Are White People Discriminated Against?

You own a large and successful salon in an urban area that caters exclusively to black women. You have an opening for a receptionist and can offer enough salary/benefits to attract two very qualified and experienced applicants.

The woman on top has 15 years of experience as a receptionist for large salons. The woman on the bottom has 7 years of experience as a receptionist for large salons. Otherwise their backgrounds, education and skill sets are essentially the same.

All things being equal, I think you should probably discriminate in favor of your business and choose the applicant on the bottom, even though she has demonstrably less applicable experience.

Who would like to disagree?


You own a large and successful salon in an urban area that caters exclusively to black women. You have an opening for a receptionist and can offer enough salary/benefits to attract two very qualified and experienced applicants.

The woman on top has 15 years of experience as a receptionist for large salons. The woman on the bottom has 7 years of experience as a receptionist for large salons. Otherwise their backgrounds, education and skill sets are essentially the same.

All things being equal, I think you should probably discriminate in favor of your business and choose the applicant on the bottom, even though she has demonstrably less applicable experience.

Who would like to disagree?



It's unfair, but people respond more positively to someone more attractive.
It's a reflection of attention and care to taking care of ones self - instead of laziness and gluttony.
That is not to say some people can't help their weight....

It's true also of people preferring to go to a Drs office that is well kept vs. a dump.
I discriminate against rude people.

They should have their own bathrooms....

I hear from my husband men are disgusting.... the few decent men out there should have a piss free floor......
Yes, white people are discriminated against. They aren't allowed to own black people any more. They aren't allowed to beat up homos any more. They aren't allowed to smack their women around and keep them in the kitchen any more.

The Good Old Days white people miss so much are long gone. Darn it.
Well as long as non whites can beat up homos and women then thats ok.
You own a large and successful salon in an urban area that caters exclusively to black women. You have an opening for a receptionist and can offer enough salary/benefits to attract two very qualified and experienced applicants.

The woman on top has 15 years of experience as a receptionist for large salons. The woman on the bottom has 7 years of experience as a receptionist for large salons. Otherwise their backgrounds, education and skill sets are essentially the same.

All things being equal, I think you should probably discriminate in favor of your business and choose the applicant on the bottom, even though she has demonstrably less applicable experience.

Who would like to disagree?



Given that it takes about 20 minutes to train a new receptionist, I don't think it matters whether you have 15 years experience or 7 years. I would probably pick the one with the biggest boobs
You own a large and successful salon in an urban area that caters exclusively to black women. You have an opening for a receptionist and can offer enough salary/benefits to attract two very qualified and experienced applicants.

The woman on top has 15 years of experience as a receptionist for large salons. The woman on the bottom has 7 years of experience as a receptionist for large salons. Otherwise their backgrounds, education and skill sets are essentially the same.

All things being equal, I think you should probably discriminate in favor of your business and choose the applicant on the bottom, even though she has demonstrably less applicable experience.

Who would like to disagree?



Given that it takes about 20 minutes to train a new receptionist, I don't think it matters whether you have 15 years experience or 7 years. I would probably pick the one with the biggest boobs
Me too! We're discriminating!
Many Liberal self-appointed experts will tell you that there is no such thing as 'reverse discrimination'. Any such behavior, according to them, is 'justified responses for past generation oppression / crimes'.

A while back I am in a small 'podunk' town half the country away from Ferguson, walking across the pedestrian crosswalk from the parking lot into Wal Mart. As I got to the middle I literally had to JUMP back as the front left fender then driver's rear-view mirror narrowly missed hitting me. Out of the driver's window that was rolled down, the black woman driving yelled at me, 'That's for Ferguson...get your @$$ out of the way!'

I don't know here.
She doesn't know me.
I barely had heard of Michael Brown.
She's black. I am white. And she almost runs me down in the parking lot over this racial B$!

The way I learned about 'racism' was when I was 10 living out on a dirt road in the country. The nearest house was about 2 miles away. I rode my Mo-Ped around. One day I found a church with kids playing softball. They asked me to join. I practiced with them every day. They asked me to play in a game against another church. I showed up with my glove. The other church team pulled up in a bus, got off the bus, then their coach started looking at me. After a talk, the pastor of the team I was playing on told me he was sorry but that I couldn't play. He told me that it was because I was white. Up until that very second I never really noticed / hadn't really sunk in...until that second. He said he would forfeit the game because it wasn't right. I told him I wasn't a member anyway, not to do it, then I rode off, never to go back.

Racism...and reverse alive and well. Their flames have been fanned by this President to a blazing inferno, worse than I have really seen in almost my entire lifetime.
This has been a question I have been pondering for the last few years. Many years ago I would never have thought of this since most upper management people were white so I really didn't have to deal with discrimination unless I saw one of my friends get discriminated against or heard them use it as an excuse as to why they didn't get promoted. In the last fifteen years or so I notice that there are more non-white people in higher positions. They are in positions to promote and deny promotions to other people. I'm not saying that every white person who gets turned down for a promotion is the victim of prejudice but with an increasing number of non-white managers one has to wonder if a small percentage of those managers might have certain prejudices against white people. Such prejudices could lead to white people getting discriminated against. Does anyone think this is a possibility or are the only people capable of being prejudice are white people?

They stopped putting their boots on blacks necks and more are in uppper management.

The white boy instead of understanding that blacks moving up is a result of systematic changes that allow it to happen now takes the opposite route to believe that blacks are only there because a white boy was discriminated against. Not because the black guy earned it.
Yes, white people are discriminated against. They aren't allowed to own black people any more. They aren't allowed to beat up homos any more. They aren't allowed to smack their women around and keep them in the kitchen any more.

The Good Old Days white people miss so much are long gone. Darn it.

I hate to tell you but I know many non-white men that have beaten their women and have also beaten homosexuals, and in many parts of the world slavery is still a problem today from sex traffic to slavery in Africa...

So all those things are not just a white thingy...
This has been a question I have been pondering for the last few years. Many years ago I would never have thought of this since most upper management people were white so I really didn't have to deal with discrimination unless I saw one of my friends get discriminated against or heard them use it as an excuse as to why they didn't get promoted. In the last fifteen years or so I notice that there are more non-white people in higher positions. They are in positions to promote and deny promotions to other people. I'm not saying that every white person who gets turned down for a promotion is the victim of prejudice but with an increasing number of non-white managers one has to wonder if a small percentage of those managers might have certain prejudices against white people. Such prejudices could lead to white people getting discriminated against. Does anyone think this is a possibility or are the only people capable of being prejudice are white people?

Most people are prejudiced. Just most of us try not to let our prejudices control our reason.

As a white person though, I cannot recall an instance where I have ever been discriminated against based upon my skin color.
Many Liberal self-appointed experts will tell you that there is no such thing as 'reverse discrimination'. Any such behavior, according to them, is 'justified responses for past generation oppression / crimes'.

A while back I am in a small 'podunk' town half the country away from Ferguson, walking across the pedestrian crosswalk from the parking lot into Wal Mart. As I got to the middle I literally had to JUMP back as the front left fender then driver's rear-view mirror narrowly missed hitting me. Out of the driver's window that was rolled down, the black woman driving yelled at me, 'That's for Ferguson...get your @$$ out of the way!'

I don't know here.
She doesn't know me.
I barely had heard of Michael Brown.
She's black. I am white. And she almost runs me down in the parking lot over this racial B$!

The way I learned about 'racism' was when I was 10 living out on a dirt road in the country. The nearest house was about 2 miles away. I rode my Mo-Ped around. One day I found a church with kids playing softball. They asked me to join. I practiced with them every day. They asked me to play in a game against another church. I showed up with my glove. The other church team pulled up in a bus, got off the bus, then their coach started looking at me. After a talk, the pastor of the team I was playing on told me he was sorry but that I couldn't play. He told me that it was because I was white. Up until that very second I never really noticed / hadn't really sunk in...until that second. He said he would forfeit the game because it wasn't right. I told him I wasn't a member anyway, not to do it, then I rode off, never to go back.

Racism...and reverse alive and well. Their flames have been fanned by this President to a blazing inferno, worse than I have really seen in almost my entire lifetime.

Both stories sound made up
Yes, white people are discriminated against. They aren't allowed to own black people any more. They aren't allowed to beat up homos any more. They aren't allowed to smack their women around and keep them in the kitchen any more.

The Good Old Days white people miss so much are long gone. Darn it.

I hate to tell you but I know many non-white men that have beaten their women and have also beaten homosexuals, and in many parts of the world slavery is still a problem today from sex traffic to slavery in Africa...

So all those things are not just a white thingy...
This is true. But I don't hear black men pining for the Good Old Days.
Yes, white people are discriminated against. They aren't allowed to own black people any more. They aren't allowed to beat up homos any more. They aren't allowed to smack their women around and keep them in the kitchen any more.

The Good Old Days white people miss so much are long gone. Darn it.
Sounds like the Kennedys and Clintons. Why is it that the liberals adore John F who screwed around on his wife, while he, Robert and Ted were all fucking Marylyn? Yes funny how liberals say Conservatives are the racist, bigots, and sexists, yet they are the ones that are what they say.

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