Are Women Stupid?

I look forward to the day when our leader/President stops pitting race against race, sex against sex, socioeconomic group against socioeconomic group.

This divisive president fails in every category of leadership. This just happens to be one of them.

to be fair, Obama isn't the one saying all women should not have access to contraception through employment. That is NOT pitting one sex or person against another. He's not a birther. And not noting there's a racist tinge to the immigration debate is sort of head in the sand.

However, bushii for all his failures, did have a view of a more homogenous society. But then, poll after poll shows blacks don't see as homogenous a society as blacks.

But of course this line of thinking is a deflection.

News flash, Bendog. Except for one individual way out on the edge saying something, there was no Republican War on Women. It was started as a campaign ploy before that dude even opened his mouth. It was the Obama campaign. Even if Obama himself doesn't say something, you have to look at what O's political strategists are stirring up.
to be fair, Obama isn't the one saying all women should not have access to contraception through employment

Oy, vey. Your dog is probably smarter than you are.

That we do not believe government should force companies to provide contraception is actually to think that we don't think women should have "access to contraception" through their employer. You're retarded, there is no hope for you.

ah, the insults begin. Regardless of how one feels on the issue, arguing all employers should treat women equally is not divisive. I'll refrain from commenting upon your reasoning ability.
to be fair, Obama isn't the one saying all women should not have access to contraception through employment

Oy, vey. Your dog is probably smarter than you are.

That we do not believe government should force companies to provide contraception is actually to think that we don't think women should have "access to contraception" through their employer. You're retarded, there is no hope for you.

ah, the insults begin. Regardless of how one feels on the issue, arguing all employers should treat women equally is not divisive. I'll refrain from commenting upon your reasoning ability.

I see, so you wanted serious, insult free responses to your idiotic accusation that to oppose government force to require contraceptives is being in favor of companies not providing them.

I'm not going to waste my time with that. You're butt stupid. So do you think it should be illegal to eat ice cream for dinner, or are you in favor of eating ice cream for dinner? Those are the only choices, according to you.
Republican women seem to think so. The following quote is from a female republican House member. It was made at a lecture to republican legislators on how to get the women's vote.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters
they are definitely not stupid !! crazy ?? hell yes they are crazy !!:eek:
Republican women seem to think so. The following quote is from a female republican House member. It was made at a lecture to republican legislators on how to get the women's vote.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

LOL, you're not a bright guy, ron. This is hilarious. You say a Republican woman says women are stupid, and you didn't understand what she said, so who's the stupid one, ron?

What she is saying is that men over think things. She's saying women are pragmatic, she's not saying women are stupid and they don't understand the charts, she's saying men make it too complicated and lose their focus. She is saying men should explain what we mean more directly and to the pont. Now you can agree or disagree with her, but that's what she said. LOL. Liberals, such an embarrassment to yourselves.
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Republican women seem to think so. The following quote is from a female republican House member. It was made at a lecture to republican legislators on how to get the women's vote.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters
they are definitely not stupid !! crazy ?? hell yes they are crazy !!:eek:

Hell, now I can't argue with that one.:D
Republican women seem to think so. The following quote is from a female republican House member. It was made at a lecture to republican legislators on how to get the women's vote.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

LOL, you're not a bright guy, ron. This is hilarious. You say a Republican woman says women are stupid, and you didn't understand what she said, so who's the stupid one, ron?

What she is saying is that men over think things. She's saying women are pragmatic, she's not saying women are stupid and they don't understand the charts, she's saying men make it too complicated and lose their focus. She is saying men should explain what we mean more directly and to the pont. Now you can agree or disagree with her, but that's what she said. LOL. Liberals, such an embarrassment to yourselves.

What are you the bitch whisperer? :badgrin: Shut up with your fake translations :badgrin:
Republican women seem to think so. The following quote is from a female republican House member. It was made at a lecture to republican legislators on how to get the women's vote.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

LOL, you're not a bright guy, ron. This is hilarious. You say a Republican woman says women are stupid, and you didn't understand what she said, so who's the stupid one, ron?

What she is saying is that men over think things. She's saying women are pragmatic, she's not saying women are stupid and they don't understand the charts, she's saying men make it too complicated and lose their focus. She is saying men should explain what we mean more directly and to the pont. Now you can agree or disagree with her, but that's what she said. LOL. Liberals, such an embarrassment to yourselves.

What are you the bitch whisperer? :badgrin: Shut up with your fake translations :badgrin:

I have something you don't. It's called reading comprehension. Read it, Dim Wit. I'll help you with the color, but you still don't get it do you? Slow poke?
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I look forward to the day when our leader/President stops pitting race against race, sex against sex, socioeconomic group against socioeconomic group.

This divisive president fails in every category of leadership. This just happens to be one of them.

to be fair, Obama isn't the one saying all women should not have access to contraception through employment. That is NOT pitting one sex or person against another. He's not a birther. And not noting there's a racist tinge to the immigration debate is sort of head in the sand.

However, bushii for all his failures, did have a view of a more homogenous society. But then, poll after poll shows blacks don't see as homogenous a society as blacks.

But of course this line of thinking is a deflection.

News flash, Bendog. Except for one individual way out on the edge saying something, there was no Republican War on Women. It was started as a campaign ploy before that dude even opened his mouth. It was the Obama campaign. Even if Obama himself doesn't say something, you have to look at what O's political strategists are stirring up.

Women be so stupid the bitches fall for it, sho nuff.
to be fair, Obama isn't the one saying all women should not have access to contraception through employment. That is NOT pitting one sex or person against another. He's not a birther. And not noting there's a racist tinge to the immigration debate is sort of head in the sand.

However, bushii for all his failures, did have a view of a more homogenous society. But then, poll after poll shows blacks don't see as homogenous a society as blacks.

But of course this line of thinking is a deflection.

News flash, Bendog. Except for one individual way out on the edge saying something, there was no Republican War on Women. It was started as a campaign ploy before that dude even opened his mouth. It was the Obama campaign. Even if Obama himself doesn't say something, you have to look at what O's political strategists are stirring up.

Women be so stupid the bitches fall for it, sho nuff.

liberals fall for it, has nothing to do with if they are male or female
'war on women' is just a euphemism for all the shitty legislation GOP politicians keep pushing.

You don't want an ultrasound, and your doctor does not recommend one—but you and your doctor have no choice. Your state has a forced-ultrasound law.

Forced Ultrasounds :: NARAL Pro-Choice America

Personhood laws are laws designed to extend the legal concept of "personhood" to pre-born humans. Specifically, these laws give legal status as a person to any fertilized human egg, from conception until birth. This includes the zygote before it has implanted, and according to medical science, implantation is the beginning of a pregnancy. These laws constitute one of the newest trends of attack in a long list of ways to make life really hard for American women who actually want to participate in their world by controlling their own reproduction. The attempt to pass such laws is largely restricted to the United States...

Personhood laws - RationalWiki

all the terminology spin surrounding this political euphemism the GOP is laughably trying to deny, does not change how this type of legislation effects women.

call it whatever you want, it is what it is...
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LOL, you're not a bright guy, ron. This is hilarious. You say a Republican woman says women are stupid, and you didn't understand what she said, so who's the stupid one, ron?

What she is saying is that men over think things. She's saying women are pragmatic, she's not saying women are stupid and they don't understand the charts, she's saying men make it too complicated and lose their focus. She is saying men should explain what we mean more directly and to the pont. Now you can agree or disagree with her, but that's what she said. LOL. Liberals, such an embarrassment to yourselves.

What are you the bitch whisperer? :badgrin: Shut up with your fake translations :badgrin:

I have something you don't.

Yeah its called a vagina
'war on women' is just a euphemism for all the shitty legislation GOP legislators keep pushing

You mean like not forcing insurance companies to provide contraceptives? That Democrats think providing contraceptives to women is the government's job and the Republicans don't think it's government's job is ... Republicans ... being anti-women?

BTW, if your insurance doesn't cover it and you're not willing to buy your own or go to planned parenthood and get them for free, any guy who wants to do it would pay for them in a heartbeat.


Hell yeah!

Seems fair since he's the one getting laid while the rest of us are just getting fucked...
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What are you the bitch whisperer? :badgrin: Shut up with your fake translations :badgrin:

I have something you don't.

Yeah its called a vagina

Well, the more obvious thing I have you don't here is a brain. I do like your insistence in proving my point that you don't allow some bimbo to disagree with you proves your sexism while claiming to not grasp my argument. But then as we've already established, I do have that brain you don't have...
'war on women' is just a euphemism for all the shitty legislation GOP legislators keep pushing

You mean like not forcing insurance companies to provide contraceptives? That Democrats think providing contraceptives to women is the government's job and the Republicans don't think it's government's job is ... Republicans ... being anti-women?

BTW, if your insurance doesn't cover it and you're not willing to buy your own or go to planned parenthood and get them for free, any guy who wants to do it would pay for them in a heartbeat.


Hell yeah!

:rolleyes: no, i meant the legislation cited in my post...

as to your most recent spastic post, the supreme court ruled that closely held private corporations can not be forced to provide the insurance which provides certain contraception coverage, but in so doing SCOTUS reaffirmed the government's compelling interest in providing the insurance coverage for all women regardless of their employer.
Republican women seem to think so. The following quote is from a female republican House member. It was made at a lecture to republican legislators on how to get the women's vote.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

Just when you think things are all teed up for the GOP to knock an election out of the ball park, they start opening their mouths and saying stupid and offensive things that alienate voters ....
High- and low-level - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

High-level and low-level are terms used in classifying levels of description and goals in many fields where systems could be described from different perspectives.

A high-level description is one that is more abstracted, describes overall goals and systemic features, and is typically more concerned with the system as a whole, or larger components of it.

A low-level description is one that describes individual components, provides detail rather than overview, rudimentary functions rather than complex overall ones, and is typically more concerned with individual components within the system and how they operate.

Low and high level are relative; for example the graphics engine that drives a computer game and works at the level of entities in the game, is high level compared to the video subsystem DirectX that works on the level of renderable objects, which itself is high level compared to a vertex shader within that system.

High and low level descriptions are not a reference to intelligence. In many cases talking about and understanding low-level components of a system can take much greater intelligence than the high-level overview. Talking about the high-level point of view is like standing on a mountain peak; You get a great view of the whole, but you can't appreciate from that perspective the individual components that make it up. Speaking on a lower level on the other hand is about the specifics that drive the system. And it takes intelligence to understand EITHER of these perspectives of a truly complex system.
I have something you don't.

Yeah its called a vagina

Well, the more obvious thing I have you don't here is a brain. I do like your insistence in proving my point that you don't allow some bimbo to disagree with you proves your sexism while claiming to not grasp my argument. But then as we've already established, I do have that brain you don't have...

No what you have is a vag and accusations. Thats why I asked you to prove your point and you cant. You just come back with more accusations.

Kaz: Why do you beat your wife? Answer the question

'war on women' is just a euphemism for all the shitty legislation GOP legislators keep pushing

You mean like not forcing insurance companies to provide contraceptives? That Democrats think providing contraceptives to women is the government's job and the Republicans don't think it's government's job is ... Republicans ... being anti-women?

BTW, if your insurance doesn't cover it and you're not willing to buy your own or go to planned parenthood and get them for free, any guy who wants to do it would pay for them in a heartbeat.


Hell yeah!

:rolleyes: no, i meant the legislation cited in my post...

as to your most recent spastic post, the supreme court ruled that closely held private corporations can not be forced to provide the insurance which provides certain contraception coverage, but in so doing SCOTUS reaffirmed the government's compelling interest in providing the insurance coverage for all women regardless of their employer.

Distinction without a difference, same thing. So you can't do those things yourself? You can't pick an employer with coverage that you want? You need government to take care of those for you? Why? And Democrats are pro-women because they also think women can't take care of themselves, government has to do it for them. LOL. Yeah, that's pro-woman.
Yeah its called a vagina

Well, the more obvious thing I have you don't here is a brain. I do like your insistence in proving my point that you don't allow some bimbo to disagree with you proves your sexism while claiming to not grasp my argument. But then as we've already established, I do have that brain you don't have...

No what you have is a vag and accusations. Thats why I asked you to prove your point and you cant. You just come back with more accusations.

Kaz: Why do you beat your wife? Answer the question


I am pointing out your endless sexism in that you only allow women to agree with you. You do not accept their ability to disagree, you attack them. If you believe women are equal, they have the right to disagree with you. You don't afford them that. No bimbo will defy you, women are not allowed to think differently than you.

Note there's no question mark in that, moron. I didn't ask you as question. I am pointing out your sexism which you keep insisting on proving.

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