Are White People Discriminated Against?

Why do you think that the liberal left and minorities keep pushing the "victim" mentality? By being an eternal victim it gives them justification for taking from the white oppressors. In other words behaving as they CLAIM white people act.

Victim mentality makes it sound mental. Systematic oppression isnt mental. And knowing that systematic oppression exists is a good thing unless knowledge is not power.
I believe in Systematic Oppression, which I also believe goes hand-in-hand with 'victim status' and 'entitlement' indoctrination.
Of course we are, that is a rhetorical question.
Affirmative action, minority-only tax breaks, minority preference government contracts, minority proffered vendor programs etc. etc. etc.
I believe in Systematic Oppression, which I also believe goes hand-in-hand with 'victim status' and 'entitlement' indoctrination.

I think you believe that it goes hand and hand just because you say so. Thats not how this works
You need to do a better job at spinning tales

The one in the Walmart parking lot was the funniest
RW, despite what you and Obama think, the world does not revolve around you two.
Just because YOU don't believe something doesn't mean it's not true.
It must be hard to be so mentally handicapped by such an over-developed case of narcissism.
Poor baby...
Yes, white people are discriminated against. They aren't allowed to own black people any more. They aren't allowed to beat up homos any more. They aren't allowed to smack their women around and keep them in the kitchen any more.

The Good Old Days white people miss so much are long gone. Darn it.

I hate to tell you but I know many non-white men that have beaten their women and have also beaten homosexuals, and in many parts of the world slavery is still a problem today from sex traffic to slavery in Africa...

So all those things are not just a white thingy...
This is true. But I don't hear black men pining for the Good Old Days.

Good old days?

Hell it is happening in today time... :)

So that is not why they are not pining for it!
I don't think it is so much white people as it is men period. No matter the color but more prevalent with white men .

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You need to do a better job at spinning tales

The one in the Walmart parking lot was the funniest
RW, despite what you and Obama think, the world does not revolve around you two.
Just because YOU don't believe something doesn't mean it's not true.
It must be hard to be so mentally handicapped by such an over-developed case of narcissism.
Poor baby...

Fibbers gotta fib

I believe in Systematic Oppression, which I also believe goes hand-in-hand with 'victim status' and 'entitlement' indoctrination.

I think you believe that it goes hand and hand just because you say so. Thats not how this works
No, I think these are all simultaneous, such as a 3-pronged 'attack' if you will.

LBJ began the program of 'Economic Slavery':
'These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something, but not enough to make a difference. I'll have these ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years."

LBJ was talking about conning blacks who had just won their Civil Rights into surrendering that newly-won power to the Liberals in exchange for a bunch of 'freebies' that really did not give them anything. Those freebies did not help them become a stronger political element/power. It did not help them become more independent but instead - as LBJ planned - more dependent on the govt. And as planned, the plight and status of blacks has not gotten any better since the 60s.

At the same time Liberals try to convince blacks that they have been and ARE 'victims'. Despite no black person living who was ever owned as a slave, there are blacks / politicians STILL talking about passing a reparations bill to give blacks compensation for slavery.
- What about Compensation for American Indians?
- What about compensation for Japanese Americans put in camps in WWII? NOPE...just for black 'slaves'.

Liberals try to convince minorities that they are 'ENTITLED' sit on their ass, get 'free' Obamaphones, welfare, food stamps, cheez, etc....

All of it works together to ensure Liberals have their blacks poor, DEpendent, thinking they are 'OWED' this and that (which only Libs will give them in exchange for their votes, and often times lots of them).

It's a pretty ingenious plan that has worked for decades now...and most blacks haven't caught on how they are no better off for it.
Are there black people who hate white people? Sure. Absolutely.

White bigots seem to believe this excuses their own discrimination. If you catch them being a bigot, they whip out the old Tu Quoque Fallacy quicker than you can say, "Jim Crow made me do it!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.
Anyone can face discrimination . I'd wager whites face it less then most others .

For every 100 kids who get into school under affirmative action there are 10,000 white kids who claim they took their spot.
Are there black people who hate white people? Sure. Absolutely.

White bigots seem to believe this excuses their own discrimination. If you catch them being a bigot, they whip out the old Tu Quoque Fallacy quicker than you can say, "Jim Crow made me do it!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.

Yeah, so says the guy who calls everyone with whom he disagrees a Nazi.

Whatthefuckever... people like you are the reason these terms have no teeth anymore.
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Anyone can face discrimination . I'd wager whites face it less then most others .

For every 100 kids who get into school under affirmative action there are 10,000 white kids who claim they took their spot.

I don't know anyone saying this.
I believe in Systematic Oppression, which I also believe goes hand-in-hand with 'victim status' and 'entitlement' indoctrination.

I think you believe that it goes hand and hand just because you say so. Thats not how this works
No, I think these are all simultaneous, such as a 3-pronged 'attack' if you will.


But we've already determined that what you THINK doesnt matter. Only what you can prove and Systematic Oppression exists all on its own without any other things needed for it to exist. The rest is just your assumptions based on that foundation of ignorance.
I believe in Systematic Oppression, which I also believe goes hand-in-hand with 'victim status' and 'entitlement' indoctrination.

I think you believe that it goes hand and hand just because you say so. Thats not how this works
No, I think these are all simultaneous, such as a 3-pronged 'attack' if you will.


But we've already determined that what you THINK doesnt matter. Only what you can prove and Systematic Oppression exists all on its own without any other things needed for it to exist. The rest is just your assumptions based on that foundation of ignorance.

That makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.
I believe in Systematic Oppression, which I also believe goes hand-in-hand with 'victim status' and 'entitlement' indoctrination.

I think you believe that it goes hand and hand just because you say so. Thats not how this works
No, I think these are all simultaneous, such as a 3-pronged 'attack' if you will.


But we've already determined that what you THINK doesnt matter. Only what you can prove and Systematic Oppression exists all on its own without any other things needed for it to exist. The rest is just your assumptions based on that foundation of ignorance.

That makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.

You're right, what sense does proof make anyway :alcoholic:
I believe in Systematic Oppression, which I also believe goes hand-in-hand with 'victim status' and 'entitlement' indoctrination.

I think you believe that it goes hand and hand just because you say so. Thats not how this works
No, I think these are all simultaneous, such as a 3-pronged 'attack' if you will.


But we've already determined that what you THINK doesnt matter. Only what you can prove and Systematic Oppression exists all on its own without any other things needed for it to exist. The rest is just your assumptions based on that foundation of ignorance.

That makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.

You're right, what sense does proof make anyway :alcoholic:

All you offered up was badly tossed word salad.... so much Charlie Brown's parents if you will.


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