our great president. Donald Trump won the election by a lot.. January 6 will not be the last protest
it needs to be the last one of that size.

next time it needs to be so many people the communist, criminal thieves fear for their lives!!!
President Biden has appropriately reversed Trump-era restrictions on immigration; restrictions that were predicated on ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.

President Biden’s immigration policies are perfectly consistent with immigration law and reflect the will of the majority of the American people.

America is a Nation of immigrants; immigrants and immigration is America’s greatest asset.

What we the people won’t stand for is wrongheaded immigration policy motivated by rightwing ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.
You might even believe all that horseshit, too.

How many illegals have you invited into your home?

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